=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2482/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Graph Analytical Re-Ranking for Entity Search |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2482/paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2482 |authors=Takahiro Komamizu |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/cikm/Komamizu18 }} ==Graph Analytical Re-Ranking for Entity Search== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2482/paper6.pdf
              Graph Analytical Re-ranking for Entity Search

                                                      Takahiro Komamizu
                                                       Nagoya University
                                                        Nagoya, Japan

                                                                 keywords. Entity search is important for users who
                                                                 investigate entities themselves as well as relationships
                          Abstract                               among entities. Due to its importance, several open
                                                                 tasks for entity search have been published (for in-
     Entity search is a fundamental task in Linked
                                                                 stance, INEX-LD [WKC+ 12], QALD [UNH+ 17], and
     Data (LD). The task is, given a keyword
                                                                 DBpedia-Entity [HNX+ 17]). DBpedia-Entity is the
     search query, to retrieve a set of entities in LD
                                                                 most recent open entity search task composing the
     which are relevant to the query. The state-of-
                                                                 existing open entity search tasks and contains com-
     the-art approaches for entity search are based
                                                                 prehensive evaluation results for existing entity search
     on information retrieval technologies such as
                                                                 methods. Therefore, this paper deals with this task.
     TF-IDF vectorization and ranking models.
                                                                     In DBpedia-Entity task, recent methods are in-
     This paper examines the approaches by apply-
                                                                 spired from information retrieval domains, such as
     ing a traditional evaluation metrics, recall@k,
                                                                 BM25 and language model (see their website1 ), how-
     and shows ranking qualities still room left
                                                                 ever, there are few methods using graph analyti-
     for improvements. In order to improve the
                                                                 cal methods (e.g., PageRank [PBMW99]). The ex-
     ranking qualities, this paper explores pos-
                                                                 isting methods are based on occurrences of terms;
     sibilities of graph analytical methods. LD
                                                                 BM25 is a common ranking model-based TF-IDF vec-
     is regarded as a large graph, graph analyti-
                                                                 torization, language model considers probabilities of
     cal approaches are therefore appropriate for
                                                                 co-occurrence of terms, and, fielded extension meth-
     this purpose. Since query-based graph ana-
                                                                 ods over the former basic methods are also included.
     lytical approaches fit to entity search tasks,
                                                                 Fielded extension methods give high weights for im-
     this paper proposes a personalized PageRank-
                                                                 portant attributes of documents (e.g., titles of Web
     based re-ranking method, PPRSD (Person-
                                                                 pages). On the other hand, interestingly, there are
     alized PageRank based Score Distribution),
                                                                 few methods using graph analytical methods such as
     for retrieved results by the state-of-the-art.
                                                                 PageRank, even though LD is represented as a graph
     The experimental evaluation recognizes im-
                                                                 in nature. This raises a question: Are graph analytical
     provements but its results are not satisfac-
                                                                 methods not appropriate for entity search tasks?
     tory, yet. For further improvements, this pa-
     per reports investigations about relationship                   To answer the question, this paper firstly analyzes
     between queries and entities in terms of path               the existing methods. [HNX+ 17] indicates that exist-
     lengths on the graph, and discusses future di-              ing methods achieve 0.46 NDCG@10 score and 0.55
     rections for graph analytical approaches.                   NDCG@100 score, but it is not clear how far the
                                                                 achievements from goals are. NDCG (Normalized
1    Introduction                                                Discounted Cumulative Gain) is a standard way of
                                                                 ranking evaluation, which reasonably compares rank-
Linked Data (LD) [BHB09] which started by Sir                    ing methods, but it hides potentials for improvement.
Tim Berners-Lee has become an important knowledge                Therefore, this paper applies a traditional evaluation
source, and entity search for LD [PMZ10] is a funda-             metrics, recall@k, which is a ratio of relevant answers
mental task which retrieves entities in LD for query             in top-k results over the total number of relevant an-
Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the individual papers by the papers'   swers. Thus, recall@k indicates that how many rele-
authors. Copyright © CIKM 2018 for the volume as a collection
                                                                   1 http://tiny.cc/dbpedia-entity
by its editors. This volume and its papers are published under
the Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0).
vant answers are absent in top-k results. The anal-          2     State of Current Entity Search
ysis results shown the Total column in Table 1, re-
                                                             This work explores the future directions of entity
call@10, recall@100, and recall@1000 are maximally
                                                             search, to this end, this paper investigates the current
0.2872, 0.6912, and 0.8708, respectively.
                                                             state of entity search, especially this paper sticks to a
   The investigation results indicate that there are still   leading benchmark, DBpedia-Entity v2 [HNX+ 17].
room left for improving rankings. The low recall for             As shown in the benchmark, there are various
top-10 results and the high recall for top-1000 results      approaches which are mainly based on informa-
imply that large amount of relevant results are within       tion retrieval and natural language processing tech-
1000 results but most of them are below top-10. There-       niques. The list of approaches include fundamental ap-
fore, this paper attempts to improve the ranking by re-      proaches: BM25 [RZ09], BM25-CA [RZ09], LM (Lan-
ranking, which arrange the ranking by applying differ-       guage Modeling) [PC98], SDM (Sequential Depen-
ent ranking criteria. It is reasonable to take graph         dency Model) [MC05], PRMS (Probabilistic Model for
topological features into account due to the nature          Semistructured Data) [KXC09], and MLM-all (Mix-
of LD. Therefore, this paper applies graph analytical        ture of Language Models) [OC03]; fielded extension
methods for re-ranking. The result for the re-ranking        approaches: MLM-CA [OC03], FSDM (Fielded Se-
method is expected to be an answer to the question.          quential Dependence Model) [ZKN15], and BM25F-
                                                             CA [RZ09]; extended approaches by entity linking
   In consequence, this paper arranges the aforemen-
                                                             technique [HBB16] for query: LM-ELR [HBB16],
tioned question to the following question. Do graph
                                                             SDM-ELR [HBB16], and FSDM-ELR [HBB16].
analysis-based re-ranking methods improve the ranking
                                                                 These works are based on a fielded document con-
quality? This paper attempts to take graph analyti-
                                                             struction method in [Has18]. As an overall structure,
cal methods into account and proposes a re-ranking
                                                             each entity has 1000 fields together with three addi-
method PPRSD (Personalized PageRank based Score
                                                             tional fields. The 1000 fields are corresponding with
Distribution) which distributes calculated relevance
                                                             top 1000 frequent predicates in DBpedia, and the ad-
scores by the state-of-the-art in a personalized PageR-
                                                             ditional fields are heuristically constructed such that
ank manner. Test of PPRSD gives the following an-
                                                             one is “name” field which is constitution of predicates
swer, the graph analysis-based re-ranking method can
                                                             rdfs:label and foaf:name; another is “types” field
improve the ranking quality but the improvement is
                                                             which contains rdf:type predicate and predicates end-
not very significant.
                                                             ing in “subject”, and the other is “contents” field which
   In order to find future directions based on graph         holds the contents of all fields of connected entities ex-
analytical methods for improving entity search, this         cept those connected by owl:sameAs to remove same
paper performs investigations and provides insights.         entities in different languages. Aforementioned ap-
This paper poses a question for results of the prelimi-      proaches use parts of the fielded documents as follows:
nary evaluation by recall@k, that is, why recall@1000        BM25, LM and SDM use the contents field; and MLM-
is not perfect yet? To answer the question, this pa-         all, PRMS and FSDM use top-10 fields. The field
per investigates relationship between query terms and        extension approaches are differentiated by settings of
relevant entities for the query, and the investigation       field weights (e.g., MLM-all uses equal weights for all
reveals that some terms only exist on distant literals       fields, while PRMS learns weights for fields).
from relevant entities. Additionally, this paper obtains         To investigate the qualities of these approaches, this
a clue for selection of predicates connecting to literals    paper tests more intuitive metrics recall@k in addi-
w.r.t. different distances from the entities. Based on       tion to NDCG which is shown in [HNX+ 17]. The
these investigations, this paper puts discussion on fu-      NDCG results are copied to Table 4 (rows of not *-
ture directions based on graph analytical approaches         ed method names correspond to the original results
for entity search.                                           shown in [HNX+ 17]). The NDCG result shows com-
                                                             parative ranking qualities among these approaches.
   The following sections discuss the detail for get-
                                                             While, NDCG is not a clear indicator for distances
ting the answers to the questions. Section 2 intro-
                                                             from goals. Therefore, this paper investigates more
duces briefly the state-of-the-art shown in [HNX+ 17]
                                                             clear indicator, recall@k (Eqn. 1) which reveals ratio
and showcases the preliminary evaluation in terms of
                                                             of relevant results in top-k.
recall@k metrics, and Section 3 explains the idea and
detail of PPRSD, and Section 4 evaluates the state-of-                      the number of relevant items in top-k
the-art and PPRSD using the test collection and shows            recall @k =
                                                                              the total number of relevant items
the answers to the aforementioned questions. Section 5                                                            (1)
displays additional investigations and insights for the          Table 1 displays recall@k (k ∈ {10, 100, 1000}) and
future directions, and Section 6 concludes this paper.       it indicates that more than 80% of relevant results are
Table 1: Recall@k (k = 10, 100, 1000). Each row corresponds with existing approaches, and the last row is
maximum recall score among them. For each column, the best score is boldface, underlined, and lined in the
bottom. The bottom row indicates gaps from recall@k values (k = 10, 100) from recall@1000, which claims that
large amount of relevant results are below top-10.
                  SemSearch ES             INEX-LD               ListSearch                 QALD-2                   Total
              @10    @100    @1000   @10     @100  @1000   @10      @100    @1000   @10      @100    @1000   @10     @100    @1000
 BM25         .2563  .6669   .9280   .1730   .4860 .7554   .1093    .4598   .7221   .1891    .4677   .6929   .1823   .5175   .7703
 PRMS         .3719  .7499   .9412   .2312   .5339 .7796   .1839    .5476   .7525   .2273    .5428   .7420   .2522   .5919   .8009
 MLM-all      .3887  .7705   .9412   .2343   .5527 .7796   .1840    .5655   .7525   .2280    .5706   .7420   .2571   .6136   .8009
 LM           .3812  .8236   .9412   .2425   .5807 .7796   .1899    .5772   .7525   .2355    .5910   .7420   .2607   .6413   .8009
 SDM          .3884  .8581   .9865   .2409   .6224 .8567   .1987    .6121   .8256   .2398    .5921   .7991   .2659   .6674   .8633
 LM-ELR       .3863  .8278   .9412   .2364   .5894 .7796   .1913    .5940   .7536   .2474    .5909   .7401   .2646   .6483   .8006
 SDM-ELR      .3898  .8581   .9865   .2366   .6307 .8567   .2105    .6180   .8256   .2589    .6172   .7991   .2739   .6782   .8633
 MLM-CA       .4096  .7843   .9420   .2249   .5917 .8051   .1861    .5834   .8038   .2377    .5953   .7894   .2639   .6370   .8329
 BM25-CA      .3991  .8326   .9766   .2372   .6266 .8603   .2110 .6261 .8431        .2650    .6157   .8164   .2782   .6727   .8708
 FSDM         .4459  .8515   .9581   .2390   .6153 .8191   .1980    .5999   .8175   .2466    .6102   .7970   .2812   .6667   .8455
 BM25F-CA     .4097  .8707 .9704     .2607 .6526 .8544     .2042    .6189   .8325   .2548    .6341   .8157   .2811   .6912   .8653
 FSDM-ELR     .4536 .8539    .9562   .2477   .6253 .8191   .2022    .6075   .8162   .2507    .6275   .7970   .2872   .6765   .8450
 max          .4536  .8707   .9865   .2607   .6526 .8603   .2110    .6261   .8431   .2650    .6341   .8164   .2872   .6912   .8708
 gap          .5329  .1158   —       .5996   .3077 —       .6321    .2170   —       .5514    .1823   —       .5836   .1796   —

Table 2: Recall@k (k = 10, 100). Each row corresponds to the maximum recall@k value among re-ranked existing
                           SemSearch ES       INEX-LD        ListSearch     QALD-2            Total
 Re-ranking method
                            @10    @100     @10    @100      @10   @100    @10    @100    @10     @100
 PageRank                  .1545 .4664 .1171 .3639 .1059 .4438 .1561 .4519 .1344 .4198
 Personalized PageRank .1632 .4779 .1228 .3822 .1146 .4524 .1613 .4587 .1397 .4355

included in top-1000 but only 20% to 45% of them                  The subsequent sections introduce naïve baseline
are included in top-10, which indicates there are room         approaches and the proposed re-ranking method,
left for improving rankings. The recalls are calculated        PPRSD. Section 3.1 introduces re-ranking methods
on the top-1000 results presented in the benchmark             via PageRank [PBMW99] and personalized PageR-
data2 . The boldface and underlined cells in the ta-           ank [Hav02], and introduces a preliminary evaluation
ble show maximum recall scores for tasks and k. All            of these methods. Then, Section 3.2 explains PPRSD
methods have low recall@10 as well as recall@100, but          which utilizes both results of the state-of-the-art and
still high recall@1000, meaning that ranking perfor-           advantages of personalized PageRank.
mance should be improved. The gap row in the table
emphasizes that top-10 results have large room left for        3.1     Naïve Graph Analytical Re-ranking
                                                               As discussed above, graph analytical approaches are
                                                               reasonable for re-ranking criteria, however, with a
3    PageRank-based Re-ranking                                 little consideration, global evaluation methods like
This work attempts to improve the ranking qualities            PageRank do not make sense for ranking entities with
by graph analytical re-ranking methods. LD is mod-             respect to input keyword queries. Roughly speaking,
eled as a labeled graph, it is therefore reasonable to         PageRank evaluates vertices having lots of incoming
apply graph analytical approaches to evaluate values           links as important. Therefore, when PageRank is ap-
of entities. In particular, this paper explores feasibil-      plied to the data graph G, PageRank gives an order
ity of PageRank [PBMW99], which is popular graph               of vertices which is independent from input queries.
analytical methods to originally evaluate Web pages            Examinations for the global rankings show bad results
and has been applied for many other domains.                   (this paper does not include this because it is obvious).
   This paper models LD data as data graph (Def. 1)                In order to test PageRank and personalized PageR-
                                                               ank in a re-ranking manner, this work utilizes an in-
Definition 1 (Data Graph) Given LD data, data                  sight from the recall@k results in Table 1. The insight
graph G = (V, E) is a graph, where set V = R ∪ L ∪ B           is that the top-1000 results by existing methods in-
of vertices are union of set R of entities, set L of lit-      clude more than 80% of relevant results. Thus, the
erals and set B of blank nodes, and set E ⊆ V × P × V          idea of re-ranking with PageRank and personalized
of edges between vertices with predicates P as labels.         PageRank is to filter top-1000 result entities by the
                                                              existing methods and to apply the graph analytical ap-
   2 https://github.com/iai-group/DBpedia-Entity/tree/         proaches. To do so, an induced subgraph (Definition 2)
master/runs/v2                                                 for the top-1000 result entities are extracted.
Definition 2 (Induced Subgraph) Given set V 0 of            scores than those on ranks. Additionally, the rele-
vertices, induced subgraph G0 = (V 0 , E 0 ) of graph G =   vance scores are more sophisticated than just count-
(V, E) over V 0 is a subgraph of G such that V 0 ⊆ V        ing matching entities as naïve personalized PageRank-
and E 0 = (V 0 × V 0 ) ∩ E.                                based re-ranking approach (s in Eqn. 3).
                                                               To realize this idea, this work arranges the personal-
   On the induced subgraph G0 extracted from top-
                                                            ized PageRank formulation shown in Eqn. 3 to include
1000 results, PageRank and personalized PageRank
                                                            the relevance scores calculated by the state-of-the-art
values are calculated as Eqn. 2 and Eqn. 3. In Eqn. 2,
                                                            as Eqn. 4 called PPRSD (stands for Personalized
pr is a PageRank vector with 1000 length, A is a
                                                            PageRank based Score Distribution).
1000 × 1000 adjacency matrix of G0 , e is 1000-length
vector which elements are all 1, and d is a damping                    pprsdq = (1 − d) · pprsdq A + d · t           (4)
factor which is the probability of random jumps. Sim-
ilarly, in Eqn 3, pprq is a 1000-length PageRank vector     where pprsdq is a 1000-length relevance score vector
for query q, A is an adjacency matrix as PageRank, s is     of PPRSD. The personalized vector s is redefined as t,
1000-length personalized vector for q, which elements       where each element ti of entity vi ∈ V 0 stores a rele-
corresponding with matching entities for q are 1 and        vance score of q to vi calculated by one of the state-of-
other elements are 0, and d is a damping factor.            the-art method. Log likelihood-based relevance scores
               pr = (1 − d) · prA + d · e            (2)    (i.e., LM, MLM, SDM, FSDM, PRMS, and their vari-
                                                            ations) are negative values in nature, therefore, these
            pprq = (1 − d) · pprq A + d · s          (3)    scores are converted to positive numbers by applying
   A preliminary experiment over these naïve re-            exponential function. In addition, the converted scores
ranking methods shows worse results than the state-         are quite small (e.g., 10−34 ) because the values in the
of-the-art. The preliminary experiment tests the feasi-     log function are products of probabilities, therefore,
bility of aforementioned methods (PageRank and per-         the converted scores are multiplied by positive num-
sonalized PageRank-based re-ranking methods) on the         ber so as to make the scores comparable with those
DBpedia-Entity v2 benchmark [HNX+ 17]. The re-              of the other methods. As PageRank-based methods
ranking approaches are applied for all the state-of-        compute the relevance score vectors (i.e., pr in Eqn. 2
the-art methods listed in Table 1. Table 2 displays         and ppr in Eqn. 3), PPRSD also computes the rele-
maximum recall@k values among the applied methods           vance score vector, pprsd, by the power method. Re-
of PageRank and personalized PageRank, separately.          sult entities ranked by PPRSD are of ordering in the
Amongst PageRank and personalized PageRank, per-            relevance scores.
sonalized PageRank has achieved better performance
than PageRank, therefore, taking relevance to queries       4     Experimental Evaluation
into account results better ranking qualities. Compar-
                                                            The experiment in this paper attempts to confirm
ing recall@k of the state-of-the-art shown in Table 1,
                                                            the re-ranking method, PPRSD, improves the rank-
the re-ranking methods are mostly worse then them.
                                                            ing qualities in terms of both recall@k and NDCG@k.
Consequently, re-ranking methods should more rely on
                                                            Since PPRSD relies on the results of the state-of-
the state-of-the-art.
                                                            the-art, this experiment uses the standard benchmark
3.2   Re-ranking by Score Distribution                      dataset [HNX+ 17]3 of entity search on DBpedia. Rel-
                                                            evance scores for entities in the state-of-the-arts are
The preliminary evaluation on the naïve re-ranking          obtained from the website of the benchmark4 . This
methods reveal two facts:          one is personalized      experimental evaluation attempts to answer the follow-
PageRank-based re-ranking is superior to PageRank-          ing question: Does the re-ranking method improve the
based re-ranking, and the other is the state-of-the-art     state-of-the-are? And, how large or small the improve-
are still more powerful than simple graph analytical        ments are? In order to answer the question, PPRSD
approaches. Therefore, the facts suggest that person-       and the state-of-the-art are compared by recall@k
alized PageRank-based method with utilizing results         (Eqn. 1) and NDCG@k (Eqn. 5) which is a ratio of
of the state-of-the-art can be a better choice. The rest    DCG@k (Eqn. 6) over the ideal value of DCG@k re-
of this section introduces how to realize it.               ferred as to IDCG@k.
    The main idea of the proposed approach is that
utilizing relevance scores for re-ranking algorithm via                                      DCG@k
                                                                              NDCG@k =                               (5)
personalized PageRank. The state-of-the-art rank en-                                        IDCG@k
tities by their own relevance scores, the scores indi-          3 http://tiny.cc/dbpedia-entity
cate relative relevance degrees among the resulting en-        4 https://github.com/iai-group/DBpedia-Entity/tree/

tities. That is, there are more or less gaps on relevance   master/runs/v2
                                                                                                             Table 3 shows PPRSD successfully improves rank-
                                                                                                         ing qualities of the state-of-the-art. The Total col-
            0.30                                                0.30
                                                                                                         umn represents the ranking qualities among all tasks.
            0.25                                                0.25
            0.20                                                0.20
                                                                                                         The column indicates that 7 over 12 methods have

            0.15                                                0.15                                     been improved by PPRSD in recall@10 and 8 meth-
            0.10                                                0.10                                     ods have also been improved by PPRSD but 2 meth-
            0.05                                                0.05                                     ods have been degraded the ranking qualities in re-
            0.00 0.0   0.2     0.4 0.6 0.8    1.0               0.00 0.00   0.05 0.10 0.15        0.20   call@100. This indicates that PPRSD successfully im-
                             damping factor                                     damping factor
                                                                                                         proves the ranking qualities. Note that PPRSD im-
   (a) Damping factor in 0 to 1.                    (b) Damping factor in 0 to 0.2.                      proves not only elementary approaches (e.g., BM25)
                                                                                                         but also more sophisticated approaches (e.g., BM25F-
Figure 1: Effect of damping factor. Lines represent                                                      CA and FSDM-ELR).
base methods for PPRSD. (a) shows recall@10 values
                                                                                                             Table 4 also shows PPRSD successfully improves
for damping factor 0 to 1 and realizes damping factors
                                                                                                         ranking qualities of the state-of-the-art. Recall@k
in 0 to 0.2 are optimal, therefore, (b) shows that range
                                                                                                         and NDCG@k obviously have correlation, therefore,
in fine granularity.
                                                                                                         the improvements should be confirmed as the success
                                                    2reli − 1                                            shown in recall@k. As expected, the best results are
                               DCG@k =                                                           (6)     all of PPRSD-based methods. It is worthy to note that
                                                   log2 (i + 1)
                                               i=1                                                       the improvement ratios shown in imp. are larger than
   The subsequent sections discuss the comparison of                                                     those of recall@k, indicating that PPRSD improves
the ranking qualities between the original methods and                                                   the rankings not only by just more relevant entities in
the re-ranked methods by PPRSD. More specifically,                                                       the rankings but also better positions of relevant enti-
Section 4.1 introduces an empirical study for deter-                                                     ties in the rankings. Since NDCG@k is good at rela-
mining damping factor d in Eqn. 4, and, based on the                                                     tive comparison between rankings, the results confirm
choice of the damping factor, Section 4.2 discusses the                                                  the improvements of rankings. For example, BM25-
comparison between the PPRSD-based methods over                                                          CA* is the best ranking method in terms of recall@10
the original methods.                                                                                    for QALD-2 task, however, BM25F-CA* is superior to
                                                                                                         BM25-CA* and the best in terms of NDCG@10 for the
4.1               Effect of Damping Factor                                                               same task. This means that BM25F-CA* have less rel-
                                                                                                         evant entities in top-10 rankings but more relevant en-
Figure 1 showcases effects of damping factor in var-                                                     tities are in the earlier positions in the top-10 rankings.
ious state-of-the-art which PPRSD is applied, and it                                                     Consequently, evaluation based on NDCG@k confirms
reveals that smaller damping factor (i.e., around 0.1)                                                   the ranking improvements by PPRSD.
achieves the best performances. In the figure, horizon-
tal axis expresses damping factor which ranges 0 to 1.0
in Figure 1(a) and 0 to 0.2 in Figure 1(b), vertical axis                                                5    Investigation for Improvements
represents recall@10, and lines in the figure represent
                                                                                                         This section explores possibilities of further improve-
the state-of-the-art. FSDM-ELR and BM25F-CA per-
                                                                                                         ments for the state-of-the-art and PPRSD-based re-
form the best among the state-of-the-art in the figure
                                                                                                         ranking methods in the following aspect: Why re-
around damping factor 0.1. In consequence, keeping
                                                                                                         call@1000 is not 100% yet? Since PPRSD is based
10% of relevance scores is the best choice for PPRSD,
                                                                                                         on the state-of-the-art, the upper bound of ranking
so d = 0.1 is used for the later experiments.
                                                                                                         qualities is limited by them and improving the state-
                                                                                                         of-the-art is also important for further improvement of
4.2               Overall Evaluation
                                                                                                         PPRSD. Therefore, this work investigates the reason
Table 3 and Table 4 display the comparisons of values                                                    why top-1000 results have not been perfect yet. To an-
of recall@k for the former and NDCG@k for the latter                                                     swer the question, this paper investigates path lengths
among PPRSD and the state-of-the-art. The Model                                                          from relevant entities to entities which literals contain
row of the table represents tasks of entity search and                                                   an input keyword query term (detail in Section 5.1).
values of k, and the left-most column shows lists of                                                     The investigation reveals that there are still space left
the state-of-the-art and re-ranked versions (which are                                                   for including literals within larger distances (i.e., 3, 4,
represented by *) of them by PPRSD. In addition, each                                                    and 5 hops). Obviously, taking longer paths (or se-
group of rows corresponding with a method includes                                                       quences of predicates) into account entails explosion
imp. row which emphasizes the improvement ratio by                                                       of the number literals included into documents of enti-
PPRSD. Cells contain recall@k values, and the best                                                       ties. As a result, each entity gets noisy documents, and
value in a row is emphasized by boldface and underline.                                                  it is easy to imagine that the noisy documents degrade
Table 3: Recall@k (k=10, 100). Model indicates task types of queries, and top-k indicates the selected k values
(10 or 100). Each cell contains a recall@k value for corresponding condition. For each column, the best score
is boldface and underlined. The most-left column lists the state-of-the-art and re-ranked versions of them by
PPRSD (corresponding with *-ed names). Each group of rows corresponding with the state-of-the-art includes
imp. row indicating the ratio of the improvement by PPRSD.
                  SemSearch ES         INEX-LD              ListSearch            QALD-2               Total
                  @10      @100      @10      @100        @10        @100      @10     @100       @10        @100
 BM25            .2563     .6669    .1730     .4860      .1093       .4598    .1891    .4677     .1823       .5175
 BM25*           .2735     .6952    .1867     .5144      .1279       .4809    .2036    .5044     .1983       .5466
 imp.           +6.52%   +3.64%    +5.38%   +5.21%     +13.54%     +3.70%    +7.19%   +6.33%    +7.57%     +4.70%
 PRMS            .3719     .7499    .2312     .5339      .1839       .5476    .2273    .5428     .2522       .5919
 PRMS*           .3719     .7499    .2312     .5339      .1839       .5476    .2273    .5428     .2522       .5919
 imp.            0.00%    0.00%    0.00%     0.00%      0.00%        0.00%   0.00%     0.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 MLM-all         .3887     .7705    .2343     .5527      .1840       .5655    .2280    .5706     .2571       .6136
 MLM-all*        .3887     .7705    .2343     .5527      .1840       .5655    .2280    .5706     .2571       .6136
 imp.            0.00%    0.00%    0.00%     0.00%      0.00%        0.00%   0.00%     0.00%    0.00%       0.00%
 LM              .3812     .8236    .2425     .5807      .1899       .5772    .2355    .5910     .2607       .6413
 LM*             .3812     .8222    .2425     .5807      .1899       .5772    .2355    .5910     .2607       .6410
 imp.            0.00%    -0.14%   0.00%     0.00%      0.00%        0.00%    0.00%    0.00%     0.00%     -0.03%
 SDM             .3884     .8581    .2409     .6224      .1987       .6121    .2398    .5921     .2659       .6674
 SDM*            .3925     .8602    .2409     .6232      .1991       .6134    .2402    .5921     .2671       .6684
 imp.           +1.11%   +0.24%    0.00%    +0.08%     +0.05%      +0.16%    +0.17%    0.00%    +0.41%     +0.13%
 LM-ELR          .3863     .8278    .2364     .5894      .1913       .5940    .2474    .5909     .2646       .6483
 LM-ELR*         .3863     .8231    .2364     .5894      .1913       .5945    .2474    .5909     .2646       .6473
 imp.            0.00%    -0.43%   0.00%     0.00%      0.00%      +0.08%     0.00%    0.00%     0.00%     -0.12%
 SDM-ELR         .3898     .8581    .2366     .6307      .2105       .6180    .2589    .6172     .2739       .6782
 SDM-ELR*        .3936     .8590    .2366     .6305      .2107       .6190    .2589    .6172     .2749       .6786
 imp.           +1.03%   +0.09%    0.00%    -0.03%     +0.10%      +0.18%    0.00%     0.00%    +0.37%     +0.06%
 MLM-CA          .4096     .7843    .2249     .5917      .1861       .5834    .2377    .5953     .2639       .6370
 MLM-CA*         .4096     .7843    .2249     .5919      .1861       .5834    .2377    .5953     .2639       .6371
 imp.            0.00%    0.00%    0.00%    +0.03%      0.00%        0.00%    0.00%    0.00%     0.00%     +0.02%
 BM25-CA         .3991     .8326    .2372     .6266      .2110       .6261    .2650    .6157     .2782       .6727
 BM25-CA*        .4085     .8345    .2350     .6301     .2151       .6278    .2701     .6329     .2826       .6795
 imp.           +2.26%   +0.12%    -0.38%   +0.35%     +2.27%      +0.38%    +0.57%   +2.79%    +1.33%     +0.97%
 FSDM            .4459     .8515    .2390     .6153      .1980       .5999    .2466    .6102     .2812       .6667
 FSDM*           .4463     .8528    .2390     .6156      .1980       .5998    .2466    .6103     .2813       .6671
 imp.           +0.09%   +0.15%    0.00%    +0.05%      0.00%       -0.02%   0.00%    +0.02%    +0.04%     +0.06%
 BM25F-CA        .4097     .8707    .2607     .6526      .2042       .6189    .2548    .6341     .2811       .6912
 BM25F-CA*       .4218    .8753    .2628     .6555       .2047       .6226    .2613   .6423      .2865      .6963
 imp.           +2.95%   +0.45%    +1.42%   +0.34%     +0.73%      +0.69%    +2.00%   +1.39%    +1.99%     +0.72%
 FSDM-ELR        .4536     .8539    .2477     .6253      .2022       .6075    .2507    .6275     .2872       .6765
 FSDM-ELR*      .4540      .8552    .2477     .6256      .2022       .6075    .2507    .6277    .2873        .6769
 imp.           +0.09%   +0.15%    0.00%    +0.05%      0.00%       0.00%    0.00%    +0.03%    +0.03%     +0.06%

ranking qualities. To obtain hints for preferable paths     estimated from the preliminary evaluation on recall@k
for literals, this paper investigates the commonalities     in Table 1, that is, recall@1000 values are less than
of tail predicates in the paths (detail in Section 5.2).    86% (except SemSearch ES task which is designed for
The investigation reveals that tail predicates should be    direct matching with terms). In other words, 14% are
different for different lengths of the paths.               below top-1000 results.
                                                                In order to answer question why recall@1000 is not
5.1   Distance from Query Term
                                                            perfect?, this paper attempts to realize the relation
The state-of-the-art rely on terms occurring within two     between relevant answers and the numbers of hops
hops at most, modeled as fielded documents. Sec-            from query terms. To this end, this work investi-
tion 2 introduces the fields of entities taken into ac-     gates the minimum distances from relevant entities to
count for the state-of-the-art, and the contents field      query terms by performing SPARQL queries in terms
includes contents of one-hop away entities. This im-        of the distances. SPARQL queries are generated with
plies that no method considers terms occurring within       a graph pattern of a sequential path from given entity
longer hops away.                                           r ∈ R to literal ` ∈ L which contains query term t,
   The fielded document construction limits the pos-        and predicates and resources between r and ` are ful-
sibilities to reach to the relevant results due to the      filled by free variables. Figure 3 illustrates a n-length
absence of query terms in the documents. This fact is       graph pattern for entity r and query term t. Based on
Table 4: NDCG@k (k=10, 100). Model indicates task types of queries, and top-k indicates the selected k values
(10 or 100). Each cell contains an NDCG@k value for corresponding condition. For each column, the best score
is boldface and underlined. The most-left column lists the state-of-the-art and re-ranked versions of them by
PPRSD (corresponding with *-ed names). Each group of rows corresponding with the state-of-the-art includes
imp. row indicating the ratio of the improvement by PPRSD.
                   SemSearch ES           INEX-LD              ListSearch             QALD-2              Total
                   @10       @100       @10      @100        @10         @100      @10     @100      @10        @100
 BM25             .2497      .4110     .1828     .3612      .0627        .3302    .2751    .3366    .2558       .3582
 BM25*            .2839      .4463     .2903     .3816      .2534        .3543    .2953    .3624    .2812       .3847
 imp.           +13.70%    +8.59%    +58.81%   +5.65%     +304.15%     +7.30%    +7.34%   +7.66%   +9.93%     +7.40%
 PRMS             .5340      .6108     .3590     .4295      .3684        .4436    .3151    .4026    .3905       .4688
 PRMS*            .5388      .6162     .3590     .4295      .3684        .4436    .3151    .4026    .3913       .4698
 imp.           +0.90%     +0.88%     0.00%     0.00%      0.00%        0.00%     0.00%    0.00%   +0.20%     +0.21%
 MLM-all          .5528      .6247     .3752     .4493      .3712        .4577    .3249    .4208    .4021       .4852
 MLM-all*         .5578      .6303     .3752     .4493      .3712        .4577    .3249    .4208    .4030       .4863
 imp.           +0.90%     +0.90%     0.00%     0.00%      0.00%        0.00%     0.00%    0.00%   +0.22%     +0.23%
 LM               .5555      .6475     .3999     .4745      .3925        .4723    .3412    .4338    .4182       .5036
 LM*              .5606      .6529     .3999     .4745      .3925        .4723    .3413    .4338    .4191       .5046
 imp.           +0.92%     +0.83%     0.00%     0.00%      0.00%        0.00%    +0.03%    0.00%   +0.22%     +0.20%
 SDM              .5535      .6672     .4030     .4911      .3961        .4900    .3390    .4274    .4185       .5143
 SDM*             .5564      .6718     .4030     .4912      .3961        .4902    .3394    .4274    .4191       .5152
 imp.           +0.52%     +0.69%     0.00%    +0.02%      0.00%       +0.04%    +0.12%    0.00%   +0.14%     +0.17%
 LM-ELR           .5554      .6469     .4040     .4816      .3992        .4845    .3491    .4383    .4230       .5093
 LM-ELR*          .5608      .6518     .4040     .4816      .3992        .4847    .3491    .4383    .4240       .5103
 imp.           +0.97%     +0.76%     0.00%     0.00%      0.00%       +0.04%     0.00%    0.00%   +0.24%     +0.20%
 SDM-ELR          .5548      .6680     .4104     .4988      .4123        .4992    .3446    .4363    .4261       .5211
 SDM-ELR*         .5577      .6716     .4105     .4988      .4129        .4999    .3449    .4364    .4271       .5218
 imp.           +0.52%     +0.54%    +0.02%     0.00%      +0.15%      +0.14%    +0.09%   +0.02%   +0.23%     +0.13%
 MLM-CA           .6247      .6854     .4029     .4796      .4021        .4786    .3365    .4301    .4365       .5143
 MLM-CA*          .6249      .6895     .4029     .4798      .4020        .4786    .3365    .4301    .4361       .5150
 imp.           +0.03%     +0.60%     0.00%    +0.04%      -0.02%       0.00%     0.00%    0.00%   -0.09%     +0.14%
 BM25-CA          .5858      .6883     .4120     .5050      .4220        .5142    .3566    .4426    .4399       .5329
 BM25-CA*         .6040      .7024     .4132     .5048     .4302        .5181     .3607    .4544    .4475       .5404
 imp.           +3.11%     +2.05%    +0.29%     -0.04%     +1.94%      +0.76%    +1.15%   +2.67%   +1.73%     +1.41%
 FSDM             .6521      .7220     .4214     .5043      .4196        .4952    .3401    .4358    .4524       .5342
 FSDM*            .6549      .7269     .4214     .5044      .4196        .4951    .3401    .4359    .4527       .5350
 imp.           +0.43%     +0.68%     0.00%    +0.02%      0.00%       -0.02%     0.00%   +0.02%   +0.07%     +0.15%
 BM25F-CA         .6281      .7200     .4394     .5296      .4252        .5106    .3689    .4614    .4605       .5505
 BM25F-CA*        .6444     .7361     .4494     .5336       .4288        .5166   .3699    .4672    .4673       .5581
 imp.           +2.60%     +2.24%    +2.28%    +0.76%      +0.85%      +1.18%    +0.27%   +1.26%   +1.48%     +1.38%
 FSDM-ELR         .6563      .7257     .4354     .5134      .4220        .4985    .3468    .4456    .4590       .5408
 FSDM-ELR*       .6572       .7307     .4354     .5135      .4219        .4985    .3466    .4455    .4587       .5416
 imp.           +0.14%     +0.69%     0.00%    +0.02%      -0.02%       0.00%    -0.06%   -0.02%   -0.07%     +0.15%

the pattern, ASK query (which is an indicator func-         recorded; and (5) the obtained distances for each rel-
tion query in SPARQL) is generated to examine such          evant entities are analyzed. Obtained distances for a
pattern exists. Following SPARQL query displays ex-         relevant entity of a query may be different term by
amples of generated ASK queries for distance 2.             term. Therefore, this investigation analyses minimum
                                                            distance, average distance and maximum distance for
         ASK{ hri ?p0 ?v0. ?v0 ?p1 ?v1.                     each relevant entity of a query. Consequently, these
              ?v1 ?p2 ?l. ?l bif:contains ’t’.              distances are individually gathered and calculate their
              FILTER isLiteral(?l).}                        averages to observe how long distances required to
   This investigation measures the minimum distance         touch query terms from relevant entities.
which satisfies the ASK query corresponding with the           Figure 2 showcases the analyzed distances with re-
distance. The procedure of this investigation is that:      spect to tasks as well as with regardless of tasks (i.e.,
(1) given query q, relevant entity list Aq for q is ob-     Total ). In the figure, bars represent ratios of relevant
tained from the benchmark dataset; (2) parse q into         entities having the number of hops (distances) to reach
set Tq of terms; (3) examine ASK queries from length 0      from query terms, and dashed lines express cumulative
to maximum length (5 for this investigation) for each       ratios of relevance entities. Three kinds of bars (light-
pair of relevant entity r ∈ Aq and term t ∈ Tq ; (4)        gray and oblique stripe bars, gray and horizontal stripe
as soon as the ASK query is satisfied, the distance is      bars, and black and crossing stripe bars) correspond
               1.0                                           1.0                                           1.0                                           1.0                                            1.0

                                                                                            Ratio of results
               0.8                                           0.8                                                                                         0.8                                            0.8
Ratio of results

                                              Ratio of results

                                                                                                                                          Ratio of results

                                                                                                                                                                                         Ratio of results
               0.6                                           0.6                                           0.6                                           0.6                                            0.6
               0.4                                           0.4                                           0.4                                           0.4                                            0.4
               0.2                                           0.2                                           0.2                                           0.2                                            0.2
               0.0   0      1 2 3 4                          0.0   0      1 2 3 4                          0.0   0      1 2 3 4                          0.0    0      1 2 3 4                          0.0   0      1 2 3 4
                         The number of hops                            The number of hops                            The number of hops                             The number of hops                            The number of hops
                         (a) Total                               (b) SemSearch ES                                (c) INEX-LD                                   (d) ListSearch                                 (e) QALD-2

Figure 2: The number of hops from relevant entities to query terms. Bars represent ratios of relevant entities
having the number of hops (distances) to reach from query terms. Three kinds of bars (light-gray and oblique
stripe bars, gray and horizontal stripe bars, and black and crossing stripe bars) correspond with minimum,
average, and maximum distances, respectively. Dashed lines express cumulative ratios of relevance entities.
Three kinds of lines (lines with triangles, those with circles, and those with squares) correspond with minimum,
average, and maximum, respectively.
                                                                  An intuition to avoid this situation is to select
        𝑝"      𝑝#      𝑝&   𝑝$%&      𝑝$%#      𝑝$           “good”   paths from an entity which include meaningful
     r      𝑣"      𝑣#     ...    𝑣$%&      𝑣$%#    ... t ... literals for the entity. A naïve extension is to find paths
                                                              from an entity to “good” entities and to include their
                                                              documents (suppose the same approach to the state-of-
                        n-hops                                the-art) into the document of the entity. This paper
                                                              wants to clarify there is any difference between self-
Figure 3: n-length path pattern generated for given           descriptive literals and supportive literals for other en-
entity r, query term t and distance n. Circular vertices      tities. Self-descriptive literals explain well about target
are resources and a square is a literal containing t.         entities, while supportive literals explain supplemental
                                                              facts about the target entities. Self-descriptive literals
with minimum, average (rounded), and maximum dis-             tend to be close to the targets, while supportive liter-
tances. Similarly, three kinds of lines (lines with trian-    als tend to relatively distant from the targets. There-
gles, circles, and squares) correspond with minimum,          fore, this investigation attempts to understand the dif-
average (rounded), and maximum.                               ferences of predicates with ending literals (called tail
    Figure 2 indicates that at least one term is included     predicates) between shorter and longer paths. The in-
in literals directly connected with relevant entities, and    vestigation is done in the following procedure: gathers
Figure 2(a) indicates that most of the relevant enti-         surveyed paths for each relevant entities using interme-
ties are reachable from query terms within two hops           diate results of the previous investigation (Section 5.1),
on average, however, in terms of maximum distances,           and analyzes the paths in terms of commonalities of
still more than 10% relevant entities are not reach-          the tail predicates. The commonalities are measured
able within three hops. This fact answers the question        for different lengths (i.e., 1 to 4) of the tail predicate se-
why recall@1000 is not perfect? as some relevant en-                                                               |Y r ∩Y r |
tities are still not found by the query terms due to          quences by Jaccard index, Jaccard (Yir , Yjr ) = Yir ∪Yjr ,
                                                                                                                   | i j|
the smaller distances to construct entity documents.          where Yir is a set of i-length tail predicates of entity r
This phenomenon is also marked on individual tasks            and | · | is cardinality.
except SemSeach ES task, which is a simple tasks so
that queries in the task are more directly explaining             Table 5 display commonalities of tail predicates
requiring entities than others.                               among different lengths of paths for different tail
                                                              lengths. The results reveal that commonalities of
5.2 Commonality of Tail Predicates of Paths                   tail predicates decrease as differences of path lengths
                                                              increase. This fact indicates that literals reachable
A simple solution for improving ranking qualities in          in different path lengths should select different tail
terms of the previous investigation is top include lit-       predicates (e.g., rdfs:label is not always a good
erals within more hops (i.e., 3 or more), however, it         choice.). Due to the tremendous number of tail pred-
is obvious that the solution incurs noisy entity docu-        icates, the detailed analysis on what kind tail pred-
ments by including unnecessary literals within larger         icates are preferable in particular path lengths is left
hops. The number of reachable entities in G increases         for future work. Examples from rough analysis include
very quickly as the distance increases. Therefore, ir-        rdfs:label and rdfs:comment for 1-length paths and
relevant entities contribute to entity documents.             dbo:wikiPageWikiLinkText for 5-length paths.
Table 5: Commonality (Jaccard index) of tail predicates of top-10 frequent paths from true results to query
keywords. The numbers of top-most and left-most in the tables represent lengths of the paths. These tables
show that only a part (less than 45%) of tail predicates which are related to basic documents of entities is shared
with different lengths of paths.
                (a) tail length = 1                      (b) tail length = 2                (c) tail length = 3        (d) tail length = 4
                       Path length                              Path length                        Path length               Path length
            1        2        3        4       5           2       3        4       5            3        4        5            4        5
    1   1.000    0.399    0.220    0.250   0.198   2   1.000   0.205    0.250   0.190   3    1.000    0.250    0.282    4   1.000    0.449
    2   0.399    1.000    0.429    0.342   0.316   3   0.205   1.000    0.325   0.316   4    0.250    1.000    0.481    5   0.449    1.000
    3   0.220    0.429    1.000    0.389   0.439   4   0.250   0.325    1.000   0.449   5    0.282    0.481    1.000
    4   0.250    0.342    0.389    1.000   0.449   5   0.190   0.316    0.449   1.000
    5   0.198    0.316    0.439    0.449   1.000

5.3     Summary & Future Direction                                        of-the-art by formulating as a re-ranking problem. For
                                                                          further improvements, this paper reports two inves-
                                                                          tigations about relationship between paths to literals
This section investigates relationship between paths                      containing query terms and relevant entities to queries.
and result entities in order to answer the question Why                   Results of the investigations support the improvement
recall@1000 is not 100% yet? The answers of this inves-                   possibilities of graph analytical approaches, and devel-
tigation are 2-fold: (1) literals in distant paths are ab-                oping them is still left for future works. Consequently,
sent from documents; and (2) setting of tail predicates                   this paper answers to the first question as Yes, they
is universal for all lengths of paths. Although, the                      are appropriate, but there is still an issue on matching
first problem is obvious, still the number of reachable                   entities in a graph.
entities in more than two hops is extraordinary large,
therefore, constructing documents from longer paths is                    Acknowledgments.
computationally expensive. Additionally, in the naïve
                                                                          This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI
approach, the generated documents may include large
                                                                          Grant Number JP18K18056.
amount of not quite relevant facts to entities.

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