=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper30 |storemode=property |title=Research of parallel algorithms for solving three-diagonal systems of linear algebraic equations on a graphical computing device using various types of memory |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper30.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Xenia Pogorelskih,Liliya Loganova }} ==Research of parallel algorithms for solving three-diagonal systems of linear algebraic equations on a graphical computing device using various types of memory == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper30.pdf
Research of parallel algorithms for solving three-diagonal
systems of linear algebraic equations on a graphical
computing device using various types of memory

                X S Pogorelskih1, L V Loganova1

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse, 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086

                e-mail: sekih@yandex.ru, lloganova@yandex.ru

                Abstract. In this paper, we research and compare different implementations of cyclic reduction
                and sweep algorithms on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using different types of device
                memory. As a result of the work, it was found that the algorithm of the run should be used to
                solve the set of the tridiagonal linear system. However, the best results are shown by a parallel
                version of the cyclic reduction algorithm with partial use of shared memory, when solving a
                single linear system on the GPU.

1. Introduction
The applicability of systems of linear equations of tridiagonal form is very extensive[1]. Tridiagonal
matrices have an extremely important role in difference methods of solving problems of mathematical
physics [2]. In addition, many linear algebra problems, such as solving equations and finding
eigenvalues, are solved through transformations of matrices of general form to tridiagonal ones [3].
These matrices also play an important role in the theory of orthogonal polynomials [4].
    There are many algorithms and their parallel versions for solving tridiagonal systems of linear
equations. The need for parallelization naturally occurs when the size or number of systems to be
solved is very large. Most methods are based on simple arithmetic operations performed many times.
Therefore, the implementation of parallel versions of algorithms on the GPU is a reasonable solution
    GPU-clusters consume less power than the CPU [6]. In addition, the development of graphics cards
allows for complex calculations on personal computers. Therefore, the ability to parallelize algorithms
on the GPU is interesting for researchers.
    Operations in memory take a significant time of calculations on the GPU [7]. Therefore, the
optimal organization of work with memory allows to achieve a significant increase in acceleration.
    Global, shared, and constant GPU memory are commonly used for calculations [8]. Constant
memory is small, immutable, so not suitable for large systems [9]. Therefore, in this paper we study
the global and shared memory of the GPU device.
    Shared memory is much faster than global memory, but its size is very limited. These features of
the types of memory must be taken into account when implementing algorithms on the GPU.

                    V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Data Science
X S Pogorelskih, L V Loganova

2. Problem Statement and Methodology
This article investigates parallel algorithms for solving systems of linear equations of tridiagonal form.
    The traditional matrix algorithm and the cyclic reduction method are usually used to solve systems
of linear algebraic equations of tridiagonal form [10].
    The advantage of the cyclic reduction method is a high degree of parallelism [10]. However, it also
requires a large amount of computation. When implemented on a central processing unit using MPI
technology, the method requires a lot of forwarding. This significantly slows down the program [11].
However, in CUDA technology shipments are not required. Therefore, the method attracts the
attention of researchers to implement on the graphics card. In addition, it allows parallelization for a
single system [12].
    The traditional matrix algorithm Parallels for one system worse than the parallel cyclic reduction
algorithm. However, there are a large number of tasks that require the solution of a set of systems. The
traditional matrix algorithm is suitable for such problems. It gives a gain in acceleration due to low
computational complexity.
    In this paper, we investigate which algorithm for solving tridiagonal-type systems spends less time
on computation. To solve this problem, we compare the he implementation of the traditional matrix
algorithm, and the serial and parallel versions of the cyclic reduction algorithm using different
combinations of global and shared GPU memory. Parallelization of methods is carried out using the
CUDA model. Experimental research is conducted on the supercomputer "Sergey Korolev".

3. Experimental research
This work began with the implementation and research of the traditional matrix algorithm. This
method is one of the most famous and popular for solving tridiagonal systems of linear arithmetic
   The first version of the algorithm was implemented on the CPU for further comparison in
acceleration. Then an implementation of a parallel traditional matrix algorithm on the GPU using only
global memory was created. The next task was to implement this method using shared memory. Since
the memory size is small, the necessary factors were loaded in portions into the shared memory
immediately before use. Then, after all the necessary operations, the coefficients were replaced by the
next portion. To store data in shared memory, arrays of auxiliary coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽 and the sought
vector π‘₯ of size 2 βˆ™ π‘π‘™π‘œπ‘π‘˜π‘ π‘–π‘§π‘’ and arrays of initial coefficients π‘Ž, 𝑏, 𝑐 and π‘˜ of size π‘π‘™π‘œπ‘π‘˜π‘ π‘–π‘§π‘’. All
calculations were performed in shared memory.
   The experiments were carried out for a set of systems with matrices of size 𝑁 = 4095. This size
was chosen to compare the results with the experimental versions of the cyclic reduction algorithm
implemented for the size of matrices 𝑁 = 2π‘ž βˆ’ 1, where π‘ž ∈ β„•.
   The number of equation systems varied from 5000 to 20000. If the number of systems is less than
5000, working with memory on the GPU takes much longer than the calculations themselves.
   The obtained accelerations of parallel versions of algorithms relative to the serial version on the
CPU are given in table 1.

Table 1. The dependence of the acceleration of parallel versions on the serial version of the traditional
matrix algorithm in solving a set of systems of linear algebraic equations, depending on the number of
                               systems with matrices of size 𝑁 = 4095.
                                           GPU with
                 Number of systems                                          GPU
                                           shared memory
                 5000                      2.19032                          1.680011
                 10000                     1.705628                         1.164633
                 15000                     1.903806                         1.274506
                 20000                     1.885846                         1.027733
   Average acceleration version on the GPU using only global memory is equal to 1.26. The average
acceleration using shared memory is 1.86. Thus, the use of shared memory gives an increase in
acceleration by 47%.

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X S Pogorelskih, L V Loganova

    This result shows that the time it takes to copy data from global memory to shared memory and
vice versa is justified by the high speed of calculations performed in shared memory.
    The next step is the implementation of the sequential cyclic reduction algorithm (SERICR). This
algorithm makes it impossible to carry out parallel calculations for one system, but is parallelized for a
set of systems.
    R. Hockney [13] considered in detail the cyclic reduction. It notes that this algorithm is suitable for
any number of equations. However, for simplicity, the author gives the number of equations 𝑁 = 2π‘ž βˆ’
1, Π³Π΄Π΅ π‘ž – where q is an integer. For convenience, he introduced the designation 𝑁 β€² = 2π‘ž = 𝑁 + 1.
    We present a routing diagram of this algorithm for 𝑁 β€² = 8 in figure 1 (a). Cells that contain
significant information are gray.

              a)                     b)                                       c)
  Figure 1. Algorithm routing schemes for 𝑁 β€² =8: sequential cyclic reduction SERICR (a), sequential
    cyclic reduction SERICR with modified indexation (b), parallel cyclic reduction PARACR (c).

     In this algorithm, the coefficients of all levels of reduction are stored in memory. This requires a lot
of memory. In addition, many cells do not store useful information. Therefore, the indexation of the
algorithm was changed to minimize memory usage. The resulting routing scheme is shown in
figure (b).
     We present an algorithm with modified indexing. At the first stage new coefficients for left and
right parts for reduction levels 𝑙 = 1, π‘ž βˆ’ 1 with step β„Ž = 1 from 𝑖 = 0 to 𝑖 = 𝑁 (𝑙) are considered.
                                                                      (0)         (0)      (0)         (0)
Reduction coefficients of level 𝑙 = 0 are assumed to be π‘Žπ‘– = π‘Žπ‘– , 𝑏𝑖 = 𝑏𝑖 , 𝑐𝑖 = 𝑐𝑖 ΠΈ π‘˜π‘– =
π‘˜π‘– . First, we find the auxiliary coefficients:
                                                 𝛼𝑖 = βˆ’ 2𝑖+1
                                           𝛾𝑖 = βˆ’ 2𝑖+1
   Then, based on the obtained 𝛼𝑖 and 𝛾𝑖 and the values of the coefficients of the left and right parts of
the previous reduction level, we obtain:
                                           (𝑙)        (π‘™βˆ’1)
                                          π‘Žπ‘– = 𝛼𝑖 π‘Žπ‘–βˆ’2π‘™βˆ’1 ;

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                                                        (𝑙)         (π‘™βˆ’1)
                                                       𝑐𝑖     = 𝛾𝑖 𝑐𝑖+2π‘™βˆ’1 ;
                                          (𝑙)      (π‘™βˆ’1)           (π‘™βˆ’1)        (π‘™βˆ’1)
                                        𝑏𝑖      = 𝑏𝑖        + 𝛼𝑖 π‘π‘–βˆ’2π‘™βˆ’1 + 𝛾𝑖 π‘Žπ‘–+2π‘™βˆ’1 ;
                                          (𝑙)      (π‘™βˆ’1)           (π‘™βˆ’1)         (π‘™βˆ’1)
                                   π‘˜π‘– = π‘˜π‘–       + 𝛼𝑖 π‘˜π‘–βˆ’2π‘™βˆ’1 + 𝛾𝑖 π‘˜π‘–+2π‘™βˆ’1 .
   At the second stage, based on the coefficients of the left and right parts for the reduction levels
𝑙 = 0, π‘ž βˆ’ 1 we find the vector of solutions π‘₯. It is assumed that π‘₯0 = π‘₯𝑁′ = 0. For 𝑙 = π‘ž, 1, for 𝑖,
varying in increments β„Ž2 = 2(π‘™βˆ’1) from 𝑖 = 2(π‘™βˆ’1) to 𝑖 = 𝑁 β€² βˆ’ 2(π‘™βˆ’1) , we consider:
                                      (π‘™βˆ’1)    (π‘™βˆ’1)              (π‘™βˆ’1)
                                    π‘˜π‘–      βˆ’ π‘Žπ‘–     π‘₯π‘–βˆ’2(π‘™βˆ’1) βˆ’ 𝑐𝑖     π‘₯𝑖+2(π‘™βˆ’1)
                               π‘₯𝑖 =                     (π‘™βˆ’1)
   However, the resulting memory savings are not sufficient to use this algorithm on big data. The
solution in this situation is to store only two levels of reduction and recalculate the coefficients when
they are needed.
   The algorithm was implemented on the central and graphics processor devices. When
implementing the algorithm on the CPU, the coefficients were not recalculated, since the CPU has
enough memory to store the coefficients of all levels of reduction. When implemented on the GPU
recalculation was necessary. On the graphics card, the algorithm was implemented using only global
memory and shared memory.
   The experiments were carried out for a set of systems with matrices of size 𝑁 = 4095. The number
of systems varied from 5000 to 25000. The obtained accelerations are shown in table 2.

 Table 2. The dependence of the acceleration of the sequential cyclic reduction algorithm on the GPU
                            relative to the implementation on the CPU.
                                       SERICR on a shared            SERICR on the
               Number of systems
                                       memory GPU                    GPU
                5000                   0.316570                      0.193076
                10000                  0.259339                      0.191475
                15000                  0.258175                      0.186748
                20000                  0.264068                      0.190208
                25000                  0.253464                      0.185693

   GPU implementations have shown a slowdown. This is due to the need to carry out multiple
recalculations of the coefficients.
   The final stage of the work is the implementation of the parallel cyclic reduction algorithm. This
algorithm is proposed in the work of R. Hockney [13]. Its advantage is the possibility of parallelization
for one system of equations. In addition, the following reduction levels are replaced by the previous
ones. This gives a noticeable gain in memory. The routing scheme of the algorithm is shown in
figure 1 (с).
   The algorithm was implemented on the GPU using only global memory and with full and partial
loading of data into shared memory.
   The experiments were carried out for a system of equations with matrices of size 𝑁 = 4095. The
number of systems varied from 5000 to 25000. The obtained accelerations are presented in table 3.
   The table shows that the implementation with partial loading into shared memory shows the best
results. It is 2% faster than a non-shared memory implementation and 41% faster than a fully loaded
shared memory implementation. The results can be explained. Some coefficients are used only once in
calculations. The time of their copying to shared memory is practically not compensated by the gain in
the time of calculations. Therefore, it makes sense to load only data that is used multiple times into
shared memory. In this case, the data loaded into shared memory is used twice, so the use of shared
memory does not give a significant benefit.

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 Table 3. The dependence of the acceleration of parallel reduction algorithm implementations on the
                 GPU relative to the sequential cyclic reduction algorithm on the CPU.
                            PARACR on the GPU            PARACR on GPU
   Number of systems          with partial use of       with shared memory      PARACR on the GPU
                                shared memory
           5000                    2.006864                   1.198271                1.970711
          10000                    2.021180                   1.206249                1.972713
          15000                    2.008165                   1.201463                1.973943
          20000                    2.007109                   1.202857                1.962254
          25000                    2.017338                   1.203156                1.987762
   The operating time of the traditional matrix algorithm and the cyclic reduction algorithm for
solving a set of systems with matrices of size N=4095 is presented in table 4.

  Table 4. The running time of the implementation of the algorithm on a GPU with a full load in the
  shared memory and the algorithm of parallel cyclic reduction on the GPU with a partial load in the
                  shared memory on a set of systems with size matrices 𝑁 = 4095.
                                         Traditional matrix
             Number of systems                                         PARACR, с
                                         algorithm, с
             5000                        0.09                          0.59
             10000                       0.19                          1.19
             15000                       0.28                          1.78
             20000                       0.38                          2.38
             25000                       0.47                          2.96

    The timeline of the algorithms when solving one system of equations is presented in Figure 2.

                                        Triangle matrix algorithm                  PARACR
   Figure 2. Schedule of implementations of traditional matrix algorithm on GPUs with full load into
  shared memory and parallel cyclic reduction algorithm on partial load GPUs in shared memory when
       solving one system (the vertical axis shows the time in seconds, the horizontal size shows
                                            the matrix size).

   Thus, when solving a set of systems of linear algebraic equations, the best result is shown by the
traditional matrix algorithm on a GPU with full load in the shared memory. Its running time is on
average 6 times shorter than the running time of the cyclic reduction algorithm. However, when
solving one system with a large matrix, it is more expedient to use a parallel cyclic reduction
algorithm with partial loading into shared memory. Its implementation requires 7 times less time for
calculations than the implementation of the traditional matrix algorithm.

4. Conclusion
As a result of this work, it was obtained that the use of shared memory for the traditional matrix
algorithm gives an increase in acceleration by 47%. This is because data loaded into shared memory is

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   For the cyclic reduction algorithm, it is advisable to load into the shared memory only those
coefficients that are used twice in the calculations. At the same time, the acceleration is increased by
   When solving a set of systems of linear algebraic equations, the best implementation of the
traditional matrix algorithm is 6 times faster than the best implementation of the cyclic reduction
algorithm. However, when solving a single system with a large matrix, the result is the opposite: the
cyclic reduction algorithm is 7 times faster.

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