=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2418/AIC18_paper12 |storemode=property |title=Concepts, Proto-Concepts and Shades of Reasoning in Neural Networks |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2418/paper12.pdf |volume=Vol-2418 |authors=Agnese Augello,Salvatore Gaglio,Gianluigi Oliveri,Giovanni Pilato |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aic/AugelloGOP18 }} ==Concepts, Proto-Concepts and Shades of Reasoning in Neural Networks== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2418/paper12.pdf
Concepts, Proto-Concepts, and Shades of
    Reasoning in Neural Networks
       A. Augello, S. Gaglio, G. Oliveri, G. Pilato
                        University of Palermo
                             ICAR - CNR
         gianluigi.oliveri@unipa.it salvatore.gaglio@unipa.it

                           June 22, 2018

    One of the most important functions of concepts is that of pro-
ducing classifications; and since there are at least two different types
of such things, we better give a preliminary short description of them
    The first kind of classification is based on the existence of a prop-
erty common to all the things that fall under a concept. The second,
instead, relies on similarities between the objects belonging to a cer-
tain class A and certain elements of a subclass AS of A, the so-called
‘stereotypes.’ In what follows, we are going to call ‘proto-concepts’ all
those concepts whose power of classification depends on stereotypes,
leaving the term ‘concepts’ for all the others.
    The main aim of this article is showing that, if a proto-concept
is given simply in terms of the ability to make the appropriate dis-
tinctions, then there are stimulus-response cognitive systems — whose
way of manipulating information is based on Neural Networks (NN)
— able to make the appropriate distinctions typical of proto-concepts
in the absence of high-level cognitive features such as consciousness,
understanding, representation, and intentionality. This, of course, im-
plies that either proto-concepts cannot be given simply in terms of the
ability to make the appropriate distinctions, or that we need to modify
our traditional conception of mind, because the induction-like proce-
dure followed by a NN in producing its classifications, far from being
the ultimate product of a ‘linguistic mind,’ is, rather, inscribed in the
nuts and bolts of the system’s biology/electronics to which the NN

1     Introduction
A standard way of producing a classification is that obtained by means of
sharp concepts. A concept C is sharp if and only if C refers to a property
P such that, if D is the domain of quantification, there exists a class A such
that A = {x | P (x)}, A ∩ A = ∅, and A ∪ A = D. For example, if D = N, the
concept x is prime is sharp. And we say that ‘the number 2 falls under the
concept x is prime’ or, more simply, that ‘2 is prime.’
    As is well known, when we are dealing with sharp concepts the law of
excluded middle holds, whereas this is not the case with concepts that are
not sharp like x is a heap. Within ordinary language we make an extensive,
and productive, use of fuzzy concepts like x is a heap, y is bald, z is tall, etc.
without even being aware of their problematic logical status.
    However, besides the kind of classification we obtain by means of shar-
p/fuzzy concepts, there is a different type of classification which is not based
on the existence of one and the same property common to all the members of
a class A. But, it, rather, relies on similarities between the objects belonging
to a certain class A and the elements of a subclass AS of A, elements that we
are going to call ‘stereotypes.’ By way of example, take As to contain two
elements: a shark and a mullet. Starting from As we could generate A by
taking some similarities between our stereotypes and other things.
    Note that here by ‘similarity between a and b’ we mean a property com-
mon to a and b, where a and b belong to D, e.g. being an animal, having
fins, having scales, etc. Of course, more are the properties that a and b have
in common the more similar a and b are to one another. The limiting case
being that expressed by the identity a = b where the objects denoted by a
and b have the same properties, that is, when a and b denote the same object.
    It is not difficult to see how, from such similarities with our stereotypes,
we can generate a concept of fish given in terms of: animal living in water
having either fins or scales or both. And, of course, from such a way of char-
acterising the concept of fish it would follow that whales, dolphins, etc. are
fish. But, we know that contemporary zoology has successfully challenged the
above mentioned use of the term ‘fish’ by introducing a distinction between
mammals and fish, a distinction according to which whales and dolphins are
not fish, but mammals.
    The quasi-accidental, purely phenomenical nature of the classifications
obtained by means of brute correlations, such as those arising from mere
similarities between objects and a set of stereotypes, has led us to call the
cognitive representatives of these classifications ‘proto-concepts.’ We are
going to use the term ‘concepts’ only for the cognitive representatives of all
the other kinds of classification.

    The main aim of this article is showing that, if a proto-concept is given
simply in terms of the ability to make the appropriate distinctions, then
there are stimulus-response cognitive systems1 — whose way of manipulat-
ing information is based on Neural Networks (NN) — able to make the ap-
propriate distinctions typical of proto-concepts in the absence of high-level
cognitive features such as consciousness, understanding, representation, and
intentionality. This, of course, implies that either proto-concepts cannot be
given simply in terms of the ability to make the appropriate distinctions,
or that we need to modify our traditional conception of mind, because the
induction-like procedure followed by a NN in producing its classifications, far
from being the ultimate product of a ‘linguistic mind,’ is, rather, inscribed
in the nuts and bolts of the system’s biology/electronics to which the NN
    The present paper is a follow up to ‘Wittgenstein, Turing, and Neural
Networks’ by G. Oliveri and S. Gaglio where, among other things, the authors
endeavour to bring out the genuine cognitive character of Neural Networks
(NN), cognitive character exhibited, primarily, by their ability to learn and
being trained to perform a certain task.

2         The three main functions of concepts
Concepts have always played a central rôle in philosophy and, especially,
in logic. One of the most important philosophical disputes in which me-
dieval philosophers engaged — the so-called ‘dispute about universals’ —
was directly related to the attempt to provide a plausible explanation of the
classifying power of concepts. In fact, the realists argued, the reason why the
concept red is so useful in classifying certain objects, separating them out
from all the others, is that to such a concept there corresponds a property, a
universal, that is present in all and only those things of which we correctly
say that they are red.
    On the other hand, the nominalists thought that, in contrast with what
asserted by the realists, the universals do not exist. For if you take two red
things a and b you, immediately, realise that the shade of red of a is different
from that of b and that, therefore, ‘red’ is just a word, a name, to which
no universal property corresponds. Therefore, according to the medieval
nominalist, ‘red’ is a name whose usefulness in classifying boils down to the
possibility of putting together all and only those things that are similar to
one another with respect to (a certain) colour.
        See on this [13], Chapters 2 and 3.

    Concerning the importance of concepts in logic, we can mention here,
by way of example, the peculiar relation that, in pre-Fregean logic, a con-
cept/predicate was supposed to have to the subject in a judgment, a relation
exploited by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason to draw the important
distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments.
    However, the modern theory of concepts starts with Frege for whom a
concept is not an object, but a function2 that takes proper names (or expres-
sions performing the rôle of proper names) as arguments, and truth-values
as values. From this it, immediately, follows that, according to Frege, x is
bald, y is a heap, z is tall, etc. are not concepts, because the expressions ‘a
is bald,’ ‘b is a heap,’ ‘c is tall,’ etc. may not have a truth-value for certain
proper names a, b, c.
    Although in Frege we do not find the analytical philosopher’s commit-
ment to the idea that only a theory of language can provide a safe basis for
the construction of a theory of thought,3 nevertheless, for Frege, concepts
have an essential function in thought that consists in presiding over the for-
mulation and justification of judgments. It is only with the advent of Gestalt
psychology,4 Husserl’s phenomenology,5 and the philosophy of psychology of
the later Wittgenstein — embodied, in particular, in the study of the phe-
nomenon known as seeing-as 6 — that some non-idealist philosophers and
psychologists discovered the very important rôle performed by concepts in
    Consider the Necker cube given in Figure 1. Now, apart from the well
known possibility of shifting from perceiving face ABCD as ‘coming forward’
to seeing, instead, face 1234 as ‘coming forward’ — depending on which of
the two faces you are focussing your attention — the really interesting thing
here is that one of the necessary conditions for you to see the object in Figure
1 as a cube is having the concept of cube.
In fact, although a young child with no knowledge of mathematics would be
able to perceive the face-shifting phenomenon, and draw a fairly resembling
picture of the object in Figure 1; if he were asked to say what he sees the
object as, he would probably reply ‘a box,’ ‘a lump of sugar,’ ‘a brick,’ ‘a
wire frame,’ etc. but, certainly, not ‘a cube,’ because he does not know what
a cube is.
    If what we have said so far is correct, concepts have at least three different
    See [4] and [5].
    See on this [3], especially Chapter 10.
    See on this [20] especially in relation to the impact that Gestalt psychology has on
what he calls ‘productive thinking.’
    See on this [7], Part Three, Chapter Three.
    See on this [22], Part II, Chapter XI.


                           B            1          D

                            2          C           4


                            Figure 1: Necker cube

important functions: classifying, being integral part of judgments, affecting
some of our perceptions. Of these three functions of concepts two of them —
being integral part of judgments, affecting some of our perceptions — presup-
pose the existence of a cognitive system able to produce judgments/thoughts
and representations of objects. The classifying function, instead, seems to
us to be somewhat independent of the existence of such a cognitive system.
For, although, when a competent speaker of English says ‘Socrates is a man’
the very meaningfulness of the assertion, and of the thought expressed by it,
presuppose the speaker’s ability to classify some of the objects of his domain
of quantification as men; and that when someone sees something as a cube,
the very possibility of his perception depends on his ability to classify certain
objects of his domain of quantification as cubes; the ability, for example, to
classify something as a fish (see §1) may not presuppose either judging or
seeing-as (representing).
    Perhaps, some light on these matters will be obtained from considering
how concepts are given to us, because in so doing we might come across
concepts that are given to us as means of classification and not as instruments
for judging or representing.

3     Concepts and proto-concepts
In investigating how concepts are given to us, one of the obvious things to
look at is language. Two of the main concept-producing devices present

in language are the so-called ‘prototypes,’7 and ‘stereotypes.’8 A prototype
is an individual belonging to the domain of quantification that has certain
features ‘at their best.’ Take, by way of example, D to be the set of the
elements of the colour spectrum projected on to a wall by a prism when this
is hit by a pencil of light rays (see Figure 2). The colour spectrum D, with
the Euclidean distance defined on it, is a metric space (D, d).

                             Figure 2: Colour spectrum

    Now, for each colour band i present in the colour spectrum, where i ∈ R,
choose the middle element of the band as the prototype of that colour, and
call it ‘pi .’ If k, p ∈ D, where p represents a prototype, as is shown by
the colour spectrum, the shorter is the distance between k and p the more
similar the colour represented by k is to the colour represented by p. Clearly,
if pi is the prototype of the red colour band then the set R = {x | d(x, pi ) <
d(x, pj ), for any j such that j 6= i} can be considered as a classification of
elements of D which can, eventually, be turned into the extension of a concept
and, precisely, of the concept x is red.
    A stereotype, on the other hand, is an individual s belonging to the
domain of quantification that appears to have certain features, but such
features are not necessarily given at their best in s. Take (D, d) to be, as
above. If k, s ∈ D, where s represents a stereotype then, as above, the smaller
is the distance between k and s the more similar the colour represented by k
is to the colour represented by s. As colour stereotypes s consider the colours
of the paints present on the palette of a Renaissance painter.
    Assuming that on the palette of a Renaissance painter there could be a fi-
nite number of colour stereotypes s1 , . . . , sn , and that si is the only stereotype
     On a related concept of prototype see [6], especially Chapter 3, §3.9. See also [10] on
prototypes and theory-like representations; and [18] on incorporating prototype theory in
Convolutional Neural Networks.
     On a linguistic concept of stereotype see [16].

of red, we have that Ci = {x | d(x, si ) < d(x, sj ), for any j such that j 6= i}
is a classification of elements of D which can be, eventually, turned into the
extension of the concept x is red.
    Although, as we have seen in the examples above, both prototypes and
stereotypes generate potential extensions of concepts, there are some analo-
gies and differences existing between these two types of objects that deserve
some attention.
    One of the main differences between prototypes and stereotypes is that
there is only one prototype of something, but you could have several stereo-
types of the same kind of thing. Indeed, the prototype of red is that elec-
tromagnetic wave having a wavelength of 700 nanometers (see Figure 2),
whereas the so-called ‘Titian red’ and ‘Pompeian red’ are two different pos-
sible stereotypes of red. Of course, if there is more than one stereotype of,
say, red the classification induced by all the stereotypes of red available is
going to be the union of the classifications induced by each single stereotype,
and the larger is the number of different stereotypes of red the better are the
chances of producing a correct classification of red objects.
    Secondly, the very idea of ‘features at their best,’ present in the definition
of prototype, requires some form of theorising and judging to distinguish, for
example, between a fin at its best and a fin that is not at its best. On
the other hand, when it comes to producing stereotypes, the situation looks
rather different.
    To see this consider the well known ethological phenomenon of imprinting.
Imprinting is that type of learning that takes place only within a certain
number of hours from birth. As Konrad Lorenz has shown,9 if, within a
certain number of hours from its birth, a gosling is exposed to a human
being, rather than to a goose, it ends up considering the human being as its
parent following him, etc. (see Figures 3 and 4). In other words, imprinting
is that form of learning whereby geese, and other animals, form a stereotype
not only of their mother/parent, but also of the species to which they belong.
This has two very important consequences for us. First, the phenomenon of
imprinting, clearly, shows that the formation of some stereotypes is brute,
that is, it does not take place through theorising, or any sort of reasoning or
representation influenced by previously acquired concepts.
    Secondly, there are stereotypes, some of which play a crucial rôle in pro-
ducing very important, basic classifications, that are independent of a lin-
guistic mind.
    But, be as it may with regard to the connection between imprinting
and stereotypes formation, we believe that, if sufficiently many samples are

                    Figure 3: A goose and her goslings

                     Figure 4: Lorenz and his goslings

provided, then the classification obtained of the elements of the domain of
quantification D can be turned into the extension of the corresponding proto-
concept by means of CNNs. Although the following section gestures in this
direction, substantiating this claim will be one of the objects of our future

4    CNNs and Inductively Generated Proto-
Traditional Feed-Forward Neural Network architectures receive a single vec-
tor as an input and process it through a series of hidden layers. Each hidden
layer is constituted by a set of artificial neurons, where each unit is fully
connected to all the units belonging to the previous layer. The neural units
belonging to the same layer make their computation in parallel with the other
units of the same layer. Furthermore, the neurons of the same layer do not
share any connections.

Traditional feed-forward architectures do not perform well on image recogni-
tion and image segmentation tasks. In the last years a category of Neural Net-
work architectures, known in the literature as Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) and inspired by the mammalian visual system [23][Fukushima,1980]
[25], have proven to be very effective in performing tasks like image recog-
nition and segmentation. The very first convolutional neural network archi-
tecture was LeNet, developed by Yann LeCun and it was effectively used
for character recognition tasks. This kind of architectures gave rise to the
general paradigm of Deep Learning.
The main operations performed in Convolutional Neural Network are Con-
volution, Pooling or Sub Sampling, and Classification.
Traditionally, ConvNets assume that the kind of inputs are images.
A typical representation of a convolutional network is shown in Figure 5.

                Figure 5: A typical representation of a CNN

    The network processes the original image layer by layer from the original
pixel values to the final classification output. The input layer specifies the
dimensions of the input images. CNNs derive their name from the “convolu-
tion” operator. The main goal of Convolution in this kind of architectures is
to extract features from the input image. The Convolution operation allows
the network to learn image features using small portions of input data.
A set of parameterized kernels constitutes the convolution layer. Every ker-
nel is spatially small, and it is applied to the whole image through a spanning
The input image is convolved with these multiple learned kernels which ex-
ploit shared weights. This operation generates a bidimensional activation
map that gives the responses of that filter at every spatial position. The size
of the kernels gives rise to the locally connected structure and produces a set
of feature maps.

Then, the pooling layer reduces the size of the image, attempting to maintain
the information.
The combination of the convolution and the pooling layers realizes the fea-
ture extraction part. Subsequently, the features are weighted and combined
in the fully-connected layer, which constitutes the classification layer of the
network [26].
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are powerful models capable of achiev-
ing outstanding results in particular for image classification and segmentation
tasks. Nowadays this kind of neural architectures has been extremely suc-
cessful in identifying faces, objects, traffic signs and are widely used in vision
for robots and self-driving cars. Moreover, ConvNets have been effectively
used also in several Natural Language Processing tasks as well.
Furthermore, they are capable to effectively extract features from images:
pre-trained models are used as generic feature extractors[29]. This goal
is reached by removing the last layer which gives the output classification
scores. The activations from the last fully connected layer define the features
extracted from the input image [31].
These kinds of features extracted from pre-trained CNN have been success-
fully used in computer vision tasks such as scene recognition or object at-
tribute detection, yielding better results concerning traditional handcrafted
features [29].
Moreover, Athiwaratkun et al. [30] have also demonstrated that Random
Forest and SVM can be used with features extracted from CNN to obtain
better a prediction accuracy compared to the original CNN.
Recent results indicate that very deep networks achieve even better results
on various benchmarks [27], [28]. One drawback of this trend, however, is
the time required to train such kind of neural architecture.
    Summing up we can say that CNNs can be used to perform a general-
ization/classification based on the stereotypes belonging to the training set
and, as discussed in this section, with considerable improvements with re-
gard to other traditional types of neural networks (even if the limitations
typical of neural networks, relating to the size of the training set and the
curse of dimensionality, still remain). This is a good baseline to investigate,
in future works, if the classification obtained by a CNN can be turned into
the extension of corresponding proto-concepts.

5     Conclusions
This is a philosophy and ethology inspired paper relating to cognition. Start-
ing from a discussion of various kinds of classification, we are led to distin-

guishing between classifications operated on the basis of concepts, and clas-
sifications driven by what we have called ‘proto-concepts.’ The difference
between the two different kinds of classifications being that whereas con-
cepts appeal to the existence of a property common to all the objects falling
under them, proto-concepts, instead, derive their classification power from a
set of what we call ‘stereotypes’ and the relevant similarities existing between
these stereotypes and the objects falling under the proto-concepts.
     Having discussed the difference between prototypes and stereotypes and
their rôle in producing classifications — classifications that are presented
as potential extensions of proto-concepts — we discuss the ethological phe-
nomenon of imprinting discovered and studied by Konrad Lorenz. As is well
known, imprinting is that cognitive phenomenon whereby goslings, if exposed
to a certain object K within a certain time from birth — a goose, a human
being, etc. — elect K as a stereotype (in our sense) of parent/representative
of their species and behave accordingly following K, etc. This, of course,
implies that goslings subject to imprinting classify K, and themselves, as
belonging to the same class K that becomes the potential extension of a
     We then engage in a discussion of a particular type of Neural Network, the
so-called ‘Convolutional Neural Network’ (CNN). What we intend to show
in our discussion of CNNs is that cognitive agents that operate on the basis
of CNNs are able to produce classifications typical of proto-concepts in the
absence of high-level cognitive features such as consciousness, understanding,
representation, and intentionality. On the basis of this result we ask ourselves
whether this means that proto-concepts cannot be given simply in terms of
the ability to make the appropriate distinctions or that we should, instead,
modify our traditional conception of mind.

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