Challenges in Multi-User Interaction with a Social Humanoid Robot Pepper Peter Forbrig University of Rostock, Department of Computer Science Chair of Software Engineering, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18055 Rostock, Germany Abstract. The paper discusses the challenges of engineering applica- tions for humanoid robots like Pepper. Such robots can be used in differ- ent domains. We focus on the training aspect for patients after a stroke. The humanoid plays the role of a trainer. It should motivate the patient but also pushes when necessary. It should recognize the need for brakes and provide social interactions. A specific challenge is the collaboration of a patient, a supporting person and the robot. This collaboration should be modeled before implementation. Additionally, a model of the three roles is necessary. Based on the analyzed situation an appropriate inter- action has to be selected. Domain specific languages might be helpful for modeling and engineering the applications. Keywords: User model · Cognitive model · Activity models · Domain specific language. 1 Introduction Robots are used in different domains. They are used to support industrial pro- duction [14], give advice or support healthcare [1]. Some robots are totally func- tional like in production lines for cars others look like animals and are used as substitute for pats. Some robots look like humans and are classified as hu- manoids. Pepper is one of this kind of robots. It is a social humanoid robot that is able to recognize faces and basic human emotions. Pepper is optimized for human interaction with voice and gestures. The robot is able to engage with people through conversation and a touch screen [9]. Fig. 1 gives an impression how Pepper looks like. It looks cute. Fig. 1. Humanoid robot Pepper Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com-mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 P. Forbrig Pepper can be programmed in Java with the QiSDK plug-in for Android Studio. Fig. 2 provides a screenshot of the programming environment with the plugin extensions for the robot. The plugins allow the connection with a real or a virtual robot. Additionally, on can see the virtual simulator of Pepper. It looks like the real robot and has arms and fingers but wheels instead of legs. Fig. 2. Android Studio with Pepper plugin and simulator of the humanoid robot Pepper In our project we want to study whether robots like Pepper are able to motivate patients for their exercises. Currently, exercises are observed by humans and can be provided only two or three times per week. However, it would be much better if patients would be able to train several times per day. Unfortunately, success results of the training come very slowly. Even that there is some success after a week, patients often do not recognize it. That is the reason, why they often question the sense of their exercises. Therefore, motivation is very important. We assume that we can support the motivation of a patient with the help of the robot Pepper. One option is the expression of the observed success by Pepper in an appropriate way. Together with psychologists, sociologists and experts from medicine we want to study which kind of patients can be supported by Pepper in which way. We want to provide answers for questions like: What kind of interaction is appropri- ate in certain circumstances? When does a patient need a support? When does it make sense to suggest a break? How can motivation be increased? What kind of models can be helpful? How can we engineer applications for Pepper in an appropriate way? Challenges in Multi-User Interaction with a Social Humanoid Robot Pepper 3 2 Exercises for Patients after Strokes Our project was initiated by Professor Thomas Platz who has been working on Neurohabilitation for several years. He invented some specific exercises for arms that stimulate the brain of stroke patients. An evaluation of his approach is published in [13]. Fig. 3 gives an impression of some of those training activities. Fig. 3. Stimulating the brain by arm ability training In the left upper corner of Fig. 3 one can see how a patient has to hit different circles. The time for this exercise is two minutes. A patient has to hit the two largest circles first, then the two smaller ones and so on. After hitting the smallest one the patient has to start from the beginning again. Currently, a physiotherapist counts the correct hits. If this training is supported by a tablet implementation one can count the hits and their accuracy more precisely. The robot Pepper can comment on the reached results and motivate a patient with sentences like: Great, you reached a new level! Let us try again, we nearly reached the best result! Today, you are really in a good mood. Let us make a break and try to reach the same result again! Some patients have at the beginning such problems with their arm that they are not able to hold it by themselves. They need a supporter that provides guid- ance by holding the elbow of the patient in its hand. This can be boring for the supporter after a while. Therefore, both the patient and the supporter need some motivation for the training. Pepper has to recognize if the motivation of one of the collaborators drops. If the motivation level of the patient and the supporter falls at the same time it has to be decided with whom to interact first. This de- cision has to be made based on the expected cognitive state of the collaborators. Knowledge representations have to be specified for such application. 4 P. Forbrig Research has been focused during the last years on the interaction of a com- puter with one user. Two users and a greater variety of interaction modes provide new challenges. There are only few papers about Robot interaction with several people. Tahir et al. [15] discuss an experiment where a humanoid robot acts as a mediator between two persons. Glas et al. [10] report about a system called Interaction Composer. The system is “a visual programming environment de- signed to enable programmers and non-programmers to collaboratively design social human-robot interactions in the form of state-based flows.” [10] However, they report success and failure. As a first attempt we will try to use our language DSL-CoTaL [7]. It is text based and allows the generation of models for CTTE [12], HAMSTERS [2] and CoTaSE [3]. Fig. 4. Task model for Pepper in DSL-CoTaL[7] Fig. 4 provides an impression how the language looks like. The behavior of Pepper is specified as a task model in a rule-based way. A task on the left hand side of a rule is specified by sub-tasks on the right side. Some tasks need a precon- dition before they can be executed. Preconditions are expressed in an OCL-like[6] way. The task stop observing e.g. can be executed when all instances in the role of patient have finished their exercises. Pepper starts his task root1 with greet- ing that is followed by providing instructions. Afterwards, several observations are possible. The iteration is stopped when stop observing is performed. Finally, Peppers says good bye. Generic components like discussed in [8] are used to spec- ify congratulate, congratulate-enthusiastic, support and provide strong support. The task model of the patient and of the supporter are omitted here. They do not provide new insights. However, a simple collaboration model can be seen in Fig. 5. It is written in the style of the collaboration model of CTTE [12]. A training session consists of three sequential parts. First, the robot , the patient Challenges in Multi-User Interaction with a Social Humanoid Robot Pepper 5 and the supporter greet each other in parallel. Second, Pepper provides some instructions and afterwards the patient performs her or his exercises. Third, all collaborators say good bye. Fig. 5. Model of collaboration Fig. 6 demonstrates possible definitions of different versions of happy. Fig. 6. Generic Components similar to [8] Especially for the activities of the robot Pepper it makes sense to specify a new domain-specific language (DSL) that allows the code generation for the An- droid Studio. Tasks like raise left arm would become keywords in that language. 6 P. Forbrig 3 Research Questions In conjunction with the project E-BRAiN we identified the following research questions: – How can applications with social robots like Pepper be engineered? – What kind of interaction is appropriate for which kind of patient or supporter in which context? – How can a concept be developed for systems with two persona types in connection with two user models? Which ideas can be reused from two-level personas [4]? – How can the idea of under specification [5] be used for applications of Pepper? – How has the DSL-CoTaL to be extended to allow appropriate collaborate task specifications? – Which DSL allows best the specification of the behavior of the robot Pepper in such a way that the model can be animated and additionally, allows code generation for Android Studio? – Which software architecture is appropriate for adaptive interactive applica- tions for Pepper and further devices [11]? These questions (and definitely some more) will guide us in our project during the next three years. 4 Summary and Outlook The challenges in engineering of social humanoid robots like pepper were dis- cussed. In context of the project E-BRAiN collaborative systems involving a robot, a patient and a supporter have to be developed. Managing the appro- priate interaction technology (voice, gesture, lights, tablet, other devices) is a challenge. 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