=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2484/paper5 |storemode=property |title=Technology Assisted Analysis of Timeline and Connections in Digital Forensic Investigations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2484/paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2484 |authors=Hans Henseler,Jessica Hyde |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/icail/HenselerH19 }} ==Technology Assisted Analysis of Timeline and Connections in Digital Forensic Investigations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2484/paper5.pdf
       Technology assisted analysis of timeline and connections in
                     digital forensic investigations
                                Hans Henseler∗                                                                   Jessica Hyde
      Magnet Forensics, Waterloo, Canada and University of                               Magnet Forensics, Waterloo, Canada and George Mason
          Applied Sciences Leiden, The Netherlands                                                    University, Fairfax VA, USA
             hans.henseler@magnetforensics.com                                                    jessica.hyde@magnetforensics.com

ABSTRACT                                                                                    This article presents work in progress on research that focuses
This article describes ongoing research on the application of AI tech-                   on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an emerging technology
niques such as Graph Neural Networks to assist investigators with                        that can assist forensic examiners in the discovery of patterns and
the discovery of relations and patterns in digital forensic evidence.                    relations in digital evidence. It builds further on the ideas presented
Digital forensic analysis of smartphones and computers reveals                           in earlier work on computer assisted extraction of identities in
forensic artifacts that are extracted from structured databases main-                    digital forensics [15], on Semantic Search for E-Discovery [20] and
tained by the operating system and applications. Such forensic                           [12], on finding digital evidence in mobile devices [14] and on the
artifacts are part of a forensic ontology which can be used to build a                   link and timeline analysis that is present in modern digital forensic
relational graph of identifiers (e.g. users, documents) and a timeline                   tools [7].
of events. This information can assist with answering key investi-                          Our vision differs from existing applications of AI in E-Discovery
gation questions such as who, when, where etc. We propose to use                         that typically rely on machine learning for classifying digital con-
a graph database and query language to assist in this analysis. Fur-                     tent such as predictive coding and active learning [11] that filter
ther, using key identifiers and aliases we want to augment digital                       and cluster emails, chats and documents or classification of pictures
forensic artifacts with entities, relations and events by extraction                     with weapons, drugs and nudity. In stead we attempt to apply AI in
from the full-text of unstructured electronic contents such as emails                    the discovery of relevant relations in temporal connection graphs
and documents.                                                                           that are derived from extracted digital forensic artifacts.
                                                                                            Smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices contain many
CCS CONCEPTS                                                                             other digital traces that are a treasure trove in a forensic investi-
                                                                                         gation. Such traces can prove to be more personal than written
• Computing methodologies → Semantic networks; Neural
                                                                                         communication because they do not only reveal our conscious but
networks; • Applied computing → Law; Investigation tech-
                                                                                         also our unconscious behavior. Also smartphones have become
niques; • Information systems → Users and interactive retrieval;
                                                                                         very personal because of their link with social media and biometric
• Human-centered computing → Visualization toolkits.
                                                                                         protection (e.g. fingerprint, iris). However, this type of information
                                                                                         is machine generated and grows at an even faster pace than our
KEYWORDS                                                                                 personal communication. Forensic investigations are in need of
Digital Forensics, AI, Link analysis, Timeline, Technology Assisted                      more effective search strategies that can leverage the richness of
Discovery, Graph databases, Text Mining, Graph Neural Networks                           detailed forensic in modern digital evidence (e.g. from smartphones,
                                                                                         cloud, IoT devices etc.). We propose that investigators are assisted
1    INTRODUCTION                                                                        with discovery through using semantic nets that are obtained from
Digital evidence continues to grow exponentially in investigations                       digital evidence. We refer to this as technology assisted discovery
and prosecution of suspects in both criminal as well as civil cases.                     as opposed to technology assisted review that is very common in
Not only in advanced cybercrime investigations, as in, ransomware                        E-Discovery investigations.
investigations or as part of incident response, but also through                            This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes digital
the use of digital forensics in homicide cases or internal (corpo-                       forensic investigations and the key questions that are relevant when
rate) investigations where the suspect’s smartphone and/or laptop                        investigating a case. It also describes related work on a digital foren-
needs to be examined. Smartphones and other portable "wearable"                          sics ontology that can assist when taking a semantic AI approach
electronics leave digital traces that can be linked to persons and                       and explains some use cases why this is helpful when investigating
locations. The exponential growth of digital traces, as well as the                      digital evidence. In section 3 we explain modern digital forensic
expansion of cybercrime, and digitization of investigative methods                       investigations and illustrate how link analysis and time line visuali-
represent significant changes to society and lead to a broadening                        sation are currently assisting forensic examiners in digital forensic
horizon of digital investigation [9].                                                    investigations. Section 4 presents our vision on how AI techniques
                                                                                         such as graph databases and entity extraction can help discover-
∗ Corresponding author.                                                                  ing patterns and relations in these semantic networks of digital
In: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on AI and Intelligent Assistance     artifacts. Finally, in section 5 we present conclusions and identify
for Legal Professionals in the Digital Workplace (LegalAIIA 2019), held in conjunction
with ICAIL 2019. June 17, 2019. Montréal, QC, Canada.                                    future research opportunities.
Copyright ©2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Published at http://ceur-ws.org.
                                                                                                                      Hans Henseler and Jessica Hyde

2     DIGITAL FORENSIC INVESTIGATION                                      of digital evidence from various domains such as incident response,
Digital forensic investigation typically has three phases: data collec-   counter terrorism, criminal investigations, forensic investigations
tion, data examination and data analysis. Data collection involves        and gathering of intelligence. CASE enables better coordination of
the correct preservation and copying of digital data sources. Data        investigations in different jurisdictions so that criminal individuals
examination relates to the investigation of copies of digital data        and organisations are discovered faster while generating a more
sources to find files, extract fragments etc. without interpreting        complete overall view on their criminal activities.
the resultant findings in the context of the case. Data analysis in-         Once a semantic network has been formed based on a digital
volves the analysis, reconstruction, interpretation and qualification     forensics ontology, it can assist with identifying possible crime
of the evidence which is obtained from the digital data sources. The      scenarios and with testing hypothesis which is becoming increas-
research proposed here focuses on the analysis of digital evidence.       ingly important in investigations. Sometimes it’s more important
                                                                          to know with who a victim, suspect or witness communicated, and
2.1    Investigation Questions                                            where these persons were than actually knowing what has been
                                                                          communicated. AI can assist investigators with detecting corre-
In any investigation the investigators, regardless if they are senior
                                                                          lations that can lead to the discovery of relationships that were
legal counsel in legal E-Discovery or senior investigating officers or
                                                                          not known. This is called link analysis. Analysing a social network
detectives in a criminal investigation, try to answer the following
                                                                          from a collection of emails is not new but link analysis based on
’golden’ investigation questions:
                                                                          digital forensic artifacts relies on a much richer set of data.
      1 Who–was involved?
      2 What–happened?
                                                                          2.3    Use cases
      3 Where–did it happen?
      4 How–was the crime committed?                                      Modern digital forensic tools have a feature that performs link anal-
      5 When–did the crime take place?                                    ysis to assist forensic examiners with their investigations. Axiom
      6 With what–was the crime committed?                                is a commercial digital forensics processing tool created by Mag-
      7 Why–was the crime committed?                                      net Forensics that build a connections database from relationships
                                                                          between discovered artifacts (e.g. users, files etc.). Triples (subject,
    The analysis of digital evidence in E-Discovery investigations
                                                                          predicate, object) are extracted following the forensic ontology
typically focuses on document review and analysis where reviewers
                                                                          similar to the CASE ontology introduced in the previous section.
and senior investigators analyse textual content. They are assisted
                                                                          These triples define a forensics ontology that is used by Axiom to
by machine learning (also known as predictive coding and continu-
                                                                          automatically generate relationship graphs.
ous active learning [11]) to identify relevant emails and documents
to speed up their investigation. Digital forensic investigations on
smartphones and computers are a bit different. Here investigators                   Subject           Predicate           Object
go beyond email and document analysis and study digital artifacts                      file          accessed on          system
that can be quite pertinent when trying to answer these questions                      file          accessed on            USB
[14].                                                                                  file          accessed by          user id
    Who-questions can often be answered by investigating which                         file       transferred with program name
person is using an e-mail address, user account or phone number.                       file        transferred by         user id
Communication via text messages, chat and email may help to un-                        file             related            cloud
derstand what has happened. Call details records, GPS-locations                        file           emailed to      email address
and WiFi-network tell something about the location of a smart-                         file      downloaded with program name
phone and consequently of it’s user. Pictures and video can provide                    file        downloaded by          user id
visual clues how a crime was committed and with what kind of                     contact name      contacted with         device
weapon. Date and time of a file or trace, tell when data was last                contact name       contacted by          person
accessed, modified or created. Computers and smartphone main-                      picture hit        similar to       picture hit
tain detailed records when apps and users were active and which                     file/msg           contains        key words
files were involved. Besides messages that a user communicated via                  file/msg          references        file name
emails and chat messages, search history from a browser or specific                  call log           call to       contact name
apps can help understand motive and premeditation.                                   user id             used        program name
                                                                                     user id        searched for       key words
2.2    Digital Forensics Ontology                                         Table 1: Subset of triples of the forensic ontology that is used
Document analysis in E-Discovery heavily relies on the review and         in Axiom
analysis of unstructured information that is contained in emails and
documents. The analysis of digital forensic artifacts described above
is more structured. In order to understand this structure and to be
able to analyse it, it is useful to have a digital forensics ontology.       Link analysis has interesting use cases for forensic examiners:
The Cyber-investigation Analysis Standard Expression (CASE) [10]             (1) Given a hit the examiner needs to see a visual representation
provides such an ontology. CASE is an open standard that is cur-                 of all related evidence. Where the ’related’ links are one of
rently under development. It can be used to describe different types             the concepts identified in the forensics ontology.
Technology assisted analysis of timeline and connections in DF investigations

Figure 1: Link analysis example in Axiom on the M57-Jean scenario showing the ’m57bis.xls’ file in the center and highlighting
one of the records in the Windows MRU (most recently used) list.

    (2) Given a link to related evidence the examiner should be able            3.1    Axiom Link analysis
        to follow the link and may want to pivot the data around the            Link analysis in itself is not a new concept in digital forensics as is
        destination or choose a different visualisation. For example,           reflected by work published in 2015 [8] and was introduced earlier
        the examiner identified a search query in browser history               in 2005 in the field of network forensics [21]. However, it tends to
        and then wants to review all events on the system before                focus on traditional ’call chain analysis’-focusing on phone calls,
        and event this query was executed.                                      text messages, and/or social media connections or IP addresses
                                                                                between people or computers rather than the artifacts they create
   Table 1 above lists a simplified digital forensics ontology illustrat-       [7].
ing a number of triples that make up the key forensics ontology that                Artifact relationship analysis goes beyond visualizing relation-
is used by AXIOM to build a relation graph from digital evidence.               ships between people and computers. It applies the link analysis
                                                                                concept to files and operating system artifacts, helping a foren-
                                                                                sic examiner to visualize relationships within artifacts and across
3    EXPERIMENT                                                                 evidence sources, such as, computers, mobile devices, and even
                                                                                cloud-based accounts.
To validate the idea and explore the potential of AI for assisting
                                                                                    Figure 1 above presents an example of link analysis in Axiom.
with the discovery of patterns and relations in digital forensics data,
                                                                                This example was discussed in a Magnet Forensics webinar [16]. The
we have processed the M57-Jean scenario [6] in Axiom (version
                                                                                tree like structure on the left side shows the file name of a spread-
                                                                                sheet "m57biz.xls". It shows various relations to other elements, e.g.,
   The M57-Jean scenario is a single disk image scenario involving
                                                                                "Transferred by" and identifier "Jean User ", "Hash
the ex-filtration of corporate documents from the laptop of a senior
                                                                                hash" with a md5 as well as a sha1 hash value, "Application name"
executive. The scenario involves a small start-up company, M57.Biz.
                                                                                relation with an application named "Outlook" etc. The right side of
A few weeks into inception a confidential spreadsheet that contains
                                                                                the picture displays matching results. This overview lists records
the names and salaries of the company’s key employees was found
                                                                                from the Windows MRU (Most Recently Used) list, file system last
posted to the "comments" section of one of the firm’s competitors.
                                                                                accessed date, Outlook email record etc. Axiom allows the user to
   The spreadsheet ’m57bis.xls’ only existed on one of M57’s officers-
                                                                                navigate the graph manuall by selecting an end node and making
Jean. Jean says that she has no idea how the data left her laptop and
                                                                                it the center node by double clicking.
that she must have been hacked. The investigator has been given a
disk image of Jean’s laptop and is asked to figure out how the data
was stolen, or, if Jean isn’t as innocent as she claims.
                                                                                                                    Hans Henseler and Jessica Hyde

             Figure 2: Link analysis illustrating a relative time selection of the MRU artifact highlighted in figure 1

3.2    Axiom Timeline analysis                                            in the relation graph in a chronological order which provides more
In [13] an overview is presented of the evolution of timeline analysis    meaning and context then when simply filtering a timeline for se-
in digital forensics. Initially, timeline analysis was focused on file-   lected entities or filtering the relation graph for a particular time
based dates and times. Around 2010 the first tools became available       frame.
that started using times from inside files. Modern digital forensic
tools (both open source as well as commercial) have advanced              4     PROPOSED RESEARCH
timeline capabilities that visualise digital forensic artifacts.
    Figure 2 presents a screenshot of the new timeline visualisation      Our research focuses on the combination of timeline and link analy-
and analysis feature in Axiom 3.0. The top section shows a timeline       sis. In order to accomplish this we propose to use a graph database
reflecting artifact counts for a period of 6 minutes starting from        with a graph query language. The graph can initially be constructed
July 20, 2008 1:24:40am and ending 1:30:40am. The table below the         from forensic artifacts. With modern graph databases and graph
timeline presents a detailed view of the artifacts presented in the       query languages it becomes easy to augment this graph with addi-
graph. At the top is a "File download" record from email, followed        tional data. This could include data from non-digital sources but
by "File/folder opening", then the "File knowledge" reflecting the        also by text mining the full-text of electronic documents and emails,
creation of a new file "m57biz.xls". Such a sequence of artifacts may     new relations might be uncovered that previously would have re-
help understand how a file came into existence on a computer and          quired human inspection of the contents of such documents.
if it was opened on that computer.
    Generation of timelines has also received much attention outside      4.1    Graph database and language
the field of digital forensics. Many applications exist that allow for
                                                                          Visualisation of traces in a network, on a map or on a timeline can
creation of time lines in an investigation. For example, building case
                                                                          assist a forensic investigator to understand the story that is behind
chronologies with CaseFleet [2], create a timeline for your court
                                                                          the data. By ingesting the information that is extracted by Axiom
case with TrialLine [5] and assembling case facts in a chronological
                                                                          in the M57-Jean case in a graph database, it becomes possible to
order with CaseMap [3]. However, our first impression is that each
                                                                          experiment further with visualisations and discovering relations.
one of these tools relies on manual development of case timelines
                                                                             Cypher is a graph query language that allows for expressive
without the help of artificial intelligence.
                                                                          and efficient querying of graph data [1]. It lets developers write
    Both timeline analysis as well as link analysis are (separately
                                                                          graph queries by describing patterns in the data. If we have a graph
from each other) considered powerful instruments in an investi-
                                                                          describing our digital forensic artifacts, Cypher is designed to be a
gation. However, we propose that in combination these features
                                                                          human readable query language and is suitable for both developers
become even more powerful enabling an examiner to analyse links
                                                                          as well as forensic examiners.
Technology assisted analysis of timeline and connections in DF investigations

    Cypher describes nodes, relationships and properties as ASCII art           extraction can be targeted reducing the number of false positive
directly in the language, making queries easy to read and recognize             identities.
as part of your graph data. Figure 3 below presents an example of a                Some interesting work in the field of entity-centric timeline
simple Cypher query.                                                            extraction has been reported in [17]. A prototype tool is being
    Cypher is supported by a variety of graph databases. We intend              developed that can extract structured information on events for a
to use Neo4j [4] for our experiments which will start with model-               given entity of interest and place anchors on a time line for these
ing a relational graph based on a selection of the digital forensics            events. It uses massive streams of textual documents as input (e.g.
ontology that is used by Axiom. Then we’ll investigate how easy it              online news, social media posts or any crawled web documents).
is for examiners to formulate Cypher queries and which standard                    With digital forensics it is already possible to extract identities
queries can be formulated to identify interesting relationships that            from structured information through digital forensic analysis [15].
can be prioritized for review.                                                  When an examiner identifies an interesting identity probably this
                                                                                identity will have associated email aliases, accounts, phone numbers
                                                                                etc. Once this information is known it can be added to the relation
                                                                                graph and will help in extracting a timeline of events that are related
                                                                                to these identities.

                                                                                4.4    Using AI to understand graphs and
                                                                                Analysing a graph using a visualisation tool seems simple enough.
                                                                                As graphs get bigger, traditional mathematics can help with the
                                                                                analysis of the graph but these methods also have their limitations.
                                                                                One of the problems is that there is no clear beginning or ending of
                                                                                a graph (assuming it’s cyclic) and that large scale matrix operations
                                                                                that are typically required for graph analysis do not compute due
               Figure 3: Example of a Cypher query                              to memory and time restrictions.
                                                                                   Ontologies, graph database and graph query language are well
                                                                                established and are hardly considered AI techniques. Extracting
                                                                                relations and timelines from full text are well established AI tech-
4.2     Integration with other information sources                              niques that we hope to leverage in our research but we have no
Once the digital artifacts from a case have been imported in the                intention of improving this. The core idea in our innovation is to
graph database, it becomes quite simple to add relations and objects            use Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) as a new AI technique that
in the same case that were discovered through other sources. These              can assist with the analysis of large time-based graphs of relations.
can either be other sources of digital evidence, e.g., other cases,                GNNs were first introduced in 2009 [19] and have recently gained
call detail records, or from non-digital sources such as witness and            increasing popularity in various domains, including including social
victim statements, lawful interception, observation, open source                science (social networks), natural science and knowledge graphs
intelligence or case time lines that were manually created assisted             [22]. Similar to the successful application of Convolutional Neural
by software such as mentioned in paragraph 3.                                   Networks (CNNs) in image classification and Recurrent Neural
   By leveraging the scalability of modern graph databases a great              Networks (RNNs) in natural language processing, variations of
variety of additional information can be included in the automated              GNNs have have demonstrated ground-breaking performance on
analysis [18]. Further research is required to investigate what other           many tasks.
information (that is typically available in a criminal investigation)              Our research hypothesis is that we can use GNNs to model in-
can be combined with the digital forensics graph in a useful way.               teresting relation graphs which can assist investigators with the
We expect that to some extent even scenarios and hypothesis can be              identification of relevant subgraphs from a highly complex case
formulated as (a set of) graph queries which can be tested against              graph that is automatically constructed from digital forensic arti-
the graph containing all known information on the case.                         facts combined with other case data.

4.3     Extracting relations and timelines from                                 5     CONCLUSIONS
        full text                                                               We propose to use a graph database and query language to assist
More than 90% of the information around us is mostly unstruc-                   in digital forensic investigations. We start with a relation graph
tured, e.g., documents, emails and chat messages. Text mining can               that is based on connections from digital forensic artifacts. Further
help investigators by turning this unstructured information into                research and experiments are needed to study how forensic examin-
structured data. Entity extraction can extract entities (e.g. names             ers can interact with this graph and how to extend the graph with
of people, organisations, places etc) and events from full text. Un-            other data sources. In particular we intend to study how events
fortunately the extraction of entities is error prone and generates             on a timeline can be added to the graph, how information from
many false positives making the results useless. By using identifiers           non-digital evidence can be added and how we can improve the per-
that have been discovered from digital forensic analysis the entity             formance of existing entity extraction techniques on unstructured
                                                                                           Hans Henseler and Jessica Hyde

data from emails and documents. Finally, we want to research if new
machine learning techniques such as GNNs can be used to learn
from investigators what link and event patterns are interesting
from an investigator perspective.

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