=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2485/paper31 |storemode=property |title=Total Generalized Variation Method for Deconvolution-based CT Brain Perfusion |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2485/paper31.pdf |volume=Vol-2485 |authors=Dmitry Lyukov,Andrey Krylov,Vasily Lukshin }} ==Total Generalized Variation Method for Deconvolution-based CT Brain Perfusion== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2485/paper31.pdf
   Total Generalized Variation Method for Deconvolution-based CT Brain
                                     D.A. Lyukov1 , A.S. Krylov1 , V.A. Lukshin2
    Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics,
                                Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
       National Medical Research Center of Neurosurgery named after academician N.N. Burdenko, Moscow, Russia
    Deconvolution-based method for image analysis of cerebral blood perfusion computed tomography has been
suggested. This analysis is the important part of diagnostics of ischemic stroke. The method is based on total
generalized variation regularization algorithm. The algorithm was tested with generated synthetic data and clinical
data. Proposed algorithm was compared with singular value decomposition method using Tikhonov regularization
and with total variation based deconvolution method. It was shown that the suggested algorithm gives better results
than these methods. The proposed algorithm combines both deconvolution and denoising processes, so results are
more noisy resistant. It can allow to use lower radiation dose.
   Keywords: computed tomography, cerebral perfusion, deconvolution method, total generalized variation.

1. Introduction

    Cerebral perfusion computer tomography is an im-
portant method for ischemic stroke diagnostics. This
test can allow to localize the area of brain damaged
by stroke. It is very important for urgent surgery.
Usually this information is obtained using method
based on the iodinated contrast agent injection and
CT scans of its concentration [1]. Example of such
CT scan is shown in Fig. 1.

    The basic characteristics of cerebral blood dynam-
ics are cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood vol-                    Fig. 1. An example of CT scan at one point in time.
ume (CBV) and mean transit time (MTT), calculating
at each point of brain.
                                                                       2. Theoretical model
   There are nondeconvolution-based methods of cal-                        We consider some area of brain, where function
culation of these characteristics: moment method and                   ctissue (t, x, y) is defined. This function is the con-
method of maximum slope [2, 3].                                        centration of contrast agent obtained from intensity
                                                                       of CT scans at point (x, y). Concentration in artery
    Better    results    can    be    obtained    using
                                                                       point is considered as an artery input function (AIF).
deconvolution-based methods. Total variation based
                                                                       We denote it by cartery (t).
deconvolution method was suggested in [4, 5]. Nev-
                                                                           These functions are connected by the relation given
ertheless total variation approach leads to some ar-
                                                                       by the convolution equation [2, 3]:
tifacts, because it tends to make solution piece-wise                    ctissue (t, x, y) = (cartery ∗ k)(t)
constant. In this paper we suggest a deconvolution                                           ∫ +∞
approach using total generalized variation regulariza-                                                                            (1)
                                                                                           =        cartery (ξ)k(t − ξ, x, y) dξ,
tion. In this case solution has not piece-wise constant                                       −∞
artifacts.                                                             where k(t, x, y) is a residual function at point (x, y).
                                                                            Characteristics CBF, CBV and MTT at point
    Quality of CT scans depends on the radiation dose:                 (x, y) can be represented via residual function k(t)
the higher the radiation, the higher the image qual-                   [3]:
ity. Thus, the noisy resistant method can allow to use                                           1
lower radiation dose.                                                              CBF =              max k(t),
                                                                                                      ∫ ∞
    One of the approaches to reducing the noise im-                                              1
                                                                                   CBV =                  k(τ ) dτ,          (2)
pact is the denoising of perfusion scans before de-                                           ρtissue 0
                                                                                                        ∫ ∞
convolution or perfusion maps after deconvolution [6].                                            1
                                                                                   MTT =                    k(τ ) dτ,
The method suggested in our paper includes denoising                                          max k(t) 0
stage inside the deconvolution procedure. It decreases                 where ρtissue is a constant density of tissue.
the number of method parameters and make the re-                            We consider all functions on finite uniform grid, so
sults more stable.                                                     equation (1) turns to linear system:

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                                                                              3.1    Singular value decomposition (SVD)
                                Ak = c,                            (3)
                                                                                  We represent matrix A as a product of three ma-
where:                                                                        trices [7]:
                                                                        
         cartery (t1 )                0           ...         0                                A = U Σ VT ,                                     (4)
        cartery (t2 )           cartery (t1 )    ...         0              where U and V are orthogonal matrices, and
                                                                        
A = ∆t       ..                      ..          ..          ..         .
              .                       .             .         .                            Σ = diag [σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σr ]
                 cartery (tT ) cartery (tT −1 )   ...    cartery (t1 )        is a diagonal matrix composed of the singular values
                                                                              of matrix A, r = rang A.
There t1 , t2 , . . . , tT are the nodes of the uniform grid                      This representation is called singular value decom-
with step ∆t.                                                                 position (SVD) of matrix A.
                                                                                  Using SVD, we can write the solution of (3) in the
3. Deconvolution problem                                                      form:
    Solution of the deconvolution problem for equa-                                             kls = V Σ−1 UT c,               (5)
tion (3) is an ill-posed problem, and matrix A is ill-                        where Σ = diag [σ1−1 , σ2−1 , . . . , σr−1 ].

conditioned. If we solve system (3) directly, solution k                         It is the solution of following minimization prob-
will be unstable. Small noise in input data can com-                          lem:
pletely change solution and the solution can not be                                          kls = arg min (||Ak − c||22 ).                     (6)
used for medical diagnosis.                                                                           k∈RT

    An example of function k(t) obtained without reg-                             Small singular values make a huge impact on the
ularization procedure for system (3) is shown in Fig.                         values of k. It is the reason of ill-conditioning of ma-
2–3. The unstability is so large that we can not find                         trix A. These values can be suppressed using smooth-
any real information on the solution.                                         ing factor λ:
                                                                                                   (tikh)       σi
                                                                                                 σi, λ = 2           .              (7)
                                                                                                             σi + λ2
           10                                                                     Using of matrix
                                                                                                      (tikh)  (tikh)       (tikh)
                                                                                        λ = diag [σ1, λ , σ2, λ , . . . , σr, λ ]
                                                                              instead of Σ−1 in (6), we get another method called
                                                                              Tikhonov regularization. Here λ is a regularization
            0                                                                                      (tikh)
                                                                              parameter. Vector kλ        obtained by this method is
                                                                              the solution of another minimization problem:
                                                                                     (tikh)            (                       )
                                                                                    kλ      = arg min ||Ak − c||22 + λ2 ||k||22 . (8)
                 0    5    10    15   20     25   30     35

                                                                              3.2    Total variation (TV)
  Fig. 2. k(t). Range is limited to interval [−10, 10], so
                                                                                  Let consider matrices composed by values of k and
       bigger oscillations are seen as vertical strips.
                                                                              c in all considering points of space:
                                                                                   K = [k1 , k2 , . . . , kN ] , C = [c1 , c2 , . . . , cN ] .
                                                                                 Generally, regularization method in this paper can
         10 9                                                                 be written as a minimization problem of functional:
         10 8
         10 7
                                                                                           J(K) = F (K, C) + R(K, λ),             (9)
         10 6                                                                 where F (K, C) is the data fidelity functional, R(K, λ)
         10 5                                                                 is regularization term, and λ is a regularization pa-
         10 4
         10 3
         10 2                                                                     The most common used data fidelity functional is
         10 1                                                                 the Frobenius norm of the residual:
         10 0
         10 -1
                                                                                              F (K, C) = ||AK − C||22 .              (10)
                 0    5    10    15   20     25   30     35
                                                                                  In total variation method we use following regular-
                                                                              ization functional [4, 5]:∑
             Fig. 3. |k(t)| on a logarithmic scale.                             R(K, λ) = ||K||λT V =          e i+1,j,t − K
                                                                                                           λ1 |K           e i,j,t |
                                                                                                          i, j, t
   There are different methods to regularize the prob-                                                +                 e i,j+1,t − K
                                                                                                                    λ1 |K           e i,j,t |
lem. In this paper we consider method of total gen-                                                       i, j, t
eralized variation and compare it with some state-of-                                                 +                 e i,j,t+1 − K
                                                                                                                    λ2 |K           e i,j,t |
the-art methods.                                                                                          i, j, t
where K e ∈ RN1 ×N2 ×T is the reshaped matrix K,                      To evaluate the stability of the method, we add a
λ = (λ1 , λ2 ) is a regularization parameter.                         white additive gaussian noise to the synthetic data.
   We can use different weights for spatial and tem-                     Residue function k(t) — the result of applying of
poral derivatives.                                                    described methods — is shown in Fig. 4.
   Total variation approach may lead to some arti-
                                                                         We do not have ground truth values for clinical
facts, because it makes solution a piece-wise constant.
                                                                      data, but we can compare methods in Fig. 4. We
                                                                      can see that residue function k(t) with TGV does not
3.3   Total generalized variation (TGV)                               tends to be a piece-wise constant as it is with TV
   Total generalized variation uses also the second or-               method.
der derivative. In this work we use following form of                    The obtained mean transit time (MTT) map for
TGV stabilizer [8]:                                                   synthetic data by different method is given in Fig. 5.
        T GVλ2 (z) = λ1 ||∇z||1 + λ2 ||∇(∇z)||1 . (12)                MTT map is most informative for diagnosis purposes.
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             0.004                                                      0.004                                                     0.004                                                     0.004

             0.003                                                      0.003                                                     0.003                                                     0.003

             0.002                                                      0.002                                                     0.002                                                     0.002

             0.001                                                      0.001                                                     0.001                                                     0.001

             0.000                                                      0.000                                                     0.000                                                     0.000

             0.001                                                      0.001                                                     0.001                                                     0.001
                     0       10        20     30        40        50            0       10        20     30        40        50           0       10        20     30        40        50           0       10        20     30        40        50

             0.015                                                      0.015                                                     0.015                                                     0.015

             0.010                                                      0.010                                                     0.010                                                     0.010

             0.005                                                      0.005                                                     0.005                                                     0.005

             0.000                                                      0.000                                                     0.000                                                     0.000

             0.005                                                      0.005                                                     0.005                                                     0.005
                     0   5        10    15   20    25        30   35            0   5        10    15   20    25        30   35           0   5        10    15   20    25        30   35           0   5        10    15   20    25        30   35

                                       SVD                                                         TV                                                       TGV                                             Ground truth

                                                                                        Fig. 4. k(t) for a brain tissue point.

               (a) Ground truth                                                     (b) SVD                                                   (c) TV                                                    (d) TGV

                                                                  Fig. 5. MTT results for synthetic data by different methods.

[10] Digital    brain   perfusion   phantom.      —