=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2428/paper8 |storemode=property |title=The adoption of globally unified process standards via a multilingual management system - the case of Marabu, a worldwide manufacturer of printing inks and creative colours of the highest quality |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2428/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2428 |authors=Klaus Cee,Iris Bruns,Andreas Schachermeier,Lena Franziska Kaiser |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/bpm/CeeBSK19 }} ==The adoption of globally unified process standards via a multilingual management system - the case of Marabu, a worldwide manufacturer of printing inks and creative colours of the highest quality== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2428/paper8.pdf
The adoption of globally unified process standards via a
          multilingual management system
The case of Marabu, a worldwide manufacturer of printing inks
           and creative colours of the highest quality

  Klaus Cee1, Iris Bruns2, Andreas Schachermeier3 and Lena Franziska Kaiser4
                            Marabu GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
                                 ConSense GmbH, Germany
                      ConSense Management Systems GmbH, Austria
                  University of Liechtenstein, Principality of Liechtenstein

     (a) Situation faced: Marabu GmbH & Co. KG develops, produces and distrib-
         utes high-quality special printing inks and creative colours for international
         markets. In 2013, Marabu, with 17 subsidiaries and sales partners in over
         100 countries, planned to implement a global quality and environmental
         management system according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Marabu
         searched for software that was capable of multilingualism and that would
         permit local deviations in processes and multi-site certification.
     (b) Action taken: Marabu opted for the ConSense Integrated Management Sys-
         tem (IMS), a management software that works with an innovative multilin-
         gual concept and enables the harmonisation of company-wide standards.
         The implementation of the software-based IMS took place within a tight
         schedule. A uniform handbook structure was developed for all sites includ-
         ing a unified numbering system and a binding style guide for the modelling
         of processes.
     (c) Results achieved: Just a few months after the rollout, the first sites were
         successfully certified, successively followed by further sites. The transpar-
         ent modelling of globally uniform processes, including local variants, is now
         increasingly carried out in a decentralised manner. Only the final testing and
         approval are performed centrally. The new system contains more than 300
         processes and co-applicable documents.
     (d) Lessons learned: The use of the software relieves responsibilities at the
         headquarters since part of the process responsibility can be transferred to the
         international sites. With the introduction of the multilingual IMS, Marabu
         has set uniform worldwide standards. Overall, more employee responsibility
         has led to more acceptance, and thus to a lived management system that
         drives continuous process improvement.

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

       Keywords: unified processes, multilingualism, multi-site capacity, quality and
       environmental management system, qm system, continuous improvement pro-

1      Introduction

    For more than 150 years, Marabu GmbH & Co. KG has been an innovator and a
reliable partner for businesses and users of screen-printing inks, pad-printing inks, dig-
ital-printing inks and creative colours. More than 500 qualified employees in the Ma-
rabu Group provide customers all over the world with a wide range of different inks,
with annual sales of more than 100 million euros.
    Founded in Stuttgart (Germany) in 1859, the family business has a worldwide pres-
ence with 17 subsidiaries and distribution partners in more than 100 countries. In addi-
tion to German production sites in Tamm and Bietigheim-Bissingen, production also
takes place in plants in the United States and Paraguay. Additional Marabu Group sites
are located in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy,
the Netherlands, Russia, Brazil, Paraguay, China and, since 2019, also Canada.
    The Group develops, produces and sells a wide portfolio of printing inks (screen-
printing inks, pad-printing inks, digital-printing inks, liquid coatings and water-based
spray paints) as well as creative colours for international markets. The total production
volume amounts to 4000 tonnes annually. On average, about five new ink series are
brought to market per year. Furthermore, the company produces limited edition inks to
meet with customer requirements. Moreover, it provides onsite technical customer ser-
vices that input parameters settings at the customers’ locations. The in-house Print Cen-
tre carries out more than 1000 customer tests per year.
    Marabu manufactures high-quality special inks with the “Made in Germany” seal of
quality at two sites in Stuttgart’s technology region. Top-class technical services, prac-
tical customer training courses and a focus on environmental awareness are central
components of Marabu’s company philosophy. Marabu has also established sustainable
business practices as an important part of its operations and has proven itself in this
regard with numerous actions and solid results.
    However, Marabu has faced some challenges. As a result of corporate restructuring,
its subsidiaries are now more closely aligned with the parent company in Germany.
This alignment requires the standardisation of processes in line with the quality require-
ments of the parent company. Also, Marabu’s customers called for certified processes
in the subsidiaries. These requirements were to be satisfied by introducing a unified,
certified quality management (QM) system (ISO 9001) and an environmental manage-
ment system (ISO 14001). The ISO, the International Organization for Standardization
(http://www.iso.org), provides common standards between nations and thus facilitates
world trade.
    The case of Marabu contributes to the broader discussion on adopting unified pro-
cess standards, especially in terms of quality and environmental management systems,
QM itself and process improvement. QM encompasses all activities and objectives
aimed at fostering continuous improvement and organisational change [1]. Scholars
have found that QM can lead to improved performance in terms of business results,

innovation, operations and quality [1; 2]. This paper describes the implementation case
of Marabu’s quality and environmental management system, the actions that were
taken, the results achieved and the lessons learned.

2      Situation faced

Better business performance is required for businesses to succeed. Sustainable quality
plays an important role here. Increasingly, customers, business partners and even com-
pany employees were demanding a QM standard based on ISO 9001 [3; 4]. There are
many points in favour of introducing globally unified processes with the help of a QM
system. The introduction of a QM system has been shown to improve, for example,
customer satisfaction, documentation availability, internal communication, compli-
ance, risk management, efficient working practices, performance measuring and con-
trol of business processes [5]. Overall, it has been shown that that the correct imple-
mentation and use of a QM system can lead to significant advantages for a company
[4]. In the case of Marabu, there were several reasons behind the decision to implement
a management system.
   Firstly, the new organisational structure required global standardisation. As a result
of a strategic reorientation, the subsidiary companies were becoming successively more
closely linked to the parent company over the previous few years. The parent company
sets the standards for quality and environmental management, and occupational health
and safety, which are applicable to all subsidiary companies. The original plants in
Tamm (the head office) and Bietigheim-Bissingen (since 2004 the site has been a
new/separate plant for creative colours) have been certified according to ISO 9001 since
1995, and according to ISO 14001 since 2003. They have now embedded occupational
health and safety within the company standards with the OHSAS18001 certification
(since 2012) and the associated “Systematic Safety” seal of approval. These standards
now also needed to be guaranteed in the other sites.
   Secondly, key international customers expected that Marabu would implement a
global quality and environmental management system to ensure that the product quality
could meet and even exceed their expectations.
   Thirdly, Marabu’s own quality demands and the desire to receive TÜV SÜD multi-
site certification for the Marabu Group required the introduction of such a system. This
multi-site certification is available for companies with multiple sites and is only avail-
able if the different branches operate with a common quality and environmental man-
agement system. Additionally, the management systems must be planned and con-
trolled centrally, and the different sites then become subject to a common annual audit
   Fourthly, the subsidiaries aimed to grow to better business locations and gain more
responsibility. To achieve this goal, unified and certified processes were key.
   Prior to tool implementation, the overarching challenge was that the German sites
were already using a computer-supported system which was not capable of operating
over multiple sites and did not include a tool for process modelling. This way of work-
ing not only made global cooperation more difficult but it was also very inefficient. For

example, process flow charts had to be prepared separately in a complex process with
a different programme and then transferred to the then-current management system via
a “copy-and-paste” procedure if any revisions were required.
   The aim was to satisfy the above-mentioned requirements and to prepare the com-
pany for the future. To achieve this aim, it was decided that a new integrated quality
and environmental management system would be rolled out, initially among the foreign
plants and later among the whole Marabu Group.
   The schedule for the entire project was very tight because the first certifications were
scheduled for 2013. Therefore, a software provider that could provide a QM system
that would work equivalently well at the different sites was urgently sought.

3      Actions taken

Several actions were taken to achieve the overall goal of unified process standards and
continuous improvement. Firstly, the top management as well as the entire workforce
had to be convinced of the plan. Secondly, a suitable software had to be found. Thirdly,
software settings had to be worked out and everything had to be prepared in advance
for the software implementation. Fourthly, the implementation took place. Finally, after
the implementation the processes were and still are continuously revisited to allow for
improvements in the system.

3.1    Commitment from the top management and the workforce
The adoption of a QM system should be a strategic decision made by the company’s
top management [6; 7] that consciously demonstrates the top management’s commit-
ment to the development, implementation and maintenance of the new system. This
level of commitment is a vital factor in QM so that the vision is communicated, quality
policies are developed and the company culture is changed. Studies have repeatedly
shown that top management commitment is associated with the successful implemen-
tation of ISO 9001 [8]. However, a mutual relationship between the management and
the employees is important to manage quality. Therefore, the management team must
know how to motivate and involve the workforce to enable smooth implementation [9].
    At Marabu, the entire top management team was convinced of the enrichment that
would arise from a QM system. Responsibilities were allocated so that employees were
also involved in the project. With these responsibilities having been distributed, the top
management team was always informed about the current state of affairs.
    The Corporate Management Representative (CMR) and the Quality, Environment
and Safety (QES) ISO team held the lead in the project. They monitored the manage-
ment documentation and the modifications to the core processes in the joint manage-
ment system. The team also controlled and carried out the implementation of ISO 9001
and 14001 in various subsidiaries. The CMR was the key person involved in the tran-
sition and had an overview of the whole project. The CMR is responsible for the guid-
ance and supervision of local QM representatives (QMRs) and environmental manage-
ment representatives (EMRs), alongside managing the annual internal audit programme

of the Marabu Group and is involved steering activities regarding the continuous im-
provement process.
   All employees who were to work with the system received training. Employees who
were to work with the system but not to make any changes to it received comprehension
training. Employees who were responsible for processes received a process-owner
training. The QMRs and EMRs received intensive training at the company’s headquar-
ters since they also have to report directly to the headquarters.

3.2    Software selection
People from the QM and IT department compared different software providers based
on the predefined selection criteria. Only one software provider met Marabu’s most
important requirements: multilingualism and a multi-site capability. ConSense GmbH
from Aachen is a specialist in user-friendly and intuitive software for processes and
QM and has been developing innovative solutions for the complete electronic support
of# ISO 9001 since 2003. The special features of ConSense software include a practical
multilingual concept and the display of site-specific deviations, which support the cau-
tious harmonisation of company-wide standards.
   Since the selection of the right software provider is important and should be carefully
thought through, a “Hands-on Workshop” was held to test the software products under
live conditions. During the workshop, potential users received detailed information
about the functions and different modules and used the software immediately based on
a sample project. The setting also enabled the exchange of experiences with other pro-
spective customers about the various QM systems available on the market.

3.3    Definition of system properties

The selection criteria were elaborated into extensive system properties. These functions
contributed to the fact that the employees quickly adopted the new system.
   Multilingualism. One important selection criterion was software multilingualism.
The ConSense software not only covers a series of interface languages but also enables
the use of two different types of language concepts for documents and processes: Iden-
tical content is used in different languages or varying content is used in different lan-
guages. The variation concept is required if – as with Marabu – a simple translation of
processes is not sufficient because local, regional, or national characteristics require
variations in the content. In this case, the software ensures that when a change is made
to a central specification, all associated variants are modified. This function is espe-
cially important for the annual audits as they are executed in two different languages.
   System operation. The system has an appealing interface and is easy to operate.
Based on a search function, employees can find processes, since processes worldwide
are named after the same scheme. One key aspect of the system is its process visuali-
sation feature whereby the process managers are able to create and manage processes
themselves. However, the head office still retains central control. Overall, the interface
is designed intuitively so that employees enjoy working with the system and do not
refuse to use it.

   Visualisation. The unified visualisation of processes facilitates, for example, global
collaboration, reduces knowledge loss when employees leave the company and builds
a solid foundation for audits. The new system includes internal specifications for the
visualisation of processes through flowcharts that are applicable worldwide (e.g., con-
cerning symbols, sizes, distances and more). These style guides prevent the uncon-
trolled growth of process illustrations, as it was the case with the previous system.
However, the subsidiaries are granted certain freedoms within the framework.

3.4    Rapid adoption of globally unified process standards
Marabu adopted the new unified process standards within two years. The project
started, among other things, with the development of the QES guidelines, the prepara-
tion of the most important documents and the selection of the appropriate ConSense
IMS software. After the preparation phase, the process documentation was created and
adapted, including local process variations and work instructions for each site. The pro-
cess documentation was translated, if necessary, into the respective languages. In June
2013, Marabu France, with a total of four sites, at that time, was certified. In October
2013, the new management system supported the successful certification of the Chinese
site to ISO 9001 and 14001. A team of employees from the central QES section assisted
their French and Chinese colleagues with the implementation for about six months. The
process landscape was developed in workshops and configured with ConSense. The
integrated flow chart manager was particularly useful due to its capacity for modelling
processes quickly and simply. After China, the US plant was certified in November
2013. In July 2014, the sites in Tamm (Marabu HQ) and Bietigheim-Bissingen were
audited based on ISO 9001 and 14001, followed by Brazil and Sweden in October 2014,
Italy in 2015 and, finally, Marabu UK. All certifications were completed successfully.

3.5    Continuous improvement

Once the new system was implemented, the project was far from over because the sys-
tem formed the basis for continuous improvement. With the new system in place, ad-
herence to processes can be checked, the continuous improvement of workflows can be
ensured and thus the goal of operational excellence can be achieved [10]. Deming’s
plan–do–check–act (PDCA) cycle (Figure 1) is a widespread iterative four-stage
method that can be used when working towards continuous improvement [11]. Marabu
applies Deming’s PDCA cycle to ensure that all quality and environmental standards
are met and are continuously improved.
   Plan: In this stage, quality and environmental aspects are worked out, which need
to be improved or changed to conform with legal and other requirements. Furthermore,
objectives, targets and also the procedure is defined.
   Do: In this stage, processes are executed. The goal and the benefits of the changes
are communicated, awareness is created and employees are trained as needed. Changes
are documented so that they can be monitored later.
   Check: In this stage, processes are measured and subsequent results are analysed in
contrast to expected process performance. In the case of variations between results and

expectations, potential root causes are assessed to identify possible options to improve
the processes.
   Act: In this stage, the improvement options are implemented in the processes. In the
next Do phase, the implemented improvement options should have solved the previ-
ously identified issue. If not, the improvement options were not effective.

                              Act          Plan

                             Check         Do

Fig. 1. Adapted from Deming’s plan–do–check–act (PDCA) cycle for continuous improvement

4      Results achieved

Such a complex implementation is unique for a medium-sized company. Together with
ConSense, Marabu implemented a unified quality and environmental management sys-
tem that ensures that there are no no accidental local deviations in processes. The new
system provides more transparency since all employees have access to all relevant pro-
cesses. This fosters collaboration and support between the different subsidiaries. The
new management system has also simplified the work of the QES team with its im-
proved transparency. The team can now access all sites. anywhere in the world. Orien-
tation is simple because the same interface is used everywhere.
   The headquarters was relieved since processes are modelled according to predefined
standards that were defined by local quality and environmental representatives at the
different sites after they had participated in the appropriate training and workshops.
Only the final test and its approval are still centralised.
   Moreover, processes do not always have to be reinvented, as employees can learn
from already-established processes even when they are at different sites. This saves
time and resources. Another valuable feature of the system is the translation function
for processes and documents. This enables documents that are written in a local lan-
guage to be re-translated quickly, for example, during audits. Audits are usually carried

out bilingually. This allows for the quick recognition of whether a deviation from the
specified standards has occurred and thus for immediate action to be taken.
   Marabu believes that a worldwide standardised management system is not only to
be used for standard-compliant documentation but that such system helps in pursuing a
much greater future-oriented goal: the continuous improvement process.

5      Lessons learned

Marabu was able to learn valuable lessons through the rapid introduction of its QM
    Selection of the right QM system provider. The selection of the QM system pro-
vider should not be made in a hurry, as the system will remain in the company for many
years. Besides a suitable system that meets all the requirements, reliable cooperation
with the software provider is equally important. As all, the company’s know-how is
stored in the QM system, having a strong partner in tow while recording processes,
migrating data from one system to another, or training employees on how to use the
new software facilitates the whole project.
    Involving the whole team. Besides the commitment of the top management, the
whole team needs to be on board when adopting a new management system. If a man-
agement system is not accepted and lived in the company, it cannot be optimally used
for continuous improvement and organisational control. Since continuous improvement
is the goal, the system is not static, but is subject to constant testing and change pro-
cesses. The corresponding changes must be communicated to the employees and pre-
sented transparently so that the necessary measures are implemented in the company.
Overall, more responsibility for the employees did lead to more acceptance of the man-
agement system – and thus to a lived management system that drives the continuous
improvement process.
    Constantly raising awareness of the QM system in the minds of the workforce.
The system should not only be in the minds of employees shortly before and during
audits but should be part of their daily routines. Training and regular refresher sessions
are important to remind employees of the benefits of using the system. However, espe-
cially at sites that did not yet have a management system in place, there was initially
strong scepticism. After a few runs, however, a routine was established and the benefits
were quickly noticed. For example, the changeover resulted in higher customer satis-
faction and more orders.
    Not underestimating culture. Cultural conditions are very different in a globally
operating company. It is important to be aware of these cultural differences and to pre-
pare intensively for those aspects. Intercultural communication workshops can be help-
ful. It also makes sense to integrate time buffers into the project plan as, for instance,
time management is different in Brazil, and there are higher fluctuations of employees
in China. The key functions of the system – multilingualism and its multi-site capability
– had a great impact on culture. Employees could work in their own language, but there
was still transparency given. Employees tend to feel more comfortable when they can
move within their own cultural environment. This aspect should not be underestimated.

   It is all about the attitude. From the outset, Marabu communicated to its employees
about how the company wanted to support them during the change and that the com-
pany was not going to monitor them. In retrospect, this attitude made a big difference.
Overall, the employees reacted positively to the implementation of the new system,
although for some employees it was a big change. Now the various subsidiaries in dif-
ferent countries support each other and the head office can let go of the reigns to some
   Change that has paid off. The unified system ensures that there are no local varia-
tions in the quality and environmental management system. At the same time, re-certi-
fications have been simplified by the new system. Marabu has not only satisfied its
customers and its own quality requirements but has also created the basis for a learning
and continuously improving organisation. The newly established QM system has pro-
vided a framework for measuring and improving Marabu’s performance for many years
to come.

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