Intrusion detection system on the basis of data mining algorithms in the industrial network M A Gurin1, A M Vulfin1, V I Vasilyev1 and A V Nikonov1 1 Ufa State Aviation Technical University, K. Marks st., 12, Ufa, Russia, 450008 e-mail:, Abstract. The purpose of the work is to increase the security of the industrial network of an automated process control system based on intelligent network traffic analysis algorithms. The analysis of the problem of detecting and recording actions of violators on the implementation of a network attack on an automated process control system in the industrial network of an enterprise has been performed. A structural and functional model of the monitoring system of the industrial network of industrial control systems is proposed. An algorithm is developed for the intellectual analysis of network traffic of industrial protocols and a software package that implements the proposed algorithms as part of a monitoring system to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution on field data. 1. Introduction Security of the critical infrastructure of automated process control system (APCS) [1] under the conditions of the automation level of modern production in the Russian Federation and around the world is becoming an increasingly priority task. The imperfection of the protection and vulnerability of modern SCADA-systems (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems) is due to a number of features of the organization of such systems [2]. Special viruses and target attacks, sponsored by terrorist groups or governments of competing countries, increasingly began to target at the industrial production facilities [3, 4, 5]. The Internet of things gradually comes to the enterprises networks, expanding the already extensive list of industrial protocols and forming the concept of an industrial Internet of things (IIoT) [4, 5]. The means to ensure the information security of process control systems at this stage of their development are not able to withstand such threats [6, 7]. Today, there is a transition to automated digital production, controlled by intelligent systems in real time, in constant interaction with the external environment, going beyond the boundaries of one enterprise, with the prospect of combining into a global industrial network of things and services. This approach is developed in the concept of “Industry 4.0” and describes the current trend in the development of automation and data exchange, which includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things and cloud computing [8, 9, 10]. There are many advantages of using wireless sensor networks (WSN, Wireless sensor network) as an environment for wireless interaction of digital objects within the industrial Internet of things network in various automated systems [11]. Network security is becoming one of the main directions in the development of information security through the use of a set of technical means [3]. Since any computer process control system V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov can be attacked, which usually results in serious technical, reputation and economic losses, it is necessary to timely detect both known and previously unknown attacks in industrial networks. Attacks of malicious persons are constantly improving, becoming combined and spread almost instantly. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) implement monitoring functions and detect attacks that have bypassed the firewall. IDS informs the administrator, who, in turn, takes a further decision on the response to the attack [12]. Thus, it can be concluded that the network attacks detection systems based on the use of artificial intelligence methods as a key element of ensuring cybersecurity of the critical infrastructure [13, 14, 15] of the APCS in the concept of the development of the digital economy are of relevance and need to be improved. The research goal is to increase the effectiveness of network attack detection system by using a neural network analysis module as part of the IDS. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: • Analysis of the problem of detecting network attacks in industrial networks APCS. • Development of the structure of the system for monitoring the industrial network of APCS; • Development of algorithms for intellectual analysis of network traffic of industrial networks; Development of a software package that implements the proposed algorithms as part of a monitoring system, and an assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed solution on full-scale data. 2. Analysis of the problem of detecting network attacks in industrial networks The process of automation of industrial production continues to evolve: the number of “intelligent” terminal devices is increasing, the number of microcontroller-based computing systems involved in the process control and process control is growing. Under these conditions, the role of data collected at all levels of the process control system significantly increases. Requirements imposed by consumers of this information are increasingly being tightened in terms of the volume, speed and reliability of data acquisition, as well as information security of the entire system [5]. In turn, increasing degree of automation of the enterprise functioning promoted the mutual integration of information (IT) and so- called operational (OT) technologies [7]. An industrial network is a data transmission environment that must meet a variety of diverse, often contradictory requirements; a set of standard data exchange protocols that allow to link equipment together (often from different manufacturers), and also to ensure interaction between the lower and upper levels of the enterprise management system. In IIoT, the main types of “things” that need to be connected to the network are various types of sensors and actuators. These devices, on the one hand, have an interface with a communication network, and on the other hand, an interface that provides physical interaction with the process to be monitored (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, cellular networks, Sigfox, LoRa, ZigBee, etc.). Not so long ago, the hierarchy of the APCS had a clear boundary between the levels. The trends of recent years have made this structure much more complex and diffuse. The automated process control system is more and more integrated with the automated control system, and through it inevitably enters the sphere of Internet technologies. Unification of the corporate and industrial network of an enterprise inevitably poses a serious problem of information security of the industrial network of industrial control systems. The traditional process control system is a real-time system. To ensure error-free process control, continuous process operation monitoring is necessary [16]. If IT security methods are applied in the process control system, in the event of possible data comprometation, the security system may limit access to this data. This, in turn, can lead to loss of control over the TP and man-made or environmental catastrophe (in critical infrastructure, petrochemical industry and other industries). Therefore, in relation to industrial control systems, the inverse distribution of the significance of safety aspects is widely used [16, 17]: • availability; • integrity; • confidentiality. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 554 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov The following main threats to the security of an industrial network can be identified [16, 17]: • Traditional virus software (malware); • Targeted attacks; • Unintentional staff errors; • Suppliers of equipment and software, partners, contractors; • extortion programs; • Internal and external sabotage; • Errors of specialized industrial control systems; • Failure of hardware. Summary information of the information security systems of automated process control systems shown in Table 1. Table 1. Information security support systems in APCS. Positive Kaspersky Security Technologies Industrial Matters Industrial Honeywell Risk Product name CyberSecurity SilentDefense Security Incident Manager [17,18] [20,21] Manager (PT ISIM) [19] Meeting the requirements of + - + - regulators (FSTEC №31) Security audit + - + + Creating rules for the operation of + + + - technological processes Intgration with Human-Machine + - - - Interface (HMI) KICS for Sensors + Full distribution A single control Nodes, KICS Command center that collects System distribution for Networks, Center information from Security external monitoring Center and security systems Recommendations - - + + for elimination Uses a copy of Uses copy of Uses copy of Data collection network traffic network network traffic without intervention, Intervention in (SPAN / TAP), traffic (unidirectional integration with technological but contains an (SPAN-ports) gateway) intrusion prevention process intrusion system is possible prevention system Siemens Honeywell Experion Software developer (WinCC, certification for - - WinCC OA), APCS Emerson An example of the use of wireless sensor networks is the use of wireless sensor networks in electrical substations [22]. The compactness and autonomy of the sensor nodes make it possible to install them in hard-to-reach places without solving the tasks of organizing wired communication V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 555 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov channels for transmitting telemetric information such as: power flows in the power system, control of active and reactive power, frequency and voltage in certain areas to the control room. Due to the transition from wired to wireless network technologies to collect telemetry data, network security is determined not only by hardware and software solutions for industrial controllers and sensor nodes, but also by the chosen principles of their information interaction during the synthesis of network topology, determination of routing parameters and data transmission. A wireless sensor network [11] consists of many autonomous sensor nodes distributed in areas of the industrial system that are of interest for the collection of operational data and the joint transmission of collected data over wireless channels to a central node that is a node or base station (BS). Most information security threats in wireless networks are similar to threats and attacks on wired networks, except that wireless networks are harder to protect due to the use of an open medium as a data transmission channel and the broadcast nature of wireless connections. Network protection is complicated due to limited resources: the energy of an autonomous power source and computing resources. Such limiting characteristics make traditional security measures, for example, the use of complex encryption algorithms, multifactor authentication, firewalls, etc. [23] – not always sufficient. A significant factor is the time delay requirements for data transmission in the transport environment and closed protocols for the operation of the software and hardware of the APCS, which do not always allow the implementation of protection technologies using IPSec, SSL, VPN. The current trend in the development of the transport environment of industrial networks is the use of self-organizing wireless networks with equal rights of nodes, a dynamically changing topology, the possibility of reconfiguration, self-healing, dynamic routing, etc. The classification of attacks on wireless sensor networks in the direction of impact is given in [24, 25, 26]. Active attacks are various modifications of data during communication by unauthorized persons. Of most interest are routing attacks implemented at the network level. The most common attacks are presented in [11]. Wireless Intrusion Detection System – WIDS [27, 28, 29] is a software and hardware solution that includes software agents that perform the function of collecting, processing and analyzing network traffic packets. Agents interact with the server, transmit intercepted packets to it. The server processes the received data to detect attack signatures and detect abnormal behavior of network nodes, and also responds to events. 3. Network attack detection methods There are two groups of methods: learning with a teacher (supervised) showed in Table 2, and uncontrolled learning (without a teacher) showed in Table 3 [30, 35, 36]. The essential difference between them is the fact that learning with a teacher uses a fixed sequence of assessment parameters and some data on the meaning of assessment parameters. In learning without a teacher, the set of assessment parameters changes and the process of further training is continuous. Table 4 describes supervised learning methods for intrusion detections. Table 2. Network attack detection: supervised learning [30]. Method Description Rule modeling Intrusion detection system during training determines a set of rules for normal network behavior. During the operation process, an IDS applies this set of rules and, if it does not match, generates an intrusion detection signal. Descriptive The system determines the “distance” between the actual vectors of indicators and statistics vectors collected during the training stage. If the distance between the vectors exceeds a certain threshold, the behavior is considered abnormal. Neural networks The neural network is trained on data describing the normal functioning of the system. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 556 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov Table 3. Network attack detection: learning without a teacher [30]. Method Description Simulation of Network behavior is described by a set of states and transitions between them. multiple states States are described by feature vectors. Descriptive The system determines the “distance” between the actual vectors of indicators and statistics vectors collected during the training stage. If the distance between the vectors exceeds a certain threshold, the behavior is considered abnormal. Table 4. Abuse detection: supervised learning [30]. Method Description States modelling An intrusion is represented as a set of states and transitions between them. States are described by feature vectors. Such systems use Petri nets tools or ordinary chains of events. Expert systems Intrusions are represented as a set of rules. Rules modelling Simplified expert systems. Parsing The intrusion detection system performs parsing to detect a specific combination of characters. 4. Development of the structure of the system for monitoring the industrial network of APCS Figure 1 shows network structure of an enterprise with tools for collecting and analyzing network traffic of a network intrusion detection system (IDS). The structure of the network attack detection system based on data mining is shown in the Figure 2. At the first stage, network traffic is captured. In Figure 1, the numbers indicate the following components: 1 is a router as a means of collecting incoming / outgoing network traffic, 2 is a router as a means of collecting traffic within the enterprise network. The collection of necessary data is performed using the package sniffer. Internet DB 1 DMZ Department WEB Application network services server ERP/MES 2 IPS/IDS level DMZ Department DB and data network collection AD File Server LAN of control level SCADA/ SCADA/ SCADA/ HMI DCS HMI HMI DCS DCS Control level OPC-client OPC-client OPC-client Industrial network Field level PLC PLC PLC PLC Sensors and actuators Figure 1. The structure of the enterprise network in which information is collected. The second stage identifies the most significant parameters that characterize network activity. V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 557 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov At the third stage, detection and classification of attacks is carried out. The results of this recognition are transmitted to related systems for reporting and visualization, depending on the capabilities and specifics of adjacent systems. In addition, information about the attack on the APCS is added to a special archive designed to investigate cybersecurity incidents by authorized specialists and managers. 5. Development of algorithms for intellectual analysis of network traffic of industrial networks An effective network attack detection system based on artificial intelligence methods can be built only with a high-quality dataset of training and test samples that simulates various intrusions. KDDCUP99 – intrusion detection dataset based on the data set DARPA 98, is one of the only publicly available labeled data set [31]. Dataset NSL-KDD proposed to improve KDD dataset. This dataset has the following advantages over the KDD dataset: • it does not include redundant entries in the training set, therefore classifiers will not be retrained due to the frequency of such entries; • there are no duplicate entries in the proposed test suites; • number of records in the training and test sets is optimal, which makes it possible to conduct experiments on the full set. Each entry has 41 attributes describing the various functions of the connection, and the label assigned to each of them: attack or normal connection. Dataset UNSW-NB15 [32] contains data of normal traffic in modern networks and network traffic of synthesized networks. Internet Signature analysis Gateway for capturing Module for system incoming network traffic extracting extracted Signature signatures by the signatures analysis module Local computing protocols of OSI Aatack network model levels signatures TCP/IP stack packets network traffic capture marked with attack type decrypted TCP/IP stack node hierarchy protocol packets Module for collecting and primary filtering of network traffic data for network traffic (forming parser according additional a dump of a captured to the protocols of training Module for identifying set of Ethernet frames) OSI model levels of the NN module primary (extraction and characteristics of decoding packets typical traffic patterns of higher levels Neural network module Dump of analyzed protocols) traffic decrypted TCP/IP primary signs of marked traffic stack hierarchy protocol packets for correlation with the Module for identifying dump of accumulated significant features Ethernet traffic database of using PCA network attacks signs Primary component vector Neural network clasifier Decision about the presence and type of Output NN vector attack Conditional Class probability of attack of n-class attack Figure 2. Structural scheme of the network attack detection system. Each entry in this set contains attributes that describe the various functions of the connection, and the label assigned to each of them: attack or normal connection [32]. The comparative table (Table 5) of the NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 methods is shown below: V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 558 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov Table 5. Comparative table of the NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 methods. № Parameters NSL-KDD UNSW-NB15 1 Number of networks 2 33 2 Number of different IP addresses 11 45 3 Traffic simulation Yes Yes 4 Duration of data collection 5 weeks 16 days 15 hours 3 types (tcpdump, 5 Format of data collected PCAP-files BSM and dump-files) 6 Attack classes 4 9 Argus, 7 Feature Extraction Tools Bro-IDS Bro-IDS and etc. 8 Number of attributes in the record 42 49 Table 6. Network attack methods comparison. Attack Description Implementation Features Method of combating Type Buffer Search for vulnerabilities 1. Preparation of code to be • Adjustment of the source overflows that can violate the memory executed in the context of a code of the program. boundaries, execute an privileged program. • The use of non-executable arbitrary binary code on 2. Changing the sequence of buffers. behalf of an authorized user program execution with • The use of checks overstep transfer of control to the the border. prepared code. • Conduct integrity checks. Specialized Viruses, Trojan horse, The hidden nature of the • Anti-virus tools and regular programs sniffer, rootkit functioning in the system, updating of their signatures; data collection, avalanche • Encryption; dissemination • Antisniffera; • Firewalls; • Anti-rootkits [4]. Network Collect network information Network intelligence is • Disable ICMP echo and intelligence using publicly available conducted in the form of DNS echo reply on peripheral data and attack planning queries, ping sweep, and port routers. applications. scanning • The use of intrusion detection systems (IDS). IP- spoofing The attacker impersonating Insert false information or • Access control an authorized user of the malicious commands into the • The use of cryptographic system normal data stream authentication. Injections SQL injection, crossite Changing the query • Rules for building SQL scripting (XSS attack), parameters to the database, queries; XPath injection. embedding arbitrary code in • Encoding data and control the web page. characters; • Regular update. Denial of Creating conditions under Keeping all connections in • Anti-spoofing functions. Service which legitimate users busy state. During DoS • Anti-DoS features. (DoS) cannot access the system. attacks, normal Internet • The use of network attack protocols (TCP and ICMP) detection systems. can be used. Phishing- Cheating or social Using spam-mailing via e- • The use of proven attacks development of enterprise mail or instant messengers, resources; employees to steal their the use of computer-bots, • Antivirus tools and identity and transfer them methods of social signature database updates; for criminal use. engineering. • Education and training of staff. Dataset UNSW-NB15 is selected for use in the system: • number of classes of attacks is more than 2 times; • test stand contained 33 subnets (NSL-KDD – 2 subnets); V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 559 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov • when collecting traffic on the network, 45 IP addresses participated in the exchange of information against 11 in NSL-KDD; • traffic was collected by several means (in NSL-KDD - Bro-IDS); • UNSW-NB15 set contains more attributes for the record (49 vs. 42 in NSL-KDD). At the moment, in relation to industrial networks the following types of network attacks can be distinguished (Table 6). Of all types of attacks implemented in the industrial network, network attack detection systems are able to most effectively cope with network intelligence, DoS attacks, as well as various types of injections and buffer overflow attacks. IDS is a practically universal tool capable of detecting most types of attacks implemented on an industrial network. Main steps of the network traffic analysis algorithm in the industrial network are presented in the Table 7. Table 7. Characteristics and tools for analysis. Analysis stage Characteristics and tools used Extract traffic To solve the problem of capturing traffic, it is proposed to use switches with port mirroring and connecting devices with the sniffer and packet analyzer installed. Feature selection When analyzing the main parameters of network traffic, one has to deal with an interconnected system of input parameters (factors). Not all of the factors studied are essentially interconnected, but separate groups of input parameters. A transition is needed to a set of independent parameters containing the necessary information about the variation or dispersion of the initial set of factors of the process under study [15]. It is proposed to use: • Principal Component Analysis, PCA; • Neural network autoencoder; • Neural network autoencoder on the basis of convolutional neural network. Classification In relation to the problem of classification of network traffic and network discovery it is proposed to use: • Artificial neural networks (multilayer perceptrons); • Decision Tree Ensemble; • Classifier k nearest neighbors (KNN). 6. Development of a software package that implements the proposed algorithms as part of a monitoring system Table 8 presents the parameters of two common data sets used to build and test network attack detection systems. The choice is made in favor of the UNSW-NB15 data set. Table 8. Dataset statistics. Analysis stage NSL-KDD UNSW-NB15 Duration of data collection 16 hours 15 hours Amount of threads 987,627 976,882 Number of bytes of packet sender 4,860,168,866 5,940,523,728 Number of bytes of packet recipient 44,743,560,943 44,303,195,509 Number of sender packets 41,168,425 41,129,810 Number of recipient packets 53,402,915 52,585,462 TCP 720,665 720,665 UDP 301,528 688,616 Protocol ICMP 150 374 Other 150 374 Normal 1,064,987 1,153,774 Label Attack 22,215 299,068 Unique Sender 40 41 adresses Recipient 44 45 V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 560 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov Figure 3. The structure of the experimental stand. Figure 4. Flow chart of network traffic analysis. When pre-processing the parameters of the selected data set UNSW-NB15, the attack classes containing less than 5000 examples are excluded from the training set (Table 9). Table 9. The attack classes. id Class name Number of records 1 DoS 16353 2 Exploits 44525 3 Fuzzers 24246 4 Generic 58871 5 Normal 93000 6 Reconnaissance 13987 V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 561 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov Categorical variables are coded into numeric ones. The entire data set is divided into a training and test sample in the ratio of 75% to 25%. In order to compare the effectiveness of the use the classifier for a specific task, it is necessary to compare the learning results of these classifiers on real data sets. To quantify the classifiers, the following coefficients are applied [34]: 1) False Positive Rate – FPR; 2) True Positive Rate – TPR; 3) Sensitivity; 4) Specificity; 5) Proportion of correctly recognized examples – Correct Rate. The sensitivity of the algorithm is equal to the proportion of false positive classifications FPR (a, X). Sen = FPR (a, X) A sensitive diagnostic test is called overdiagnosis – the maximum prevention of missing malicious code. Table 10. Classifier Parameters. Classifier Basic Parameters Decision Trees The maximum number of nodes in the decision tree is assumed to be 250. Committee (RFT) Multilayer The number of neurons in the hidden layer was selected during training to perceptron (MLP) achieve the minimum error on the test sample, the activation function of the hidden layer neurons is the hyperbolic tangent; The number of 5000 epochs of learning, the learning algorithm is conjugate gradients. Decision Trees Before the classification, features are selected by the method of principal Committee (RFT) + components. The maximum number of nodes of the decision tree is assumed to main component be 100. The results of the work of the “decision trees” method using feature method for feature selection by the principal component method on the test sample are presented in selection Table 12. The maximum number of nodes in the decision tree is assumed to be 250. The results of the “decision trees” method are presented in table 11. Classifier based on Parameter k was hit to achieve optimal error on the test sample. k-nearest neighbors 𝑘 ∈ [5; 100] Multilayer Before making a classification, features are selected using a two-layer neural perceptron + network autoencoder Autoencoder Table 11. Inaccuracy matrix for decision trees. С1 С2 С3 С4 С5 С6 23317 0 0 0 0 0 С1 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 2677 172 5 28 1 С2 0% 76.55% 1.52% 0.08% 0.68% 0.01% 0 711 10156 689 3410 239 С3 0% 20.33% 90.31% 11.43% 82.25% 1.65% 0 15 252 5256 68 23 С4 0% 0.43% 2.24% 87.21% 1.64% 0.16% 0 94 649 73 632 24 С5 0% 2.69% 5.77% 1.21% 15.24% 0.17% 0 0 17 4 8 14226 С6 0% 0% 0.15% 0.07% 0.19% 98.02% 23317 3497 11246 6027 4146 14513 Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% The specificity of the algorithm is calculated as follows: Spe = 1 – TPR (a, X) V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 562 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov A specific diagnostic test only diagnoses for certain traffic related to network attacks. In the course of the research, a series of experiments were carried out, the essence of which consists in determining the presence of an attack and attributing it to a specific class (Table 10). Table 12. Indicators of detection efficiency of the “decision trees” method depending on the number of components on the test sample. Number of 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 components Average proportion of correctly 0.695 0.725 0.755 0.764 0.771 0.776 0.805 0.811 recognized examples (correct rate) Scatter 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0 Dependence of the Correct Rate indicator on the number of main components is presented in Figure 5. A comparison of all methods is presented in table 13. The results given in the table are indicated with an accuracy of 0.01%. As can be seen from the summary table, in the course of the experiments, the best indicators of correctly recognized images were shown by the algorithms “decision trees” (89.67%) and the multilayer perceptron (89.06%). Sensitivity indicators for FitKNN, MLP and autocoder methods do not exceed 20%. Figure 5. Dependence of the Correct Rate indicator on the number of main components. Table 13. Comparative experimental results. Name of the indicator FitKNN RFT MLP Autocoder RFT+PCA Sensitivity 0.1746 0.9877 0.1356 0.0842 0.9168 Specificity 0.9776 0.9897 0.9888 0.9917 0.9335 Correct rate,% 86.24% 89.67% 89.06% 88.58% 81.10% When using the “decision trees” method together with the principal component method for decreasing the dimension, the indicators decrease (sensitivity - by 8%, specificity - by 6.6%, the proportion of correctly recognized examples - by 8.5%), and require more time and computational resources. 7. Conclusion During the research the following tasks were solved: 1) The main security threats and the types of intruders in the industrial network of the enterprise are considered. A comparative analysis of software systems to ensure the safety of automated V International Conference on "Information Technology and Nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019) 563 Data Science M A Gurin, A M Vulfin, V I Vasilyev and A V Nikonov process control systems was conducted: Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity, Silent Defense, PT Industrial Security Incidents Manager, Honeywell Risk Manager. 2) A structural scheme of a network attack detection system based on data mining techniques has been developed. 3) Analyzed the data sets of network traffic, suitable for modeling the traffic of the industrial network of enterprises: KDD99 CUP, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15 for the task of detecting network attacks. The UNSW-NB15 set is selected for use in the system, since the number of attack classes is twice as large; test stand contained 33 subnets (NSL-KDD – 2 subnets); in collecting traffic on the network, 45 IP addresses participated in the exchange of information against 11 in NSL-KDD; traffic collection was carried out by several means (in NSL-KDD – Bro-IDS); the UNSW-NB15 set contains more attributes in the record (49 vs. 42 in NSL- KDD). 4) A software package has been developed that implements a comparative analysis of network attack detection algorithms. The most effective is the “decision trees” method with sensitivity indicators Sen = 1, specificity Spe = 0.9877, and the mean correct rate MCR = 89.67%. 8. 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