=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2485/paper4 |storemode=property |title=Implementation of the Radiosity Algorithm for Large Scale Scenes |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2485/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2485 |authors=Alexander Shcherbakov,Vladimir Frolov }} ==Implementation of the Radiosity Algorithm for Large Scale Scenes== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2485/paper4.pdf
       Implementation of the Radiosity Algorithm for Large Scale Scenes
                                           A.S. Shcherbakov1,2, V.A. Frolov1,3
                                  1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
                                         2Gaijin Entertainment, Moscow, Russia;
                                3Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia

    We propose an upgrade for the Radiosity algorithm that allows to efficiently apply radiosity for large scale
scenes. This is achieved by considering only the patches located close to the observer. For each frame we update
local form-factor matrix with a little set of patches, effectively reusing information from the previous frame in this
way. Our method is completely expressed via matrix-vector operations, thus, it’s GPU implementation is natural and
straightforward. We achieve high occupancy for both CPU and GPU versions of the algorithm by thanks to we
use special matrix of several reflections for which update operation effectively combine computations with memory
   Keywords: Global Illumination, Radiosity, Large Scenes, GPU

1. Introduction                                                        2.2 PRT Methods
                                                                           Precomputed Light Transport (PRT) methods al-low
    The methods of global real-time global illumina-                   to move the most complex calculations from the
tion in general can be divided into two classes: the                   rendering stage to the precomputation stage.
methods that uses preprocessing/precomputation and
                                                                           For example, Radiance regression function [17] is
those who does not uses it (i. e. calculate everything in
                                                                       based on neural networks. It is restricted by static
dynamic). The main advantage of methods that do not
                                                                       geometry and materials. The second disadvantage of
use pre-processing is the fully dynamic content.
                                                                       method is that it works only for point light sources.
However, the methods of the first group due to the
                                                                           Spherical harmonics based methods [8, 20] uses
precomputation and pre-integration usually are sig-
                                                                       idea of ”relighting”, treating the dynamic light source as
nificantly better in terms of speed/quality ratio.
                                                                       a linear combination of pre-processed sources.
   Our work is devoted to the problem of building                      These methods suffers from light leaking which was
methods of the ”intermediate class” that combines the                  noted in [20]. In general these methods are well-suited
advantages of both classes.                                            for outdoor but not indoor scenes.
                                                                           Despite huge number of papers in real-time global
                                                                       illumination, radiosity [3, 19] to this day remains one of
2. Related works                                                       the best method by means of speed/quality ra-tion.
                                                                       It is used by Enlighten and Unity for exam-ple [1, 5,
2.1 Dynamic methods                                                    12, 14] and lighting engineering programs [22, 23].
                                                                           Radiosity, like the previously considered methods,
                                                                       uses scene discretization (but use patches instead of
    LPV [9], VCT [4] and Volumetric Irradiance Map                     voxels). The pre-calculation is done by calculating the
[20] discretizes the space around the observer and                     matrix of form-factors. The form-factor is a value in-
model the movement of light along the voxel grid.                      dicating how much of the lighting is transferred from
Main disadvantage of LPV and VCT is the high com-                      one patch to another. The calculation of the global
putational cost and high memory requirements. Volu-                    illumination is reduced to solving the linear equation
metric Irradiance Map [20] is uses for half-static scenes              system or several matrix-vector multiplications. By
and the secondary lighting is applied to dynamic ob-                   expanding the calculations at the preprocessing stage, it
jects, but these objects do not contribute to secondary                is possible to reduce the calculation of the global
lighting of static objects. Thus, Volumetric Irradiance                illumination method to a single matrix-vector multi-
Map [20] is one of those ”intermediate class” exam-                    plication [18].
ples.                                                                      However Radiosity still have O(N 2) algorithmic
                                                                       complexity where N is the number of scene patches.
    Instant Radiosity [11], Reflective Shadow Map [6]                  This is the main disadvantage of the algorithm, since
and analogues creates secondary light sources, calcu-                  such computational complexity is unacceptable for
lating the secondary illumination in the same way as                   large scenes (with an increase in the number of sites
the primary. The most significant disadvantage of                      N ). Our work is aimed specifically at solving this
RSM-based methods is their low precision. As the                       problem. The existing approaches of hierarchical ra-
number of secondary sources increases, the accuracy                    diosity and analogues [7, 13] are light-dependent (due to
increases, but the calculation time also increases sig-                they split scene to patches according to the cur-
nificantly [2, 15, 21].

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
rent lighting setup) and does not exploit its the main            Therefore, third idea is to combine updating the
advantage — precomputation of form-factors.                   local matrix with the multiple reflection matrix from
                                                              [18]. This will allow organizing a pipeline in which
3. Proposed approach                                          calculations are immediately performed for each form-
    For a better explanation of our methods, we will          factor obtained from the global matrix with form-
begin with a few simple ideas that will be refined fur-       factors from the local matrix. That is, we will store
ther.                                                         and update the local matrix of several reflections,
    Our first idea is that we can consider only M clos-est    rather than the usual local matrix of form-factors. In
patches to the observer (where M << N ). We as-sume           this case, the subsequent calculation of the global il-
lighting from other patches equals to some con-stant or       lumination is reduced to a single multiplication of the
evaluate it on a rougher approximation (that is, we may       matrix by the vector, which, given the small size of the
build cascades of discrete representations of the scene in    local matrix, is very cheap.
the same way as the Cascaded LPV [10] does). This idea            Finally, the fourth idea is that with a small
leads us to the fact that we can make a submatrix of          movement of the observer, it is possible to update the
form-factors, on which we will perform basic                  local matrix less often than to calculate the lighting on
calculations. We will call it local matrix (Fig. 1, left).    it (for example, once in 2-5 frames). Therefore, it
    However, the direct implementation of this method         makes sense to reduce the cost of the stage of cal-
will not be efficient because the matrix of the form-         culating the lighting using a local matrix of several
factor for the entire scene (even if special methods          reflections.
are used to effectively store sparse matrices) does not fit
into the computer’s RAM. Therefore, reading even M 2          3.1 Baseline
of random elements (shown in green in Fig. 1, left)
from DRAM or external memory cannot be im-                        The matrix of form-factors of several reflections
plemented efficiently.                                        [18] is based on the idea of the composition of form-
    Therefore, second idea is that it is necessary to         factors. We further describe the principle of composi-
reuse information from the previous frames as much as         tion on simple examples.
possible, updating only patches that were not loaded on           Consider three patches with indices i, j, k. Then Fij
previous frames (Fig. 1, right). This allows us to            and Fjk — form-factors of energy transfer from the j-th
reduce the number of form-factors that are loaded into        path to the i-th patch and from the k-th patch to the j-
the local matrix each frame to only a few readings (or        th patch respectively. Colorsj — color of j patch.
approximately M if the observer moves quickly,                Then value
which, nevertheless, is significantly better than M 2).
                                                                                   Fij · Colorsj · Fjk
    However, reading even a few elements from the
global matrix at random addresses is still inefficient        shows how much of the world will go from the k-th
for modern computing systems. During the update of            patch to the i-th patch when the multi-reflection from the
the local matrix of form-factors, computing system (both      j-th patch.
CPU and GPU) will be practically idle. At the same                After going through all patches as intermediate in
time, after updating, when calculating the radi-ance on       the reflection, we get the complete second reflection of
the local matrix of form-factors, they will be loaded and     light from the patch number k to the patch number i:
these calculations may become a bottle-neck since you
                                                                                  ∑N F · Colors · F ,
need to perform at least 3 multiplica-tions of the local                   F=ik
                                                                             2        ij       j   jk
matrix by a vector (to account for three light bounces).                          j=0
                                                              where N — number of patches in local matrix.
                                                                  Thus, at the preprocessing stage, it is possible to
                                                              calculate reflections of an arbitrary order. The mul-
                                                              tiple reflection matrix contains a specified number of

                                                              3.2 Local matrix of multiple-reflection
                                                                  In order to extend this approach to a local ma-trix in
                                                              the surrounding of an observer, two ways are possible:
        local matrix                  matrix update
                                                              1. Calculation of the matrix of several reflections for
  Fig. 1. Local matrix is a submatrix of global form-            the entire scene and the use of its parts.
  factor matrix. It is composed of green-labelled cells       2. ”Online” matrix calculation for the observer’s area
    (left). Changing sites in the surroundings of the            using the usual matrix of form-factors (Fig. 1,
             observer when moving (right).                       right).
    The first option is not applicable for large scenes        3.3 GPU implementation
since it requires to store 3N 2 of real numbers. The                To implement the proposed method we create 6
proposed method implements the second option, since the
matrix of form-factors is sparse and can be effi-ciently       compute shaders to update the matrix, one to delete the
stored/accessed.                                               patch data and one shader to update the lighting. The
    To update the matrix of several reflections, two op-       following shaders are used for updating:
erations are required: (1) adding a site to the matrix and      1. Calculating double_ref lection (1) using parallel
(2) removing the site from it. Delete operation is                 reduction on GPU.
implemented by zeroing the row and column of the               2. Calculates triple reflections gcol, grow (2) by mul-
matrix of form-factors corresponding to the deleted                tiplying double_ref lection with form-factors.
patch.                                                         3. Multiplying gcol by a matrix of form-factors to get ′
                                                                   col (3).
                                                               4. Multiplying the form-factor matrix by grow to get g′
                                                                   row (3).
                                                               5. Adding to the matrix of information about reflec-
                                                                   tions in view of the new patch (5).
                                                               6. Adding new site form-factors to the matrix.

   Fig. 2. Scheme of updating form-factors for local
             matrix of several reflections.

    To add a new patch, we must consider several types of
reflections. First, we need to include the usual form-
factors fcolumn and frow (Fig. 2, ”single”). Next,
triple reflections are taken into account, in which light is            Suggested approach; (2 ms, 128 MB)
reflected twice from a new patch. To do this, double
reflection is first calculated (Fig. 2, ”double”):
    double_ref lection = fcolumn ◦ Colors · frow (1)
    By using double reflection double_ref lection
triple reflections can be calculated further (Fig. 2,
      gcol = fcolumn · Color · double_ref lection
        grow = frow · Color · double_ref lection
    Finally, we add information on form-factors that
takes into account the light reflections between
patches already participating in the matrix (Fig. 2,
                                                               Multiple reflection matrix from [18]; (300 ms, 30GB)
                       gcol = Flocal · gcol
                         ′                              (3)
                       grow  = grow · Flocal
       Thus, the form-factors for the new patch are equal
                   gcol   + gcol + fcolumn ,
                       ′                                (4)
                     grow + grow + frow .
    Now, in addition to adding the form-factors of the
new patch, it is required to update the form-factors of
the rest of the matrix. For this we use previously
calculated form-factors for new patch (4):                         Difference image. In average is is less than 0.05.
         Flocal ← Flocal + (gcol    + gcol + fcolumn )·
                               ·(grow + grow + frow )            Fig. 3. Comparison of Radiosity for the full matrix
    Thus, we can add and remove patches from the local          and the proposed method. Since the full matrix 63125
matrix. The size of the matrix is limited by a constant          × 63125 does not fit in the memory of the GPU, the
specified by the user.                                                          time was estimated.
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