=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/386-391-paper-71 |storemode=property |title=Information Security Issues in a Distributed Information Educational Environment |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/386-391-paper-71.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Anatoly Minzov,Nadezhda Tokareva,Evgenia Cheremisina }} ==Information Security Issues in a Distributed Information Educational Environment== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/386-391-paper-71.pdf
      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                 A.S. Minzova, N.A. Tokarevab, E.N. Cheremisinac
                Dubna State University, Universitetskaya 19, 141980, Dubna, Russia

         E-mail: a 926-565-0570@mail.ru , b tokareva@uni-dubna.ru, c chere@uni-dubna.ru

Intensive development of computer technology and technologies of distributed computing systems has
resulted in the appearance of new active and interactive forms of education. Currently, students have
enough opportunities of wide access to electronic educational resources. At the same time, new threats
and vulnerabilities have emerged, which can be classified into 3 groups: threats associated with
vulnerabilities of portal solutions and information and educational content management systems in a
distributed information educational environment; threats related to the relevance, reliability and
quality of content presentation; electronic educational resources copyright protection and insufficient
regulatory framework for information security. The threats in a distributed information educational
environment and mechanisms of information security has been performed.

Keywords: distributed computing environment, education, information security, electronic
educational resources

                                          Anatoly Minzov, Nadezhda Tokareva, Evgenia Cheremisina

                                                           Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                   Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Introduction
         More than 20 years have passed since the publication of the article on the concept of
individual training in the telecommunication computer educational environment [1], which considered
the theoretical, methodological, organizational and didactic problems of introduction of new
information technologies and the Internet in the system of professional education. During this period,
many achievements have appeared, and a new information educational environment has been created.
It allows a significant using electronic educational resources from various sources of the Federal and
regional levels: educational institutions and distance learning centers, information resources of various
economic entities, funds and electronic libraries, information resources of social networks, electronic
archives, private information resources and other sources of information [2]. The advent and mass
application of cloud environments made it possible virtual modeling of technical systems, which
significantly expanded the possibilities of remote technologies, and the introduction of network
interfaces into various technical systems and allowed to include research projects with remote control
of equipment in educational processes. Actually, a distributed information educational environment
(DIEE) with decentralized management and weak feedback communications has now been
established. The standard [3] uses the terminology "electronic information and educational
environment", which now, does not reflect the features of information protection in a distributed
heterogeneous information and educational environment.
         Centralized management of this environment is maintained only at the Federal level and
include certain requirements for the metaphysical description of electronic resources. The other
information and educational resources are of a referential format and are formed according to various
private organization requirements for the forms of presentation of electronic educational resources
(EER). The feedback on monitoring changes in information resources, access control, assessment of
compliance with their requirements for form and content is practically not provided. This does not
allow one to control their quality and relevance.
         The educational and information resources of educational institutions of Federal and national
research universities, certain universities, distance learning centers and social networking resources
are of great interest. However, they are not universal, are built into their distance learning information
systems and are often closed or commercial in nature.
         A characteristic feature of DIEE is the appearance of new interactive forms of learning based
on the simulation of technical, organizational, logistics and other systems in virtual environments, as
well as by remote control of technical telemetry complexes with network interfaces.
         In summary, concurrently with the appearance of new active and interactive forms of
education where students are able to have wide access to the electronic educational resources, the new
threats and vulnerabilities have emerged. Thus, it is necessary to analyze threats, to identify the typical
ones and propose the mechanisms to ensure information security.

2. Analysis of the current state of information security in distributed
information educational environment
         The work to standardize the development, implementation and maintenance of EER has begun
since 2011. The results of this work are implemented in the standards [3-7], but they are generic in
nature and do not fully reflect the current trends in the creation of information and educational
environment. They practically have no requirements for information security of EER and control
systems except for GOST R 577723-2017 [3] describing the requirements for the security of electronic
library systems. At the Federal level, all responsibility for ensuring the safety, relevance and quality of
the EER rests with author of the EER, and no functions are performed to control the EER information
security when introducing it in the register.
         These circumstances have led to the fact that the existing distributed information educational
environment in Russia has become very vulnerable to threats of information security. The active
implementation of information and educational resources for all education forms require a more

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

serious attitude to the issues of information security. This is evidenced by the statistics of information
security incidents in relation to DIEE [8, 9].
         An equally important role in the digital economy is played by the interpenetration of
information technologies (web services, telecommunications and information systems, artificial
intelligence technologies, Big Data, neural networks, blockchain and other advanced technologies) and
information security systems. These trends are reflected in modern concepts of development of the
complex systems aimed at results [10]. The vulnerabilities appear at the intersections of technologies,
providing new opportunities for cybercriminals to hybrid attacks by exploiting the vulnerabilities of
different technologies [9]. Thus, the further development of the quality managed information and
educational environment is impossible without creation of the system of certain policies on the
confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability, quality of the EER and copyright protection of
         The analysis of the normative documents used at the Federal level of DIEE [3-7], as well as
responses and comments of the users of information and educational resources [2] reviles that there
are several problems directly related to the information security of the DIEE. Let's focus on some of
the DIEE threats and vulnerabilities, which we have considered regarding the educational content of
EER and the information security. Based on the user’s reviews, the most significant threats are: the
presence of malicious code in the loaded EER; the irrelevant (outdated) information in the EER; the
modified (false and incorrect) information, which is sometimes introduced artificially; the lack of
scientific description of problems, novelty, statements of unsolved problems; the incorrect
presentation of mathematical descriptions and models, schemes, graphs, diagrams, presentations, etc.
These threats to the quality of the educational process depend largely on the lack of the information
security policies to EER and their management system.
         Nevertheless, there are regulatory documents in the system of standards in the field of DIEE
that deal with certain issues of information security of electronic library systems (ELS) [3]:
         a) The requirements for copyright protection of the ELS are defined, but the requirements for
the correct inclusion of matching content and compilations of materials from other sources are not
         b) There are requirements to the operator of ELS on confidentiality and transfer conditions of
content to the users in coordination with the right holder.
         c) The rights of the operator of ELS for long-term preservation of archival data of funds of
reserve and insurance copies without infringement of copyrights are defined. In addition, the operator
is responsible for content integrity violations and the usage of system vulnerabilities, but the
mechanism of this responsibility is not defined.
         d) There are established the rights of copyright holders to access statistics of their content use
and access termination after the expiration of the license agreement.
         e) In case of uploading content to user-end devices for offline, the right holder should be
provided with the control tools: statistics of downloads, ensuring the deletion of data after the
specified period of content use, etc.
         f) The access to ELS should be carried out in compliance with the personal data legislation
and the restrictions imposed on information of an extremist nature or containing state secrets, as well
as with the other restrictions of the Russian Federation legislation.
         g) The provision of information resources and ELS services must comply with the legislative
norms on information security, including the protection of children from the information that harms
their health and development.
         The analysis of these requirements to the ELS shows that they are general in nature and do not
provide a trusted environment in the field of information security for any parties of the educational
process (student, university administration, teacher, information or educational resource license
holder, administrator, methodologist and other ones). The approach to determination of the
requirements is not systematic and is not based on the analysis of the DIEE vulnerabilities and
possible threats.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

3. Typical vulnerabilities of distributed information educational
environment and recommendation on security mechanisms
         Considering the inconsistencies described above, we have identified the following main
typical DIEE vulnerabilities, which are either not mentioned in the list of requirements for the ELS or
are occurred as a result of carrying out the functional requirements for the ELS [3]. Special mention
should go to the following:
         1. The DIEE vulnerabilities based on the portal solution implementation errors.
         2. The vulnerabilities of the educational and information content management systems (LMS).
         3. The reliability of the information and educational resources.
         4. The ability to include malicious code in the information and educational content.
         5. The possibility to include undocumented features in the special DIEE software.
         6. The lack of control over the actions of the parties of educational process.
         7. The lack of the system for monitoring the integrity of information and educational content
and the mechanisms for updating it.
         8. The lack of the information security mechanisms in remote control systems of technical
telemetry complexes with network interfaces.
         9. The lack of the mechanisms in DIEE to protect the intellectual property of the EER authors
and to control for plagiarism in content.
         10. The lack of a unified system of requirements for the description and presentation of the
EER, including in active and interactive forms of learning.
         11. The lack of mechanisms for the safety transfer, exchange and other forms of the EER
usage between the parties of the educational process in DIEE.
         12. The lack of sufficient regulatory framework for the creation, implementation and
certification of the EER information security system.
         13. The vulnerabilities related to the personal data security of all parties of the educational
         Of course, these are not all problems of information security in DIEE and it should be
assumed that with the increase in the value of the information and educational resources, the interest in
them from attackers will significantly increase. There are different methods to solve these problems.
Some of them (items 1 and 2) will require the application of recommendations to reduce the
vulnerabilities in the development of portal solutions [14] and to expand the knowledge base on LMS
vulnerabilities [15]. Items 4 and 5 will require mandatory EER monitoring for malicious code and
analysis of the software undocumented features. Properly LMS settings will provide the solution for
item 6. The inclusion the integrity control mechanisms for EER in the software structure will be the
key in the issue in item 7. The organizational arrangements will be required to address the problems
identified in items 9-12. The issue in item 13 needs the development of the personal data information
security systems in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation [12, 13]. In the
existing systems, it will be, as a rule, the 4th level of personal data protection.
         We should nevertheless point out that there are some items in the presented list of problems,
the solution of that will require considerable efforts and is not a trivial task. We would like to discuss
them in more detail.
         The ensuring reliability of the presentation of information and educational resources (item 3)
in the context of DIEE has a slightly different meaning than that currently used in information security
systems. In fact, in the information security systems we create a mechanism of reliability by the source
of information, not by the content of information itself, which is much more complicated and can
hardly be fully automated at this stage of the development of information security management
systems. In our opinion, the educational content should contain information that is safe for the
learners, and reflecting the modern, generally accepted scientific representation of the studied issues.
The educational content should not contain pseudoscientific theories and artificially introduced
concepts and definitions or if case these ones are still presented, they should have a critical form of the
presentation. The formalized description of the content must be presented in evidence-based form, not
axiomatic. The mechanism to ensure the reliability of the information in DIEE should be reflected in
the normative documents for the development of the EEE and define the responsibilities of authors
and reviewers. It is also very important to create the educational content monitoring system to provide

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

reliability of the information as when the EER is included in the DIEE and in the process of its use and
updates. Item 8 refers to vulnerabilities in the remote-control systems of technical telemetry
complexes with network interfaces. It is essential to develop the remote access systems (Remote Labs)
with the preservation of all the basic functions of each device working in the stand and to create the
effective network protection system based on WAN and LAN connections [11].

4. Conclusion
         Currently, there are several basic concepts of the information security around the world, which
differ in relation to the level of the information confidentiality, or are based on the different methods
of the information security threat measuring, but in all cases the same trend persists: the more complex
the information system is, the more vulnerabilities it has and the more difficult is to protect the
information in it. The existing regulatory framework largely reflect only functional requirements for
the distributed information and educational environment that is heterogeneous in forms, content and
management system and largely leave aside the issues of information security. The presented research
has demonstrated the need for the development of normative documents on creation of the information
security system in DIEE. The analysis of typical vulnerabilities has been carried out and the
mechanisms for protecting information and creating a trusted security environment have been

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      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

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