=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2483/AIC19_paper5 |storemode=property |title=Inside the robot's mind during human-robot interaction |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2483/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2483 |authors=Francesco Lanza,Valeria Seidita,Cristina Diliberto,Paolo Zanardi,Antonio Chella |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/aic/LanzaSDZC19 }} ==Inside the robot's mind during human-robot interaction == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2483/paper5.pdf
       Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot

      Francesco Lanza1[0000−0003−4382−6366] , Valeria Seidita1,2[0000−0002−0601−6914] ,
     Cristina Diliberto1 , Paolo Zanardi1 , and Antonio Chella1,2[0000−0002−8625−708X]
                   Dipartimento di Ingengneria, Università degli Studi di Palermo
                 C.N.R., Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni, Palermo, Italy

             Abstract. Humans and robots collaborating and cooperating for pur-
             suing a shared objective need to rely on the other for carrying out an
             effective decision process and for updating knowledge when necessary in a
             dynamic environment. Robots have to behave as they were human team-
             mates. To model the cognitive process of robots during the interaction,
             we developed a cognitive architecture that we implemented employing
             the BDI (belief, desire, intention) agent paradigm. In this paper, we fo-
             cus on how to let the robot show to the human its reasoning process
             and how its knowledge on the work environment grows. We realized a
             framework whose heart is a simulator that serves the human as a window
             on the robot’s mind.

             Keywords: Cognitive Architecture, Agent Reasoning Cycle, Decision
             Process, Human Robot Interaction

     1     Introduction
     Robots are increasingly present in our everyday lives. We are heading towards
     and hoping for a reality in which robots cooperate and collaborate with human
     beings by exhibiting autonomous behaviors as if they were human beings. In this
     scenario, to enhance interaction, humans feel the need to understand and check
     what robots are going to do. In other words, the need to look at the robot’s
     mind is spreading.
         For this purpose, we are working on the development of a framework, includ-
     ing a simulator, for looking inside the robot’s mind. The simulator’s function-
     alities allow having a view on (i) the robot’s knowledge base which changes at
     runtime and (ii) the robot’s ability to generate anticipations of its own actions.
     In this way, during the interaction we achieve two objectives, to give the human
     the awareness of what the robot is doing and give the robot the ability to re-plan
     at runtime even using plans that have not been pre-set during the design phase.
         The first functionality serves because robots and humans operate in a dy-
     namic context and the robot cannot be provided with a representation/model of
     knowledge about its environment that appears totally exhaustive. We must, in

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution
4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2      F. Lanza et al.

fact, take into account that environment changes during execution. The second
functionality serves because it is necessary for the robot to be able to re-plan by
choosing from a list of useful plans to achieve the goal, shared with the human,
or a sub-goal thereof. The decision-making process and the choice are conveyed
by the ability to anticipate the scene and then to compare it with the expected
    The framework we propose represents the implementation of a cognitive ar-
chitecture that we developed to model the computational cognitive processes of a
robot operating in unknown environments and in a team with humans. Indeed,
some challenges the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) research field are facing
concern (i) knowledge acquisition and representation, including memory man-
agement; (ii) representation of the external environment; (iii) plans selection
and creation; (iv) learning. Cognitive architectures are a good means for meet-
ing these challenges, they allow modeling the human-robot interactions through
the classical perception-action cycle of a cognitive agent. In the literature, a
broad set of cognitive architectures exist and we took inspiration from them for
creating our one. Our cognitive architecture expands the classical perception-
action cycle of a cognitive agent with the modules for the representation of the
internal state of the robot and the representation of knowledge about the inter-
nal state of the others in the world. This is a way for integrating self-modeling
and the theory of mind in team interaction and also for including the whole set
of mental states that are typical in the human, therefore emotions, levels of trust
in oneself and the others, etc.
    In this paper, we illustrate the first prototype of the real implementation
of the cognitive architecture shown in [7, 10], which allows us creating robotic
systems interacting with humans. The cognitive architecture underpinning the
robotic systems lets the interaction happen in a human-like fashion. Moreover,
the features of the framework enrich the interaction by realizing the self-modeling
abilities of the robot and by allowing the human being aware of the robot’s
    The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we give an overview
on our previous work mainly the cognitive architecture we developed; in section
3 we detail the proposed framework and in section 4 we give some working
example; finally in section 5 we draw some conclusions and future works.

2   Cognitive Architecture and HRI: Towards a Window
    on the Robot’s Mind

The application scenario we consider in our work is that of robots and humans
that have to cooperate and collaborate to reach a common objective. It is like
a teamwork domain. Teams composed by humans, in whatever domain, follow
some precise, and we may say somewhat instinctive, procedures to pursue a
shared goal. Main ingredients of human-human interactions are the knowledge
each human has on the surrounding environment, on himself and on the others
and the ability to select an action to perform. Normally, an action is selected
                  Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot Interaction         3

not because someone has said what to do but because he is able to select the
right action among a known set or to generate new useful ones. Our work deals
with reporting human-human behavior in the human-robot interaction context.
    In this context, several challenges exist if humans and robots work in a dy-
namic and partially known environment. If everything is known at design time,
that is:

 – the environment and all the objects it is composed of;
 – the common goal and its potential subdivision in sub-goals;
 – all the actions the robot can perform
 – the tight mapping between actions and sub-goals;
 – which actions to assign to human and which to the robot;
 – all the possible changes of state in the environment as a result of robot action
   or of human action;

then the robot’s mission may be designed in details and assigned without the
risk that something may go wrong during execution.
    Instead, as it often happens, if the environment is not a-priori known and
it changes as the result of the robot and the human actions on it, we need to
equip the robot with some kind of human abilities to learn, to self-adapt and to
choose the best action to perform among a set of actions. Also, the robot has to
be endowed with the ability to adopt or delegate an action to the human on the
base of its knowledge. Adoption or delegation is the result of a decision process
that in the human is triggered by knowledge on himself and the other, by some
particular mental states such as beliefs, desires, intentions and also emotions,
stress, trust and so on.
    To face these challenges, we decided to represent the structure of the robot’s
mind by employing a cognitive architecture. Cognitive architectures are useful
means for representing the cognitive perception-action cycle, agents, and its
decision process. At the same time, we are exploring the possibility to use the
robot’s self-modeling abilities and its theory of mind to trigger the decision
    Our hypothesis is based on the observation of humans while working in a
team. Humans frequently commit a purpose if they are aware of having the
abilities (physical or not) to perform all the helpful actions for pursuing the
objective. Also, they continuously re-plan if they do not succeed in doing some-
thing and ask other humans for acquiring new useful knowledge. They observe
and analyze themselves and the others to know what they can do, what the other
is able to do and, at the same time, is going to do. The first part of the behavior
exploits the human’s ability to create a model of self where elements such as own
capabilities and inner states (emotional state, etc.) are represented. The second
part exploits the human’s theory of mind, hence the ability to attribute to the
other some mental states.
    We studied several cognitive architectures in literature, the more interesting
for implementing our hypothesis are: CLARION, SOAR, ACT-R and LIDA [2,
12, 15, 20]. In addition, we based on the standard model of the mind [14] and
4      F. Lanza et al.

hypothesized a set of modules of a cognitive architecture for a robot working in a
team: the knowledge and memory module, the perception module, the communi-
cation system and the reasoner that allows the robot to choose actions by taking
into account the recovered data. The robot’s behavior is decided by the planner
module that interacts with the context in which the robot is immersed. We,
therefore, drew inspiration from the standard model to create an agent-oriented
architecture for the acquisition and the representation of the robot’s knowledge
[10, 7]. We decided to employ the Belief-Desire-Intention agent paradigm [17, 13].
In our experience agents are the most efficient tool for implementing the theories
underpinning cognitive architectures into a real working implementation [8, 9].

               Action Selection                                          Motivation

                                  Anticipation                                    Goal

                         Current          Situation
                         Situation         Queue
              Decision Process                                                   Mem.

                                                 Observation/              Mem.
                  Execution                       Perception


            Fig. 1. Architecture for Human Robot Teaming Interaction

    Fig. 1 shows the theoretical cognitive architecture we proposed in [10, 11] to
implement human-robot teaming interaction.
    The architecture presents a basic action-perception loop involving the envi-
ronment. The loop was enriched with some modules realizing decision function-
alities. Also, it is based on the hypothesis that the environment is not composed
of all that is out of the robot but also of its inner world. Indeed, in the Memory
module we inserted the Motivation and the Goal modules. So, the Memory
module represents all the knowledge the robot possesses on the environment, the
shared goals and itself in terms of beliefs, emotions, level of trust and so on.
    We claim that all these elements are the trigger elements for activating the
robot’s decision process. The Observation/Perception and the Execution
are the standard modules for interacting with the environment. Reasoning
and Action Selection realize the cognitive ability to select an action after
the reasoning process, which takes inputs from Memory and the new inserted
module, the Anticipation.
                  Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot Interaction           5

   The Decision Process part of the architecture is centered on Anticipa-
tion and Motivation. The robot acts after the reasoning process based on
a certain data stored in the memory, but also and mainly after evaluating the
anticipation of its actions.
    Anticipation allows the robot to imagine the result of its action and to
compare it with the situation desired by the post-condition of a goal. The result
of the action is given in the form of current situation and situation queue. During
the anticipation process, the current situation is generated; it represents the state
of the world corresponding to the currently selected action.
     The current situation is elaborated on the basis of motivations, goals and all
those elements that are in the memory thus getting the execution launched. A
queue of possible situations is also created, intended as a set of pre-conditions,
objectives and knowledge to achieve them, and post-conditions on the objectives.
The robot can draw on all these elements at any time to respond to changes and
still maintain its initial target.
    The Motivation module is the one triggering the anticipation and the action
selection. The process is similar to what we have adopted in other work with
the robot NAO for the implementation of what we called perception loop in
previous works [19, 18]. Roughly speaking, the robot is designed for carrying out
a mission. During the mission execution, in background, the robot imagines the
mission and compares its results with the prescribed one. If something differs, it
stops the mission, acquires new knowledge and selects another action, or task,
to pursue the same objective. The Motivation module is the one triggering the
anticipation and the action selection.
    During the reasoning and decision making process, the robot continuously
interacts with the environment and the human to improve and increase the
knowledge base.
    A cognitive architecture shapes and represents the cognitive processes of the
robot. We are in a context of dynamic interaction in which the decision-making
process is triggered by the mental states of the robot and its model of self
and the world around. In this paper, we restrict our interest in the cognitive
processes related to (i) the representation of the knowledge of the robot and its
modification in the execution phase and (ii) the ability to find independently
the plan to be pursued to achieve an objective. Hence, the anticipation (blue
colored part of Fig. 1) and the observation/perception of the environment (red
part of Fig. 1).
    These two parts of the cognitive architecture have been implemented through
a framework that includes a simulation software. Software runs in background
with the development of the human-robot interaction and acts as a window on
the robot. Through the simulator, the robot imagines the development of the
action it has selected and re-plans if it does not give the desired result. At the
same time, the software shows the knowledge the robot has and how it grows
over time. In the next section, we detail how we implemented these parts of the
cognitive process.
6       F. Lanza et al.

3   Inside the Robot Mind: a Simulation Environment to
    Access Robot’s Cognitive Processes
To effectively put in place the modules described at the end of the previous
section, the idea we propose is to develop a framework in which the anticipa-
tion is implemented by means of a simulator and the knowledge representation
through some gaming graphic elements. Each graphic element useful for the in-
teraction has a direct mapping with the OWL [3] ontology used for modeling
robot’s knowledge. Moreover, the robotic system is managed by a Belief Desire
Intention (BDI) [13, 21] agent system, implemented employing the JASON [5,
4] programming language, and the Robotic Operating System (ROS) [16].

                                               ROS Master

                                    Registration <>                   Registration <>

                ROS Node                         ROS Node                                             ROS Node


                 Java NaoQI                           MAS                                             Unreal Engine
                ROS Interface                         Agent                                             Simulator
                 Robotic Platform

                                    Ac                                                           ts
                                      tio                                                    sen
                                         ns                                              pre


Fig. 2. Human-Robot interaction system software architecture that realizes the cogni-
tive architecture of Fig. 1

    We decided to use the Nao robot by Softbank Robotics but it is worth to
note that the choice of the robotic platform does not affect the operation of the
    In a first phase, the robotic system is designed and built in a standard way, it
is provided with a knowledge base on the environment in the form of an ontology
and the mission that it has to accomplish. Once running, the robot interacts
with the simulator and with the human. The robot sends all the elements to
the simulator to generate anticipation. The agent system evaluates the result of
the comparison and selects the action to be performed. The robot continuously
                   Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot Interaction      7

interacts with the human and the environment to acquire new elements in the
knowledge base that are then shown by the interface of the simulator itself.
    We use Unreal Engine (UE) [1] for the simulator and the Robotic Operating
System (ROS) [16] for the development of robotic applications.
    The simulation process, executed by an unreal engine background process,
is merged with the cognitive reasoning cycle of our architecture using the ROS
publisher/subscriber architecture, as shown in Fig. 2. On the left branch of
the scheme, a ROS node is registered into the ROS architecture to handle the
robot through the Java NaoQI library. This node lets accessing that robot part
including motion, vision and sensory modules and memory handler. On the right
branch of the scheme, another node is registered into the ROS architecture to
handle the Unreal Engine simulator. More details about the integration between
ROS and UE are defined below. On the center branch of the scheme, the last
node is registered to handle the communication through the multi-agent system,
or whatever kind of implementation for the robotic system one wants to choose.
    Mainly, on a high-level perspective, the framework is composed of three main
components: ROS, Unreal Engine 4 and a plugin for Unreal Engine 4, called
ROSIntegration3 .
    ROS (Robot Operating System) is an open source framework designed to
encourage the development of robot applications by providing tools that allow
communication between different systems and the reuse of code in robotic de-
velopment. Unreal Engine 4 is a graphic engine, mainly used to develop modern
video games, utterly programmable in C++. It provides a lot of tools such as
real-time rendering engine for 3D graphics, physical engines for collision detec-
tion, animations support, allowing us to create an environment as realistic as
possible. Furthermore, Unreal Engine 4 functionalities can be expanded employ-
ing plugins, developed by its community. In our case, we used the ROSIntegration
plugin to allow communications between ROS, and then the robot, and Unreal
Engine 4.
    The powerful and the features of Unreal Engine 4 and ROS let the commu-
nication process be very simple and effective:

1. one or more Java applications, named Talker, are responsible for commu-
   nicating with the robot, by means of a set of libraries: ROSJava. It was
   developed by ROS community and allows to instantiate the ROS concept
   (nodes, services and topics) inside the Java code. The Java applications use
   the NaoQI library, provided by Softbank Robotics, to interface with Nao
   robot. NaoQI extrapolates information of interest (such as robot tempera-
   ture, robot joints position, battery level and so on), and write them into
   ROS topics;
2. the ROSIntegration plugin, installed in the UE4 editor, creates a bridge
   between ROS and UE4, allowing UE4 to subscribe to the ROS topics created
   by the Java applications and recover the information from them;

8       F. Lanza et al.

 3. on the UE4 side, one or more C++ classes, called Listeners are responsible
    for retrieving and elaborate robot data. We use UE4 functionalities to display
    such information in a friendly graphic manner.
    At the time of writing, only communications “from Robot to UE4” have been
implemented and tested. However, we designed the architecture in such a way it
performs bilateral communications by integrating Talkers in the UE4 Editor and
Listeners in the Java applications and thus allowing the users to communicate
with the robot through the simulator interface.

4   Looking Inside the Robot: the Framework at Work
After designing and implementing such an architecture, we validated our idea
through two different scenarios, aimed to show if and how the simulator might
be used to support the interaction between robot and the human. These two
scenarios delineate the two characteristics of the framework we are illustrating
in this paper, namely: the capability of generating the anticipation of actions and
the capability of modeling and showing owns knowledge at runtime. The starting

    Fig. 3. The robot’s mission seen in the real and the simulated environment.

point is: “Let’s suppose we can equip the robot with a cognitive architecture
that allows it to emulate the decision-making process of the human being, and
therefore to be able to react adequately and pro-actively in dynamic situations.
How can the human be aware of this similarity, and therefore include robot’s
limitations and strengths as components of the decision-making process that
leads to the creation of sub-goals aimed at achieving the final goal?” In a nutshell:
how can a human treat the robot like any other team member, considering it as
a resource for achieving the common goal?
    Our scenarios are very simple. However, the conclusions drawn from such
tests support the idea that a simulation software aimed to display the robot’s
                  Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot Interaction          9

mental processes would be an effective intermediary between the robot and the

First scenario: generating the anticipation. The first scenario is a simple
path finder: using a navigation algorithm, we used the simulator to show the
robot’s decision-making process in finding the best path to reach a destination
goal in a changing environment. So, the mission to design is to reach a specific
position. The working environment is made of the human, the robot and one
    The robot is designed for performing the mission and is equipped with an
essential ontology representing the working environment. As shown in Fig. 3, the
simulation environment allows the human to be aware of what the robot knows
about the surrounding environment, at the beginning of the mission and during
its execution. Fig. 3 has two parts, the part above shows the real world in which
the robot moves while the part below shows the interface of the simulator, i.e.
the robot’s mind. As it can be seen, going from left to right:

 1. at the beginning of the mission execution, the robot is aware of its position
    and the goal’s position. An avatar appears in the simulation environment.
    The avatar represents a robot’s mental extension, the image it has of itself
    in the environment. The avatar executes the designed path to reach the goal
    (the middle couple of figures). It realizes the anticipation of the scene;
 2. at the end of the simulation/anticipation the robot starts to execute the
 3. during the execution of the task, the environment could suddenly change or
    may be different from the one designed in the initial ontology. Indeed, in this
    scenario, we put a second obstacle without inserting it in the ontology. When
    perceiving the new situation, the robot stops its navigation. The left ROS
    node (Fig. 2) and the NaoQI interfaces communicate with the ROS master
    for handling the new situation. Through the right ROS node the obstacle
    appears in the simulation environment and the robot recomputes the best
    path. Then, the new anticipation is showed by means of its avatar (right
    part of Fig.3);
 4. the algorithm proceeds in such a way until the robot reaches the goal or
    until there are no more available paths to follow.

    In this first scenario, we limited to describing only the part of the generation
of the current situation and we left out the situation queue generation. We pre-
ferred to make the description simpler to better illustrate the validation results
and the considerations we make below in the following paragraph.

Remarks on the first scenario. Software usefulness is evident when the robot
behaves differently from expectations, i.e. when the robot cannot reach the goal
although there is an available path. In this application, the human inserts the
obstacles in the environment, so he knows if the robot could reach the goal
or not. If there is an available path, why can’t the robot use it to reach the
10        F. Lanza et al.

Fig. 4. The simulator interface showing a view of the robot’s mind and how it represents
its knowledge

goal? The answer is that the inaccuracy, albeit minimal, of the rotations aimed
at circumventing the obstacle has caused an incorrect reading of the sensors,
bringing the robot to identify the same obstacle it was trying to avoid as a
new one, and thus blocking the actually available path. For the human being,
identifying the correspondence between the unusual behavior of the robot and
the imprecision of the rotations is a non-trivial task, especially if this inaccuracy
is not evident.
    Using the simulation software as a tool representing what the robot knows
about the surrounding environment was crucial: incorrect readings of the sensors
result in the simulation environment, with the positioning of the first obstacle
correctly, and the appearance of a second obstacle, not expected by a human,
in front of the robot after the rotation. In this case, the software allowed the
human to understand not only that the robot represented the world incorrectly,
but also to connect this error to the reasons that led the robot to conclude that
there were no paths available to reach the goal. In a nutshell, the human was
able to understand the motivations behind the robot’s behavior.

The second scenario: representing changing knowledge. In the second
scenario, a robot works with a human in transporting different objects from a
starting position to a destination. The final destination of the object is indicated
by the human and the robot is designed accordingly. The robot has knowledge
of the environment represented at design time by an ontology, created using
OWL. The ontology dynamically grows as soon as it discovers new concepts or
an instance of them4 . The method used for enhancing and enlarging knowledge
at runtime is shown in [6].
     It is worth to point out that we represent the robot’s knowledge through an ontology
     containing at the same time all the concepts the robot knows and all the objects
     really present in the environment as instance-of the concepts. For details about that
     refer to [6, 8, 9].
                  Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot Interaction           11

    At the beginning of the mission, the robot’s ontology has been designed
with three concepts: Object, the main concept, Furniture and Cutlery,
sons of Object (Fig. 4). Furniture has an attribute “heavy”, it indicates and
allows the robot reason about that whatever object in the world is instance-of
Furniture cannot be transported by the robot. Fig. 4 shows the simulator
interface where the previous situation is reported. The interface simultaneously
shows the ontology (in the bottom right corner) during the mission execution
and its representation on the robot’s mind through stratified “mind corridors”.
The corridors follow the same structure of the ontology.
    Also, the interface shows the inner state of the robot, what it knows about
itself and the world around. In this way, we realize and prove the self-model
ability of the robot to the interacting human.
    Corridors are linked to each other through showcases that may be navigated
using the simulator interface. For instance, in the Object corridor, two show-
cases open respectively on the Furniture and the Cutlery corridor. Showcases
are used to maintain the relationship between concept and to help during the
    Let’s make an example to clarify it (see Fig. 5). During the execution of
this second scenario, the robot sees an object it doesn’t know and then asks the
human information so to add that object to its knowledge base. The object is
a Fork, which is then attached to the concept of Cutlery. In the simulation
environment, the Fork corridor appears and then the human can navigate the
Cutlery showcase and verify that the Fork showcase appears thus having
proof that robot “has correclty understood” the element. Moreover, in the Fork
corridor, the human finds another showcase, which serves as a view of the real
Fork in the world. In the meanwhile, as shown in Fig. 5, in the external view a
Fork will appear, representing the Fork in the real world.

Fig. 5. The simulator interface showing an internal and an external view of the object
recognition situation. The object is represented in the robot’s knowledge base and in
the world as perceived by the robot in relation to itself.
12      F. Lanza et al.

    After populating the mind corridors, and thus increasing the robot’s knowl-
edge, the execution of the task starts. If the recognized object is a kind of furni-
ture, such as a chair, the robot cannot move it because of the “heavy” property.
If the identified object is a kind of Cutlery, such as a Fork, the robot asks
the human where it has to put the object (left or right), executes the task and
goes back to the starting position, ready for another iteration.

Remarks on the second scenario. The software effectiveness, like in the
previous scenario, became explicit when the robot refused to carry the Fork
item. The simulator allowed us to explain this unusual behavior, due to a mis-
interpretation of the nature of the object: the Fork concept was erroneously
interpreted as the son of the Furniture concept, making the Fork instance
no-transportable. So, we can conclude that human can use software as a con-
tinuous feedback on the agent’s representation and updating of the surrounding
world and its internal conditions. Using the software, a human can:
 – verify that the robot knows the item related to the application domain;
 – verify that the acquisition of new information is done correctly, making it
   possible for the human being to delegate tasks to the robotic agent;
 – understand the motivations behind the robot behavior, and thus foresee its
   intentions and update his plans accordingly;
 – understand the motivations behind an unexpected behavior, and thus mak-
   ing justifiable such behavior, increasing the human level of trust in the robot.

5    Discussions and Conclusions
Robotic systems are now able to solve very complex problems even in highly
dynamic environments. But what if the scenario is the one of human-robot inter-
action? When robots and humans work in a team where they have to cooperate
and collaborate and the behavior and capabilities of one strongly affect those of
the other. Especially about the possibility of making reasoned decisions.
    In this case, we need to have a tool to support interactions that allow equip-
ping the robot with a decision-making process based on the possibility of adding
new elements in its knowledge base and selecting at runtime the best action to
do to achieve a common goal. At the same time, this tool must allow the human
to look inside the robot’s mind to make the interaction more aware.
    In this paper, we propose a framework for supporting the interaction among
humans and robots. The framework implements the cognitive architecture we
established for human-robot teaming interaction [10, 7, 9]. This framework is a
first prototype where we focused on the representation of the robot’s knowledge,
of its inner and outer world, and on the ability to create the anticipation of
the mission. Both the two aspects are fundamental in our approach because
human-robot interaction happens in a dynamic and unknown environment. The
robot continuously perceives new elements to act on and has to enlarge the
representation it has of them. Moreover, it must be able to imagine the result of
its actions to direct its reasoning process towards the best plan to implement.
                   Inside the Robot’s Mind During Human-Robot Interaction            13

    All this is possible by employing the cognitive architecture we developed in
[10, 7] and that is resumed in section 2.
    With the framework illustrated in this paper, we looked more at the point of
view of human but at the same time, we validated our cognitive architecture. We
also made some consideration of the interaction process. Through some first tests,
we can affirm that the quality of interaction increases by using the simulator
software that realizes the self-modeling in the robot. This goes in our future
direction of including in the interaction also elements of the Theory of Mind
from both the sides. From human to robot and vice-versa.
    In the future, we plan to provide the software with all the functionalities
that instantiate the whole cognitive architecture and to use it in experiments
for measuring the level of confidence and trust of humans in robots equipped as

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