=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/115-119-paper-19 |storemode=property |title=Methodology and Technology of E-Learning at Dubna State University |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/115-119-paper-19.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Elena Kirpicheva,Oksana Kreider,Snezhana Potemkina }} ==Methodology and Technology of E-Learning at Dubna State University== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/115-119-paper-19.pdf
         Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                            Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019


                E.Yu. Kirpicheva1, a, O.А. Kreider1, b, S.V. Potemkina1, с
         Dubna State University, Universitetskaya str., 19; Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia
E-mail: a kirphel@uni-dubna.ru, b kreider.oksana@gmail.com, c snezhana@uni-dubna.ru

This paper presents the main approaches to the organization of e-learning at Dubna State
University. The priority project "Modern digital educational environment in the Russian
Federation" is intended to create conditions for systematic improvement of the quality and
expansion of opportunities for continuing education for all categories of citizens through the
development of the Russian digital educational space. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to
implement such technologies as e-learning, online training, a massive open online courses
(MOOC). In this regard, modernization of vocational education is required, including through
the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible educational training programs.
Over 15 years Dubna State University has been engaged in continuous education of students
in a number of areas in the field of information technology and programming based on the use
of distance learning technologies.

Keywords: e-learning, educational resources, project-based learning approaches.

                                                 Elena Kirpicheva, Oksana Kreider, Snezhana Potemkina

                                                              Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                      Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Introduction
        Modern society is a digital society, so to become its effective user, or rather an effective
member, to meet the needs and requirements of the digital economy, it is necessary to understand the
structure of information systems and technologies, to be able to apply them in practice in various
spheres of human activity. Such a dynamically changing picture of the digital world requires the same
dynamics in receiving an education and not only in the field of IT technologies. Changes are also
needed for the entire education system. In modern society the training of professionals in the sphere of
globalization should also include digital skills and the ability to create and protect intellectual
property. In turn, the future of the entire education system directly depends on improving the quality
of education and ensuring its accessibility through the introduction of e-learning technologies [1].
         Digital technologies have penetrated into all spheres of our life, changed economic and
organizational processes, the ways of communication between suppliers and consumers of goods and
services. For an integrated assessment of the digital technology diffusion level in the business sector,
the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK, part of the National
Research University — Higher School of Economics (HSE)) has developed a business digitalization
index that characterizes the speed of adaptation to digital transformation, the level of use of broadband
Internet, cloud services, RFID technologies, ERP systems business sector organizations involvement
into the e-Commerce. The leading position among the analyzed countries is occupied by Finland with
the Index value at the level of 50 points. Russia (28 points) is on a par with such Central and Eastern
European countries as Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania [4].
        In accordance with the legislation requirements by the Ministry of Education and Science of
the Russian Federation Decree dated January 9, 2014 № 2 "On the affirmance of the order of
adaptability e-learning and distance educational technologies by the education organizations into
educational programs" there is a need for more active implementation of e-learning in educational
process. The road map of the priority project "Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian
Federation" until 2025 documents a multiple increase in the number of learners enrolled in online
courses, the number of students in general education organizations and the number of online courses
that ensure the mastery of disciplines (modules) of educational programs for secondary, higher and
supplementary education [3].
        Thus, any modern state must meet the digital society and its challenges, develop and
implement innovative educational technologies that imply the possibility of continuous learning, an
individual trajectory of learning materials, access to the world’s leading practices, as well as to
develop new elements of the educational process – electronic educational resources.

2. E-learning
       According to the adopted state standard GOST R 53620, electronic educational resource is a
fundamental component of a digital educational platform. Educational organizations are considering
various schemes for the inclusion of e-learning in the educational process: from their own
developments in Moodle to the introduction of training courses on the open MOOC platforms [5].
         Elements of e-learning are used in internal study mode, correspondence education and
distance learning, as electronic educational resources have a number of advantages compared to
traditional educational resources: low cost, accessibility and ease of information transfer, the ability to
access a large number of sources of educational and methodological materials.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

        One of the niches in e-learning is educational platforms. This is a new concept that can be
described as a limited, learner-centered Internet resource dedicated to education and development,
containing educational materials and providing them to users on certain conditions. This is a wide
range of various projects: from the state-sponsored, organized by the largest universities of a particular
country to a small site created by teachers and students in order to study one particular discipline.
These Internet projects allow to create a virtual educational space of institutions and making it
accessible to all Internet users.
        The development of e-learning can provide universities with an increased access to quality
higher education and lifelong learning. The growing demand for e-education from various user groups
is encourages educational organizations to develop various forms of electronic education.

3. Experience of Dubna State University
         For more than 15 years, the Center for Correspondence and Distance Learning at the Institute
of System Analysis and Management of Dubna State University has been actively developing and
introducing new information technologies into the educational process, improving the distance
learning system, expanding the database of on-line courses (nowadays we have more than 100 courses
in various areas of training: “Computer science”; “Applied informatics”; “Business informatics”,
etc.) [2].
        The combined form of education, implemented on the basis of LMS Moodle in the Center for
Correspondence and Distance Learning, combines the capabilities of the traditional educational
process and the advantages of infocommunication educational technologies. Education is based on
three components:
        -pedagogical – a set of teaching methods and technologies;
        -technological – information technology training course development;
        -organizational – provide an interaction between all participants of educational process.
         To develop high quality modern electronic educational resources at Dubna State University,
the Open Educational Technologies Center was created. This center provides technical support for
developing and implementation electronic training courses. Also, over the past 2 years, a number of
educational projects have been created and actively developing now based on additional education of
students: International Engineering School, International IT School "Big Data Analytics",
Correspondence School of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. The concept of these projects
is based on the idea of privileged education. The peculiarity of this project is the selection of
applicants for training according to the level of knowledge for inclusion in the educational process in-
depth study of the curriculum disciplines, an intensive English course, the possibility of participation
in academic competitions and etc. During the training, it is envisaged to involve leading experts and
scientists into the learning process, as well as internships and practical training for students at leading
companies and enterprises.
        Innovative educational technologies are used for the implementation of educational projects,
including: personalized educational trajectories; project based learning (integration of education and
business); distance learning technologies; e-learning.
        Any concept of extensive education involves an increase in the academic workload of
students, teachers and classrooms, which creates a new problems associated with the limitation of time
and availability. Consider the e-learning possibilities to solve organizing problems of the educational
process aimed at training elite graduates, additional education within the concept of an educational
project and proficiency enhancement of the academic teaching staff.

         Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                            Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

4. Methodology and technology of e-learning
        The applied e-learning methods are divided according to the main method of delivery and
perception of information:
    1)    “To read” – reading content that can be represented by electronic versions of textbooks,
       books, monographs or articles. It may be accompanied by illustrations, links to the sites with
       information resources.
    2)    “To see” – video materials, which can be in the form of videos, video lectures, webinars or
       recordings, presentations, etc.
    3)    “To think” – tasks, tests and questions that serve as feedback and evaluation of educational
       materials assimilation by learners.

        As part of the e-learning introduction into formal education, it is reasonable to revise the
structure of traditional teaching materials and educational process organization technologies. It is
necessary to involve the student in the process of discussion, controversy and finding an answer to the
questions. It is possible to solve this problem by introducing the elements of e-learning “reversed
lesson”: the student is given theoretical materials to learn it independently, at a convenient time in the
Moodle LMS. Theoretical materials posted for self-study should contain some orientation to the
problem, task and search for a solution.
        Thus, there is another category of methods that are involved in the educational process – “to
do”. The Workshop method is a completely new form of training. The organization of this form
requires a special approach that ensures an intensive interaction of all its participants. The student will
be able to show self-sufficiency, initiative and personal interest in the learning process. The theory is
delivered in the "background mode" and immediately applied in the practice. This type of training
inspires participants, allows them to believe in their own strengths and continue self-improvement.
The active technology of this method is virtual and augmented reality. The capabilities of this teaching
method allow the student to gain practical skills, get acquainted with the algorithms of behavior in
certain situations. The use of modern information technologies in the preparation of educational
materials, such as audio, video materials, mobile applications, hypertext, allows you to form an
individual learning trajectory, which makes e-learning indispensable in the modern educational
         The process of interaction between teachers and students of the Institute of System Analysis
and Management at the Dubna State University is carried out through the portal (http://isau.ru/).
Authorized access to the portal is carried out by logins and passwords of the University’s educational
network. The portal outcomes the following main tasks:
         - automation of communication between teachers and ensuring collaborative work with
          - providing an interface for entering the teacher’s list of publications and attended conferences
into the information-analytical system (IAS);
          - exchange of information between teachers and students;
          - providing an interface at the IAS for students when filling out diploma and practical training
assignments, etc.;
          - automation of communication between teachers and students.

        Also, the interaction of the IAS with the intramural university analytical information system
1C The University of PROF was organized. It is allows to maintain an up-to-date list of students and
study groups.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

5. Conclusion
        E-learning is part of the digital economy and not only provides access to higher education, but
also develops the digital skills and knowledge needed by professionals.

        The existing methodology for the use of distance learning technologies at Dubna State
University, both in internal study mode and correspondence education, due to the dynamically
changing requirements of both the student and the employer will not be able to do without the
introduction of e-learning elements. Thus, the creation of educational and methodological materials for
their application in the framework of distance or e-learning is an urgent task for the modern education

[1] Cheremisina E., Kirpicheva E., Belaga V., Kreider O. Training talent for digital economy at
Dubna State University // Selected Papers, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN: 1613-0073. — vol-
2023, pp. 110-114, urn:nbn:de:0074-2023-0. Available at: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2023/110-114-
paper-17.pdf (accessed 08.10.2019).
[2] Kreider O., Cheremisina E. Innovative practice of training IT-specialists at Dubna State
University // Economic strategies, №5, 2010.
[3] Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 28.07.2017 N 1632-р «About the
approval of the program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation» // Collection of legislation of
the Russian Federation. — М., 2017. Available at: http://government.ru/docs/28653 (accessed
[4] Russia in IT-rankings. — 24.09.2018. Available at: http://www.tadviser.ru/index.php/Article:
Russia in IT-rankings (accessed 08.10.2019).
[5] The state standard GOST R 53620-2009 Information and communication technologies in
education. E-learning resources. General terms. — М.: Standinform, 2018. Available at:
http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200082196 (accessed 08.10.2019).
