=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2417/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Data Processing: Reflections on Ethics |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2417/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2417 |authors=Donatella Firmani,Letizia Tanca,Riccardo Torlone |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/caise/FirmaniTT19 }} ==Data Processing: Reflections on Ethics== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2417/paper2.pdf
          Data Processing: Reflections on Ethics

            Donatella Firmani1 , Letizia Tanca2 , and Riccardo Torlone1
                          Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
               {donatella.firmani, riccardo.torlone}@uniroma3.it
                          Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

        Abstract. Ethics-related aspects are becoming prominent in data man-
        agement, thus the current processes for searching, querying, or analyzing
        data should be designed is such a way as to take into account the social
        problems their outcomes could bring about. In this paper we provide
        reflections on the unavoidable ethical facets entailed by all the steps of
        the information life-cycle, including source selection, knowledge extrac-
        tion, data integration and data analysis. Such reflections motivated us
        to organize the First International Workshop on Processing Information
        Ethically (PIE).

1     Introduction

Information management naturally involves ethical concerns about how data can
be used or misused, posing new challenges to researchers and practitioners across
the whole spectrum of information systems. Data is the bridge between stark
hardware and people, thus the data produced by any information system cannot
convey the appropriate knowledge if humans do not give it semantics. Today, it is
widely accepted that a decent system must manage data in a truthful, accurate
and secure way, hence the satisfaction of ethical requirements is fundamental in
modern applications.
    In this paper we discuss the role of the most common ethical requirements
of any information system – namely fairness, transparency, diversity and data
protection – and provide reflections and open problems related to how each of
them can be considered in the following phases of the information life-cycle [17]:

1. source selection, i.e., identifying the datasets, or data sources, containing
   the data of interest,
2. data integration, namely, extracting and integrating those data in order to
   produce a unique dataset, and
3. information extraction, that is, applying the information extractions tools,
   from a basic query up to a sophisticated machine learning method, to pro-
   duce knowledge.

    PIE 2019, June 4, 2019, Rome, Italy. Copyright held by the author(s).
2         Donatella Firmani, Letizia Tanca, and Riccardo Torlone

    Specifically, we discuss how each of these steps may imply ethically relevant
choices, advocate the ethics by design in the information life-cycle, and discuss
related goals and challenges. We also reason on how a goal might be interdepen-
dent with another one.

2      Ethical Requirements
We first briefly review the above-mentioned ethical principles.

    – Fairness of data is defined as the lack of bias, and different notions of bias
      can yield different fairness measures [16]. Fairness has often been studied
      for processes [12], while recently its importance has been acknowledged also
      for the data involved in the process itself, due to the (possibly dramatic)
      consequences of training Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems with biased data,
      both in the general setting [11] and in specific data management tasks [5].
    – Transparency is the ability to interpret the information extraction process
      in order to verify which aspects of the data determine its results. Trans-
      parency metrics can use the notions of (i) data provenance, by measuring
      the degree to which the meta-data describe where the original data come
      from; (ii) explanation, by describing how a result has been obtained. Trans-
      parency enables the detection of possible biases, thus is somehow “of service”
      to fairness.
    – Diversity is the degree to which different kinds of objects are represented
      in a dataset. Several metrics are proposed in [7]. Ensuring diversity at the
      beginning of the information extraction process may be useful for enforcing
      fairness at the end. However, note that sometimes diversity may conflict
      with fairness [15], for instance when an effort to guarantee diversity leads to
      loosing sight of the objective merit of the involved people.
    – Data Protection concerns the ways to secure data, algorithms and models
      against unauthorized access. Defining measures for privacy can be an elusive
      goal since, on the one hand, anonymized datasets that are secure in isola-
      tion can reveal sensible information when combined [18], and on the other
      hand, robust techniques such as -differential privacy [8] can only describe
      the privacy impact of specific queries. Needless to say, data protection may
      conflict with transparency.

3      Discussion
We now discuss our viewpoint of the main ethically-relevant aspects for each of
the information life-cycle steps.

Phase 1: Source selection. Data typically come from multiple sources, and it
is most desirable that each of these complies with the fairness requirement indi-
vidually. Unfortunately, often sources are biased with respect to some categories.
For instance, a source with restaurants in Rome may over-represent restaurants
                                      Data Processing: Reflections on Ethics       3

with Italian cuisine. It is thus appropriate to consider ethics throughout multiple
sources, so that the bias towards a certain category in a single source can be
eliminated by adding others with opposite biases. Another fundamental chal-
lenge in the context of source selection is data protection. While fairness can
benefit from multiple sources, data shall be protected at the level of the single
data source, as adding more information can only lower the protection level, or,
at most, leave it as it is. For instance, the case study in [18] about a dataset
released by the New York City Taxi showed that with only a small amount of
auxiliary knowledge, an attacker could violate privacy of passengers identifying
where an individual went, how much they paid, and weekly habits.

Phase 2: Data Integration. Data integration usually involves three main
steps: (i) schema matching, i.e. the alignment of the schemata of the data sources,
(ii) entity resolution, i.e., identification of the items stored in different data
sources that refer to the same entity, and (iii) data fusion, i.e., construction of
an integrated database over the data sources, obtained by merging their contents.
    For similar reasons as to those discussed for the source selection phase, entity
resolution across several data sources owned by different parties can reveal sensi-
tive information about these entities. Examples range from public health surveil-
lance to crime and fraud detection, and national security. We refer the reader
to [19] for a survey of existing techniques and challenges of privacy-preserving
entity resolution in the context of Big Data. As for the steps of schema match-
ing and data fusion, we observe that groups treated fairly in the sources can
become over- or under-represented as a consequence of the integration process,
since combining data coming from different sources might lead to the exclusion
of some groups. Similar issues arise in connection with diversity.
    In all the above steps transparency is critical since, while data provenance
and explanation of the intermediate results play key roles in the enforcement
of ethical requirements, both can conflict with data protection requirements.
The idea of data transparency without privacy violation is put forward in [4],
envisioning the application of blockchain technology.
    We finally observe that the rise of machine learning and deep learning tech-
niques for the data integration tasks [6] poses new challenges in grasping how
integration outputs are produced [20]. We refer the reader to [5,9] for two of the
first attempts in explaining deep learning systems for the entity resolution task.

Phase 3: Information Extraction. This step aims at presenting the user
with data organized as to satisfy their needs. As an example, among all the
possible means for extracting information we focus on two, namely search and
    Search is a widely studied task and literature is rich with methods for maxi-
mizing user satisfaction [2]. However, in a job candidate selection or for university
admissions, as part of the task, we would like to find rankings that also satisfy
certain notions of fairness, for instance that different demographic groups be
equally represented in the top search results. Interestingly, we believe that the
system should allow the possibility to specify the desired type of fairness, so that
4        Donatella Firmani, Letizia Tanca, and Riccardo Torlone

the data scientists can comply with the requirements coming from the customers
who, in their turn, will take responsibility for their choices. We refer the reader
to [15] for one of the first attempts to define fairness of exposure in ranking.
    A notable phenomenon that instead occurs during aggregation is the Simp-
son’s paradox, where trends appearing in different groups of data can disappear
or even be reversed when these groups are combined.3 The work of [14] provides
a framework for incorporating fairness for specific aggregations based on inde-
pendence tests, whereas detecting bias in combined data with full-fledged query
systems is still an open problem.

4     Further Readings

An early attempt to consider ethics in the broad information systems and data
management area can be found in the data quality book [3] by Batini and Scan-
napieco. In their work, the authors describe a framework for data quality clusters
and dimensions, where those in the trust cluster are related to some ethics prin-
ciples, including, believability, reliability, and reputation. Recent developments
of these dimensions triggered by the Big Data challenge are discussed in [10].
    One of the first attempts to consider the ethical principles as first-class citi-
zens in data management is in the tutorial [16] by Stoyanovich et al., with the
primary goal of drawing the attention of the data management community to
the emerging subject of responsible data management. The tutorial gives an
overview of existing technical work, primarily from the data mining and algo-
rithms communities, and discusses related research directions.
    More recently, the work [17] advocates the injection of ethical principles
into the whole information extraction process, by properly amalgamating and
resolving contrasts between various ethical requirements. The paper provides the
vision of a large group of data management researchers towards the description
of a comprehensive checklist of ethical desiderata for information processing, to
ensure and verify that ethically motivated requirements and related legal norms
are fulfilled throughout the data selection and exploration processes.
    With an analogous standardization spirit than [17], but in the more specific
scenario of building AI systems and supporting robust data analysis, the work
in [13] describes the Dataset Nutrition Label, that is a diagnostic framework to
provide a distilled yet comprehensive overview of dataset “ingredients” for AI
model development. Future directions for the project include research and public
policy agendas to further advance consideration of the concept.
    Finally, Abiteboul et al. [1] bring regulatory frameworks – such as the Euro-
pean Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the New York City
     One of the best-known examples of such paradox is a study of gender bias among
    graduate school admissions to University of California, Berkeley. Overall, men were
    more likely than women to be admitted. However, by examining the individual de-
    partments, instead, women were significantly more successful than men. A deeper
    analysis showed than women tended to apply to competitive departments with low
    rates of admission, thus yielding the inverse overall trend.
                                      Data Processing: Reflections on Ethics        5

Automated Decisions Systems (ADS) Law, and the Net Neutrality principle – to
the attention of the data management community. Governments are starting to
acknowledge the importance of building norms and codes for data-driven algo-
rithmic technologies, and such regulatory frameworks are prominent examples.
The main take-away of the paper is that in order to comply with regulatory
frameworks we shall think in terms of ethics by design, viewing ethics as a sys-
tems requirement, rather that incorporating it into systems in retrospection.

5   Concluding Remarks
Ethics in Information Management is a multifaceted concept, including some
requirements implicitly related or in conflict. As ethics by design is starting to
be recognized as a system requirement, we argue that a key ingredient is to
achieve an explicit and holistic vision of ethics as a first-class citizen for data
management, as data is at the core of modern information systems. To this end,
we discussed the challenges of introducing ethics during the three phases of the
information life-cycle, as a necessary step to allow different stakeholders to enact
law regulations and equally benefit from modern data processing techniques.

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