=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/347-352-paper-63 |storemode=property |title=Modernization of Neutron Fourier Chopper for High-Resolution Fourier Diffractometer (HRFD) on the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/347-352-paper-63.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Ivan Bobrikov,Dmitry Balagurov,Svetlana Murashkevich,Alexander Sirotin,Tatiana Petuhova,Nikolay Zernin,Valery Zhuravlev,Vasvari Gyula,Szasz Gabor }} ==Modernization of Neutron Fourier Chopper for High-Resolution Fourier Diffractometer (HRFD) on the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/347-352-paper-63.pdf
     Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                        Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

        N. Zernin 1,a, I. Bobrikov 1,b, D. Balagurov 1,c, S. Murashkevich 1,d ,
     A..Sirotin1,e , T. Petuhova 1,f , V. Zhuravlev 1,g , V. Gyula 2,h , S. Gabor 2,i
                                               JINR, Dubna
                                          Mirrotron Ltd, Budapest

     E-mail: a zernin@nf.jinr.ru, b bobrikov@nf.jinr.ru, c dbal@nf.jinr.ru, d svetlana@nf.jinr.ru,
         sirotin@nf.jinr.ru, f petukhova@jinr.ru, g zhur@nf.jinr.ru, h vasvarigy@mirrotron.hu,

The High-Resolution Fourier Diffractometer (HRFD) is operated at the pulsed reactor IBR-2
(FLNP JINR, Dubna) allow to carrying out precision research of the crystal structure and
microstructure of crystalline materials. The use of the fast Fourier chopper for intensity
modulation of the primary neutron beam and the correlation method of diffraction data
accumulation is a principal feature of the HRFD design. This allows one to obtain extremely high
resolution (Δd/d ≈ 0.001) at HRFD in a wide range of interplanar distances at a relatively short
flight path from the chopper to the sample position (L = 20 m). In 2016 the old Fourier chopper
(the operation period ~15 years) was replaced with a new one manufactured by the Mirrotron Ltd
company (Hungary). The basic mechanical characteristics of the previous version of the Fourier
chopper have been maintained, but a series of innovations were introduced in particular in the
chopper control and monitoring system, which are discussed in this paper.

Keywords: neutron diffraction, Fourier diffractometer, high resolution, pulsed neutron source

                       Ivan Bobrikov, Dmitry Balagurov, Svetlana Murashkevich, Alexander Sirotin,
                   Tatiana Petuhova, Nikolay Zernin, Valery Zhuravlev, Vasvari Gyula, Szasz Gabor

                                                          Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                  Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Introduction
         The High resolution diffractometer is one of the indispensable types of spectrometers in every
advanced neutron research center. At pulsed neutron sources with short pulses (Δt0 ≤ 30 μs) based on
proton accelerators with a heavy metal target, the high resolution (Δd/d ≤ 0.003) of the time-of-flight
(TOF) diffractometer is reached if the flight path, L, is 50 m or longer. At the IBR-2 reactor (JINR) the
pulse width of thermal neutrons is about 350 μs; thus, to reach high resolution the flight path would
need to be prohibitively long (L > 500 m). It was decided that effective shortening of the neutron pulse
should employ a particular type of fast disk chopper [1].
         The Fourier method is based on modulation of the neutron beam intensity using the chopper
with a periodic transmission close in form to a sine function. The chopper consists of the rotating disk
(rotor) and the stationary part (stator) with the same modulation pattern of radial sectors transparent
and non-transparent for thermal neutrons. To the first approximation, at the chopper’s fixed rotation
frequency the intensity of scattered neutrons, I(ω), would be a Fourier transform of the sample
scattering cross-section. Accordingly, by measuring (the intensity of scattered neutrons) I(ω) over a
wide frequency range, it is possible to reconstruct the scattering cross-section σ(t), where t is the time
of flight, related to the momentum transfer or d-spacing.
         The first version of the Fourier chopper was manufactured at the Technical Research Center of
Finland (VTT, Espoo). The chopper consisted of a rotor disk (∅540 mm), a stator plate (both
constructed from Ti–Zr zero matrix alloy), a motor (W = 7.5 kW) and an optical encoder measuring
the rotor speed and forming pick-up signals. The optical encoder has subsequently been replaced by a
magnet encoder with an extended service lifetime under conditions of high radiation background. The
rotor and stator had a modulation pattern of 1024 radial slits with 0.7 mm width in the middle of its 60
mm height the covered by Gd2O3 in an epoxy resin.
         The motor was controlled by a VECTOR V750 drive capable of controlling the motor within
the rotating speed range of ± 9000 rpm, which allowed modulation of the neutron beam intensity with
a frequency of up to 150 kHz [2].
         However, there were some serious methodical problems, directly affecting the diffraction data
quality: low quality of the pick-up signal due to incremental magnetic speed sensor with an
interpolation factor 8, vibration of the disk at high speed due to its rotation in air, complicate and low
precisely manual procedure of stator position calibration. As a result, we had a complex peak shape,
with small negative dips on one or both sides of the diffraction peaks and cannot be described
analytically. Largely, this problem was solved by developing a special-purpose MRIA software
package for the data processing by the Rietveld method. In the MRIA package, there is a possibility of
introducing a two-sign model that can be specified numerically [3]. Meanwhile, the necessity for
further efforts on enhancement of the situation with the shape of diffraction peaks was obvious.

2. A new HRFD concept
         The main mechanical features of the previous version, particularly, the rotor diameter, the
number of slits, the length and width of the slits, the absorbing material and the thickness of the Gd2O3
layer (0.8 mm), were kept unchanged in the new Fourier chopper, constructed by Mirrotron Ltd.
Hungary. The new rotor is made of the strengthened Al alloy (Al 7075T6) and provides for the
maximum rotational speed of 6000 rpm. Unlike the previous version, the rotor and the stator are
installed in a hermetic casing. The mechanical design of the stator allows one to have exact
configuration and fixation of the pick-up signal phase. A new type of incremental magnetic pickup
sensor of the chopper disk rotation speed with an interpolation factor of 2 instead of 8 is applied, the
rotor vacuum and vibration monitoring sensors are installed, a new control system for stator position is

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

used. The new pick-up signal sensor and control systems have allowed one to decrease the differential
nonlinearity of the rotor instant speed to ~2.5%. The chopper control and monitoring system based on
the software logic controller Omron provides the predefined law of change in the Fourier chopper
rotation speed and monitors the readings of the vacuum, vibration and temperature control sensors.

                    Figure 1. The new Fourier chopper on the HRFD spectrometer

        The quality of modulation of the neutron flux by the Fourier chopper is high, the measured
transmission function has a triangle-like shape with contrast about 98%.

             Figure 2. Transmission of the chopper for the stator step-by-step movement.
                        The solid line is provided as a guide for the viewer [1]

        The use of a vacuum (5 ∙ 10-2 Torr) in a hermetic casing reduces the vibration of the disk
rotation. The casing also is made of aluminum alloy (AlMgSi). As to the total width of the casing at
the point of transmission of the neutron beam is 92 mm the casing has a compact size.
        For the stator position control, new mechanical and electronic system are used. The design of
the stator allows precise adjustment and fixation of the phase of pick-up signals. For the stator
movement, a built-in step motor “Haydon-Kerk” and a step block are used, which convert the
rotational motion from the motor into linear movement of the screw with a small pitch. Absolute
accuracy of movement can reach 0.0025 mm at the command of a full step. As a feedback, a two-pole
resolver is used, which has high radiation resistance. The position of the drive is stable even in the
non-powered state, due to the high pitch of the screw, as well as the stator locking system. The user
can move the stator with an accuracy of ±0.01mm. The rotation of the stepper motor is controlled by
the Copley Motion DeviceNet stepper drive.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

        The sensors for monitoring the vacuum and vibration of the rotor were installed on the Fourier
chopper disc. The first sensor was designed to measure the proportional component of the vibration
velocity and provides readings in mm/sec. The vibration speed-reader provides information on
mechanical errors in the design of the chopper, as well as in balancing errors. The frequency range for
this component is from 10 to 1000 Hz. Another vibration sensor monitors the acceleration value of the
vibration and provides a signal in grams/sec. This sensor provides status information on bearings. The
range of frequencies measured by this sensor is from 10 to 10000 Hz. Each sensor has an analog
current output 4-20 mA.
        For the design of the new Fourier chopper, the experience of using the old one on the HRFD
spectrometer as well as the operation of the Fourier chopper on the FSD (Fourier Stress
Diffractometer) spectrometer were taken into account. Many technical points are closely intertwined
in them [4]. For example, the Tekel TK2 561-F-1024 optical incremental (position) sensor (the
interpolation coefficient is 1) was installed on the old Fourier chopper. Unfortunately, this type of
incremental encoder had a short life-time. The reason for exiting from exploitation is the degradation
of the photodiode of the sensor due to exposure to high levels of radiation.

               Figure 3.The new condition Tekel TK2 561-F-1024 optical incremental sensor

                Figure 4. Degradation of the photo diode of the old Tekel TK2 561-F-1024 sensor

        Instead of optical sensors, magnetic incremental encoders were used on the HRFD and FSD
spectrometers. They had a significantly longer life-time at high radiation. Nevertheless, they also
failed over time. Figure 3 shows the pick-up signal value from the magnetic sensor in dependence on
rotation speed and time on the FSD spectrometer before long operation of the sensor at a high level of
radiation. Due to the only 128 physical poles (“teeth”) in the sensor, the signal was interpolated (the

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

interpolation coefficient is 8) to 1024-like poles to improve the resolution of the data by a function
implemented in the magnetic sensor. After about 1 year of exploitation at high levels of radiation
(average dose ~0.5 Sv/h) the sensor showed significant degradation of the signal (Fig.4).
        Therefore, due to the high radiation in the place of the chopper operation the Lenord and
Bauer MiniCoder GEL 2444T-Z2G3K-030E magnetic sensor, as well as the ferromagnetic disk
Lenord and Bauer ZAZ 0512 with 512 teeth were installed on the rotor shaft. The entire system was
placed in a vacuum casing. The new incremental encoder also provides rectangular pulses called A, B,
Z and their inverted copies.
        In the new type of incremental magnetic encoder, the interpolation coefficient is 2 instead of
8. This made it possible to increase the discreteness of determining the rotation speed of the Fourier
disk in acceleration and deceleration modes. Thereby, the computation speed and signal sampling are

 Figure 5 . The new incremental encoders GEL 2444T-Z2G3K-030E on the rotor shaft of the chopper
                and the ferromagnetic disk Lenord and Bauer ZAZ 0512 with 512 teeth

         The new Fourier chopper has a rigid connection between the encoder gear wheel and motor
shaft, in contrast to the previous system, where a flexible coupling (a plastic clutch) connected the
encoder and motor shaft. The coupling rigidity could degrade due to long operation and radiation
exposure and, as a result, could affect the quality of the pick-up signal (kinematic-transmission error).
         In order to create a convenient control system for the Fourier chopper, the Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC) “PLC Omron CJ2M CPU31” was used. It handles the communication between
the control computer and the motor servo drive, processes and converts the analog input signals,
receives and sends the discrete signals. It is able to intervene in processes if necessary. For example, if
the vibration level is over the limit, PLC stops the rotation of the chopper and generates an error signal
for the User.

3. Conclusion
         The successful upgrade of the Fourier chopper has opened a new level of quality of diffraction
data obtained at HRFD and allowed to maintain some important parameters of HRFD at the level of
several of the world's best neutron high-resolution diffractometers. Placing of the rotor and the stator
in a sealed casing, operation under vacuum, the design of the stator, a new incremental magnetic speed
sensor allowed one to provide fine-tuning and characteristics of the pick-up signals. The results of this
work will be used in the further upgrade of choppers in other Fourier diffractometers (FSS, FSD) at
the IBR-2 pulsed neutro n source.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

5. Acknowledgement
        We would like to thank Mirrotron (Hungary) for the high-quality and timely fabrication of the
Fourier chopper and the specialists at FLNP JINR (Dubna), named in the references, having
participated in the design and operation of the HRFD.

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