=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Adaptive algorithm of conforming image matching |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Vladimir Fursov,Yegor Goshin,Kirill Pugachev }} ==Adaptive algorithm of conforming image matching == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper4.pdf
Adaptive algorithm of conforming image matching

                V A Fursov1,2, Ye V Goshin1,2 and K G Pugachev1

                 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086
                 Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and
                Photonics" RAS, Molodogvardejskaya street 151, Samara, Russia, 443001

                e-mail: pugachev_k.g@mail.ru

                Abstract. This paper presents an adaptive algorithm of conforming image matching based on
                the principle of conformity. The algorithm consists of several main stages. At the first stage,
                we find the corresponding points using a minimum value of conformity as the measure of
                points’ similarity. We define a conformity function as the sum of all possible combinations of
                squared differences of pixel intensity values on the fragments that are matched. Then, we
                perform an adaptive procedure of errors correction considering an intensity gradient
                distribution. An important feature of the algorithm is the finding of error points using a
                criterion of maximum value of samples’ conformity for every fragment of the disparity map.
                The results of experiments on the "Teddy" test images are shown.

1. Introduction
Image matching is the most important and difficult step in computer vision applications, such as image
stitching, the creation of three-dimensional models of objects or scenes by a sequence of frames etc.
At least three approaches to solve image matching problem are known: area-based (1), feature-based
(2), and symbolic (3) approach. In the framework of the area-based approach [1], which is used in this
paper, for the fragments of the first image, the most similar fragment is need to be found.
    The choice of fragments similarity measure is very important, when the area-based approach is
used. There are many similarity measures. The absolute differences (AD) and squared differences
(SD) and the sum of absolute differences (SAD) are the most commonly used to compute matching
cost. Also, the sum of squared differences (SSD), normalized cross correlation (NCC), rank
transformation (RT), and census transformation (CT) are the popular methods to aggregate matching
cost. In detail, these methods were described in paper [2].
    In paper [3] Wang et al. applied the AD algorithm to real-time image matching using GPU. The
results show that AD algorithm is not capable of producing a smooth disparity map in highly textured
images. To overcome it, Min et al. [4] and Pham and Jeon [5] implemented truncated absolute
differences (TAD) algorithm, which uses the colour and gradient values in pixels matching to improve
its robustness against variations in illumination.
    SD algorithm was applied to subpixel image matching by Yang et al. [6]. To improve the flattening
of edges and to smooth areas, they used a bilateral filter. In paper [7] Miron et al. researched various
matching cost functions. They concluded that the SD algorithm produces the largest error.

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V A Fursov, Ye V Goshin and K G Pugachev

    Lee and Sharma [8] implemented the real time image matching algorithm using the SAD algorithm
to calculate matching costs via GPU. In paper [9] Gupta and Cho proposed a technique, which uses
two different sizes of correlation windows in the SAD algorithm. As denoted in [2], the SAD
algorithm is fast, but the quality of the initial disparity map is low because of the noise at object
boundaries and in homogeneous regions.
    In paper [10] Fusiello et al. used the SSD algorithm with multiple fixed window blocks to reduce
the incidence of occlusion errors. In paper [11] the SSD algorithm with multiple windows was
implemented by Yang and Pollefeys using GPU.
    Low-dimensional image features matching method using NCC was proposed in [12] by Satoh. This
method achieves a high accuracy, but requires a lot of computational resources. Cheng et al. [13]
proposed to calculate matching cost using a zero mean normalized cross correlation (ZNCC).
    An image matching algorithm using the RT algorithm was proposed by Gac et al. [14]. The method
provides a reliable initial disparity map by using a careful selection of the window sizes. A new RT
algorithm was developed in paper [15] to reduce matching ambiguity using a Bayesian model. This
model considers similarity between the first and the second image pixels and the level of ambiguity
within each image independently.
    To improve image matching accuracy, some researchers tried using combinations of various cost
functions. For instance, Mei et al. [16] implemented a combination of the AD and CT algorithms to
compensate their limitations. They showed that CT algorithms produce incorrect matches in regions
with repetitive local structures, and the AD algorithm does not work well in the large regions without
    The combination of the SAD and CT algorithms led to higher performance, but computational
complexity has become higher as well [17]. The SAD and CT cost measures were obtained
individually. The final cost function was calculated as a linear combination of SAD and CT cost
measures based on a weighting factor.
    Zhang et al. [18] has improved the matching accuracy by using a combination of SAD and the arm
length differences (ALD) methods. Lee et al. [19] used combination of CT and gradient difference
methods. However, due to similar or repetitive texture patterns, matching ambiguity can appear in
some regions.
    In paper [20] Perez-Patricio et al. has proposed a fuzzy logic method using the various cost
functions simultaneously and decision-making based on membership functions. The method uses both
local and global information to reduce errors’ count in homogeneous areas and to preserve the edges
near discontinuities.
    When the area-based approach is used, many points with wrong disparity value can appear in
disparity map. In our previous papers we have tried to solve this problem by using a new criterion of
similarity. In particular, in papers [21, 22] a new fragments’ similarity criterion was presented.
Although we have obtained the results comparable and in some cases are better than results of semi-
global block matching, however, this problem was not fully solved.
    The traditional way of noise removal is smoothing filtering of image representing disparity map.
This method can give visually better image, however this smoothing procedure unavoidably distorts
into disparity map points with true value of disparity. Consequently, the three-dimensional coordinates
of the scene, which are calculated using these points, can also be distorted. So, the problem of filtering
procedure creating, which performs error correction without affecting the other points with high
reliability, is actual task.

2. Problem statement
In this paper we develop an approach based on the principle of fragments conformity. The method was
proposed in [21, 22]. Let us state that F1 and F2 are two images, which are obtained by multi-view
shooting. For every point of these images we can specify a rectangular fragment with size of K  L ,
 K and L are odd. In general case, K  L. Every fragment of the first image F1 can be presented in the
form of vector f1 , obtained by scanning by rows or columns.

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V A Fursov, Ye V Goshin and K G Pugachev

    Let’s specify rectangular search area with size of N  M on the second image F2 for every point
of the first image F1 . For every point in search area we can form vector f 2 with the same size in a
similar way.
   The task is to find corresponding point (central point of f 2 , the most similar for some measure) in
the search area of the second image F2 for every point (central point of f1 ) of first image F1 . For
certainty, we assume that fragments sizes are odd and the search area is a set of points, which can be
used as centres of fragments.
   For points of the first image with coordinates (k, l) and N  M points in search area in second
image vectors of differences are calculated:
                            f (n, m)  f2 (n, m)  f1 (k , l ), n  1, N , m  1, M ,                        (1)
where N and M are count of rows and columns of the search area.
  Then conformity function is calculated as:
                            W (n, m)   (fi (n, m)  f j (n, m))2 ,
                                           i , j 1,
                                           i j
where f i is i      th
                          element of vector (1), S  K  L is elements count of f1 and f 2               vectors,
n  1, N , m  1, M . Point (n* , m* ) in search area of the second image with minimum value of
conformity function is chosen as corresponding point for point (k, l) at the first image:
                              W (n* , m* )  min W (n, m)
                                                           n , m
    We have used this criterion in papers [21, 22], where we have shown that this criterion allows
improving an accuracy of image matching. The important feature is that all possible combinations of
fragments samples differences are used. So, this criterion gives much more information about pixel
intensity distribution of image fragment and provides a high reliability of image matching. However,
as we mentioned above r, the points with wrong calculated disparity can occur in the areas with low
values of gradient function.
    Proposed filter, which allows overcoming it, is also based on the principle of samples conformity.
The main idea is to use the conformity function like (2) to find error point and replace its value by
values of neighbouring points. But the points without errors are not will be affected. This method
allows avoiding errors in image areas with low values of pixel intensity gradient.

3. Method of error correction
We develop an error correction algorithm for areas of disparity map image with low values of pixel
intensity gradient. Let us state that Fd is image representing obtained disparity map. Let’s choose
fragment of this image with size of P  Q , P and Q are odd. In general case P  Q .
    For every point  p, q  we calculate value of local conformity with other points of this fragment:
                                                         S 1
                                      W ( p, q )         ( f ( p, q)  f (i, j)) ,
                                                       i 1, P ,

                                                        j 1,Q
                                                       i p, j q
where f ( p, q),      f (i, j ) are values of fragments samples in points ( p, q) and (i, j ) , and S  P * Q .
                                                                                         *   *
   Now S functions of local conformity are calculated. We search point ( p , q ) with the maximum
value of local conformity and assume it as error point:
                             W ( p* , q* )  max W ( p, q)
                                             p , q
                                                           .                                   (5)

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V A Fursov, Ye V Goshin and K G Pugachev

   This statement is bases on an assumption that all points of this fragment are in areas with low value
of pixel intensity gradient. So, the three-dimensional coordinates of elements of the same objects can’t
be too different from neighbouring points, because the objects don’t contain any tears of surface.
   To correct the value of error point ( p* , q* ) , an error value is replaced by mean value of variational
range of fragment samples. In case, when count of errors in disparity map is low, it’s useful to
compare an error value with mean value of variational range. If the difference is low and can be
compared with possible differences in coordinates of surface elements, this replacement will not
change anything. It can be seen that all points will remain the same. So, the coordinates of surface can
be calculated accurately using the values of obtained disparity map.
   On the fragments with objects edges this procedure will not work because the values of conformity
function (4) will be high due to the difference between fragments samples of different objects. So,
these image areas should be excluded from consideration. Moreover, this filter work efficiently, when
count of error points on the fragment is low.
    In view of the above, the next section proposes a multistage technology with adaptation to the
features of the various parts of the disparity map, ensuring the efficient correction of error points.

4. Overall technology of disparity map forming
The technology consists of several main stages:
    1. Disparity map forming using a method of conforming estimates;
    2. Preliminary disparity image processing, single errors’ correction;
    3. Object edges detection and binary template construction;
    4. Error points correction on the areas with the low value of gradient function (on the objects
    Let us describe briefly these stages of technology.
    At the first stage we form disparity map using method and algorithm which are described in [21,
22]. The main idea of this method was described in Section 2.
    Preliminary disparity image processing is performed to correct values of single error points. The
algorithm is implemented by several iterations (by rows and columns) on the image. For each point of
the image difference from neighbouring points (by vertical or horizontal) and the difference between
neighbouring points are calculated. If the first difference is higher than threshold value and the second
value is low, this point is chosen as an error point. Then, the value of the central pixel is replaced by
half-sum of neighbouring pixels values. Similar procedure can be used to correct double, triple and
etc. errors.
    To construct a binary template with detected edges, various methods can be used to find the
differences, similarities [23] and image segmentation [24]. In this paper we use the simplest and
widely used approach. We use a median filter to blur images and Sobel operator to form the field of
gradients. Then we perform the contrasting and binarization procedures.
    At the last stage, we perform iterative error correction in the areas of disparity map with low value
of gradient. We divide disparity image into disjoint fragments with size of P  Q and iteratively
perform an error correction using method, which is described in Section 3. If the fragment contains
objects edges, an error correction is not performed. When the fourth stage is performed, some clusters
of failed points can be “transformed” into the single error points. Therefore, the second stage
correction can be repeated without loss of accuracy.

5. Results of experiment
The described technology was used to form a disparity map for a set of multi-view test images
«Cones» [25]. Test images are presented at Figure 1. For these test images, the disparity map shown at
Figure 2a was obtained using method and algorithm described in [21, 22]. Search window with the
size of 5  7 and search area with the size of 1 65 were used. Then median intensity of pixels was set
as 128. It can be seen that disparity map contains many points with the wrong disparity. The most of
them, as expected, are in the area without any local features (textures, symbols etc.).

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V A Fursov, Ye V Goshin and K G Pugachev

    Figure 2b shows a disparity map obtained after several iterations of single, double and triple error’s
removal (Stage 2). Also, correction of big areas with errors was performed. We can see, that this
disparity map is still consists of many errors. Moreover, most of these points are contained in the areas
of the test images with a small value of gradient.

                             a)                                                         b)
                                              a) left image; b) right image
                                                Figure 1. Test images.

                         a)                                                  b)
           a) Obtained disparity map (first stage); b) Processed disparity map (second stage)
                                       Figure 2. Disparity maps.

   Figure 3a shows disparity map obtained using our error correction algorithm, which is described in
Section 3. To compare the obtained results with the other methods and algorithms, we have
constructed a disparity map using semi-global block matching method [26]. We have used the
implementation of this method from OpenCV library [27] with parameters:
   1) minDisparity=0;
   2) numberOfDisparities=80;
   3) SADWindowSize=5;
   4) disp12MaxDiff=1;
   5) preFilterCap=31;
   6) uniquenessRatio=5;
   7) speckleWindowSize=5;
   8) speckleRange=5.
   Disparity map obtained by semi-global block matching is shown at Figure 3b. Figure 3c shows the
ground-truth disparity map. It can be seen that semi-global matching smooth errors. However, this
method also smooths edges of objects.

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                              a)                                                         b)

      a) Filtered disparity map (fourth stage); b) Disparity map, obtained using Semi-Global Block
                                 Matching; c) Ground-truth disparity map
                                        Figure 3. Disparity maps.
   Accuracy comparison for semi-global matching method and our performed technology was
performed. For both methods an error of image matching was calculated using the formula:

                                                          1 N ,M 1
                                                                            2
                                                         NM i , j 1 I i , j I i , j

   Calculation was performed for points, where disparity value is known. So, for our proposed method
error value is 5,22 before processing. After processing error value became 3,98. For semi-global
matching error value is equal to 4,00. We can see that proposed method of error correction can
significantly reduce the number of errors in the disparity map.

6. Conclusion
A new method and algorithm of error correction on the areas with low value of pixel intensity gradient
are proposed. The important feature is that an algorithm allows removing only point with the wrong
disparity value. The other points of fragment are not affected. This feature is very useful for disparity
maps formation, which affects the three-dimensional models calculation of coordinates. The
constructed technology, including this algorithm, has a high accuracy.

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The work was funded by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science (project #
2.891.2017) and RFBR (projects # 17-29-03112).

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