=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper34 |storemode=property |title=Comparison of the characteristics of the genetic algorithm and the method of coordinates search for optimization of temperature modes indoor areas |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper34.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Alexander Shuravin,Sergey Vologdin }} ==Comparison of the characteristics of the genetic algorithm and the method of coordinates search for optimization of temperature modes indoor areas == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper34.pdf
Comparison of the characteristics of the genetic algorithm
and the method of coordinates search for optimization of
temperature modes indoor areas

                A P Shuravin1, S V Vologdin1

                 Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Studencheskaya, 7, Izhevsk, Russia,

                e-mail: webmaster@easyprog.ru, vologdin_sv@mail.ru

                Abstract. The article substantiates the relevance of optimization algorithms research for
                solving various applied problems and for the science of artificial intelligence. The need to
                solve problems of optimizing the thermal-hydraulic modes of buildings (as part of the
                project "Smart City") is explained. The paper presents a mathematical formulation of the
                problem of optimizing the temperature mode of rooms using adjustable devices. Existing
                work provides two methods for solving the posed problem. They are the coordinates search
                method and the genetic algorithm. The article contains the description of the above
                mentioned algorithms (including the mathematical apparatus used). The results of the
                computational experiment (for the considered optimization methods) are presented. These
                experimental results show that the genetic algorithm provides better optimization results
                than the coordinates search method, but it has a large computational cost. The hypothesis
                was confirmed that in order to increase the efficiency of solving the considered class of
                problems it is necessary to combine the genetic algorithm and the coordinates search

1. Introduction
Currently, work in the field of development and implementation of energy efficient technologies is
very relevant. The main provisions defining the need for work to improve the energy efficiency of
the heating system of buildings are enshrined in Federal Law No 261-F3 “On Energy Saving ...”, as
well as by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.11.09 Number 1234-p
"Energy Strategy of Russia for the period until 2020". In particular, the system solution for
optimization of central heating systems at different levels of the organization (district, city,
individual buildings) is considered in work[1], as well as the information system IASTS, designed
for automated calculation of heat networks and storing information about calculated network is
presented. Energy efficiency issues are raised in the program "Smart City" [2]. The study of the
joint operation of two sources of thermal energy to optimize the operation of the heating network is
considered in [3]. Mathematical model of the building thermal conditions (with consideration for
insolational heat input) is described in [4]. In work [5] the “Smart Home” technology is considered
as the energy-saving technology of the future. The authors come to the conclusion that, at present,

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the “Smart Home” technology is not widely spread in Russia, but is gradually gaining popularity.
The impact of energy-saving technologies on the economy and the future is discussed in [6, 7], new
advances in energy saving are discussed in [8]. The connection between energy-saving policy and
environment are considered in [9]. The article discusses creating energy system with active-
adaptive network in Russia.
    One of the methods of energy saving is the optimization of energy consumption including the
use of artificial intelligence technologies [10,11]. One of the important areas of research in the field
of energy saving is the optimization of the thermo-hydraulic modes of centralized heating systems
[1]. Issues of the study of problems and methods for optimizing thermal-hydraulic modes in multi-
circuit thermal networks and other problems of energy saving are considered in the works of many
Russian [1, 10–18] and foreign [19-22] authors.
    In particular, in [10] a review of optimization problems of central heating networks is made and
the need to automate the solution of these problems is justified. It is proposed to use a genetic
algorithm to optimize the thermo-hydraulic modes of buildings in [11]. Multi-criteria optimization
problems are considered in [12]. As a rule these problems arise before the beginning of the heating
season. In [13] a mathematical model is presented for optimizing the thermal power of heat sources
operating in the centralized heat supply system. A new method for solving the problem is
considered, the results of test problems calculations are presented. A mathematical model for
optimizing heat flows between subscribers of the heating network in order to reduce the disbalance
of the heating system, including the methodology for solving such problems, is considered in [14].
There is a problem of operative regulation of heat supply depending on the outdoor temperature.
This problem is solved in [15] by applying simulation. A method for optimizing the temperature of
the coolant based on the use of penalty functions for indoor air temperature and the amount of heat
energy consumed is considered. In [16] an issue of optimal distribution of reactive power in power
supply systems and electrical networks is investigated. For these purposes, the authors proposed to
apply the algorithm of swarm intelligence. In [17] a method of thermal network equivalence allows
replacing a real network with a mathematical model is considered. The method is used to optimize
of heating system. The ideas and dependencies that served as the basis for the creation of this
model are given in the article. The adequacy of the equivalent model is substantiated. The
advantages of thermal network equivalence in terms of simplifying the calculation of various
modes are noted. Complex problem of schematic structural optimization of heat networks is
considered in [18]. For solving this problem authors used tree search algorithm and annealing
simulation method.
    There are a lot of foreign papers about energy system optimization. The article [19] shows
Monte Carlo method application for energy system optimization, modelling of safety, energy
transfer failures at real time. The paper [20] shows optimization problems solving in electric-
energy industry to decrease cost with consideration of safety. In work [21] a hierarchical
optimization model for a network of charging stations for electric vehicles is considered. The
authors proposed a three-layer optimization model, including optimization of gas station locations
(first layer), queuing model (second layer), and optimization of battery charging process (third
layer). A kriging model to reduce energy losses in distribution networks is proposed in [22]. The
authors presented an algorithm for the approximation of complex distribution networks to speed up
the process of finding a solution.
    The development of new optimization algorithms and the study of already existing algorithms
are relevant [23-25]. For example, the decentralized training algorithm is described in [23]. It is
used in distributed big data application. The Constant Jacobian Gauss-Newton Optimization
Algorithm is presented in [24]. Work [25] describes optimal cost almost-sure reachability in
    Each of the optimization algorithms has certain disadvantages, for example, the lack of
guarantees for achieving the global extremum of the objective function, high computational cost,
etc. [26,27].

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    Based on the foregoing, the purpose of this work is an experimental study and comparative
analysis of various approaches to optimizing the thermal-hydraulic modes of buildings. This work
is supported by grant 27.06.01/18BCB of Kalashnikov ISTU.

2. The problem of optimizing the temperature of the indoor areas
Practice shows that in order to make optimal management decisions it is necessary to solve the
problems of analyzing the thermo-hydraulic mode and characteristics optimization at different
levels of HSS in complex with using mathematical algorithms of decreasing heat supply system
disbalance, energy audit methods and computer methods of data processing for visualize and
analyze heat network any elements (table 1).
                          Table 1. Methods of increasing energy efficiency HSS.
                Methods                          Goal                     Brief description (task
                                                                         Energy inspection of
                               Detecting occasions of ineffective
                                                                         energy resources
       Energy audit            using fuel and power resources,
                                                                         production, transfer and
                               recommendation development
       Hydraulic modes         Decreasing disbalance of first and        Operations management
       optimization in heat    second level of HSS. Supporting           of heat network
       networks                stabilization of work                     hydraulic mode while
                                                                         stress load reallocates
                                                                         between consumers of
       Optimization of heat    Guarantee of required heat                Operational reallocation
       production and          consumption mode with minimal cost        heat stresses between
       realization                                                       heat sources
       Thermohydraulic         Decreasing disbalance, heat mode of       Resistance optimization
       mode optimization of    HBS normalization                         of hydraulic adjuster.
       heating of buildings                                              Adduction heaters
       (HBS)                                                             power to required value
       Thermohydraulic         Specified temperature of indoor areas     Equilibrium temperature
       mode of HBS research guarantee                                    of indoor areas
                                                                         computation. Optimal
                                                                         design of HBS

  Figure 1. System-based approach applied to decreasing disbalance of central HSS (solid – cold
                                source, dashed – hot source).

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   Principal elements and strategy of system-oriented approach for increasing heat efficiency of
HSS through a disbalance reduction are showed at figure. 1.
   Mathematical model construction methodology of decreasing disbalance of central HSS based
on applying characteristics optimization methods at different levels of HSS is presented at figure 2.
Methodology comprises methods: power optimization of heat sources (first level HSS), heat flows
optimization between heat network subscribers (second level), resistance optimization of heater
system hydraulic adjusters (third level).

                 Figure 2. Generalized chart of heat flows management in centralized HSS.

    In this study the energy system is optimized at the third level (heat flows management between
indoor area).
     Excessive energy consumption of a building heat supply system arises for the following
    - ineffective thermal protection of the indoor areas;
    - non-optimal scheme of heat supply of the building;
    - due to the temperature disbalance of the indoor areas of heated buildings (to raise the
temperature of the "cold" rooms up to the standard, it is necessary to increase the coolant
temperature, while in the rooms where the temperature is normal, it becomes too hot, and
consumers have to open the windows “heating the outdoor").
    There are several ways to reduce the temperature disbalance of the indoor areas:
    - by selection of the optimal power of the heating devices of the building indoor areas, ensuring
the standard temperature in each room, taking into account the actual state of the enclosing
structures (as a rule, this approach is carried out at the stage of building design or reconstruction of
    - by regulating the balancing valves of the risers, this issue is considered in [11] (it is applicable
to existing and projected buildings);
    - by regulating the adjusting valves of the heaters (applicable to existing buildings), this issue is
addressed in this article.
    It is worth noting that by adjusting the balancing valves of the risers it is impossible to eliminate
the disbalance of those rooms that are connected to the same riser. The working hypothesis of the
study carried out under this article is that regulating the valves of the heaters, as well as the joint
regulation of the valves of the heaters and the balancing valves of the risers should give the best
optimization results.
    The objective function of the problem of optimizing the temperature disbalance is the minimum
of the standard deviation of the room temperature from the standard value:
                                                                                                           1/ 2
                                                 1 N                                                 
                       Ф( S1 , S 2 ,..., S z ) =       ∑  ( tin ,i ( S1 , S 2 ,..., S z ) − t opt )2            → min ,   (1)
                                                  N i =1                                            
where z is the quantity of regulating valves of the heating devices and balancing valves of the
risers, i is the number of indoor area, N is the quantity of indoor areas, tin,i is the design room
temperature (the method of calculation it will be mentioned below), t opt is the indoor area

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temperature, which is planned to be reached (in the article, two optimization options are applied:
relative to the standard temperature and the average temperature of the rooms in the building, will
be considered below), Sj is the j-valve resistance.
    Due to the fact that the control valves have their own range of resistance values, we introduce a
                                               S min ≤ S j ≤ S max ,
                                                 j             j                                  (2)
where S min
        j   and S max
                  j   are minimum and maximum resistance respectively [11].
   The air temperature inside the heated indoor areas (tin,i) is calculated from the heat balance
equation [1], which takes into account the heat influx from the coolant in heating devices and heat
losses through the enclosing structures (walls, windows, doors, floor, etc.):
                    QwlH + Q Hfl + QclH + QdrH + QdrI + Qwin
                                                             + Qwin
                                                                    + Qair
                                                                           = Qrd + Q p ,        (3)
where Qwl is heat exchange with walls, Q Hfl is heat exchange with a floor, QclH is heat exchange
with a cell, QdrH is heat exchange with doors, QdrI is infiltration through doors, Qwin
                                                                                        is heat
                        I                                     I
exchange with windows, Qwin is infiltration through windows, Qair is infiltration of air, Qrd is heat
influx from radiators, Q p is heat influx from pipes.
   The equation (3) is written and solved separately for each room from the N rooms of the
building. The equation is solved with iteration method at which the temperature is selected
corresponding to the temperature equilibrium.
   Heat transfer through the walls (similarly floor, ceiling, window and balcony structures)
depends on the area of the walls, their material, thickness and temperature difference:
                                                     Qwl =       (t in − t out )nβ ,                  (4)
where Fwl is area of walls, Rwl is reformed wall heat transfer resistance; tin is indoor air temperature
(in formulae (3) it is tin,i); tout is outdoor temperature; n – tabular correction factor depending on the
type of fencing surface; β is correction factor taking into account the orientation of the wall
relative to the cardinal points.
    Heat losses due to the heating of the outside air inflowed through the windows (similar to the
entrance doors) are calculated by the formula:
                                                 Qwin = Awin
                                                         I    I
                                                             Gwin Fwin c(t in − t out ) ,              (5)
where Awin is correction factor, taking into account the kind of window; Fwin is estimated window
area; Gwin is the volume of infiltrated air; c is the specific mass density of air.
   Heat transfer is determined on the basis of its heat flow per unit area. Heat flow depends on
water flow:
                                                                     ∆ttp 
                                                                                      xrd 
                                                      q rd = q nom       
                                                                                          crd ,    (6)
                                                                     70             360 
where xrd is actual water consumption in the device, kg / h; n,p are empirical coefficients, crd is
coefficient taking into account the scheme of connection of the heating device; ∆t tp is temperature
pressure equal to the difference between the half sum of the input and output temperature and the
air temperature in the room, qnom is nominal heat flux density.
    To determine coolant flow rates, the system of hydraulic equations is solved:
                                                                 Ax = qд ,
                                                                 By = 0 ,                            (7)
                                                                 y + h = SXx ,
                                                                      д
where A is the junction matrix of ramification and node, B is the contour matrix built on the
original graph, x and y are vectors of unknown variables, S is the hydraulic resistance matrix

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(include resistance heaters and pipes), X is the consumption matrix, h∂ is the hydraulic pressures
vector, q∂ is the vector of coolant consumption in nodes.
   The heater having valve connected in parallel with the cross-connection, the hydraulic
resistance of such a system is expressed by the formula [1]:
                                                      S res =                                              .    (8)
                                                                (        ) ( S ) 
                                                                 S −1 +                        −1 
                                                                 rd                      jm

where Srd is the hydraulic resistance of the heater, Sjm is the hydraulic resistance of the jumper. The
resistance of the heater is the sum of the resistance of the radiator and the adjusting valve:
                                                    S rd = S rad + S valv .                            (9)
where Srad is it’s own resistance of the heater, Svalv is the resistance of the heater valve.
    During the optimization it is necessary to obtain the temperature of the indoor area (tin,i ) as close
as possible to the desired (topt). There are two options to define the temperature:
- standard temperature, according to GOST 30494-2011 is equal to 20o[28];
- average temperature. It is calculated by formulae:

                                                                              ∑t   in ,i
                                                                    t opt =   i
                                                                                            .                  (10)

3. Description of the algorithms used
Indoor area temperature cannot be analytically expressed from functional (1), therefore, only some
iterative optimization methods can be used to find it. Since the functional is non-linear, we exclude
methods of linear programming, such as, for example, the simplex method, from the considered
methods. It is also impossible to analytically express tin from equation (3), formulas (4-6) and
system of equations (7), thus, it is also calculated by an iterative method. Therefore, it is also
impossible to find the derivative of the functional (1), which excludes the possibility of applying
gradient methods that require calculating the derivative, such as, for example, gradient descent
methods. Based on these limitations, for the purposes of the study, the method of coordinate search
and the genetic algorithm are chosen.
    In general, the algorithm for optimizing the temperature disbalance of buildings works as
follows [11]:
    1. The initial values of the resistance of the valves of the raisers and the heating devices are set.
Installation method is random value from the admissible range.
    2. The structure of the heating network and characteristics of the indoor areas, including
enclosing structures is read from the database.
    3. The thermo-hydraulic balance of the heating system is calculated.
    4. The air temperature in the indoor areas by calculating the equilibrium temperature of the
building is calculated [1].
    5. The objective function is calculated.
    6. If the stop condition is reached (in this study it is the specified number of iterations), then
program exits the loop.
    7. The values of the valves resistance of the risers and the heaters are selected. The selection
method depends on the optimization algorithm (more will be described below).
    8. The program goes to step 2.
    In computer science a genetic algorithm (GA) is a metaheuristic inspired by the process of
natural selection that belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA). This is a heuristic
search algorithm used to solve optimization and modeling problems by randomly selecting,
combining, and varying the desired parameters using mechanisms similar to natural selection in
nature. The problem is formalized in such a way that its solution can be encoded as a vector
(“genotype”) of genes, where each gene can be a bit, a number, or some other object. In some ways
(usually random) many genotypes of the initial population are created. They are evaluated using the

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objective function, as a result of which a certain value is associated with each genotype which
determines how well the phenotype described by it solves the set problem. From the resulting set of
solutions (“generations”), taking into account the value of objective function, solutions are selected
(usually the best species are more likely to be selected), to which “genetic operators” are applied
(in most crossover and mutation), resulting in new solutions. For them, the value of objective
function is also calculated, and then the selection of the best decisions in the next generation is
made. This set of actions is repeated iteratively, so the “evolutionary process” is modeled, which
lasts several life cycles (generations) until the criterion for stopping the algorithm is fulfilled.
    When using the genetic algorithm, selection performs by random mutations (random changes
according to the formula) [29]:
                                                     ∆S j = σ − 2 ln( x1 ) ⋅ cos( 2πx2 ),                     (11)
where σ is the mutation step (selected empirically), x1 and x2 are random values in limits [0;1],
having a uniform distribution (such random number generators are embedded in many
programming languages). Due to formulae (11) we obtain Gaussian distribution from uniform
   Also sets of valve resistance values can be crossed (mixed randomly) [11]. The probability of
crossing is calculated by the formula:
                                                                        2n − k1 − k 2
                                                         pcross =                     ,                       (12)
                                                                           2n − 1
where n is the quantity of sets in the sample («species» in the «population»), k1 and k2 are
respectively, the number of the first and the second set of a pair, which is checked for the
possibility of crossing. They take values from 0 to n-1. The removal of sets from the sample during
selection also occurs randomly; the probability of deletion is the greater, the worse the objective
function. This probability is expressed by the formula:
                                                                   pdel =        ,                            (13)
where m is the number of the set to be deleted (starting from zero). For the set with the best
objective function this number is 0. It means that this species will never be deleted. The deletion
cycle can be repeated several times until the number of sets is less than the maximum allowable
number. If the number of the set becomes less than the minimum allowable amount then at this
iteration selection will not be made.
    In the coordinates search method, the value of valve resistance at the next iteration is changed
by increment ∆S , calculated by the formula [1]:
                                                     ( s (j k ) − s (j k −1 ) )( t opt , j − tin( k ) )
                                       ∆S (j k ) =
                                                                                                          ,   (14)
                                                                 ( tin( k ) − tin( k −1 ) )
                                                                       j          j

where j=1,…,z is the valve number, k is the iteration number, topt,j is the required room temperature,
t in(k ) is the indoor area temperature according to j-valve (room where set radiator with the valve or

room according to ramification which adjusting by the riser valve) on the k-th iteration.

4. Experimental results
In this study, in order to compare the minima of achieving the objective function, the following
experiments were conducted:
   - optimization of the hydraulic resistance of the valves of the heating devices;
   - optimization of the hydraulic resistances of the balancing valves of the heating risers;
   - joint optimization of the hydraulic resistance of the valves of the heating devices and the
balancing valves of risers.
   For optimization the genetic algorithm and the coordinates search algorithm were used. In the
genetic algorithm the mutation step σ [11] was taken 5 and 20 in units of Pa/(Kg/h)2. A typical
building was calculated under the average designed conditions of Izhevsk for the actual condition
of enclosing structures and space heaters. Optimization was performed in two versions:

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   - relative to the standard temperature, which was adopted by 20oС;
   - relative to the average temperature in the rooms.
   The initial approximation is a random value from the range of formula (2). Comparison of
results is given in tables 2-5.

    Table 2. Comparison of optimization results (values of the objective function relative to the
                                   standard temperature 20o).
                                   Regulation of       Regulation of          Regulation
                                 riser valves only    battery valves      battery valves and
                                                            only             riser valves
       Coordinates search
                                        3.46                3.25                 2.74
       Genetic algorithm with
                                        3.08                3.68                 3.51
       step 5
       Genetic algorithm with
                                        2.85                3.68                 3.40
       step 20
       No adjustment (all
                                        5.14                5.14                 5.14
       valves open)

    Table 3. Comparison of optimization results (values of the objective function relative to the
                                     average temperature).
                                   Regulation of       Regulation of          Regulation
                                 riser valves only    battery valves      battery valves and
                                                            only             riser valves
       Coordinates search
                                        3.21                2.91                 2.67
       Genetic algorithm with
                                        2.85                2.94                 2.82
       step 5
       Genetic algorithm with
                                        3.15                2.94                  3.1
       step 20
       No adjustment (all
                                        3.26                3.26                 3.26
       valves open)

 Table 4. Optimization by a genetic algorithm after optimization by coordinates search (values of
                the objective function relative to the standard temperature 20o)).
                                   Regulation of        Regulation of        Regulation
                                 riser valves only      battery valves   battery valves and
                                                             only            riser valves
      Coordinates search
                                        3.21                 3.25                2.74
      Genetic algorithm with
                                        2.95                 2.99                1.96
      step 20

 Table 5. Optimization by a genetic algorithm after optimization by coordinates search (values of
                   the objective function relative to the average temperature).
                                   Regulation of       Regulation of       Regulation
                                 riser valves only battery valves battery valves and
                                                           only            riser valves
        coordinate search
                                        3.21               2.91                2.67
        Genetic algorithm
                                        2.93                2.6                1.94
        with step 20

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    As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2, optimization by regulating the valves of the heating
devices exceeded optimization by regulating the valves of the risers only in the case of using the
coordinates search. However, if after optimization by the coordinates search method, the valve
resistance is again optimized by the genetic algorithm (Tables 3 and 4), this gives additional
optimization. In this case joint optimization of both the balancer valves of the risers and the valves
of the heaters gives the best result. This effect confirms the theoretical proposition that coordinates
search method and gradient methods do not guarantee the achievement of global extremum
    The various advantages and disadvantages of the genetic algorithm and the coordinates search
method are illustrated very well by Figure 3, which shows that coordinates search algorithm works
faster, but the genetic algorithm allows achieving greater depth of optimization due to the gradual
approximation, although it works slower.

Figure 3. Comparison of optimization history using the coordinates search method and the genetic
  algorithm, as well as using the genetic algorithm as an additional optimization of coordinates

5. Conclusion
As the experimental results show, the best result of optimizing the temperature disbalance can be
achieved by using joint adjusting of the risers balancing valves and heater valves, if you first apply
the optimization of the coordinates search methods and then further optimize it by the genetic
algorithm. This fact also confirms the hypothesis put forward in [11]: "Combining a genetic
algorithm and gradient methods will allow you to create a more efficient optimization algorithm
(than gradient methods) with an acceptable computation time."

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