=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper3 |storemode=property |title=Analysis of stable functioning of objects using machine learning |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper3.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Vladimir Klyachkin,Dmitriy Zhukov,Ekaterina Zentsova }} ==Analysis of stable functioning of objects using machine learning == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper3.pdf
Analysis of stable functioning of objects using machine

                V N Klyachkin1, D A Zhukov1 and E A Zentsova1

                 Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Severny Venets street, 32, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432027

                e-mail: v_kl@mail.ru, zh.dimka17@mail.ru

                Abstract. Stable functioning of the technical objects is estimated using methods of the
                statistical process control. However this approach does not always provide the timely detection
                of violations. It is suggested using machine learning methods for the binary classification of
                object states (stable or unstable). A program has been developed for calculation in the Matlab
                environment which allows for analysis of impact of the learning method, classification quality
                criteria, method of validation set as well as methods of selection of significant indicators on the
                object’s stable functioning forecast precision. Stable operation of the water treatment
                management system, stable vibration of the hydraulic unit, machining operation process are
                taken as examples.

1. Introduction
Stable functioning of the technical object is estimated using methods of the statistical process control.
However, this approach does not always provide the timely detection of violations [1-2]. It is
suggested using machine learning methods for the binary classification of object states (stable or
unstable). Alongside with that, the statistical control history can be used as base data for the object
state forecasting using machine learning methods. Values of test items and the object operation state
are known for every sample.
    The binary classification quality depends very heavily on the series of factors. Firstly, it is the
selected machine learning method. For example, basic (the naive Bayesian classifier, the neural
network and etc.), compositional (various forms of bagging or boosting) and also aggregated methods
can be used [3-6]. Secondly, the diagnostic quality depends on the selected criterion. The most
commonly used criteria are the error rate in the control sample, F-criterion and the area AUC under
the ROC-curve [7-8]. Technical objects are characterized by samples with a small volume of non-
operating states. In this case the F-criterion is the most efficient one. Learning results depend on
selection methods of significant criteria of the object operation (using of low-priority criteria can lead
to incorrect results), on the forming method of the control sample and on the scope of the control
sample [9].
    The research objective is to design a program for estimating the stable functioning of the technical
object. This program shall analyze the influence of the machine learning method, forming method of
the control sample and the selection of significant criteria on the precision of stability forecasting and
on carrying out of the numerical analysis of the stable functioning of real objects.

                    V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Data Science
V N Klyachkin, D A Zhukov and E A Zentsova

2. Preparation of base data
The statistical process control involves the identification of non-accidental violations connected with
so-called special reasons [10-12]. For example, as far as the mechanical processing is concerned these
reasons can be the edge wear or its unfastening, composition changes of the cutting fluid and etc.
The main advantage of this approach lies in the fact that violation is identified before the test item
oversteps the limits. In addition to the above, statistical methods (control charts are usually used for
monitoring of the middle level and the dispersion process) show the violation of its stability (when test
features overstep the confidence limit).
    Control charts are one of the most efficient tools for the analysis, process monitoring and its
preservation in the statistically controlled state. Plotting involves the determination of parameters:
volume of the instantaneous sample, time intervals between the sample taking and the position of
control limits. Efficiency factors of the control chart are expenditures for carrying out the control
procedure; the time interval till the signal collection about the process violation and the probability
level of the false alarm.
    As far as the multi-parameter process is concerned firstly of all correlation relationships among
object performance indicators are examined. Then control facilities are selected and their parameters
are specified.
    Shewhart charts (when the middle level and its dispersion are controlled described in terms of the
range or the standard deviation) are used for independent indicators in accordance with standards.
Chart can be combined. For example, charts with average values and chart with ranges; charts with
average values and charts with standard deviations, charts with individual observations and charts with
moving ranges. The last option is used when measurements are too labor-intensive or expensive. In
this case, for the control the result of one measurement is used instead of the instantaneous sample.
    Gain in the sensitivity of these charts (reduce the time or the sample volume from the moment
when the process violated till the moment when this violation was identified) is possible by using the
preventative border and searching for so-called non-accidental structures in the chart. For example,
multiple successive increasing or decreasing points indicate the process trend. Multiple points located
checker-wise are the indicator of cyclical process fluctuations, etc. Charts of cumulative sums or
exponentially weighted moving averages are sometimes used to specify the process stability issue [1-
2, 12].
    Stability of correlation indicators is estimated using Hotelling algorithms and the generalized
variance [13-17]. The Hotelling chart is used to estimate the middle level stability of the multi-variate
process. The null-hypothesis of the fact that the mean vector fits the requirements is tested. The
generalized dispersion chart is a tool for monitoring of the multi-variate spreading. The hypothesis of
the fact that the correlation matrix fits the requirements is tested.
    Which controlled indicator or which subrange of indicators is responsible for the process violation?
Causes of violations under the multi-variate process control can be identified using the Hotelling
partial criterion or the down-weighting of plotted charts. For example, if we control three indicators,
then three Hotelling charts shall be plotted for each pair of indicators. This approach is not always
correct but in practice it often leads to the identification of the needed indicator. The similar approach
can be also used with the generalized variance chart.
    Preventative borders , searching for non-accidental structures and charts of multi-variate
exponentially weighted moving averages based on both the Hotelling statistics and the generalized
variance can be used to improve the efficiency of the multi-variate control.
    Let’s assume that N samples upon d performance indicators were examined. Control charts
identified the stability process violation in k samples. By doing so, the multitude N of precedents is
formed (x(i), y(i)), i = 1…N: objects with preset d performance parameters х = (х1, х2, …, хd) and
corresponding states y taking one of two possible values (0,1); y = 0 corresponds to the unstable state
(the number of such precedents is k), y = 1 corresponds to the stable state (the number of such
precedents is N – k). Based on these data it is necessary to restore the dependence between
performance indicators and the object state.

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V N Klyachkin, D A Zhukov and E A Zentsova

3. Object state diagnostics
The implementation of machine learning methods is possible based on the tool library Statistics and
Machine Learning Toolbox in the pack Matlab. Taking into consideration research objectives, we
designed a program which:
   - uses various basic and compositional methods and plots aggregated classifiers of three types: with
the aggregation by the average value, by the median or the voting [18-19],
   - using various classification quality criteria: error rates in the control sample, F-criterion and the
area AUC under the ROC-curve,
   - selecting significant object performance indicators by plotting the regression model for the
dependence of the object state y on performance indicators хj (j = 1 … d) and checking the
significance of indicators upon the Student criterion,
   - varies the forming method of the control sample (the random selection or the specified base data)
and its volume [9].
   The base data sample is introduced to diagnose the state stability of the technical object. The
machine learning is carried out using all basic and compositional methods integrated in Matlab. In this
case, the classification quality is estimated using the cross-validation under the F-criterion. Significant
performance indicators are selected. Than this procedure is checked whether it improves the quality of
the model or not. The sample volume providing the best criterion value is selected by varying the
control sample volume from 5 to 25% in comparison with the original sample. Aggregated classifiers
are plotted for this very option. The classifier providing the maximum F-criterion is selected. If
necessary, there is also an opportunity to minimize the error rate in the control sample when plotting
aggregated classifiers.
   In Fig. 1 shows a flow cyart of the corresponding algorithm.

4. Numerical examination
The statistical control of the mechanical processing stability of the axis (grinding of four cylindrical
surfaces) was carried out using 400 samples. All four controlled indicators (axis step diameters) turned
out to be correlated with each other. The Hotelling chart was used to control the middle level of the
process. The generalized variance chart was used to control the multi-variate dispersion. Fig. 2 shows
the results of the statistical control for the first 51 samples. The critical value of the Hotelling statistics
was 10.830. The critical value of the generalized variance was 0.45*10-8. Charts were plotted using
the system Statistica.
    It is apparent that process violations (overstepping the limits) in the Hotelling chart happened in
three samples: 38, 45 and 47. Process violations in the generalized variance chart happened in two
samples: 33 and 34. As can be seen from the above, violations of the controlled process happened in 5
cases of 51 precedents.
    Table with base data was prepared upon all 400 observations. When carrying out the examination
using the designed program it was found that all four indicators were significant. The maximum value
of the F-criterion (0.874) was measured for the control sample of the volume 15% in comparison with
the original sample when using the aggregated classifier by the average value including the support
vector machine and the decision tree bagging. In addition to the above, the value of the F-criterion was
boosted by 8%. The best classifier by separate methods (the decision tree bagging) was considered as
the standard approach.
    During the second test the vibration stability of the hydraulic aggregate was estimated by values of
10 gauges in 5000 observations [20]. The multitude of 10 values was divided into four sub-multitudes.
Two values turned out to be uncorrelated with others. Three correlated values formed the third group.
Five correlated values formed the forth group. First two independent values were controlled using
Shewhart charts for average values and standard deviations. The Hotelling and the generalized
variance charts were plotted for the third and the forth groups. According to the results of the
statistical control the sample of base data was formed. The machine learning was carried out using this
sample. Seven indicators out of ten turned out to be significant. The aggregated classifier by the
median including the gradient boosting and the logistic regression turned out to be the best. The

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V N Klyachkin, D A Zhukov and E A Zentsova

volume of the control sample was 20%. The increase of the F-criterion (up to the value 0.904) was
                                                           Read from
                                                                from file

                                                Varying of the control sample volume
                                                          from 5% to 25%

                                                  Plotting of
                                                           of basic
                                                              basic method
                                                                    method models

                                                  Calculating of
                                                              of F-criterion
                                                                 F-criterion value

                                             Finding of
                                                     of the
                                                         the best
                                                             best control
                                                                  control sample
                                                                          sample volume
                                                    by the
                                                        the maximum
                                                            maximum F-measure

                                                 Selecting of
                                                           of significant
                                                              significant indicators

                                                                               By the
                                                                                  the insignificance
                                     All signs
                                         signs             By
                                                           By correlation
                                                              correlation          of
                                                                                   of regressors

                                               Finding of
                                                       of the
                                                          the best
                                                              best indicator
                                                                   indicator set
                                                                             set by
                                                                                 by the
                                                        maximum a-measure

                                                Selecting of
                                                          of kk best
                                                                best methods
                                                                     methods by
                                                                             by the
                                                                                the F-

                                         Calculation of
                                                     of Calculation
                                                        Calculation of
                                                                    of Calculation
                                                                       Calculation of
                                             AMS           AMM
                                                            AMM            AMG

                                             Selecting of
                                                       of best
                                                          best methods
                                                               methods by
                                                                       by the
                                                                          the F-measure
                                                                of AM

                                                     Forecasting of
                                                                 of new
                                                                    new states

                           Figure 1. Flow chart of the algorithm for stability forecasting.

    When analyzing the stable functioning of the water purification system by eight quality indicators
of the potable water results of 1557 observations (operating state was registered in 1204 cases) were
used. Six indicators turned out to be significant. Maximum value of the F-criterion was when
aggregating the neural network and the decision tree bagging. During this test the increase of the
criterion value in comparison with the neural network (the best separate classifier) was negligible:
from 0.879 to 0.881. In addition to the above, the volume of the control sample was 10%.

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V N Klyachkin, D A Zhukov and E A Zentsova

                          Figure 2. The Hotelling and the generalized variance charts.

                                                Figure 3. Calculation results.

   Fig. 3 shows the program window with one calculation options. It is apparent that in this very case
the value of the F-criterion for basic binary classification methods falls in the range from 0.8593 for
the discriminative analysis and up to 0.8901 for the decision tree bagging. All aggregated methods
have one and the same structure (this happens by no means always) and include two basic methods:
the decision tree bagging and AdaBoost. In the general case the number of basic methods can be even
greater. Please note that the best of basic classifiers (the decision tree bagging) is almost always

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V N Klyachkin, D A Zhukov and E A Zentsova

included in the structure of the aggregated classifier. The value of the F-criterion by aggregated
methods is some greater then by any basic classifiers. For the aggregation by the average value and by
the median it is equal and amounts 0.9091.
   Alongside with that, the decision tree bagging showed the greatest AUC - area under the error
curve (0.9118). Like for the F-criterion, the closer is this value to 1, the higher is the classification
quality. The maximum value by aggregated methods (0.9066) turned out to be somehow less.

5. Conclusion
The carried out research showed that the stable functioning analysis of the technical object can be
carried out both using methods of the statistical process control, widely used during the technological
process control, and using the binary classification of object states based on the machine learning.
Previous results of the statistical control can be used as base data and precedents.
    Shewhart charts are used for the middle level process control and its dispersion when exercising
control over independent indicators of the object operation. The stability of correlated indicators is
estimated using the Hotelling and the generalized variance algorithms. The Hotelling chart is used to
estimate the middle level stability of the multi-variate process. The generalized variance chart is used
as the tool for monitoring of the multi-variate dispersion.
    The base data sample is introduced to diagnose the state stability of the technical object using the
machine learning. Learning of the binary classification model is carried out using all basic and
compositional methods integrated in Matlab. In this case, the classification quality is estimated using
the cross-validation under the F-criterion. The diagnostics precision can be increased due to the
aggregation of methods, the selection of significant indicators and changing of the control sample
    The designed program provides the automatic searching for the best diagnostic option of the object
state by the preset criterion. As examples, the stable functioning of the water purification control
system, the hydraulic aggregate vibration stability and the technological procedure of mechanical
processing were considered.

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This surveying was carried out with the financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research (RFBR) and the Government of Ulyanovsk region, the project 18-48-730001 should be used.

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