The syllable intelligibility in the system of information transmission by speech signals depending on the intensity of acoustic noise Yu A Kropotov1, A A Belov1, A A Kolpakov1 and A Yu Proskuryakov1 1 Murom Institute (branch) «Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nicholay Stoletovs», Orlovskaya street, 23, Murom, Vladimir Region, Russia, 602264 e-mail: Abstract. The paper investigates the effect of the signal-to-noise ratio on syllable intelligibility under the intense influence of external acoustic interference when exchanging voice messages in telecommunication systems of public address systems. The article discusses the effect on the syllable intelligibility of the signal / external acoustic noise ratio, examines the effect of the integral articulation index, the dependence of the perception coefficient of formants on the relative level of formant intensity, the dependence of the formant parameter on the geometric mean frequency of the i-th spectrum of the speech signal. In accordance with the results of studies of the integral articulation index depending on the signal-to-noise ratio, a function of syllable intelligibility depending on the signal-to-noise ratio was obtained, using which it is possible to determine the maximum value of the output signal-to-noise ratio in the audio exchange telecommunications system to obtain a given syllable intelligibility. At the same time, experimentally determined the value of the signal-to-noise ratio in the telecommunications system of audio exchange to obtain a syllable intelligibility of at least 93% for ensure full perception of the transmitted speech information. 1. Introduction As it is known, the main criterion of efficiency of the system of telecommunication exchange of the speech information is syllabic legibility S % or the size of an estimation of a speech signal on scale MOS (Mean Opinion Score) [1]. Telecommunication systems of audio exchange, in particular loudspeaker systems, are considered to be effective if the transmitted speech information is perceived by the object completely and without difficulties, the syllable intelligibility in this case is not less than 93% [1,2,4] or the MOS score should be not less than 3,9 points on a five-point scale [5, 6]. 2. Formulation of the problem Dependence of syllabic intelligibility in the system of telecommunication exchange of speech information on the influence of various factors has been studied in a number of works [1,3]. However, the information in the known sources [9, 10] about the influence of the signal-to-noise ratio on the syllabic legibility on the side of receiving speech messages for the case of operational-command V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) Data Science Yu A Kropotov, A A Belov, A A Kolpakov and A Yu Proskuryakov telecommunication systems is insufficient, so this article considers the problem of determining the influence of the signal-to-noise ratio on the syllabic legibility in telecommunication audio exchange systems. The known results of the studies of the assessment of syllabic legibility by the instrumental- calculation method are shown in Fig. 1 [1, 3]. Figure 1. Dependence of syllabic legibility S on the integral articulation index R. Figure 1 shows that the syllabic legibility here is represented by the dependence only on the value of the integral articulation index. 3. Instrumental-calculation method for estimating the integral articulation index and syllabic legibility The value of the integral articulation index R depending on the value of the spectral articulation index Ri is determined by the expression N R= ∑R . i=1 i (1) The articulation spectral index is calculated by the expression Ri = pi · ki , (2) where pi is formant coefficient, ki is weighting coefficient of the presence of formant speech in the i-th band. The coefficient of perception of formant pi is calculated using the expression [3] [  0,78 + 5,46 ⋅ exp − 4,3 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ (27,3 − Qi )2  ] , if Qi ≤ 0; 0 ,1⋅ Q  1 + 10 pi =  [ ] (3)  0,78 + 5,46 ⋅ exp − 4,3 ⋅ 10 ⋅ (27,3 − Qi ) −3 2 1 − 0 ,1⋅ Q , if Qi > 0,  1 + 10 where Qi = qi - ΔAi is the relative intensity level of the format. Or the value of the perception coefficient pi format can be determined by the graph in Figure 2. The format parameter ΔAi is determined by the graph in Figure 3 or by the expression 200 / f 0 ,43 − 0.37 , если f ≤ 1000 Гц, ∆A( f ) =  (4) 1,37 + 1000 / f 0 ,69 , если f > 1000 Гц, where f ср.i = f в − f н is average geometric frequency, f н is lower frequency of the i-th bandwidth i i i of the speech spectrum, f в is upper frequency of the i-th bandwidth of the spectrum. i V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 278 Data Science Yu A Kropotov, A A Belov, A A Kolpakov and A Yu Proskuryakov Figure 2. Dependence of the perception coefficient format pi on the relative intensity level format Qi. Figure 3. Dependence of the formal parameter ΔAi on the average geometric frequency of the i-th bandwidth of the speech spectrum. For each i-th (i=1, 2, ... N) frequency band at the average geometric frequency f ср.i = fв − fн , a i i formal parameter ΔAi is determined, characterizing the energy redundancy of discrete components of the speech signal. 4. Results of experiments Let's take the number of octave bands N=5. Values of the accepted limits by frequency of octave bands, values of calculated fsr.i and values of formal parameters ΔAi are given in Table 1. Table 1. Values of the accepted limits by frequency of octave bands, values of calculated fcp.i and values of formal parameters ΔAi. Boundary bandwidth i fcp.i, Hz Bandwidth Δfi ΔAi (fср.i) frequency, Hz 1 180-355 250 175 18 2 355-710 500 355 13 3 710-1400 1000 690 9.5 4 1400-2800 2000 1400 7.5 5 2800-5600 4000 2800 5.5 With the help of expression Qi = qi - ΔAi , we determined the values of intensity levels of format Qi depending on the signal to noise ratio qi. The calculated values of Qi are summarized in Table 2. With the help of expression (3) or according to the diagram in Figure 2, the formatting factor pi is determined depending on Qi for i-th bands, with different values of signal-to-noise ratio, dB. The calculated pi values for different qi are summarized in Table 3. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 279 Data Science Yu A Kropotov, A A Belov, A A Kolpakov and A Yu Proskuryakov Table 2. Calculated values Qi. Qi = qi - ΔAi Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 qi, дБ qi = 0 дБ -18 -13 -9.5 -7.5 -5.5 qi = 3 дБ -15 -10 -6.5 -4.5 -2.5 qi = 6 дБ -12 -7 -3.5 -1.5 +0.5 qi = 10 дБ -8 -3 +0.5 +2.5 +4.5 qi = 20 дБ +2 +7 +10.5 +12.5 +14.5 qi = 30 дБ +12 +17 +20.5 +22.5 +24.5 Table 3. Calculated values pi. qi, dB p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 qi = 0 0.07 0.18 2.2 0.29 0.34 qi = 3 0.11 0.21 0.31 0.38 0.41 qi = 6 0.2 0.3 0.40 0.48 0.51 qi = 10 0.24 0.41 0.51 0.53 0.62 qi = 20 0.47 0.6 0.79 0.81 0.88 qi = 30 0.81 0.9 0.94 0.96 0.98 To determine the spectral articulation index Ri, the weighting coefficient of probability of presence of the format of speech in the i-th band ki is determined by the formula ki = k(fvi) - k(fni), where k(fvi) and k(fni) is weights for the upper fvi and lower fni of the i-th bandwidth of the speech spectrum. Values k(fvi) and k(fni) are determined by the formula as [3]:  −8 2 ,57 ⋅10 ⋅ f , если 100 < f ≤ 400 Гц; 2 ,4 k( f ) =  ( ) −4 (5)  1 − 1,074 ⋅ exp − 10 ⋅ f 1,18 , если 400 < f ≤ 10000 Гц; or according to the chart in Figure 4. Figure 4. Weighting k(f) of the formal frequency distribution. The results of calculations of the weighting coefficients of probability of formant speech in the i-th band are presented in Table 4. Table 4. Results of calculations of the weighted probability coefficients of formal speech in the i-th band. ki k(fв)-k(fн) k(fв i)-k(fн i) ki k1 k(355)-k(180) 0.04-0.01 0.03 k2 k(710)-k(355) 0.18-0.04 0.14 k3 k(1400)-k(710) 0.36-0.18 0.18 k4 k(2800)-k(1400) 0.63-0.36 0.37 k5 k(5600)-k(2800) 0.92-0.63 0.29 V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 280 Data Science Yu A Kropotov, A A Belov, A A Kolpakov and A Yu Proskuryakov Calculation of the Ri articulation spectral index is performed by formula (2). Calculations of Ri, at different values of signal-to-noise ratio are summarized in Table 5. Table 5. Articulation spectral index Ri, at different signal-to-noise ratios. Ri = pi·ki R1 = p1·k1 R2 = p2·k2 R3 = p3·k3 R4 = p4·k4 R5 = p5·k5 qi = 0 dB 0,07·0,03=0,0021 0,18·0,014=0,0252 0,22·0,18=0,0396 0,29·0,37=0,1073 0,34·0,29=0,0986 qi = 3 dB 0,11·0,03=0,0033 0,021·0,14=0,0294 0,31·0,18=0,0558 0,38·0,37=0,1406 0,41·0,29=0,1189 qi = 6 dB 0,2·0,03=0,006 0,3·0,14=0,042 0,4·0,18=0,072 0,48·0,37=0,1776 0,51·0,29=0,1479 qi = 10 dB 0,24·0,03=0,0072 0,41·0,14=0,0574 0,51·0,18=0,0918 0,53·0,37=0,1961 0,62·0,29=0,1798 qi = 20 dB 0,47·0,03=0,0141 0,6·0,14=0,084 0,79·0,18=0,0918 0,81·0,37=0,2997 0,88·0,29=0,2552 qi = 30 dB 0,81·0,03=0,0243 0,9·0,14=0,126 0,94·0,18=0,1692 0,96·0,37=0,3552 0,98·0,29=0,2842 According to the results of calculations of the spectral articulation index Ri, summarized in Table 5, it became possible to calculate the integral articulation index depending on the signal-to-noise ratio. The results of the calculation of the integral articulation index made it possible to find the values of syllabic legibility depending on the signal-to-noise ratio, which are summarized in Table 6. Table 6. Syllable intelligibility values depending on signal-to-noise ratio. qi signal/noise 0 dB 3 dB 6 dB 10 dB 20 dB 30 dB R 0.273 0.348 0.4455 0.5323 0.7952 0.9589 Seng. 48 % 61 % 73 % 82% 96% 99% Srus. 25% 35 % 53 % 65 % 93% 98.5% The graph of the syllable intelligibility function S from the signal-to-noise ratio is shown in Figure 5. S ,% 90 1 80 2 70 60 1 – english speech 50 2 – russian speech 40 30 20 10 0 3 6 10 20 30 q, dB Figure 5. Graph of dependence of syllabic intelligibility on signal-to-noise ratio. 5. Conclusions As can be seen from the graphs in Figure 5, the syllable intelligibility of the voice messaging telecommunications system is ensured by S≥93% for signal/noise ratio q≥20 dB [7, 8]. 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