=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/341-346-paper-62 |storemode=property |title=Experiments with GABRIELA Detector System |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/341-346-paper-62.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Alena Kuznetsova,Alexander Yeremin,Andrey Popeko,Oleg Malyshev,Alexandr Svirikhin,Andrey Isaev,Yuriy Popov,Viktor Chepigin,Maksim Chelnokov,Araseli Lopes-Martens,Karl Hauschild,Oliver Dorvaux,Benua Gall }} ==Experiments with GABRIELA Detector System== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/341-346-paper-62.pdf
      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

   A. Kuznetsova1,a, A. Yeremin1,b, A. Popeko1, O. Malyshev1, A. Svirikhin1,
   A. Isaev1, Yu. Popov1, V. Chepigin1, M. Chelnokov1, A. Lopes-Martens2,
                     K. Hauschild2, O.Dorvaux3, B. Gall3
                                     FLNR, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Russia
                        CSNSM, IN2P3-CNRS, UMR 8609, F-91405 Orsay, France
                        IPHC-DRS/ULP, IN2P3-CNRS, F-67037 Strasbourg, France

                                E-mail: aaakuznetsova@jinr.ru, beremin@jinr.ru

For several years, more dozen experiments was carried out on SHELS (Separator for Heavy
ELements Spectroscopy), aimed to investigation of characteristics of heavy elements and discover
new isotopes. Perfect data acquisition system GABRIELA allows to investigate single particle states
behavior, as well as the structure of little known elements in the Z = 102–105 and N = 148–162
region. Complex of DSSSD detects 70% alpha particles and 90% spontaneous fissions; a system of 5
coaxial Ge-detectors in 4π geometry has efficiency of gamma-quanta registration of 34–14% by scale
~ 100–1000 keV.

Keywords: SHELS/VASSILISSA, heavy elements, spectroscopy.

                   Alena Kuznetsova, Alexander Yeremin, Andrey Popeko, Oleg Malyshev, Alexandr
                        Svirikhin, Andrey Isaev, Yuriy Popov, Viktor Chepigin, Maksim Chelnokov,
                                Araseli Lopes-Martens, Karl Hauschild, Oliver Dorvaux, Benua Gall

                                                           Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                   Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Separator for Heavy Elements Spectroscopy (SHELS)
         Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) at JINR is well-known in researches of heavy
and superheavy elements (SHE). There are synthesized new elements with Z = 113–118 and a lot of
isotopes of SHE with Z = 104–118. The last chemical element in Mendeleev table was named
Oganesson (118, Og) in honor of academician Yu. Ts. Oganessian.
         Studies of reaction products and their levels structure are produced via VASSILISSA [1] set-
up. Due to upgrades of VASSILISSA at 2013 years, the kinematic separator was remade in velocity
filter SHELS [2], thereby a yield of facility is increased in times.
         SHELS consists of the following elements (fig. 1):
     ● Target wheel: radius is 12 cm. The metal wheel divided by segments. In each segment was
         implanted target’s substance on 1.5-2 μm Ti foil.
     ● Two triplets of quadrupole lenses: maximum field gradient is 13 T/m, effective length of 38
         cm and aperture radius of 10 cm.
     ● Two high voltage electrostatic deflectors: effective length of 65.7 cm, distance between plats
         is 10–20 cm, maximum field gradient of 40 kV/cm and rated deflection angle is 8°.
     ● Three dipole magnets: effective length of 59.7 cm, dipole aperture of 13.5 cm, maximum field
         gradient is 0.8 T. Two magnets have rated deflection angles of 21.8°, and one of 8°.
     ● Time of Flight system (ToF).
     ● Detector system GABRIELA.

                         Figure 1. Separator for Heavy Elements Spectroscopy

        The accelerated beam provides by the U-400 cyclotron, its intensity 0.5–1.5 μpA in depends of
study reactions. There are use projectiles from 22Ne to 54Cr. Efficiency of the transmission of recoils
nuclei (εtr) through the facility reaches 45%. This value is different for various asymmetric reaction, as
an example, the reaction of 22Ne + 197Au has εtr = 6.5%. If compared to εtr from old facility, its value
was 3% (tab. 1). For other reactions εtr were notably changed.

           Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                              Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                    Table 1. Efficiency of the recoils nuclei transmission (εtr) for VASSILISSA and SHELS
                                                   Target thick.,         εtr, %                εtr, %
             Reaction            Ebeam, MeV
                                                     mg/cm2             VASSILISSA             SHELS
   Ne(197Au,4n)213-215Ac             120                0.25                  3                  6.5
            215                    115-125              0.25                 3.5                3.5–5
      Ti(164Dy,4-5n)209Ra            240                0.3                  30                   40
           Ti(208Pb,2n)256Rf         237                0.36                 25                 20–40

2. Detection system
        After selection in separator the interest products pass through a ToF detector composed of 2 or
3 emissive polycarbonate foils and 4 large-size (70×90mm2) microchannel plates (production by
BASPIK). Foils have gold or graphite sprayed on it, and installed in metal frame. Thickness of
polycarbonate is 0.4 mg, gold of 0.35–0.45 mg. Active area of plate is 86×66 mm, thickness of 1 mm,
as well as pore size is 15 μm, a channel pitch of 19 μm and bias of 8°. A new ToF detector has more
compact geometry. The main purpose of this system is giving a marker to the recoil nucleus, which
used in data analysis.
        In the next step, the particles enter the detection system. The separator can use two kinds of
detector arrays:
    ● Neutron barrel (fig. 2).
    ● Gamma Alpha Beta Recoil Investigation with the Electromagnetic Analyzer (GABRIELA)
        (fig. 3).
        The assembly of the focal detector for neutron barrel is positioned in a cylindrical vacuum
chamber surrounded by three layers of neutron counters (3He at pressure of 7 atm) placed in the
volume of the retarder. The neutron assembly is surrounded by six plates of Ba-doped polyethylene to
protect against background neutrons [3]. The TKE of fragments and their half-lives were measured in
the experiment. The signals from fission fragments trigger interrogation of the neutron counters
positioned around the vacuum chamber of the focal detector, ensuring reliable measurements of the
number of neutrons accompanying each fission event. The average lifetime of fission neutrons in the
detector is 23–30 μs, and the efficiency of single neutron registration is 43–45% (measurements are
made using a 248Cm source). It should be noted that the background conditions were quite favorable in
all experiments: the count of background neutrons in the room with detectors did not exceed 100
random counts per second.

                                             Figure 2. Neutron barrel

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

        The GABRIELA [4] detects the evaporation residues with their subsequent α decay or fission,
as well as γ-rays, X-rays and conversion electrons. At 2013-2015 for GABRIELA was upgraded, and
now it has another view (fig. 3). New content includes of the one box of DSSD and 5 Ge-detectors,
which demonstrate more efficient work, than one Si-box and 7 Ge-detectors (in old version).

                                        Figure 3. GABRIELA

         The box of detectors consists of large 10×10cm2 double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSSD)
(fig. 4), 128×128 strips (16384 pixels) and thickness is 500 μm. This is focal plane detector, which
surrounded of 8 plats 50×60mm2 DSSD (thickness of 700 μm), 32×32 strips (4096 pixels). Alpha
particles registration efficiency εα = 70% and the resolution energy is 15-20 keV for α in the range of
5–7 MeV.

                               Figure 4. Focal detector 128×128 strips

         Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                            Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

         The Ge array consists of a large Clover installed just behind the focal plane DSSSD and 4
coaxial Ge detectors forming a cross around the DSSD. All Ge detectors are equipped with BGO
shields. This configuration is more efficient! The calibration of the Ge detectors was performed using
standard sources such as 152Eu and 133Ba. Registration efficiency is 38–14% by gamma-quanta energy
scale from 100 keV to 1000 keV.
3. Conclusions
        As for recoils registration efficiency (εreg), then achieved good results. In hot fusion reaction
  Ar + 180Hf formed compound nuclei 220Th*, by energy beam 220 Mev (fig. 5). There was integral
flux of 6.2·1017 particles. Value of registration efficiency εreg was calculated by peak of 215Ac, which
created through p4n-channel. Nuclide of 215Ac has short half-life time 0.17 s, it was convenient to used
for calculate. Ratio of number of Rec-α correlations by number of α-particles from 215Ac peak it is εreg
= 87.4%.

                                Figure 5. Spectrum of α-particles decays of Th isotopes

      In experiments was studied heavy nuclei with Z=102–106 (tab. 2). System of detectors
demonstrated good performance.
                                                                         Table 2. Experiments 2017–2019 years
     Z               Reaction                       Isotopes                           Results
                      Ne+238U                          256
     102         48                                                     New metastable states of No isotopes.
                    Ca+204,206,208Pb          250
                                                  No, 252No, 254No
                 50                                Rf, 255Rf,256Rf,
     104              Ti+206,208Pb [3]                 257             New information about levels structure.
                  50                                                   More chains of decay Db isotopes and 3
     105               Ti+209Bi [5]           256
                                                    Db, 257Db, 258Db
                                                                        events “fast” fission from 258Rf (p0n).
                       54                                                Test for future experiments with Cr
     106                    Cr+208Pb                   262-xn

       The plans are another upgrade of the SHELS. Instead quadrupole lenses will be install lenses
with more apertures of 300 mm. All Ge-detectors will be replaced on Clovers, and small DSSD on
10×10cm2 DSSSD. Also diameter of target wheel will increase before 24 cm.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

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