=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/36-43-paper-6 |storemode=property |title=The Case of Cloud Designing and Development |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/36-43-paper-6.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Nikita Samokhin,Petr Fedchenkov,Oleg Lazo,Andrey Shevel,Sergey Khoruzhnikov,Alexey Shvetsov,Oleg Sadov,Anatoly Oreshkin,Alexey Naikov }} ==The Case of Cloud Designing and Development== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/36-43-paper-6.pdf
      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

        N.Y. Samokhin1,a, P.V. Fedchenkov1, O.I. Lazo1, A.Y. Shevel1,2,
      S.E. Khoruzhnikov1, A.V. Shvetsov2, O.L. Sadov1, A.A. Oreshkin2,
                                A.V. Naikov1
                     ITMO University, 49 Kronverkskiy pr., St.Petersburg, 197101, Russia
           National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute,
                           1 mkr. Orlova roshcha, Gatchina, 188300, Russia

                                           E-mail: a samon@itmo.ru

The designing and development of a computing clouds is complex process where numerous factors
have to be taken into account. For example, size of planned cloud and potential growth,
hardware/software platforms, flexible architecture, security, ease of maintenance. Computing cloud is
quite often consisted of several data centers (DC). The DC is considered to be a group of hardware
and/or virtual servers which is dedicated to run the user virtual machines (VM) and/or storage servers.
Each pair of DCs may be interconnected by one or more virtual data transfer links. To manage such
cloud to form “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS) a distributed operating management system (DOMS)
is needed. The proposed architecture for DOMS is a set of software agents. Important advantages of
such approach are flexibility, horizontal scalability, independent development/maintenance of any
agent. The specially developed protocol to send and receive requests between agents is also discussed.
Due to geographical distribution, the requirements for system stability in terms of hardware and
software malfunctions are high. Proposed DOMS architecture is addressed operating stability as well.
Observation of prototype consisting of several DCs in ~100Km distance from each other and practical
results were presented. Potential application fields where this development might be used is also

Keywords: SDN, NFV, data center, software agent, quantum key distribution system, SDS,
OpenStack, Ceph

                  Nikita Samokhin, Petr Fedchenkov, Oleg Lazo, Andrey Shevel, Sergey Khoruzhnikov,
                                      Alexey Shvetsov, Oleg Sadov, Anatoly Oreshkin, Alexey Naikov

                                                               Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                       Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Introduction
         The specific demands for computing power are often exceeds abilities of one data centre (DC),
which leads to various types of DC clustering implementation. Currently, in order to ensure efficient
use of the computing resources of individual DCs, approaches are being implemented based on DCs
combination, such as Grid computing and Cloud computing. It eventually fulfilles the requirement of
the redistributing available capacities flexibility. One example is the largest grid-type system -
WorldLHC Computing Grid [1], which is used to process experimental data in basic research on the
properties of matter. Other examples are the well-known cloud systems Amazon, Google, Azure,
which serve a large number of consumers. For example, Azure has about five hundred million
registered users.
         Of great importance is the geographical distribution of data centres [2], which avoids stopping
services or data loss during technological accidents, natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes,
lightning strikes, tsunamis, etc.) and social incidents (terrorist attacks, civil unrest, etc). It is stressed
out that the number of DCs is growing each year due to growing of data volume, so it is important to
consider using the geographically distribution approach as it makes computing power more flexible by
resources aggregation and sharing.
         Cloud computing offers tremendous potential benefits in agility, resiliency, and economy.
Moreover, when using IaaS cloud model, it is possible to provide various type of infrastructures,
including Grid, therefore it is often preferable. Thus, the basic requirements for geographically
distributed IaaS could be these:
      the relative simplicity of the redistribution of resources between local data centres (computing
         power, data storages, transmission channels), geographically remote from each other;
      security/reliability of data transmission and long-term data storage;
      gradual (staged) degradation in case of failure of hardware and/or software components as
         failures of individual components should not lead to a shutdown of the whole system.
         There are important questions about reasons of implementing of specific cloud system, e.g.
how clients might avoid being locked in specific cloud system? Besides, there are always several
issues about data storage and transmission safety guarantee, i.e. how can one store his data in data
storage for many years and how to provide high-level security for data transmission between
geographically distributed DCs? All these questions are being considered in the project presented in
this paper.
         The main goal of the project is the designing and development computing infrastructure,
which permits to integrate the resources of Geographically Distributed DCs to form cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and attempt to resolve the issues mentioned above.

2. The constituent elements and control system architecture
         An analysis of publications devoted to architectural and technical solutions that are used to
create distributed computer infrastructure management systems, for example [3], shows that the most
promising ones for creating an integrated management system (IMS) of scalable geographically
distributed data centres (SGDD) could be these:
      OS Linux
      Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [4, 5]
      Software Defined Storage (SDS) [6, 7]
      Infrastructure as Code (IC) [8]
      Agent-based approach (microservices) [9]
      Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for data coding keys [10]

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

      The choice of the following technical solutions was determined by their modernity and rich
component developers experience:
    OS NauLinux (RHEL clone)
    Ryu SDN controller
    CEPH as storage backend
    Openstack for virtual resources control [11]
    SaltStack for automation, remote task execution and configuration management
    Zabbix as central monitoring unit
    Grafana as data visualization tool
        The components listed above are considered as plain tools only that can help to implement
certain approaches to the design of the entire system. Among other things, it is important to avoid any
dependence on specific software for IMS. The following approaches were used to create the
prerequisites for such independence in the design of the SGDD control system:
     the architectural solution must be implemented on the basis of software-configurable
         infrastructure technologies;
     software components of the system should be implemented using opensource software only,
         which is configured for specific functionality;
     system components must be created as software agents that run in an operational-isolated
         environment, such as virtual machines or containers;
     to protect the communication lines between the data centres, quantum communication
         technology at the side frequencies must be applied.
        Based on the mentioned approaches, the IMS of the SGDD was created, the architecture of
which is shown in Fig. 1.

             Figure 1. Integrated management software architecture for a scalable, geographically
                            distributed data centre for one local data centre

        The interaction between the software agents is implemented through a specially developed
protocol, which includes organizing request queues using the distributed RabbitMQ message queuing

        Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                           Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

system between agents and storing all requests in a database, which came up for the reasons
mentioned above and was examined in detail in [12].
        An important element of the system that combines all the data centres within the SGDD is the
Registry directory (RD), inside which there are subdirectories describing each individual data centre,
as well as data channels between the data centres. The RD is automatically replicated to all data
centres within the SGDD. Access to the data in the RD is via https, the data itself in the directory is
stored in encoded form. Thus, access to the data in the register directory is possible only for authorized
software agents.
        All software agents of SGDD are launched automatically in the process of loading hardware
servers. Each software agent uses configuration parameters from its local RD which he inherited from
the main RD via secured channel. Since any change of the SGDD system is reflected in RD, no
changes in software agents are required, which is considered to be convenient. The list of IMS agents
with their functions is presented in Table 1.
                                                  Table 1. The IMS components/agents and their functions
Agent               Main functions                         Operation/usage
Registration,       Perfrom registration of clients, The only agent which decides on any configuration
authorization &     handling their credentials and all the change. Directly connected with orchestration
billing agent       billing operations. One instance in agent. All actions are performed with special web-
                    whole SGDD.                            portals – analytic portal, administrators and clients
                                                           portals, configuration calculator portal.
Orchestration       Handling       cloud     orchestration So-called «agent in the middle», receives requests
agent               requests       from      Registration, (or transaction with several ones) and forwards
                    authorization & billing agent. At them to the specific agent (VM, SDS, virtual links).
                    least one instance per DC and one Orchestration agent is a core agent of IMS.
                    top level instance per SGDD.
VM management       Creation and maintaining of VMs via Performing all operations on VMs together with
agent               Openstack. At least one instance per orchestration agent and virtual objects database.
SDS management      Creation and maintaining of SDSs Performing all operations on SDSs together with
agent               via CEPH. At least one instance per orchestration agent and virtual objects database.
                    DC.                                 Working with various types of storage (block, S3,
                                                        etc) and SLA (encoding, replicas number, etc).
Virtual links    Creation and maintaining of virtual Providing virtual links inside single DC or between
management agent links via Ryu and Open vSwitch. At two DCs. SDN and NFV were used to provide the
                 least one instance per DC.          required SLA: compression, erasure coding,
                                                     encryption using a quantum key distribution
                                                     system, parallel communication channels.
Virtual             Monitoring of virtual resources, Monitoring of virtual CPU and storage, collecting
infrastructure      providing statistical data for billing. monitoring history for billing purposes, alert
monitoring agent    At least one instance per DC.           system. All alerts must be sent to orchestration
                                                            agent in order to start damage evaluation procedure.
Physical            Monitoring of power supply, climate Monitoring, security issues, alert system. All alerts
infrastructure      control and fire extinguishing must be sent to orchestration agent in order to start
monitoring agent    systems, DC invasion sensors, video damage evaluation procedure.
                    cameras for video surveillance, etc.
                    One instance per DC.

       It is also necessary to provide special components for agent to operate properly. There are
three main components for such issue:
     Database (DB). Since databases are one of the important components of IMSs, fault tolerance
       technology based on configuration of high availability architecture (master-master mode,
       where two masters are located on separate physical servers) is used to increase the reliability
       of operation [13]. The main components are hardware database and virtual objects database.

       Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                          Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

       Repository. It contains all software components (both specially designed and borrowed from
        external sources) that are used in the IMS. For any deployments or upgrades to the IMS,
        software components are used only from this repository. For the placement of all components
        in the repository, developers or the administrators of the support of the IMS are responsible at
        the initial stage. In other words, the repository should be the only source of software
        components of the IMS. There are several repositories: one production repository in each DC
        and one-two preproduction repositories. When any package has been added or upgraded and
        tested in preproduction repository all production repositories are synching with preproduction
        repository. Each repository is divided by subrepositories. Each subrepository can be developed
        independently from other subrepositories. Suggested repository architecture permits to build
        up virtual machines or/and containers to eliminate conflicts between different libraries,
        packages, etc. The evaluation of new features (technology preview) becomes much easier with
        such the approach.
       Semi-automated deployment procedure consists of two stages. The first one is installation
        planning where the administrator must allocate all IMS agents throughout hardware servers.
        Some services like DB needs to be allocated at least on two separate servers for creating an
        HA cluster. It is necessary to provide information about storage allocation for agents for
        storing logs, big databases and all configuration parameters for DC network. Afterwards, a
        special image of virtual machine is used for deployment process. It is used for the OS
        installation, building up the hardware database, preparing Registry directory and IMS
        components installation afterwards, one by one in according to the specification prepared in
        first stage. The deployment of the Registration, authorization & billing agent is implemented
        as completely separate step.
        The significant part of the data transfer functionality is implemented as virtual network
functions to meet SLA. Among SLAs for virtual data lines, there are requirements for encoding the
transmitted data, including the requirement to use the quantum distribution of encoding keys, which is
based on the technology of quantum communications at the side frequencies of modulated radiation in
this paper [13, 14]. It was chosen due to high performance characteristics that are superior to
analogues [15]. The physical principles of its functioning are described in [10], and the scheme of its
implementation in the existing telecommunication network is presented in [15] with experimental
confirmation of the reliability and long-term stability of the proposed solution.
        When individual hardware component of the SGDD fails, the orchestration agent starts a
damage assessment procedure, the results of which are forwarded to the system administrator through
GLPI, a system for handling claims and incidents. Built-in inventory system with the FusionInventory
plugin allows tracking the history of each software change and hardware state. Using the knowledge
base and information received, administrator will be able to choose some options for minimizing

3. Experiments
         Experimental studies of IMS were carried out on a prototype of a scalable geographically
distributed data centre built in conjunction with the SMARTS company (Russia, Samara). The layout
diagram is shown in Fig. 2.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

  Figure 2. Layout diagram of the geographically distributed data processing and storage centre for
                 experimental research (OFTS - optical fiber transmission system)
        DCs (3 microDCs) are combined into a single system with a fiber-optic cable, one of the fibers
is used to transmit quantum keys. Maximum distance between DCs is 100 km (~62 miles). Every DC
is provided with the same hardware, which is:
      HPE DL380 Gen10 8LFF CTO servers with OS NauLinux for VMs and SDSs (2 x Intel Zeon
         Gold CPU, 128 GB RAM, 30 TB storage, 6 network interfaces);
      HP FF 5700-32XGT-8XG-2QSFP+ network switches with OpenFlow protocol support;
      Special quantum key distribution units.
         There were dozens of tests carried out, such as virtual objects creation and deletion tests,
read/write tests for VMs and SDSs, data links with OpenFlow rules tests, etc. All of those were
successfully completed and were performed on the basis of the test patterns developed within the
project. That showed the reliable performance of the adopted technical solutions and created software.

                  Figure 3. Grafana panel for virtual infrastructure monitoring agent
        In the process of passing the test, the state of the agents of the system and equipment was
monitored by displaying the data entering the Zabbix on the Grafana panel (Fig. 3). Monitoring agents
of the system was carried out by sending a special message according to the developed protocol in
order to determine the response time of the agent to the request. In this case, the events of both
disconnecting one of the agents and disconnecting the data center were investigated.

        Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                           Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

4. Conclusion
         A description is given of a control system for a geographically distributed DC created using
modern architectural approaches and technical means. Particular attention is paid to the flexibility of
rebuilding the system to new tasks, efficient use of resources, reliable operation in the event of failure
of system components and protecting information from unauthorized access. The use of IMS when
conducting experimental research on the SGDD layout confirmed the effectiveness of the main
decisions made during the development. Implemented according to the Infrastructure as a Service
model, the hardware-software complex demonstrates wide possibilities for creating cloud
infrastructures and using it for business purposes. Furthermore, such DC clustering model could
provide a solution for several issues concerning specific demands for computing power for a single
DC. Thus, such model does make computing power more flexible in terms of aggregation of DC
         The main advantages of developed solution are:
        Opportunities for the rapid reallocation of resources of a geographically distributed DC in
         terms of computing power, data flows, and engineering infrastructure with IMS.
        IMS might use not only bare metal servers but virtual resources from existing clouds. It gives
         a lot of flexibility because someone can use virtual resources from several existing clouds.
        With minor corrections IMS start use different underlying components, e.g. vmware instead
        Horizontal scalability by starting several instances of same type agents in DC.
        A high degree of autonomy of the functioning of the components of a geographically
         distributed DC due to the architecture based on software agents running in operationally
         independent environments.
        Own software repository containing the Linux distribution and all necessary software
         packages (including source codes), which ensures the autonomy of the system and
         preservation of its operability even in the case of network isolation of DC.
        Secure medium between nodes with the quantum technology of sending encoding keys in
         combination with the technology of SDN.
        Platform for long-term storage and transmission of big data, which is formed by a combination
         of software components used in the system.
        Unique semi-automated deployment procedure of IMS for a single DC. Such procedure was
         designed for this project, so it has no resemblance with other well-known auto deployment
         procedures. Such procedure is considered to be convenient when one has to add some extra
         hardware into the existing and operating DC.

5. Acknowledgement
       The research has been carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and
Higher Education of the Russian Federation under grant agreement No.03.G25.31.0229.

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