=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/418-422-paper-77 |storemode=property |title=Radiation Damage Studies of Silicon Photomultipliers in Neutrons Field of IBR-2 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/418-422-paper-77.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Sergey Afanasiev,Yuriy Ershov,Igor Golutvin,Nikolay Gorbunov, Alexandr Malakhov,Vitaliy Smirnov,Nikolay Zamyatin,Evgeny Sukhov,Valentin Ustinov }} ==Radiation Damage Studies of Silicon Photomultipliers in Neutrons Field of IBR-2== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/418-422-paper-77.pdf
      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

        S.V. Afanasiev1,2, Yu.V. Ershov1, I.A. Golutvin1, N.V. Gorbunov1,2,
         A.I. Malakhov1,2, V.A. Smirnov1,2, N.I. Zamyatin1 , E.V. Sukhov1,
                                 V.V. Ustinov1,2

                        Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980, Russia
                                Dubna State University, Dubna, 141980, Russia

                  E-mail: a afanasev@lhe.jinr.ru, b suhov@junr.ru, c ustinov@jinr.ru

The report is devoted to the study of radiation resistance of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) produced
by HAMAMATSU. SiPM was irradiated in neutron fluxes of the JINR IBR-2 reactor. The tested
SiPM received fluence from 1012 up to 2x1014 of neutrons/cm2. Irradiated detectors were investigated
using a radioactive source and laser flashes at a temperature of -30oC. The measurements showed that
the SiPM remain fully functional as photon detectors up to neutron fluence 2x1014 despite a significant
increase in noise.

Keywords: CMS, SiPMs, radiation hardness.

     Sergey Afanasiev, Yuriy Ershov, Igor Golutvin, Nikolay Gorbunov, Alexandr Malakhov, Vitaliy
                                     Smirnov, Nikolay Zamyatin, Evgeny Sukhov, Valentin Ustinov

                                                            Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                   Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

         A future replacement of the HE calorimeter for scintillator section of the CMS HL-LHC
endcap calorimeters during the LS3 period presupposes the installation of the photo detectors (SiPM)
directly on the scintillation tiles [1]. The radiation exposure of the calorimeter was estimated up to the
integral luminosity of 3000 fb-1 at HL-LHC. There were defined areas of the detector with different
levels of irradiation. A necessary condition for the modernization of the spectrometer is to ensure the
operability of active detector elements.
         Silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) are a new type of photodetectors. They consist of miniature
diodes operating in streamer mode (APD). The detector has a high sensitivity and is able to register
individual photons On the one hand, SiPM is characterized by a low supply voltage and insensitivity
to the magnetic field, and on the other, by a high dependence of the gain on temperature and the
destruction of the detector structure in the strong radiation fields typical for modern spectrometers.
         The work is devoted to the study of radiation effects on SiPM structures.

Irradiation of SiPMs with neutrons
         JINR group performs the investigation of some SiPM properties after irradiating them with
neutrons at the IBR-2 reactor. The main goal of the work is to estimate the upper limit of neutron
irradiation, which will lead to the impossibility of further use of SiPM in the central region of the
scintillation part of CMS calorimeters cooled to -30 °C. The main criterion for the operation of SiPM
is the possibility of recording by a photo detector MIP signals above the noise level.
         Irradiation of 21 SiPM photo detectors with fast neutrons was carried out in two runs at IBR-2
[2]. The first run was held in November 2016 and the second one - in March 2017. Three types of
Hamamatsu SiPM devices were used for irradiation with dimensions of 10, 15 and 25 μm cells: MPPC
S12571-010C [3], MPPC S12571-015C [3], MPPC S13360-1325CS [3]. Each SiPM has an
identification number which was used for the subsequent reference (Table 1).

                                                   Table 1. Identification numbers for the used SiPMs
MPPC S12571-010C                 403, 404, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416
MPPC S12571-015C                 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192
MPPC S13360-1325CS               10327, 10328, 10355, 10356, 10357, 10358, 10359.

         Three photo detectors, one of each type, were combined in a set. There were seven sets in tota.
SiPMs of each set received the same neutron radiation. The sets were irradiated in the range of fluence
values 1.7 × 1012 ÷ 2.1 × 1014 neutrons/cm2. Table 2 shows the magnitudes of neutron fluence and the
date of irradiation for each set of photo detectors.

          Table 2. Magnitudes of neutron fluence and date of irradiation for each set of photodetectors
         Set #           Set composition           Ф, neutrons/cm2            Date of irradiation
           1             412, 188, 10355               1,7×1012                    03.2017
           2             413, 189, 10356               5,3×1012                    03.2017
           3             403, 184, 10328               5,4×1012                    11.2016
           4             414, 190, 10357               1,7×1013                    03.2017
           5             415, 191, 10358              5,18×1013                    03.2017
           6             416, 192, 10359              8,14×1013                    03.2017
           7             404, 185, 10327               2,1×1014                    11.2016

        The magnitude of neutron fluence was measured by two methods:
            The first method was standard and used at IBR-2. The technique was based on
               measuring the induced activity of Nickel wires irradiated together with the samples.
            The second method was based on the measurement of the quantity of defects in two
               silicon semiconductor detectors located near each set of SiPM devices.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

Measurement of main parameters of the SiPM
       All photodetectors passed test procedures to measure the main parameters after irradiation and
to compare them with parameters defined in factory specifications. Table 3 presents the main
parameters of the investigated devices.

                                     Table 3. The main parameters of SiPM before and after irradiation
                        S12571-010С, area - 1mm2, 10 000 of 10 μm cells
                            Before irradiation (spec. HPK),                          After irradiation,
          -2    SiPM                     at +25°                                   Measurement at -22°
  Ф, cm
               number                              Fdark, kHz,      Vbr,V         Vbr,V     σnoise, pixels   Fdark, kHz
                          Vop,V       M (gain)
                                                     (0,5pix)      (noise)      (dI/dU/I)     Vov=3V         Vov=3V
  1,7×1012       412      69,86       1,35×105         111         63.265        63.205          3.74          6530
  5,3×1012       413      69,88       1,36×105         110          63.31         63.46          7.56          9080
  5,4×1012       403      69,81       1,34×105         124          63.25          63.4           7.0          9040
  1,7×1013       414       69,9       1,35×105         115          63.41         63.46           9.6          9985
 5,18×1013       415      69,87       1,35×105         113          63.78         64.13          11.8         10530
 8,14×1013       416      69,89       1,35×105         108          63.91         64.06          12.8         10610
  2,1×1014       404      69,82       1,34×105         119          65.71         66.28          15.5         10710

                             S12571-015С, area - 1mm2, 4 489 of 15 μm cells
                      Before irradiation (spec. HPK),                               After irradiation,
          -2    SiPM                  at +25°                                     Measurement at -22°
  Ф, сm
               number                            Fdark, kHz,        Vbr,V        Vbr,V     σnoise, pixels    Fdark, kHz
                       Vop,V       M (gain)
                                                  (0,5pix)         (noise)     (dI/dU/I)     Vov=3V          Vov=3V
  1,7×1012       188   67,96          2,3×105       98,7            62.11        62.06          5.63           8040
  5,3×1012       189   68,05         2,29×105        118            62.05         62.3          8.92           8640
  5,4×1012       184   67,99         2,30×105        109            62.11        62.13          8.78           8517
  1,7×1013       190   68,08         2,32×105        111            62.31         62.5          12.3           8749
 5,18×1013       191   68,07         2,29×105        107            62.51        62.86          12.5           8840
 8,14×1013       192   68,11         2,29×105        125            62.96         63.3          13.1           8798
  2,1×1014       185   68,02         2,31×105        111            64.51        64.89          12.3           8989

                          S13360-1325СS, area - 1,69 mm2, 2 668 of 25 μm cells
                                         Before irradiation,
                                                                                       After irradiation
                                     +25°C and Vop = Vbr + 5V,
          Ф, сm-2
                       number                                                                        σnoise,
                                                                              Vbr,V       Vbr,V
                                      Id, uA,             Vbr, V                                     pixels
                                                                             (noise)    (dI/dU/I)
        1,7×1012       10355          0,029               53,72              49.41        49.35          5.85
        5,3×1012       10356          0,018               52,95              49.48        49.51             -
        5,4×1012       10328          0,019               52,53               49.2        49.13          8.87
        1,7×1013       10357          0,028               53,13              49.61         49.8          8.84
       5,18×1013       10358          0,017               51,87              49.85        50.25          8.85
       8,14×1013       10359          0,016               51,94              49.85         50.0           8.8
        2,1×1014       10327          0,016               51,83              49.91         50.0          8.64

        The parameters of unirradiated SiPMs were taken from the Hamamatsu data sheets. All the
values were specified for + 25 °C. For S12571-010C and S12571-015C amplification (M), operating
voltage (Vop) and dark noise frequency (Fdark) at the threshold of 0.5 pixels are given. The
breakdown voltage (Vbr) was not specified. The data sheet of S13360-1325SS specified the typical
dark current as 70 kHz and the typical gain as 7.0×105. There was indicated the breakdown voltage
(Vbr) and current of the detector (Id) for each device in the present paper.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

Measurement the signal to noise ratio for SiPMs
         All SiPM photo detectors were examined before and after irradiation. For the measurement we
used a setup shown in Figure 1. The signal in the scintillator was excited by two sources:
              The first one was a 90Sr radioactive source.
              The second one is a laser whose signal was as from a particle with a minimum
                 ionizing capability (MIP).
The SiPM response was measured at room temperature and at -30 °C.
         The results of measurements of SiPMs irradiated to a value of 5.38 × 10 12 neutrons/cm2 are
shown in Figure 2 for the light signal excited by a radioactive source. The results of laser
measurements of the same SiPM devices are shown in Figure 3. For a cooled photo detector the MIP
signal is almost 12 times higher than the noise level.
         The results of measurements of SiPM devices irradiated to 2.09 × 1014 neutrons/cm2 for both
sources of light are shown in Figure 4. A photo detector was cooled up to -32 °C. Measurements at
room temperature were not carried out because the noise level from the photo detector was too high.
         A registration of the MIP signal for SiPMs irradiated to 2.09 × 1014 neutrons/cm2 becomes
problematic due to a high noise level even at -32 °C. The signal-to-noise ratio is at the level of ~ 1.

                      Figure 1. Setup used for measurement of SiPM response

                   90Sr Test


                    T=+25 OC



 Figure 2. Results of measurements of SiPMs irradiated to a value of 5.38 × 1012 neutrons/cm2 using
                                          Sr as source of light

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                    Laser Test
                                                                  Signal ~14p.e.

                      T=+25 OC

                                                                  Signal ~14p.e.


  Figure 3. Results of laser measurements of SiPMs irradiated to a value of 5.38×1012 neutrons/cm2

Figure 4. The results of measurements of SiPM devices irradiated to 2.09 × 1014 neutrons/cm2 for both
                                      sources of light at -32 °С

    JINR study shows that up to irradiation levels of ~ 5.4 × 1012 neutrons / cm2, the above-mentioned
Hamamatsu photodetectors will ensure the recording of signals from MIP particles in case of SiPM-
on-tile readout in the scintillator section of the CMS HL-LHC endcap calorimeters.

[1] J. Mans and P. de Barbaro. The baseline readout of the scintillator section of the CMS HL-LHC
    Endcap Calorimeter // CMS DN-17-010.
[2] IBR-2 Reactor Parameters. Available at:             http://flnph.jinr.ru/en/facilities/ibr-2/parameters
    (accessed 19.11.2019)
[3] MPPC. Available at: http://www.hamamatsu.com/ (accessed 19.11.2019)
