Research and analysis of messages of users of social networks using BigData technology I A Rytsarev1,2, A V Kupriyanov1,2, D V Kirsh1,2 and R A Paringer1,2 1 Samara National Research University, Moskovskoe Shosse 34А, Samara, Russia, 443086 2 Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS, Molodogvardejskaya street 151, Samara, Russia, 443001 e-mail: Abstract. In this paper is dedicated to the World Cup held in the city of Samara from June 15 to July 15, 2018. As part of the work, a multithreaded collection in real time was organized, filtering and processing messages from users of the social network Twitter within the host city and its surroundings from May 15 to August 15, 2018. Then, a study was conducted of the texts of user messages on the subject of the popularity of topics and the construction of a “word cloud”. The second study was the construction of a diagram of the dynamics of the number of messages in different languages. As part of the work, modules for collecting, filtering and processing data using BigData technology were implemented. 1. Introduction Currently, social networks are booming: every day their users generate hundreds of terabytes of media content: images and video. The analysis of such content is of great importance for many areas of business. For example, it is impossible to overestimate the impact of Internet marketing on the promotion of goods and services. However, clear understanding of user requests is essential to use these mechanisms effectively. The source of such information can be the materials published by users of social networks, as well as the shares and reposts by users and the entire communities. But in the period of any major events the population of online communities can vary greatly. In this paper, a comparison is made between the flow of messages before the World Cup, during and after it. The task considered in the framework of this work is undoubtedly an urgent task, the solution of which is also of great scientific importance in the field of data analysis. In the article [1], a large dataset of geotagged tweets containing certain keywords relating to climate change is analyzed using volume analysis and text mining techniques such as topic modeling and sentiment analysis. In the article [2], the local and global term frequencies are computed through a bag-of-words (BOW) model. To remove the negative impact of high dimensionality on the global term weighting, the principal component analysis is adopted; thereafter the fuzzy c-means algorithm is employed to retrieve the semantically relevant topics from the documents. In the article [3], examine the long-term relationship between signals derived from nine years of unstructured social media microblog text data and financial market developments in five major economic regions. Employing statistical language modeling techniques we construct directional sentiment metrics. In the article [4], the authors propose a V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) Data Science I A Rytsarev, A V Kupriyanov, D V Kirsh and R A Paringer background clustering technology for discussion. Compared with the traditional methods, background future clustering keeps the constrains caused by data sparseness and spatio-temporal dependence off, and can be used for unpredictable activities discovery.In the article [5], the method of applying cross- references was considered to improve the accuracy of providing dictionaries in the task of calculating distributions between social communities based on text messages. In the article [6], the technology of processing large-scale text data on data collected from a social network was tested. The article [7] proposed a mathematical model for calculating the activity of users of social networks. Article [8] proposed a technology for normalizing text data. To capture the contextual meaning of tokens, authors create a neural word embeddings using word2vec trained on over a million social media messages representing a mix of domains and degrees of linguistic deviations. 2. Social network data collection The Twitter social network was selected as a data source for this study. The reasons for this choice are as follows: • the network provides open access to its data (no restrictions on accessing the server data); • Twitter is the second most popular social network (after Facebook, which does not provide open access to its data) among users all over the world; • Twitter is not a specialized network, which means it reflects the public opinion of a wider range of users [9]. The data collection from the Twitter social network can be carried out using the software products Apache Ambari and Flume, this method is described in more detail in [10]. However, it is often more convenient to develop a dedicated software product using standard libraries (twitter4j, tweepy, etc.) to collect the data using a number of filters [11, 12]. As part of this study, a Python software package was developed, containing an authorization module, a data collection module, and a filtration module. This software package allows to collect data by geolocation, by keywords, by user. The Twitter social network has a restriction in the form of a message limit that a client can receive during real-time monitoring. According to the documentation, this limit is 60 messages per second (this is about 1% of the average rate of tweets). A network of computers located in different cities was set up and cloud services were involved in order to avoid interruptions in the operation of the software complex, and to minimize message loss. Multiple unique authorization keys have been implemented in each copy. The designed software complex operates in real-time monitoring mode, and can make requests to receive information located on servers. The geolocation filtering parameters were the coordinates of the city of Samara (the host city of the World Cup) in the form of an extended geobox (48.9700523344,52.7652295668, 50.7251182524,53.6648329274), which includes not only the city of Samara, but also the city of Togliatti (the training base of football players and the city where the tourists lived), airport Kurumoch and the settlements nearby the city of Samara. More than 1,200,000 user messages were collected during the operation of the distributed network of the software complex nodes. 3. Analysis of the collected data using the BigData technology The merging of the collected data, data processing and analysis using traditional approaches requires huge computational resources and takes a long time. For this reason, it was decided to use the BigData technology and the computing cluster for processing extra-large data available at the Samara University. First of all, the data collected had to be merged. For this purpose, a data merging module was implemented using MapReduce technology. As a result of the module operation, we received more than 170,000 unique user messages. The second task was the primary data processing. Streaming data obtained from social networks contains a lot of service information. Only the relevant data is important for further analysis; therefore, it is necessary to separate the service information from the relevant data. For this purpose, a json- response processing module has been implemented. This module uses the MapReduce technology for data structuring by way of arranging the data and excluding non-relevant and service data. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 505 Data Science I A Rytsarev, A V Kupriyanov, D V Kirsh and R A Paringer The third task was to analyze the data collected. The first study was the construction of a “tag cloud” for each of the three months separately. The results of the study are provided in Fig. 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Figure 1. “Tag Cloud” for the period 15.05-14.06, 2018. Figure 2. “Tag Cloud” for the period 15.06-14.07, 2018 Figure 3. “Tag Cloud” for the period 15.07-14.08, 2018. 0,2 0,1 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 English Spanish Ukrainian Portuguese Turkish Indonesian French Arabic Bengali Japanese Figure 4. Distribution of messages by language for the period 11.06-22.07.2018. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 506 Data Science I A Rytsarev, A V Kupriyanov, D V Kirsh and R A Paringer 0,08 0,07 Count of posts per day, % 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 Date Figure 5. The distribution of the count of messages by day for the period 11.06-24.07 2018. Figure 6. World Cup World Cup schedule 2018. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 507 Data Science I A Rytsarev, A V Kupriyanov, D V Kirsh and R A Paringer It can be seen in Figures 1, 2 and 3, that the filling of the “clouds” changed dramatically with the beginning of the World Cup in the Samara Region. Taking into account the results of the previous study, the decision was taken to look at the dynamics of changes in the number of messages in different languages in the next study. The analysis of the language of writing a message was carried out on the basis of data provided by the Twitter social network in json-response. A 7-day period was selected as an analysis period. The results are provided in Fig. 4. As it can be seen from Fig. 4, the number of messages in the languages other than Russian varied in accordance with the football games held in the city of Samara. It started to increase a week before the beginning of the tournament, then the number of messages remained at the same level throughout the tournament and then dropped to the values close to zero due to the departure of delegations. Additionally, we construct a graph of user activity by day (Figure 5) and relate it to the schedule of games (Figure 6). As can be seen on the graph, the peak of user activity fell on the days of the games at the Samara Arena stadium. On the days of the games at other stadiums, user activity was lower than on the days of matches in Samara. On the other days, the activity did not exceed 0.01 percent (the exception was the match days for the third place and the final). The peak of activity came on 07.07.18 when the matches at the Samara Arena and Russia - Croatia took place. After the end of the World Cup, user activity has declined sharply. 4. Conclusion In this paper, a study was conducted of the activity of the users of the social network Twitter of the Samara region, as well as the activity of the guests of the 2018 World Cup who came to support the national teams in the city of Samara. The study showed that a major event can drastically change the main subjects of messages and dictionaries of frequently used words in social networks. From this it follows that when analyzing social network data in the period of any major events, it is necessary to apply methods of reactive data analysis, as well as take into account user profile information for correct data processing (collect separate statistics, since it will be completely different from statistical data which was collected before the event). 5. 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