=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2485/paper21 |storemode=property |title=Visualization of Contact Interaction of Nanobeams |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2485/paper21.pdf |volume=Vol-2485 |authors=Maxim Zhigalov,Victor Apryskin,Vadim Krysko }} ==Visualization of Contact Interaction of Nanobeams== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2485/paper21.pdf
                      Visualization of Contact Interaction of Nanobeams
                                        M.V. Zhigalov1, V.A. Apryskin1, V.A. Krysko1
                                 Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Saratov, Russia
    The paper presents a visualization of the contact interaction of two Bernoulli-Euler nanobeams connected through boundary
conditions. Mathematical models of beams are based on the gradient deformation theory and the theory of contact interaction of
B. Y. Cantor. The visualization is based on Fourier transform and wavelet transform, phase portrait.
    Keywords: Bernoulli-Euler nanobeam, gradient deformation theory, contact problem, Fourier transform, wavelet.

                                                                       gradient vector, the deviator tension gradient tensor, and the
1. Introduction                                                        symmetric rotation gradient tensor.
                                                                           In this paper, a mathematical model of Bernoulli-Euler
    The designs of modern devices are complex multi-layer
                                                                       nanobeams connected through boundary conditions under the
packages with small gaps between the elements, so an
                                                                       action of transverse load is constructed. Three material length
important issue is to take into account the contact interaction of
                                                                       scale parameters are introduced to account for dimensional
layers, which in turn leads to a strong nonlinearity -
                                                                       effects (l0 , l1, l2 ) . To account for the contact between the
constructive. Such nano electro-mechanical systems (NEMS)
are widely used in various electronic devices, in particular in        beams, a Winkler coupling between the compression and the
gyroscopes (layered flat micromechanical accelerometers                contact pressure between the two beams is used [13]:
(MMA). Note that the account of contact interaction leads to the                                1
                                                                                             1  sign  w1  hk  w2  ,    (1)
chaotic state of the system already at small amplitudes of                                      2
oscillations. The presence of a gap between the elements, such         where   1, if w1  w2  hk то that is, there is contact
as beams, already at small deflections, commensurate with the
gap between the elements, can lead the object under study in a         between the plate and the beam, else   0 , w1, w2 , hk -
state of chaotic oscillations. Therefore, the need for research        deflections of the first and second beams and the gap between
with visualization of the contact interaction of nano-mechanical       them, respectively.
systems in the form of beams is undoubtedly relevant and                   The mathematical model of contact between two
requires attention.                                                    nanobeams, based on the kinematic Bernoulli-Euler hypothesis,
                                                                       is described by a system of resolving equations:
2. Statement of the problem                                                4 wm              bh 3                         96 2       
                                                                                     2         l02  bh  l22  bh      l1 bh  
       Micro-and nano-sized beams are widely used in various               x 4
                                                                                               12                           225        
micro-and nano-Electromechanical systems (vibration sensors
                                                                                     6 wm  2 bh3 14 2 bh3 
[1], micro-drives [2], micro-switches [3]). The dependence of                              2l0        l1       qm              (2)
elastic behavior on the body size at the micron scale was                            x 6         12 225      12 
observed experimentally in different substances (metals [4, 5]                                                 2w     w
and alloys [6], polymers [7], crystals [8]).                                    (1) m K ( w1  w2  h )             ,
                                                                                                               t 2    t
       The dependences of elastic behavior on size can be
explained using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations or                 where m – beam number (m=1,2), h - the gap between the
higher order continuum mechanics. Although the molecular               beams.
dynamics approach can provide more accurate approximations             Boundary conditions are:
to real objects, it is too expensive from a computational point of                                        wm
view. Therefore, the higher order continuum mechanics                                             wm  0;      0.                (3)
approach has been widely used in the modeling of small-scale                                               x
structures.                                                            Initial conditions are:
       The development of a higher order continuum theory can be                                          w  x,0 
                                                                                            wm ( x,0)  0; m         0.          (4)
traced back to the earliest work of Piola in the 19th century, as                                             t
shown in [9], and the work of the Kosser brothers [10] in 1909.        The system (2-4) was reduced to the Cauchy problem using the
However, the ideas of the Kosser brothers received considerable        finite difference method O(h2). The Cauchy problem was solved
attention from researchers only since the 1960s, when a large          by the Runge-Kutta method of 4 orders. A study of convergence
number of higher-order continuum theories were developed. In           by the method of finite differences, on the basis of which the
general, these theories can be divided into three different            optimal number of partitions was chosen, was carried out. The
classes, namely, the family of strain gradient theories, the           partitioning step for the Runge-Kutta method was determined
microcontinuum, and nonlocal elasticity theories.                      according to the Runge principle.
       Based on the higher order stress theory of Mindlin [11] and
Lam et al. [12] proposed the theory of elasticity of the               3. The results of the study of the influence of
deformation gradient, in which, in addition to the classical           length scale factors on the nature of oscillations
equations of equilibrium of forces and moments, a new
additional equilibrium equation is introduced, which determines           For the considered tasks the following parameter values
the behavior of stresses of higher orders and the equation of          were used: a / h  30 , q1  10sin  5.3  t  , q2  0 ,   0.1,
equilibrium of moments. Three parameters of the material
length scale are introduced for isotropic linear elastic materials     h  0.01.
 (l0 , l1, l2 ) . According to this theory, the total strain energy       The research results for two of the nine considered
density is a function of the symmetric strain tensor, the dilation     combinations of coefficients (l0 , l1, l2 ) are shown in Figure 1,
                                                                       2. For the first case (Fig. 1), all coefficients are zero, i.e.
                                                                       considered beams on the classical theory. The second case (Fig.

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2) is characterized by the values l0=0.3; l1=0.3; l2=0.3, i.e. all       The Fourier spectrum for both beams indicates a chaotic
three dimensional factors are taken into account. The figures in     state of the system, while both spectra are qualitatively similar
the first row show the deflections of the first w1 and second        and have several pronounced frequencies in the low range
beams w2 . The second line shows the phase synchronization of        i  3.5;1.5 . Wavelet spectra indicate that these frequencies
oscillations 1  2 , marked in dark color. The third and fourth    appear in the spectrum with t  200 . Moreover, the frequency
                                                                     spectrum varies significantly over time. Phase portraits of beam
lines show the Fourier spectrum S ( ) , the wavelet spectrum
                                                                     oscillations are “mirrored”.
based on the Morlet maternal wavelet, and the phase portrait
 w  w  for the first and second beams, respectively. Phase
synchronization is based on the approach described in [14-15].
When analyzing phase chaotic synchronization, it is necessary
to enter the phase  (t ) of chaotic signals [16, 17]. Frequencies
of chaotic signals are defined as average rates of change of the           2a) deflections of the first w1 and second w2 beams
phases of signals  (t ) . Wavelet analysis can be applied to
identify the phase synchronization mode of mechanical
dynamic systems with a poorly defined phase. The behavior of
such systems is characterized on the basis of continuous sets of
phases, which are determined using continuous wavelet                                   2b) phase synchronization
transform of a chaotic signal w(t ) [16, 17]. If the beams in
question are not in the phase synchronization mode, their
behavior is asynchronous on all time scales. As soon as any of
the time scales of the considered dynamic systems are
synchronized, the phase synchronization mode arises.
Obviously, the time scales that have the maximum power of the        2c)         Fourier    2d) Wavelet            2e) Phase portrait
wavelet spectrum are synchronized first of all. The remaining        spectrum
time scales are still unsynchronized. Therefore, phase
synchronization leads to the occurrence of phase capture on
synchronized time scales.

                                                                     2f)          Fourier 2g) Wavelet                2e) Phase portrait
                                                                              Fig. 2. Results for the case l0=0.3; l1=0.3; l2=0.3.
                                                                         Consider the case when both beams are described according
     1a) deflections of the first w1 and second w2 beams             to the theory of the strain gradient taking into account the
                                                                     values of l0=0.3; l1=0.3; l2=0.3. Graphs of deflections (signals)
                                                                     differ significantly from the previous case. The synchronism of
                                                                     oscillations is present at a longer interval up to t  200 . The
                                                                     phase synchronization graph shows that in this time interval
                                                                     synchronization occurs at two frequencies: at the excitation
                   1b) phase synchronization                         frequency  p  5.3 and at the frequency   2 , as in the
                                                                     previous case. However, synchronization at the excitation
                                                                     frequency is uniform over the entire time interval, in contrast to
                                                                     the previous case, where phase synchronization is practically
                                                                     absent in the interval t   480; 600  . The Fourier spectrum for
1c)         Fourier   1d) Wavelet             1e) Phase portrait     both beams is qualitatively similar, as in the previous case, but
spectrum                                                             there are differences. The number of frequencies with the
                                                                     highest energy (peaks in the spectrum) is much larger and their
                                                                     distribution differs significantly from the previous case. Thus,
                                                                     the contact interaction energy of two nanobeams differs
                                                                     significantly from the beams according to the classical theory,
1f)         Fourier                                                  and therefore, when studying the contact of NEMS elements, it
                      1g) Wavelet             1h) Phase portrait     is necessary to use the theory of size-dependent behavior. The
                                                                     wavelet spectrum also has a significant difference from the
           Fig. 1. Results for the case l0=0; l1=0; l2=0.
                                                                     previous case. For the first beam, both the excitation frequency
    Graphs deflection changes in time is shown on the complex
                                                                     and all frequencies of the range are present throughout the time
vibrations. And before the t  160 deflections change
                                                                     interval    0;3 . The frequencies of the other bands appear at
synchronously. This reflects the phase synchronization graph in
the second row of the table. There are two synchronization           the initial time t   0; 230  and at the end of the time interval
zones on this graph: at the excitation frequency  p  5.3 and at
                                                                     for contact interaction studies. The phase portraits of both
the lower frequency   2 . In the rest of the time interval, the    beams, as well as for the previous case, are “mirrored”, but
oscillations of the two beams are practically “mirrored”, and        qualitatively different. They also differ quantitatively by the
synchronization occurs only at the excitation frequency              values of the velocity of oscillations w .
  p  5.3.
4. Conclusion                                                       [16] Osipov G.V., Pikovsky A.S., Rosenblum M.G., Kurths J.
                                                                    Phys.rev. Lett. 1997. V. 55. P.2353.
    In the work, on the basis of the built-in mathematical model    [17] Pikovsky A.S., Rosenblum M.G.,            Kurths J.
of the Bernoulli-Euler nanobeam, the influence of taking into       Synhronization: a Universal Cocept in Nonlinear Sciences.
account the size-dependent coefficients on the character of the     Cambridge University Press, 2001.
contact interaction is studied. The necessity of taking into
account the theory of higher order for the study of NEMS
elements in the form of beams is shown. The visualization of
contact interaction characters based on the wavelet transform,
both for studying phase chaotic synchronization and for
studying changes in the oscillation spectrum over time, allows
us to more fully consider various aspects of contact interaction.

5. Appreciation
   This work was supported by the Russian Science
Foundation, grant № 16-11-10138-П.

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