Implementation of Algorithms of Image Analysis in the Software Package ColourUnique PRO with the Aim of Increasing the Accuracy of Classification Types Individuals I.S. Tarasova1, A.V. Chechin1, V.V. Andreev2|| 1Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; 2Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n. a. R. E. Alekseev, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia This paper consider the possibilities and prospects of the ColorUnique Pro software complex as a tool for automating the "Associative color space"© method of professional orientation testing and improving the accuracy of classification of test forms representing color images. The authors provided the data of verification and testing of the methodology, reflect the relevance of the study and justify the need to translate the testing into the format of the software package. In the process of implementation of the program complex, has been identified a problems, proposed solutions and prospects for the development of the program. Now, the authors have successfully optimized the test form, significantly reduced the time of testing, created a color palette that facilitates evaluation and classification of the final color images. Keywords: career guidance, software package, optimization, analysis, classification, matrix, colour. color preferences allows us to make the theory of Johannes Itten, 1. Introduction set out in the work «the Art of color» [3]. The developed technique distinguished by the possibility of The development of career guidance involves the providing a more flexible and widespread recommendation to the actualization of classical methods (for example, the Holland's recipient, as the derived types are found among both «techies» Career Test) and the development new, in accordance with the and «humanitarians». needs of employers and young recipients. But manual making of the test, both in class and at home, The Department of Industrial design of the Russian Nizhny takes too much time (up to 3 hours), the basic form quasi-space Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil (Fig. 1, a) contains a lot of lines, which makes it difficult for Engineering, has been developed the career testing method «The visually impaired recipients and people with no artistic associative color space» ©. This method, developed by experience. In addition, classical techniques (for example, the I. S. Tarasova, allows to classify recipients according to Holland's Career Test and Lucher test) are translated into individual style of activity [2]. computer program format and available on specialized sites, The method involved making the developed test form quasi- which makes them accessible and convenient for a wide range of space with color manually, by means of water-soluble paint or recipients, not only designers and artists [6]. markers (Fig. 1, a). The obtained images are correlated by the expert (educational psychologist) with the standard models, derived by observing the group of experts of the development of recipients as students and in the future – as specialists. The standards are the most typical samples for 5 years. The group of experts consists of teachers, psychologists and heads of practice of recipients [5]. Fig. 1. The test form quasi-space: a. – basic, b. – optimized Fig. 2. The types of individuals by the style of pond activity: a. – «creator», b. – «rational», c. – «skeptic», d. – «avant-gardist», e. – «mixed type» By observation and experiment, derived five types of individuals by the style of pond activity. They are «creator», So, for more verification and refinement of the classification «rational», «skeptic», «avant-gardist» and «mixed type» (Fig. 2). criteria, the method of testing «Associative color space» © There are subtypes: «cold rational», «warm rational», «non- needed to optimize the basic test form quasi-space and transfer contrast creator», «contrast creator», «skeptical the сreator», the test to the format of the software package ColourUnique Pro «non-radical avant-gardist», «radical avant-gardist», «non- with the development of image evaluation algorithms and their saturated sceptic» and «saturated sceptic» [4]. classification in accordance with the derived standards (types of Characteristic of a particular type of methods of arrangement individuals). of dark and light areas were derived by a group of experts by observation, the conclusions about the nature of the recipient's Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The software package is developed by I. S. Tarasova, A. V. The social scale of «creators» and «skeptics», equal to 7.7 Chechin and A. V. Shapoval, and includes the following software and 7.8 respectively, exceeds the same indicator of «rationals», modules: which is 5.8 points. ColourUnique M, – where M is monitoring. The first part of «Rationals» also show a higher rate on the scale of the program, which collects and systematizes data about the user «realistic», which is 6.8, while the rate of «creators» is 6.2, and (age, gender, occupation, level of education), as well as the «skeptics» - 5.5 points. automation of the process of filling out the test form. Ready- In the future, development team plans to conduct a similar made forms are still being evaluated by a teacher or psychologist. study for the groups of «social», «enterprising», «investigative» ColourUnique A, – where A is the analysis. This program and other areas, with the exception of the corresponding already includes a number of algorithms for correlating test dominant indicator, if such is found as a result of the experiment. forms with the derived types of individuals, the process is still controlled by a person, evaluates the correctness of the program, 3. Optimization and algorithms of the software debugs and formulates information about errors, if there are package ColourUnique Pro errors. ColourUnique R, – where R is the result. At this stage, the Experimentally, a group of developers found the optimal program automatically generates detailed recommendations and number of lines for the formation of quasi-space, equal to 6 (Fig. displays the test result in a PDF file available for download on a 1, b.) Such quantity allows to reproduce any characteristic PC or smartphone. The task of a person is to assess the structure of the accepted standards. correctness of the recommendations, their volume and ease of So, «creators» prefer to use a large number of shades and download, as well as reading the file from the screen of a PC or gradients, «rationals» distribute dark and light spots on the smartphone. «chess» principle, «skeptics» - on the «linear» principle, «radical ColourUnique Pro – final software system, and carrying out avant-gardist» - the only type that complements the original data collection, and analysis and evaluation. This version should quasi-space figures and lines (Fig. 2). ideally exclude the participation of a psychologist. First, let's consider the translation of the developed test form of quasi-space into digital form. In the software module name 2. Verification ColourUnique M, this is implemented by matrices: 1. Base points of the outer and inner rectangle: All recipients tested by the method of «Associative color 𝑃𝑜𝑏11 𝑃𝑜𝑏12 space» © since 2016, have been tested in parallel by the method 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝐵𝑜𝑥 = | |, 𝑃𝑜𝑏21 𝑃𝑜𝑏22 of Holland. The Holland's method is a test that contains a pair of professions between which the recipient is asked to choose the most preferred. As a result, points are recruited that relate to a 𝑃𝑖𝑏11 𝑃𝑖𝑏12 particular type of focus and preferences of the recipient. There 𝐼𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝐵𝑜𝑥 = | |. 𝑃𝑖𝑏21 𝑃𝑖𝑏22 are 6 of them. They are «realistic», «investigative», «artistic», «social», «enterprising» and «conventional». 2. Matrix of diagonals, after splitting: It is important, that when calculating the results in this control group from the histogram excluded scale «artistic», 𝑃𝑑11 𝑃𝑑12 𝑃𝑑13 𝑃𝑑14 𝑃𝑑15 𝑃𝑑16 𝑃𝑑17 because designers and artists in the group has this scale like the dominant in 90% of cases. | 𝑃𝑑21 𝑃𝑑22 𝑃𝑑23 𝑃𝑑24 𝑃𝑑25 𝑃𝑑26 𝑃𝑑27 | 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑔 = , The results of data comparison and correlation search are | 𝑃𝑑31 𝑃𝑑32 𝑃𝑑33 𝑃𝑑34 𝑃𝑑35 𝑃𝑑36 𝑃𝑑37 | presented on the histogram (Fig. 3). 𝑃𝑑41 𝑃𝑑42 𝑃𝑑43 𝑃𝑑44 𝑃𝑑45 𝑃𝑑46 𝑃𝑑47 where: Pd11=Pob11, Pd21=Pob12,… …Pd17=Pib11, Pd27=Pib12, … 3. Matrix of parties in one of four directions, after breakdown: 𝑃𝑠11 𝑃𝑠12 𝑃𝑠13 𝑃𝑠14 | 𝑃𝑠21 𝑃𝑠22 𝑃𝑠23 𝑃𝑠24 | 𝑆= , | … … … … | 𝑃𝑠71 𝑃𝑠72 𝑃𝑠73 𝑃𝑠74 where: Ps11=Pd11, Ps14 = Pd21 and so on. 4. Matrix of cells in one of four directions: 𝐶11 𝐶12 𝐶13 Fig. 3. The histogram of distribution of points according to | 𝐶21 𝐶22 𝐶23 | 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑠 = , the scales of Holland's Career Test | … … … | 𝐶61 𝐶62 𝐶63 As can be seen from the histogram, recipients of the «skeptic» type gain significantly more points on the scale of where each cell consists of side points: preferences of the «entrepreneurial» type, namely 8.5 points against the same indicator of «rationals» count to 5.2 and 𝑃𝑠11 𝑃𝑠12 «creators» count to 5. 𝐶11 = | |. 𝑃𝑠21 𝑃𝑠22 Cell location coordinates (C) have the following relationship: gardist» are identified. This is due to the fact that only this subtype in the process of passing the test uses the tools «Pencil» 𝐶 = 𝑓 (𝑃; 𝑘; 𝐵; 𝐷; 𝑆), and «Eraser». where P – the coordinates of the base points of the outer This is followed by Phase 2 - analysis of the color profile of rectangle, k – the cells compression ratio, B– the block of the the recipient. quasi-spatial model, D – the diagonal, S – the sides. Consider in more detail on the review of the graphical editor of the ColourUnique Pro software package. The stages of generation of cells: The fact that the graphic editors of programs such as, for 1. The initial specifying parameters, generation of base example, Adobe Photoshop, built on the display of chromatic points and calculation of proportions; colors in RGB, CMYK, Indexed colors and Lab modes. 2. The creation of quadrangular cells, including the For the designer, this gives excellent opportunities to obtain proportional breakdown of the diagonals and sides; the most complex and diverse shades, however, in the case of 3. The entry of cells into the database. assessing the color profile of the recipient software complex The development of the ColourUnique Pro software package color unique, there is a problem of correlation shades close to includes the use of Internet technologies. This is necessary in gray, or composite shades with belonging to a particular tone. For order to organize multi-user testing and collection of results into example, «red», «orange», «yellow» and so on. a single database. On the server side, Python is used to calculate point coordinates [1]. The first thing the user sees when opening the program is an input questionnaire. It is needed to collect statistics and send the result to the recipient: Fig. 4. The form of user data collection in the software package ColourUnique Pro After filling out the form, the recipient enters the program interface, where the test form is located. Sounds audio instruction, at the end of which the menu becomes active: Fig. 6. The initial algorithm of analysis and classification of test forms Based on the RAL color system, the group of developers selected the colors indicated in the system as shades of «red», «orange» and so on [7]. Thus, the recipients are offered ready-made pallets, the coordinates of the shades of which are already recorded in the program code as colors related to a specific tone. The "creators", prone to creating gradients, will be able to use ready-made stretch marks, other types will find in the pallets as the main colors and Fig. 5. The interface of the software module ColourUnique M – shades of gray. the first module of the software package ColourUnique Pro This step allowed not only to reduce the time of filling the test (from 3 hours manually to 15-40 minutes), but also to The task of the recipient is to fill in the form with the colors significantly improve the original type recognition algorithm. offered in the graphical editor in accordance with the Association The Fig. 7 shows the distribution of «creators», «rationals» specified by the voice instructor. At the end of the work with the and «skeptics» by the total number of colors used. The subtype form, the recipient presses the «Finish» button. Next, the "non-radical avant-gardist" is not added to this sample, as at the program analyzes the resulting image in accordance with the moment only 4% of the total sample for 5 years of testing are specified algorithms. representatives of such type. Before the implementation of the software, the algorithm had The diagram shows that representatives of the «creator» type the appearance as shown on Fig. 6. use a much greater number of colors and shades, «rationals» and In the process of realization, the first stage (Phase 1) of the «skeptics». Thus, the average total number of algorithm was implemented – after its passage with 100 percent probability, the recipients related to the subtype «radical avant- shades of «creators» has 37 points, «rationals» - 12 points, 4. Conclusion «skeptics» - 9 points. At the moment, the test form quasi-space has been successfully converted into an electronic format, reduced from 12 to 6 lines, oriented in such a way that it is convenient for the user to fill each sector, despite the perspective distortion. The testing procedure is significantly simplified and reduced, on average, from 3 hours to 15-40 minutes (the Creator fills out Fig. 7. The distribution diagram of the types «creator», «rational» and «skeptic» by the total number of colors used It is important to note that the program considers cells filled with colors that have the same RGB coordinates in one used shade. This distribution result is explained by the feature of «creators» to create gradients, which involves the use of a large number of shades. the form longer). The simplified graphic editor allowed to analyze the simplified test forms and highlight the quantitative characteristics characteristic of the creators (from 5 shades of one tone, the total number of colors used on average 37 points). The original algorithm is refined (Fig 9). Fig. 9. The refined algorithm of analysis and classification of test forms Fig. 8. The histogram of the average number of shades of To distinguish the types of «rational», «skeptic» and subtype each tone of the types «creator», «rational» and «skeptic» «non-radical avant-gardist» (Phase 3), an algorithm for recognizing the «chess» and «linear» color distribution is Consider the histogram shown in fig. 8. This histogram most developed, since «non-radical avant-gardists» are also clearly characterizes how much more different shades are used characterized by the formation of lines, but vertical (in the case on average the «creators» in comparison with other types. In this of a «skeptic» - horizontal lines). group of creators there are both their subtypes – contrast and non- The study shows that it is possible to derive a specific "filter" contrast. The most preferred tone of «creators» – red, the least – for each type. shades of gray. «Rationals» tend to be about the same across the The program module ColourUnique M is implemented and spectrum, «skeptics» – to reds-oranges and greens. the program module ColourUnique A is started. The stage of color analysis (Phase 2) allows you to select the The development team plans to introduce associative type of «creator» with high accuracy. The «rational» and networks into the analysis and classification process (for «skeptic» types also show some color preferences, however, they example, Hopfield networks). are not enough to accurately separate these two types at the second stage of the original algorithm. 5. Gratitudes At the moment, the developers are considered to be the The work was partially supported by RFBR, Grant № 19-07- recipient of the «creator», if its color profile at least one tone, 00455. there are 5 or more shades. Speaker I. S. Tarasova expresses gratitude for the help in carrying out this research to the head of the Department of Industrial design of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering – A.V. Shapoval, the head of the Department «Nuclear reactors and power plants» of Nizhny Novgorod state technical university n. a. R. E. Alekseev, V. V. Andreev, docent of the Department of Geoinformatics, geodesy and cadastre of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering A. V. Chechin, and academic groups D 29.16, D 30.17, and D 31.18 the Department of Industrial design of Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering for participation in scientific- research work. 6. References [1] Chechin, A. V. 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