Predicting Tomorrow’s Headline using Twitter Deliberations Roshni Chakraborty Abhijeet Kharat Apalak Khatua IIT Patna IIT Patna XLRI Jamshedpur India India India Sourav Kumar Dandapat Joydeep Chandra IIT Patna, IIT Patna, India India drastically in recent times. Todays millennial genera- tion is not only emotionally but also physically tied to Abstract their smartphones and tablets. This has severely af- fected the newspaper industry. All leading newspapers Predicting the popularity of a news article is across the globe have reported a sharp drop in their a challenging task. Existing literature mostly print circulation. So, the future of this industry lies on focused on article contents and polarity to the digital platform. The competition in this newspa- predict the popularity. However, existing re- per industry is not anymore about sending the print search has not considered the users prefer- version to the remotest corner of the country. The ence towards a particular article. Understand- challenge of this digital platform is to understand the ing users preference is an important aspect latent psychological aspects of the users. If a newspa- for predicting the popularity of news articles. per fails to satisfy the user, then within the next few Hence, we consider social media data, from seconds she will switch to another news-related app. the Twitter platform, to address this research This will directly impact the ad revenue of a news gap. In our proposed model, we have con- outlet. Between various news related apps, and vari- sidered the users involvement as well as the ous social media platforms, users these days are spoilt users reaction towards an article to predict for choice. Customer loyalty is a concept of a bygone the popularity of the article. In short, we are era in this digital age, and the customers preferences predicting tomorrows headline by probing to- are also not homogeneous. In brief, the phenomenal days Twitter discussion. We have considered growth of online news consumption and innumerable 300 political news articles from the New York news sources has significantly increased the competi- Post, and our proposed approach has outper- tion among news media outlets. Further, the contin- formed other baseline models. uous influx of newsworthy events further aggravates the situation. Thus, for media outlets, the need of the hour is to develop an automated system that can 1 Introduction help them to predict which of the todays headlines will Gone are those days when an office going New Yorker maintain its popularity tomorrow. used to board the subway with a folded newspaper in Existing literature has attempted to address this. his hand. Reading morning newspapers on New Yorks However, this stream of research mostly explored var- subway is becoming outdated. Things have changed ious features and contents of the articles and the ti- Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the individual papers by the papers' tle of the articles [FVC15, LWZ+ 17]. Prior stud- authors. Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the volume as a collection ies considered the subjectivity and polarity of con- tents [FVC15, KWHR16], the sentiment of the head- by its editors. This volume and its papers are published under the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). line [RBdM+ 15], and so on. In other words, these 2 Related Works works focus broadly into the articulation aspects of an article. Few studies also considered the impor- Predicting the popularity of news article is a well- tance of an event to predict the popularity of news researched area. However, the genesis of this re- article [SAMA17]. One of the major shortcomings of search lies in the prior works on news recommender the above approach is that hypothetically, two articles system. News recommender system research mostly might have similar feature and polarity, but the reac- focused on the personal preference of an individ- tion of readers might be different. It would be similar ual user [LXG+ 14]. So, understanding the user- to comparing an apple to an orange even though they level latent political leaning, or bias towards a cer- might be nearly similar in shape and weight. We argue tain sport or a team, can help to predict the suit- that probing the social media platform can hint which able news article for an individual user. For in- is orange, and which is apple. Social media platforms stance, prior studies considered users historical pref- can hint about the users preference. erences [WLC+ 10], social network data [DFMGL12, Nowadays social media platforms, such as Twitter, AGHT11], user feedback [SBZ11] or combination of generate an enormous amount of user-generated data, both user preferences and user feedback [LWL+ 11, and many times this social media platforms become LCLS10, MGÁRLGMM13], but this stream of studies the mirror of the society. Existing literature has suc- struggled due to lack of adequate data. Moreover, the cessfully explored the Twitter data to predict the elec- users interest can vary over time, and historical data is tion outcome [KKGC15], to understand social move- not available for new users. Thus, prior studies have ments [KK16a], to tackle disasters and epidemic out- attempted to mitigate the challenges by considering breaks [KK16b]. Therefore, we argue that understand- opinions of social influencers [LXG+ 14], topic or tem- ing the finer nuances of Twitter deliberation can be poral [XXLZ14] relationships between news items and beneficial to predict the popularity of news article on users [LL13] or analyzing user communities [ZLHL13]. digital platforms. This paper attempts to address this These approaches yield better results in comparison to research gap. initial studies, but still, the accuracy of filtering news Prior studies noted that analyzing social media articles for a newspaper is not satisfactory. platform could shed light regarding the popular- In comparison to news recommender system for an ity [KHGPS16] and the life cycle of various news ar- individual user, predicting the popularity of a news ticle [Cas13]. However, these studies have considered article is a complex task because an efficient predic- tweets, which have exclusively mentioned the URL of tion model needs to account for the heterogeneity of news article. In fact, these studies failed to probe the users. More importantly, the summation of individ- richness of the Twitter platform by restricting them to ual user preference would not be the proxy for soci- a very small sub-sample of tweets with the URL of a etal acceptance For instance, it is easy to predict what specific news article. On the contrary, our study takes a Democrat or Republican will prefer to read on the a more holistic approach than these studies and con- digital platform but the task becomes complex if we siders both users involvement with a news article and try to predict what political news will engage both user reaction towards a specific news article. However, Democrats and Republicans. So, a dominant stream of the biggest challenge for this approach is to identify the prior works focused on the content of the news article relevant tweets for a specific news article. Therefore, and article headline and employed machine learning al- we have developed an iterative and adaptive algorithm gorithms [SAM+ 16] to predict the popularity of a news that considers both textual and semantic attributes to article. For instance, existing literature considered dif- identify the relevant tweets. Our user involvement as- ferent features of an article [VCLDD17, KWHR16], pect considers various count measures, such as a to- such as textual [FVC15] and temporal features, to tal number of tweets and average number of retweets, predict its popularity. Prior studies noted that arti- count of hashtags, the cumulative number of unique cle content features, such as the length of the article, users as well as influential users, and so on. Also, our the time of publishing, category or genre of the arti- user reaction indices consider linguistic aspects of the cle, the author of the article and so on, can predict Twitter discussion, such as variances in sentiment and the popularity of a news article [LWZ+ 17]. Another emotion for a particular news article. For the sake of set of studies also considered the linguistic attributes robustness, we have considered various machine learn- of an article [KMJO16, KYS+ 17] or the presence of ing algorithms and an exhaustive set of baseline mod- important entities within an article [SS16] to investi- els based on prior studies. Our findings on the basis of gate the issue. Existing literature also noted that the 300 news items strongly suggest that patterns of Twit- headline of an article itself [KFKN15] and the polarity ter deliberations can outperform other baseline models within the headline [RBdM+ 15] could be important in predicting the popularity of the news articles. input variables for the predicting the popularity of a news article. climate change will uniformly affect all users. There- Another set of works highlighted the event impor- fore, it is easy to predict the reaction of users. How- tance to predict the popularity of a news article. For ever, the political news might not uniformly engage instance, Setty et al. [SAMA17] ranked news articles and affect all users because of their ideological hetero- by linking them to a chain of recent news events. Sim- geneity. In this study, we have considered 300 political ilarly, other studies tried to explore the event impor- news, from the New York Post, during the period July tance by combining articles using topic similarity from 2016 to September 2016. Wikipedia [MB16] or by considering the causal rela- We have considered the Twitter platform for collect- tionships [KVW14]. However, this approach has limi- ing the social media data. Twitter allows free access tations for new upcoming events or for an event which to approximately 1% of total tweets (in a random fash- is losing relevance among readers. In these scenarios, ion) using the streaming API. To probe our research we argue that probing users behavioral pattern on so- question, we have considered the tweets related to a cial media platform can hint about the popularity of particular news article. Extracting the relevant tweets news article. for particular political news is a challenging task. To To the best of our knowledge, there is hardly address this, we have developed an adaptive algorithm any study which considered social media platform for that has considered both content (similar keyword predicting the popularity of news article. Some of mapping) features and context (same hashtag) fea- the prior studies considered the users behavior on a tures of tweets to extract the related tweets of a news news media outlet and argued that engagement of article. Following prior studies [CBDC17], as an initial users could predict the popularity of a news arti- step, we have considered a set of preliminary hash- cle [TADAF14, TLA+ 11]. However, it is worth not- tags that have threshold keywords overlap with the ing that the news media outlet represents a minuscule representative (by top 10 TF-IDF) keywords within of digital platform readers. This is one potential re- the news article. In other words, these preliminary search gap in the existing literature. Popular social hashtags, which we have initially considered to crawl media platforms, such as Twitter, not only provides tweets for a particular news article, are a bag of hash- users an option to share their views but also allows to tags on the basis of the articles seed tweets [CBDC17]. reply or endorse the views of others by retweeting. In However, there are certain limitations to this approach other words, Twitter provides a platform for its users because users can use multiple hashtags for a particu- to engage in a deliberation. Interaction of users on the lar news article on the social media platform but not Twitter platform can shed light about users engage- all of them might be unique to that particular news ment with a particular news article [OCDA15]. Thus, article. For instance, social media users have used this paper attempts to predict the popularity of news multiple hashtags for the following news article titled article using Twitter data. Some of the earlier works GOP blasts Obama 400 million dollars secret ransom consider initial twitter reactions [MTR14, CEHPS14] paid to Iran as follows: #whitehouse, #trump2016, or content and structural features [LZZ15]. However, #chicago, #irandeal, #obamabetrayus and so on (as as we mentioned, they have only considered tweets shown in Table 3). The last two hashtags are more that has news related URLs. Thus, none of the prior specific about the news article in comparison to others. studies considered the richness of Twitter data. So, Hence, we need to consider this in our data collection this paper not only considers the user-level involve- as well as analysis. ment (by using count measures of tweets, retweets, To address the above concern, we have collected all number of unique users and other parameters) but also hashtags related to all political news articles published probes user-level reaction towards a particular news in the previous one month (with respect to the pub- article (by understanding the various linguistic aspects lication date of the article we are considering in our of their tweets). analysis). This process has generated a bag of hash- tags. From this bag of hashtags, we have identified a set of hashtags, which were frequently used by Twitter 3 Data Collection users and labeled them as generic hashtags. Conse- To address our research problem, we have considered quently, we have labeled #whitehouse, #trump2016, the front-page political news of the New York Post, #chicago as generic hashtags for the above article be- which is one of the most popular newspapers in the cause these hashtags were used by Twitter users for United States. It has experienced a whopping 500% other issues/news article also. growth in the last five years with 331 million page Next, we have developed an automated system for views in March 2018. Predicting the popularity of po- identifying hashtags specific to a news article. We litical news is the most challenging in comparison to have filtered out the preliminary hashtags as the hash- other genres of news. For instance, a news article on tags those were mentioned in a tweet T, and ful- Table 1: The table shows title of 4 news articles, sample tweets related to the news article and the hashtags(both generic(HG ) and article specific(HA ) related to the news article. SNo News Article Sample Tweets Hashtags 1. It’s not like Obama ever earned any money #whitehouse GOP blasts (HG ),#irandeal(HA ), ... he gave 400 million in cash to Iran.... Obama’s 400 #pressecretary(HG ), #irandeal 1 million dollars 2. I strongly oppose the Raskin-supported for- #obamabetrayus(HA ), secret ransom paid #trump2016(HG ), eign policy toward #iran. we must not pay to Iran #chicago(HG ), #cnn(HG ) ransom to a dangerous terror regime. 1. What visa enabled melania trump #whitehouse (G), to work in the U.S.? #theplotthickens, #irandeal(HA ), Melania Trump: I #immigration, #trump #pressecretary(HG ), 2 have never lived in 2. If Melania Trump broke immigra- #obamabetrayus(HA ), the US illegally tion laws, the best punishment is ... #trump2016(HG ), #melaniaImmigration #nevertrump #chicago(HG ), #cnn(HG ) 1. Hillary Clinton reckless emails outed an Hillary to blame Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by #crookedhillary(HG ), for Iranian scien- Iran for treason #neverhillary #neverhillary(HG ), 3 tist’s hanging, gen- 2. #crookedhillary server has emails dis- #shortcircuit(HG ), eral says cussing nuclear scientist #executed by iran #hillary(HG ) #shortcircuit 1. Shhh...You’re not supposed2 know about Obamacare hikes health insurance rate hikes until after elec- has families strug- #repealobamacare(HA ), 4 tions! vote #trump #repealobamacare gling to afford #trump(HG ), #maga(HG ) 2. #repealobamacare Obama will take our insurance money filled the threshold criteria of keywords matching with We have extracted the users name from our Twitter the news article [CBDC17]. We define article-specific corpus and identified around 1 million unique users hashtags as those hashtags that were mentioned in T who have tweeted at least once for our sample of 300 but not in our list of generic hashtags. For instance, news article. Next, we have crawled their last 3200 Thus, the article 1 (as shown in Table 3), we have tweets and profile-related information. In our model, labeled #irandeal and #obamabetrayus as article- we have considered whether a user is influential or not. specific hashtags. Similarly, the article-specific hash- If a user has more than 1000 followers, then we have tag for the news article 4 (as shown in Table 3), i.e., considered them as an influential user. To sum up, Obamacare hikes has families struggling to afford in- we have considered 1.8 million tweets for our 300 news surance was #repealobamacare. articles made by around 1 million unique users. To check the accuracy of this approach, we have pro- vided around 130 news articles along with all the hash- 4 Proposed Approach tags to three annotators. We have labeled a hashtag For predicting the popularity of a news article, we have as an article-specific hashtag if the majority of annota- considered two categories of social media data namely, tors have marked that particular hashtag as specific to user involvement indices and user reaction indices. We that article, or otherwise labeled it as a generic hash- argue that the popularity of a news article among the tag. We observed that our proposed approach yields social media users (which is a proxy for digital plat- an accuracy of 89%in identifying an article specific form readers) can be captured by analyzing the atten- hashtags. (as shown in Table 3) reports a few sample tion that a news article is receiving and the linguistic news articles and corresponding article-specific (HA ) content of the discussion on the Twitter platform on and generic (HG ) hashtags. After identifying the arti- the very day of its publication. In brief, the former cat- cle specific hashtags, we use these hashtags to extract egory considers various user-level tweet statistics, and further tweets related to that news article. the latter employs natural language processing tech- Next, we have extracted the user level information. niques to understand the linguistic aspects of the social In other words, we have extracted the information re- media discussions. The following sections narrate how lated to users who had participated in the political we have operationalized the involvement and reaction discussion related to any of these 300 news articles. indices. Table 2: The table shows 5 News Articles along with the whether it was published next day (Pn+1 ) and User Involvement Indices related to each article. HP , HG and HA represents the number of preliminary hashtags, generic hashtags and article specific hashtags and Tt , Tr and Tf represents the number of tweets, retweets and favourites and u, qu represent the users and unique users of the tweets related to a news article. Title of a few sample news article on SNo Pn+1 (HP /HG /HA ) (Tt /Tr /Tf ) (u/qu) nth day Suicide bombing at Pakistani hospital 1 Yes 16/8/8 1319/42150/37150 1319/1240 kills at least 63 Trump to propose big tax breaks in eco- 2 Yes 20/12/8 208/44151/37929 208/180 nomic plan Trump gives Post columnist a shout-out 3 No 5/5/0 10/0/0 10/10 in economic speech Obama commutes sentences for record- 4 No 13/1/12 13/2/0 13/13 breaking 214 prisoners Furious GOP leaders plot to get Trump 5 Yes 39/8/31 344/223/ 150 344/289 on track 4.1 User Involvement Indices their personal/official twitter handle then immediately that tweet will get retweeted by hundreds of their fol- We capture the attention of Twitter users for a partic- lowers. more than 1000 followers. To sum up, in addi- ular news article by considering the user involvement tion to generic user statistics we have also considered through three aspects: tweet statistics, user statistics the fraction of affected users and influential users for and hashtag statistics. Under the tweet statistics cat- each news article as an input variable in our model. egory, we have considered the number of tweets, the Next, we considered the number of article-specific number of retweets and the number of favorites re- hashtags on the Twitter platform as a metric to gauge ceived by a particular news article on the very day the involvement of social media users. Intuitively, it of publication. These three statistics represents the can be argued that higher user involvement with a user response towards a particular article. We ob- news article would generate higher number of article- serve that there is a significant variance in user involve- specific hashtags. For instance, the news article Trump ment. Some news article receives hundreds of tweets gives Post Columnist a shout-out in economic speech and retweets whereas another news article merely re- didnt generate article specific hashtags. On the con- ceives ten to twenty tweets. Thus, we have normalized trary, the news article Trump to propose big tax breaks the number of tweets received by a particular article in economic plan has created 8 article specific hashtags by dividing it with the maximum number of possible (as shown in Table 2). Thus, we have considered the tweets that an article can have in a day. total number of article-specific hashtags as an input Intuitively, the number of users get involved with a variable in our proposed model. particular news article is a good predictor of the pop- ularity of the news article. Furthermore, we note that 4.2 User Reaction Indices some users get more involved with a particular news article, and they tweet multiple times in a day. How- As we mentioned earlier, natural language process- ever, it is worth noting that 10 tweets from 10 different ing (NLP) techniques allowed us to go beyond various users, in comparison to 10 tweets from 1 particular count-based user-level measures and to probe the lin- user, is a better proxy to gauge the popularity of a guistic content of Twitter deliberations to understand news article. On the contrary, if a user tweets, about the cognitive involvement of users with a particular a particular news article, for more than once, then it news article. This cognitive involvement of users can also indicates his high involvement of that user with be a good proxy to predict the popularity of a news that particular news article. So, we have considered article. So, we have employed NLP techniques, such these finer variances in our analysis. We have consid- as sentiment and emotion analysis, to gauge the user ered the fraction of users, who have tweeted more than reactions towards a particular news article. We have once for a particular news article, as affected users. considered three indicators to capture the user reac- Subsequently, it is also important to note whether tion namely, sentiment variance, emotion variance and a user is influential on the social media platform or argumentativeness index. not. In other words, an influential person can be an We argue that differences of opinion would lead to opinion leader on a social media platform. For in- higher debates and discussion on the Twitter platform. stance, if personalities, such as Barack Obama or Don- For instance, most social media users would agree with ald Trump, endorse a particular news article through a news article such as Global warming would be a se- Table 3: The table shows 5 news articles along with whether the article was published next day(Pn+1 ), sentiment variance(SV ) and emotion variance(EV ) of the tweets related to each news article. SNo Title of a few sample news article on the nth day Pn+1 SV EV 1 Suicide bombing at Pakistani hospital kills at least 63 Yes 0.67 43.19 2 Trump to propose big tax breaks in economic plan Yes 0.90 20.30 3 Trump gives Post columnist a shout-out in economic speech No 0.00 0.00 4 Obama commutes sentences for record-breaking 214 prisoners No 0.00 0.00 5 Furious GOP leaders plot to get Trump on track Yes 0.37 41.51 rious threat in the coming decades and it might create variance indicates that users are displaying different a discussion but not debates. However, a hypothet- emotions towards a news article. We have calculated ical news article such as President Trump is failing the emotional variance (EV) as follows: to take appropriate policy measures to control global warming would probably lead to a debate between the P8 2 i=1 (e(i) − m(e)) Democrats and Republicans. Republican will try to EV = n discard this view, whether Democrats will try to jus- tify this view. Consequently, the popularity of this particular news article will also go up. We are at- In the above formula, n is the number of emotion tempting to capture this in our proposed model. categories which is 8 [MT10, MT13], e(i) is the fraction Following prior studies, such as Vader Sentiment of tweets with ith emotion, andthevalueof m(e)isN 8 Analyzer [HG14] and TextBlob [LKH+ 14], we have where N is the total number of tweets related to a calculated the average sentiment score of a tweet. We particular article. Here, the highest emotion variance have identified all tweets specific to a particular news indicates that tweet corpus for a particular news article article and classified whether the tweet is positive or represents multiple emotion categories. For instance, negative. Next, we have considered the sentiment vari- in response to the immigration issue related news, a ance of all tweets related to a particular news article Republican, who believes that strong immigration law to understand the differences in opinions. We have would protect American jobs, might display joy. On calculated the sentiment variation (SV) as follows: the contrary, a social activist, who thinks otherwise, might display her anger to the same news article. | (P C − N C) | SV = 1 − 5 Data Analysis | (P C + N C) | 5.1 Preparation of Gold Standard For our analysis, we need to know whether a particu- PC is the number of positive tweets for a news ar- lar news article of the nth day is followed by another ticle, and NC is the number of negative tweets for the subsequent article on (n + 1)th day. It is important to same news article. The sentiment variance is highest note that on (n+1) the day the title or the content of when the count of positive tweets and negative tweets the subsequent article can differ significantly from the are equal for a news article, and the sentiment vari- previous day. For instance, on nth day, the hypotheti- ance decreases when there is only (or higher number cal title of a news article can be: Why Brexit matters of) positive/negative tweets. In other words, having for the American Corporate Sector? However, on the an equal number of positive and negative sentiment (n + 1)th day the issue will continue, but the title can indicates that users are from two ideologically oppo- be: American Corporates are reluctant to invest in the site camps. On the contrary, only positive or negative UK. So, it requires a contextual understanding to pre- tweets indicate that users are ideologically homoge- pare the database for our analysis. Thus, we employed neous. three annotators and provided them with a particular Next, we also considered the emotional content of a news article of nth day and all the news articles of tweet. We employ the NRC emotion lexicon[MT10, (n + 1)th day for manual annotation. We have asked MT13] to classify a tweet among various emotion our annotators to mark a news article either as 1 if the classes such as anger, anticipation, trust, disgust, fear, same news gets covered on the subsequent or (n + 1)th joy and surprise. Similar to our sentiment variance day and 0 otherwise. For our analysis purpose, we analysis, we have considered all tweets specific to a have considered the labeling on the basis of the ma- particular news article and classify them into vari- jority of the annotators. We have done this for all 300 ous categories of emotions. Intuitively, high emotional news articles that we considered for our final analysis. Table 4: The table shows the baseline models along with the features considered in each of the baseline models SNo Baseline Models List of Features/Input Variables no of words in the article; the rate of non-stop words; day of the week on which it got published; published on weekend 1 Article Content +Article Polarity or not;no of entities in the news article; average word length of the article Polarity score of the article; the rate of positive and nega- tive words per 100 words; the rate of positive and negative 2 Article Polarity words per 100 words with non-neutral words, the average polarity of positive and negative words; min. and max. the polarity of positive and negative words no of words in the title; the rate of non-stop words in the 3 Title Content +Title Polarity title;no of entities in the title; the average word length of the title Polarity score of the title; the rate of positive and negative words in the title; the rate of positive and negative words 4 Title Polarity with non-neutral words in the title; average polarity of pos- itive and negative words in the title; min. and max. the polarity of positive and negative words in the title no of days a news article related to the event was published, 5 Event importance no of articles of the event was published Table 5: The comparison of the proposed approach with the baselines RFC SVM CART Proposed Approach Precision 91.4 94.6 83.3 Recall 84.2 83.3 85.7 F1-Score 87.6 88.6 84.9 F1-Score of Baseline Models Article Content+Article Polarity 86.8 86.9 74.9 Article Polarity 86.8 84.14 81.7 Title Content + Title Polarity 86.0 87.8 82.5 Title Polarity 85.3 84.9 83.5 Event Importance 81.5 87.4 84 5.2 Baseline Models popularity. Here, our analysis is restricted only to the title of the article. Prior studies portray certain dif- As we discussed in our literature review, a plethora of ferences in terms of the number of features. However, studies have tried to predict the popularity of news ar- in our studies, we have tried to consider an exhaustive ticle [KMJO16, KFKN15, KYS+ 17, RBdM+ 15, SS16]. set of features for first four baseline models: article However, this stream of literature is broadly classified content and polarity, title content and polarity. The fi- into five categories as follows: article content and po- nal baseline model is the event importance [SAMA17]. larity, title content and polarity, and event importance The event importance tries to capture the dominance categories(as shown in Table 4). We have considered of a topic/issue in comparison to others. So, the event all these five prediction models as our baseline models. importance of a news article is calculated by the num- Following the prior studies [KFKN15, RBdM+ 15, bers of similar articles that get published on consec- KVW14], we have extracted both the content and po- utive days. A pair of news article will be considered larity of the article to predict whether the article will as a similar article if it crosses the threshold among get published on the next day or not. Here, we em- the list of entities and bi-grams features between two ployed NLP techniques to the understand the overall articles. Prior studies noted that event importance is sentiment of the article, usages of positive or negative also an indicator to predict the popularity of a news words within the article, the length of the article, and article. so on. Similarly, we have also considered the content and polarity of the title of the article to predict its 6 Results and Discussions time horizon. Secondly, we have considered the po- litical news of the New York Post. In other words, We have employed Random Forest Classified (RFC), we have tested our proposed approach in the political Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gradient Boosting sphere of the United States. So, future studies need Classifier (GBC), and Classification and Regression to probe the efficacy of our model for other genres of Trees (CART) algorithms for our analysis. We have news in other countries. The biggest challenge will be applied these four classifiers on our article dataset both to extrapolate this approach to a context where native for the five baseline models as well as our proposed language is not English. Finally, we have considered a models. We have considered ten-fold cross-validation few fundamentalmachine-learning algorithms. Future for our analysis. We have repeated our experiments studies need to consider advanced deep learning based multiple times and found our results are consistent. models to see the accuracy of our model. We have reported the same in Table 5. Our proposed model has outperformed all five baseline models for all three classifiers. Our F1-score for SVM and RFC References classifiers are marginally better than the CART clas- [AGHT11] Fabian Abel, Qi Gao, Geert-Jan sifier. Broadly, the SVM classifier has outperformed Houben, and Ke Tao. Analyzing other classifiers not only for our proposed model but user modeling on twitter for per- also for baseline models. sonalized news recommendations. User Modeling, Adaption and Per- 7 Conclusions sonalization, pages 1–12, 2011. The advent of information and communication tech- [Cas13] Carlos Castillo. Traffic predic- nology has affected the newspaper industry severely in tion and discovery of news via last few decades. Seamlessly connected various com- news crowds. In Proceedings of the munication channels are generating a huge volume of 22nd International Conference on information. Moreover, the digital platform is becom- World Wide Web, pages 853–854. ing a crowded place. Multiple news outlets are strug- ACM, 2013. gling to grab a larger share of this platform. Therefore, selecting a potentially popular news article is becom- [CBDC17] Roshni Chakraborty, Maitry ing a daunting task for the journalists. This leads to Bhavsar, Sourav Dandapat, and the requirement of an automated system, which can Joydeep Chandra. A network efficiently select the news article that will most likely based stratification approach for draw the maximum attention of users on the digital summarizing relevant comment platform. To address this, prior studies focused mostly tweets of news articles. In In- on the content and polarity of the news article to pre- ternational Conference on Web dict the popularity of news articles. 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