Vol-2502⫷ Vol-2503 ⫸Vol-2504

HCI Engineering 2019
HCI Engineering 2019 – Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems and Integration of Multiple Stakeholder Viewpoints

Joint Proceedings HCI Engineering 2019 – Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems and Integration of Multiple Stakeholder Viewpoints
co-located with 11th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems ( EICS 2019 )

Valencia, Spain, June 18, 2019 .

Edited by

Benjamin Weyers *
Judy Bowen **

* University of Trier , Department IV - Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, 54286 Trier, Germany
** University of Waikato , Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand

Table of Contents

2nd Workshop on Charting the Way towards Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems

1st Workshop on Research and Practice Challenges for Engineering Interactive Systems while Integrating Multiple Stakeholders Viewpoints (EISM)

2019-11-14: submitted by Benjamin Weyers, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2019-11-26 : published on CEUR-WS.org | valid HTML5 |