=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2417/xpreface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2417/xpreface.pdf |volume=Vol-2417 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2417/xpreface.pdf
            Preface of the Workshop Organizers

    The First International Workshop on “Processing Information Ethically”
(PIE 2019), hosted papers on the conceptual and technological approaches for
dealing with the ethical issues that arise in data management. While such de-
mands are already broadly reflected into new codes of ethics and legally binding
regulations, we believe that it is our community’s precise responsibility to ac-
knowledge the need for the design of responsible information system within a
data management perspective and, as a consequence, to provide the technical
means to take care of the ethical aspects of all the activities belonging to the
so-called information lifecycle: source selection, knowledge extraction, data in-
tegration, and all the statistical, data mining and machine learning techniques
that go under the broad category of data analysis. The workshop encouraged
multidisciplinary submissions on a broad spectrum of topics, including data
provenance, privacy in data collection and analysis, applications of blockchain
to privacy, nondiscriminatory knowledge extraction, algorithmic fairness in rec-
ommendation systems, classification result interpretability and eXplainable AI,
bias in machine learning, ethical data science in sensitive application scenar-
ios and sociological impacts of AI systems. The submitted papers underwent a
single-blind review process and were evaluated on the basis of originality, rele-
vance, quality, and technical contribution. We accepted both papers presenting
original work and discussion papers containing vision on new research direc-
tions. The workshop success, in terms of number of participants (around 30
people from at least 5 different countries) and fervor of the discussion, gave us
the chance to ascertain the timeliness and relevance of the ethical issues in our
field. The workshop program and pictures of the event are available on-line at
http://pie.dia.uniroma3.it. We believe that future editions of PIE will keep
providing an exciting forum for discussing concerns on the way data is handled,
new ideas about how to enable ethics by design, and how this opens a fertile
ground for both the data management and the information system research.
    We are indebted to the following members of the members of the program
committee for their meticulous work in the selection process: P. Atzeni, R. Baeza-
Yates, T. Catarci, P. Ciaccia, J. C. De Martin, S. Galhotra, A. Gruenheid,
H. V. Jagadish, I. Manolescu, D. Martinenghi, P. Merialdo, E. Pitoura, B. Saha,
M. Scannapieco, D. Srivastava, J. Stoyanovich, G. Tamburrini, I. Trubitsyna,
and T. Weninger. We also thank D. Azzalini, I. Bartolini, S. Greco, F. Isgrò, C.
Molinaro, R. Prevete, E. Quintarelli, V. Schiaffonati, and A. Tagarelli for inter-
esting discussions about ethics-aware data management. Last, but not least, we
would like to thank the authors who submitted their work to this workshop and
all the participants who contributed to the success of the event.

June 2019                                                      Donatella Firmani
                                                                   Elena Nieddu
                                                                   Letizia Tanca
                                                                Riccardo Torlone