=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2416/paper65 |storemode=property |title=Optimization of the process of 3D visualization of the model of urban environment objects generated on the basis of the attributive information from a digital map |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper65.pdf |volume=Vol-2416 |authors=Mikhail Osipov,Oleg Chekodaev }} ==Optimization of the process of 3D visualization of the model of urban environment objects generated on the basis of the attributive information from a digital map == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2416/paper65.pdf
Optimization of the process of 3D visualization of the model of
urban environment objects generated on the basis of the
attributive information from a digital map

                M P Osipov1, O A Chekodaev1

                e-mail: osipovmp@mail.ru

                National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Prospekt Gagarina, 23,
                Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603950

                Abstract. The paper presents methods for optimizing the process of visualization of the urban
                environment model based on the characteristics of its presentation. Various approaches are
                described which provide a reduction in computational complexity in visualizing three-
                dimensional models that can optimize the display of their geometry and the amount of video
                memory used. Methods are considered that allow optimizing both the scene as a whole and its
                individual components.

1. Introduction
The visualization of the urban environment model is widely used to solve various problems in such
areas as construction, urban management, education, culture, etc. [1-3]. Three-dimensional
visualization allows users to perceive information in a spatial form that is familiar to them. Its analysis
does not require any special technical knowledge, so decision-making on the basis of the information
thus provided is much faster and easier. The most complete information about the object, which allows
the immersion into the model space, is provided by real-time visualization that imposes significant
time constraints on the process of scene rendering.

2. Problem statement
The process of urban environment model visualization is a computationally complex task. In [4], a
method for automatic generation of three-dimensional models of objects in the urban environment
using attributive information from a digital map is described. To render the surface of extended areas
of terrain with highly detailed objects, an enormous number of polygons is required. Therefore, the
need arises to use special algorithms that optimize the 3D representation of the urban environment
   The aim of this paper is to analyze the existing methods for optimizing the process of 3D
visualization, to choose some more efficient approaches and to adapt them to the specifics of the
rendering of a three-dimensional urban environment model.

                    V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019)
Data Science
M P Osipov, O A Chekodaev

3. Methods for optimizing the process of 3D visualization of the urban environment model
The urban environment model (Figure 1) includes a digital terrain model and models of urban
environment objects.

                            Figure 1. 3D visualization of the urban environment model.

3.1 Visualization of the digital terrain model

3.1.1 Geometry optimization
The process of displaying a terrain model, which is a highly detailed description of an extended terrain
surface, is a computationally complex element in visualizing an urban environment model. Displaying
on the screen the entire terrain model at once will result in a noticeable loss of performance. At the
same time, when forming a frame, most of the model will be out of sight. Therefore, it is necessary to
develop algorithms that will cut off the data that in any case will not be displayed on the screen,
thereby optimizing the visualization process. The surface in the background, due to its remoteness,
does not require high detail. Therefore, the visualization algorithm should dynamically change the
level of the model detail, depending on the distance from the observer.
    The digital model of the urban environment is built on the basis of the elevation information
(horizontals, elevation marks, etc.) contained in the digital map. Since the elevation information is an
irregular point cloud, the surface is approximated by means of irregular triangulation (TIN).
    The process of visualization of an irregular network of triangles is difficult to optimize, because,
unlike in the case of the regular representation, it is difficult to parallelize this process on
multiprocessor architectures. Therefore, conversion from an irregular to a regular structure is
    Optimizing the process of a terrain model visualization often consists in producing a tree structure
from surface areas that have varying degrees of detail. Each link in the tree approximates a certain part
of the surface. The descendants of this link break the area into parts and approximate them with
greater accuracy. The process continues up to a given limit of approximation accuracy. All
hierarchical algorithms are similar in terms of their principle of operation and differ mainly by the
types of entities chosen as links. In particular, the ROAM algorithm [5] implies a binary tree of
triangles, the QuadTree [6], a quad-tree of squares, the Chunked LOD [7], a quad-tree of rectangular
patches, which are separate triangular grids, etc. [5]. When visualizing, such structures can be used to
quite effectively cut off the areas invisible to the observer and to remove unnecessary details in the
distant parts of the terrain model. The main disadvantage of such hierarchies is the presence of
recursiveness and complexity of their transfer to the GPU. Besides, considerable time is required to
form the structure of the hierarchical algorithms.
    The Displacement Mapping technique [8] allows transferring the model optimization problem to a
graphics processor. Unlike hierarchical methods, Displacement Mapping, when using hardware

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M P Osipov, O A Chekodaev

tessellation, performs all calculations on the GPU, with a minimal load on the central processor. The
time required to prepare data is also significantly reduced. Therefore, the process of visualization of
extended urban terrain models was optimized using Displacement Mapping methods with hardware
tessellation (Figure 2).

        Figure 2. Visualization of a digital terrain model using Displacement Mapping methods.

3.1.2 Material optimization
The underlying surface characterizes the features of the upper part of the earth crust. In the urban
environment, objects that denote paved areas, green areas, squares, courtyards, etc., can act as the
underlying surface. These objects completely repeat the geometric features of the terrain, so it is
reasonable to represent them as part of the digital terrain model rather than as a separate object and to
designate them using an appropriate texture.

  a)                                                    b)
              Figure 3. A fragment of a digital map (a) and a mask (b) compiled from its data.

   To render highly detailed information about the underlying surface of an extended terrain, a super-
large texture are required. The information about the elements of the underlying surface is stored in
the digital map as a set of characteristics describing these elements. All elements of the underlying
surface are categorized into types and their color at each point of the surface can be formed at the
moment of visualization. For this purpose, an algorithm was developed that forms a mask in advance,
based on the information of the digital map. The mask is in the form of a graphic file with dimensions
multiple to the size of the digital map (Figure 3).

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M P Osipov, O A Chekodaev

 Figure 4. A 3D scene of the urban environment with the underlying surface formed using the mask
                                          from Figure 3.
   Each pixel of the mask covers a specific area of the terrain and contains information about the type
of coating of the underlying surface in the corresponding area. The information about the texture of a
certain type of the underlying surface is stored in the texture atlas as a set of tiles. Thus, the color at
each point of the underlying surface can be calculated at the stage of visualization in the fragment
shader based on the information of the mask map and texture atlas (Figure 4). Based on this principle,
an algorithm was developed for texturing the underlying surface, which makes it possible to avoid
producing the texture of the entire underlying surface in advance and to achieve significant memory

3.2 Visualization of urban environment objects

3.2.1 Geometry optimization
When rendering a model of the urban environment, the visualization of buildings, vegetation, small
architectural forms, etc., accounts for the greatest computational load. Optimizing the process of
visualization of such objects consists in cutting off the data that are outside the field of vision (Figure
5). By means of tree-like segmentation of the scene, it is possible to cut off such data more efficiently.
As part of our research, segmentation algorithms based on octrees, R-trees and Priority R-tree (a
hybrid between a k-dimensional tree and an R-tree) have been implemented [9]. It was established
experimentally that segmentation of a scene based on an Priority R-tree is most suitable for urban
objects. Based on the nature of the location of objects in the urban environment, optimal segmentation
parameters were selected.

Figure 5. Cutting off 3D scene objects out of the field of vision by using scene segmentation based on
                                              an R-tree.

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M P Osipov, O A Chekodaev

    When rendering the urban environment, a significant part of the objects will fall within the field
of the camera vision (viewing frustum), but will not be seen during visualization, since it will be
completely obscured by other objects. The technology based on coherent hierarchical culling [10], by
analyzing the previous frame, efficiently cuts off the "obscured" objects that will not be processed in
the course of visualization. In combination with scene trees, this provides a very effective way of
clipping - the scene is traversed hierarchically. Internal nodes contain objects and other nodes, which
makes it possible to check for visibility and cut off a large number of objects at once.

                      Figure 6. The process of grouping objects using the same material.

   Objects in the background, due to their remoteness, do not require high detail [11]. The possibility
of associating various levels of model detail with one object was implemented. Thus, if there are
several models of one object with different degrees of detail, the level of detail of the group of objects
being visualized in the scene node will depend on the distance between the observer and this node.

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M P Osipov, O A Chekodaev

   The generated model of the urban environment is characterized by a large number of identical
objects. Such objects may include vegetation (trees, bushes) and objects of small architectural forms
(kiosks, stalls, benches, street lights, etc.). To visualize a large number of such repeating objects in leaf
nodes, the Geometry Instancing [10] technology was used, which allowed visualizing multiple copies
of the object in one drawing cycle. This approach reduces the exchange of information between the
CPU and the GPU, thereby significantly increasing the speed of visualization of a large number of
identical objects without loss of quality.

3.2.2 Materials optimization
The principle of generating a model of the urban environment based on the attributive information
from a digital map implies the creation of objects of the same type that have different geometric
representations, but are characterized by the same type of surface material. An example of such
objects are buildings and structures. In order to reduce the number of accesses to the graphics
processor, an algorithm is implemented that grouping objects using the same material. The process is
divided into three stages. First, at the data preparation stage, it is monitored to ensure that materials
and textures are not duplicated in memory. Then a scene tree is formed. At the end of this process, the
leaf nodes of the tree will contain scene objects. After the formation of a scene tree, in each of its leaf,
objects with the same material are merged. Thus, in each leaf of a tree, one material corresponds to a
maximum of one object. Next, the objects contained in the leaf are sorted by materials, so that the i
object of the leaf corresponds to the i material. Before the formation of each frame in the process of
visualization, a walk through the scene tree is performed. During this process, a list of leaf nodes that
fall into scope is formed. Thus, using established correspondences, for each material, a set of objects
ready for drawing in the current frame is established. The resulting structure allows direct access to
objects using the current material. The general scheme of grouping by materials is presented in the
figure 6.
    The process of combining involves the objects that have common material. Models of urban
environment objects often have a common type of surface material. The only difference is the color
map (for example, the texture of the building facades). Therefore, the textures of objects with the same
type of material are combined into one texture atlas [12]. Thus, when visualizing an urban
environment model containing tens of thousands of buildings, the use of the proposed three-stage
material optimization algorithm reduces the number of unique materials to just several dozen.

4. Low-level optimization
At the moment, GPU has overtaken CPU in terms of performance, and the performance growth rate
continues to increase. Therefore, it is reasonable to move the computational load of the visualization
process to the GPU and to minimize the amount of data transferred between the CPU and the GPU,
since this data transfer is a real bottleneck in the system performance. In the framework of the
OpenGL (DirectX) specification, manufacturers of video adapters provide ample opportunities for the
effective use of the equipment’s potential for 3D visualization.
   In particular, in the process of visualization of the urban environment model, VertexBufferObjects
(VBO), IndexBufferObject (IBO), VertexArrayObject (VAO) technologies were used to upload the
geometry of the urban environment model to the video device; hardware texture compression was used
to speed up the loading of textures to video memory; triple buffering, for avoiding excessive
synchronization of the CPU and GPU; MultiDrawIndirect, for reducing the number of accesses from
CPU to GPU; programmable pipeline, Uniform Buffer (UBO), Shader Storage Buffer (SSBO) were
used to generate the underlying surface, etc. [13]. The use of low-level optimization in the proposed
optimization algorithms is presented in the figure 7.

5. Conclusions
The paper presents some methods and algorithms for optimizing the process of visualization that have
been modified, taking into account the specific features of the urban environment model. These
methods and algorithms have been implemented in software. This approach has significantly
optimized the process of visualization of the urban environment model. Experimental studies have

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shown that the use of the proposed optimization algorithms provides on the average a tenfold increase
in the performance of the visualization model of urban environment objects. The tests were conducted
on a scene containing 10000 objects with a total of 7000000 triangles.. The performance was 4-6
frames per second (fps) before applying all optimizations, 56-64 fps - after. Technical characteristics
of the test bench: AMD fx-6300 processor 3.5GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti video card 4 GB,
12 Gb DDR3 RAM.

  Figure 7. Methods for optimizing the process of 3D visualization of the urban environment model.

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This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 16-11-00068.

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