=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2482/paper10 |storemode=property |title=6th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2018) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2482/paper10.pdf |volume=Vol-2482 |authors=Ozlem Ozgobek,Benjamin Kille,Jon Atle Gulla,Martha Larson,Andreas Lommatzsch |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cikm/OzgobekKGLL18 }} ==6th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2018)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2482/paper10.pdf
    6th International Workshop on News Recommendation
                  and Analytics (INRA 2018)

    Özlem Özgöbek1 , Benjamin Kille2 , Jon Atle Gulla1 , Martha Larson3 , Andreas Lommatzsch2
                        NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, {ozlem.ozgobek,jon.atle.gulle}@ntnu.no
                  Berlin Intitute of Technology, Berlin, Germany, {firstname.lastname}@dai-labor.de
                            Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, m.larson@cs.ru.nl

                                                                 news and disinformation, user experience, and evalua-
                                                                 tion. News recommendation attempts to identify the
                          Abstract                               most relevant news articles for individual readers. Nu-
                                                                 merous directions promise advancement in the state of
      Publishers inform citizens about important                 the art, including context-awareness, representing ar-
      events. Digitalization overwhelms readers                  ticles by word embeddings, or gamification to collect
      with information. Publishers employ rec-                   more data. Besides, news recommender systems ought
      ommender systems to tackle challenges re-                  to address scalability due to issues of big data, diver-
      lated information access. This workshop series             sity, and mobility. News analytics concerns learning
      invites researchers, practitioners, and other              more about news reading behavior. For instance, re-
      stakeholders to exchange ideas about how                   searchers investigate social media usage or sentiment.
      to deal with news. INRA’s sixth edition                    Fake news and deliberate disinformation have emerged
      highlights aspects of news recommendation                  as significant issues. Currently, operators of media-
      and analytics including innovative algorithms,             related platform struggle to determine the trustwor-
      trust, and misinformation, and privacy.                    thiness of news. User experience affects the long-term
                                                                 success of publishers’ services. Privacy and data au-
                                                                 thority have become central demands of customers.
1     Scope and Goals                                            Researchers and businesses have yet to establish stan-
Media companies turn data into a valuable commod-                dardized evaluation protocols. Publicly available data
ity. Further, industries, as well as political organiza-         sets and platforms seek to support the advancement
tions, depend critically on high-quality information in          of standardized evaluation, which will in turn advance
order to operate effectively. Both groups of stakehold-          trustworthy new recommendation technology.
ers must deal with the limited amount of time and ef-               INRA offers a venue for researchers, practitioners,
fort that consumers are willing to devote to processing          and interested parties to come together. The primary
vast amounts of information. To connect consumers                objectives are support of the exchange of ideas and
with content in the face of this challenge, automatic            promotion of innovation. At the workshop, researchers
systems are used to filter information thus facilitating         have the opportunity to present findings and proto-
information access. In the case of news media, news              types. Practitioners can share their everyday prob-
recommender systems rely on sophisticated data ana-              lems. Media critics can elaborate on societal effects
lytics to capture reading interests. Modeling readers’           and issues of news consumption. Additionally, invited
changing concerns remains an area of active research.            experts present their insights on recent trends.
   The INRA workshop’s sixth edition is co-located
with International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2018. At this work-
shop, contributors and attendees focus on issues in-             2   Workshop Details
cluding news recommendation, news analytics, fake

Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the individual papers by the papers'   The full-day workshop features seven paper presenta-
authors. Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the volume as a collection    tions, three keynote speeches, and an interactive ses-
by its editors. This volume and its papers are published under
                                                                 sion for demonstrations and discussion.
the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0).
2.1   Accepted Papers                                  3   Workshop Organizers
INRA 2018 have received nine submissions. The fol-     Özlem Özgöbek (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway)
lowing seven papers have been accepted:                Özlem works as a postdoctoral researcher at the De-
Yao & Hauptmann News Recommendation and Fil-           partment of Computer Science at NTNU. Her research
ter Bubble.                                            focuses on recommender systems, privacy issues in rec-
Chakraborty et al. Predicting Tomorrow’s Headline      ommender systems and disinformation detection for
using Today’s Twitter Deliberations.                   online news. She is a co-founder of the Norwegian Big
                                                       Data Symposium and actively involved in organizing
Maddalena, Ceolin & Mizzaro Multidimensional
                                                       INRA workshop series since 2014.
News Quality: A Comparison of Crowd-sourcing and
                                                       Benjamin Kille (TU Berlin, Germany)
                                                       Benjamin works as a researcher at TU Berlin. He
Lim, Jatowt & Yoshikawa Understanding Charac-
                                                       organized multiple data-driven competitions including
teristics of Biased Sentences in News Articles.
                                                       NewsREEL. His PhD thesis focuses on context-aware
Khattar et al. RARE: A Recurrent Attentive Rec-        news recommender systems.
ommendation Engine for News Aggregators.               Jon Atle Gulla (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway)
Ollikainen Clustering Enhancement for a Token-         Jon Atle is a professor of Information Systems at the
Based Recommender.                                     Department of Computer Science in Trondheim. His
Kille, Özgöbek & Lommatzsch Defining Contex-         research centers on the semantic web, information re-
tual Factors for News Consumption.                     trieval, recommender systems, text analytics, and big
                                                       data. He is the co-founder of Norwegian Big Data
2.2   Keynote Speakers                                 Symposium and INRA Workshop series.
                                                       Martha Larson (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
The workshop has features three keynote speeches:      Martha holds professorships at Radboud University
Frank Hopfgartner (Information School of Univer-       and TU Delft. Her research focuses on multimedia
sity of Sheffield, UK) News Retrieval and Recommen-    computing, language technology, information retrieval,
dation Initiatives.                                    and recommender systems. Martha has contributed to
Anja Benner-Tischler (University of Kassel, Ger-       the organization of a variety of workshops and bench-
many) EU Data Protection Law and its Influence on      marks including MediaEval and NewsREEL.
Webtracking–Everything new with the General Data       Andreas Lommatzsch (TU Berlin, Germany)
Protection Regulation and the ePrivacy-Regulation?     Andreas Lommatzsch works as a senior researcher and
Leif Ramming (plista GmbH, Germany) Generating         director of the Application Center “Data Analytics” at
Recommendations at Scale                               the DAI-Lab at the TU Berlin. He conducts research
                                                       in the domains of distributed knowledge management
                                                       and machine learning. He co-organizes the NewsREEL
2.3   Previous Workshops
                                                       challenge focusing on recommender algorithms for on-
INRA’17 held in conjunction with IEEE/WIC/ACM          line news portals.
International Conference on Web Intelligence (23 Au-
gust, Leipzig, Germany)1                               4   Program Committee Members
INRA’16 held in conjunction with the 24th Confer-      Andreas Lommatzsch, Berlin Institute of Technology
ence on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personaliza-     Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF, Norway
tion (16 July, Halifax, Canada)2                       Benjamin Kille, Berlin Institute of Technology
INRA’15 held in conjunction with ACM RecSys (20        Cristina Marco, NTNU, Norway
September, Vienna, Austria)3                           Dietmar Jannach, Unversität Klagenfurt, Austria
NRA’14 held in conjunction with the 22nd Confer-       Frank Hopfgartner, University Sheffield, UK
ence on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personaliza-     Humberto Castejon, Telenor Group, Norway
tion (11 July, Aalborg, Denmark)4                      Jon Atle Gulla, NTNU, Norway
NRS’13 held as International News Recommender          Lemei Zhang, NTNU, Norway
Systems Workshop and Challenge (NRS) in conjunc-       Martha Larson, Radboud University Nijmegen
tion with ACM RecSys (13 October, Hong-Kong)5          Özlem Özgöbek, NTNU, Norway
                                                       Peng Liu, NTNU, Norway
  1 http://research.idi.ntnu.no/inra/2017/
                                                       Toon De Pessimier, imec-UGent-Waves, Ghent Unver-
  2 http://research.idi.ntnu.no/inra/2016/
  3 http://research.idi.ntnu.no/inra/2015/
                                                       sity, Belgium
  4 http://research.idi.ntnu.no/nra2014                Ville Ollikainen, VTT Technical Research Centre, Fin-
  5 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys13/nrs                 land