=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2482/paper18 |storemode=property |title=Data Security and Privacy on Intelligent Environments |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2482/paper18.pdf |volume=Vol-2482 |authors=Leandro Marin |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cikm/Marin18 }} ==Data Security and Privacy on Intelligent Environments== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2482/paper18.pdf
    Data Security and Privacy on Intelligent Environments

                                                    Leandro Marin
                                        Area of Applied Mathemetics (DITEC)
                                             Faculty of Computer Science
                                                 University of Murcia

                                                                 information between these safe computers, the security
                                                                 level could be consider high.
                         Abstract                                    The reduction of the number of trusted users and
                                                                 strong restrictions on the software and hardware used
     In this paper we present some of the problems               for the system can increase in the security level, but
     related with the data protection and privacy                the price paid is the reduction of the usability and
     on intelligent environments and some of the                 nowadays, the technology is moving in the opposite
     solutions that have been considered.                        direction.
                                                                     Nowadays, the computers have been replaced by
1    Introduction                                                much more complex intelligent environments, in which
                                                                 it is almost impossible to have a control over the soft-
Information has always been an object of desire for ma-          ware running in our system or the devices connected
licious attacker. This is not something new. We can              to our network. It is not realistic to consider isolated
see multiple examples during the history, but nowa-              environments or even ones in which only trusted users
days, intelligent environments are making the problem            can manipulate the data. The great challenge is to
much more dangerous.                                             balance security and usability.
    We can divide the information management in three
different problems: storage, manipulation and trans-             2     Multiple faces, only one problem
    In the past, it could be enough to have the infor-           We are going to consider some different cases that, at
mation hidden in a safe place and to reduce the num-             the end, can be considered only one single problem:
ber of people allowed to manipulate the information to
zero or almost zero. The communication process was               2.1   Protection of Public Databases
based on cryptographic protocols applied by the peo-
                                                                 Consider a database with registers linked to persons
ple allowed to manipulate the information under very
                                                                 and some kind of medical information. It is clear
restrictive circumstances.
                                                                 that the names and the ID-numbers are identifiers
    On a first etage, computers replaced humans in               that should be protected, but other information like
these tasks. This was not a big problem if the comput-           postal codes or illness could be interesting to obtain
ers used are safe. In order to make a computer safe, the         legitimate statistical information, for example, an ill-
first idea is to reduce to the minimum the interactions          ness related with pollution levels in certain areas. The
of this computer with other computers or humans. If              problem is that this information can reveal the actual
the computer is manipulated only by trusted users and            identity of the patient.
we use strong cryptographic algorithms to transfer the

Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the individual papers by the papers'
                                                                 2.2   Multiparty Computation
authors. Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the volume as a collection    Consider the case of a group of two or more users
by its editors. This volume and its papers are published under   that want to make some kind of computation based
the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC   on common data, but without revealing to the oth-
BY 4.0).                                                         ers their own information. The typical example is the
                                                                 Yao’s Millionaire Problem, in which two millionaire
that want to know who is the richest without reveal-       3.5     Multiple Implementations
ing to the other the amount of money that they have.
                                                           In some cases, it is really impossible to generate safe
                                                           implementations. For example in the case of Internet
2.3   White Box Cryptography                               of Things. We can have a huge amount of computa-
Consider a program that should be able to make a           tional devices with very limited resources and in that
computation using some kind of secret information.         case, we can be sure that the security of some of our de-
The result can be given, but the secret information        vices will be broken. If the information retrieved from
should not be revealed. During the computation, the        one of these devices can be used to break the following
attacker has access to all memory positions. A typical     ones, the damage can grow exponentially. So, it is bet-
example is the encryption of some kind of information      ter to have multiple implementations that make the
without revealing the keys.                                information of one device, not usable to break other

3     Protection techniques                                4     Conclusions
There are several techniques that can be used to pro-      It is non longer reasonable to consider that informa-
tect the information:                                      tion can be kept safe in isolated places. Multiple de-
                                                           vices collect information all around us, even inside our
3.1   Encryption                                           own computers, cell phones or intelligent devices. Pre-
                                                           serving security and privacy in these environments is
This is probably the first idea that we can consider to    a serious task and it is connecting different areas of
protect the information. This is a good solution when      research.
the computation can be made in safe environments,
but it cannot be applied to all cases. For example,        4.0.1     Acknowledgements
the information in databases that should be used by
learning algorithms or partially modified by legitimate    This research is partially financed by the project
users. Multiparty computation and white box environ-       TIN2017-86885-R
ments are also a problem for standard encryptions.
3.2   Anonymized Data                                              [1] Alfredo Cuzzocrea. Big Data Provenance:
                                                                       State-Of-The-Art Analysis and Emerging
It is necessary to make the information useless to the
                                                                       Research Challenges. In Workshop Proceed-
attacker, specially in the case of active attackers that
                                                                       ings of the EDBT/ICDT 2016 Joint Confer-
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                                                                       ence (March 15, 2016, Bordeaux, France)
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Many of the definitions of privacy are given in terms of               pagliazzo, Steven Rudich, Amit Sahai,
probability, so randomness seems to be a good choice,                  Salil P. Vadhan, and Ke Yang. On the
but this randomness should be introduced carefully in                  (im)possibility of obfuscating programs. In
order to avoid interferences with legitimate learning                  Joe Kilian, editor, Advances in Cryptology
algorithms.                                                            - CRYPTO 2001, 21st Annual International
                                                                       Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, Cal-
3.4   Algebraic Protection                                             ifornia, USA, August 19-23, 2001, Proceed-
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gitimate operations that should be performed on the
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with the operations. For example, linear transforma-                   tions Using Non-Commutative Cryptogra-
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and multiplied by constants.