=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/428-433-paper-79 |storemode=property |title=Measurement of Basic Static Characteristics (i-v |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/428-433-paper-79.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=C-v) of Silicon Detectors,Anastasia Sheremetyeva,Ekaterina Streletskaia }} ==Measurement of Basic Static Characteristics (i-v== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/428-433-paper-79.pdf
        Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                           Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                           A.I. Sheremetyeva1, E.A. Streletskaia1
       Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 6 Joliot-Curie St, Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russia

                        E-mail: anashafronovskaya@mail.ru, estreletskaya@bk.ru
The use of microstrip detectors in developing coordinate track systems for HEP experiments with high
geometric efficiency (~100%), a large number of strips (measuring channels) over 10 6 and accuracy
a/√12 (a-pitch) requires careful preliminary selection of detectors by main parameters. The main static
parameters of silicon microstrip detectors are as follows: I-V characteristic determines the amount of
dark leakage current of a silicon detector. C-V characteristic allows defining the full depletion voltage
and the value of the capacitance of both the strip and detector.

Keywords: Double sided Si-microstrip detector, CBM

                                                          Anastasia Sheremetyeva, Ekaterina Streletskaia

                                                              Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                     Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. The need to measure basic static parameters of silicon detectors
         The use of double sided microstrip silicon detectors (DSSD) to establish precision coordinate
planes for internal trackers of the BM@N, MPD, SPD, experiments for the NICA complex (JINR) and
for the CBM experiment (GSI) requires careful preliminary selection of the detectors for the main
         The current-voltage characteristic (I-V) determines the value of the dark leakage current
DSSD, which integrally characterizes the quality and determines the possibility of using this detector
in further process of developing a coordinate plane.
         The capacitance-voltage characteristic (C-V) makes it possible to determine the full depletion
voltage Ufd and the capacitance of the strip and the entire detector.
         AC-coupling DSSD (Hamamatsu) were measured for the CBM experiment with a size of
62×22 mm2 (Fig.1). The total number of strips is 1024, the chip thickness 300 μm, the strip pitch 58
μm, the strip implant width 10 μm, the strip metal width 20 μm, the strip angle of P side is 7,5˚, the
strip angle of N side is 0˚[1].

      Figure 1. Fragment of alignment of the contact            Figure 2. Electrical equivalent circuit of
              pads of the sensor with probes                              AC-coupling DSSD
        For detectors with AC-coupling topology, an important parameter is the value of the leakage
currents of integration capacitors (Id≤10-12A). Leakage currents flow through the inputs of low-noise
charge-sensitive amplifiers of integrated specialized FE-chips (Fig.2). The larger capacitor leakage
currents, the higher the noise level in this channel is. It is necessary to identify and enter such strips
into the database so that then these channels are not connected to FE-chips or, if there are a large
number of such channels, this detector is excluded from the assembly.

2. Instruments for measuring basic static characteristics of microstrips
        Modern systems for testing and selecting microstrip detectors allow automatic identification of
strips with large dark currents, short circuits, and interstrip metallization breaks [2].
        With the joint cooperation of LHEP (JINR), SINP (MSU) and Planar (Minsk), an automated
measuring complex was developed for testing this type of the detector (Fig.3), which consists of the
following parts:
     1. EM-6190 probe automat with a coordinate table, positioning accuracy of 8 μm;
     2. Probe card with 12 probes, probe pitch 58 μm;
     3. Microscope equipped with an electronic vision device;
     4. Programmable switching matrix of signals Keithley 708B;
     5. LCR meter AM-3016;
     6. Keithley 6487 picoammeter with built-in controlled voltage source in the range (0,0002÷505
        V) for both voltage polarities;
     7. Picoammeter Keithley 6485;
     8. The software package “DMS” for controlling the measuring complex.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                                    Figure 3. Automated measuring complex
       The probe automate EM-6190A is designed for an accurate automatic positioning of the
measured detector relative to the probe card and for ensuring electrical contact of the measuring
probes with contact pads on the detector strips.
       The measuring complex is controlled with the help of the DMS software package. The
program connects measuring instruments through the switch to measure the required detector
parameters and saves the received data in the TXT files.

3. Measurement results
         The basic static characteristic of the microstrip detector is the current-voltage characteristic,
which is the dependence of the current on the voltage applied to it.
         According to the specification requirements for the Hamamatsu detectors with the dimensions
of 62×22×0,3 mm3, the value of the dark current detector should not exceed 0,8 μA at a voltage of 150
V and temperature of measurement +20˚C. The I-V characteristic of the CBM62HDS0424 sensor
(Fig.4) clearly shows the current value at a voltage of 150 is 183,8 nA, which meets the requirements
of the specification.

Figure 4. Complete I-V characteristic of a silicon         Figure 5. C-V characteristic of a silicon
 microstrip detector of the type 62×22×0,3 mm3          microstrip detector of the type 62×22×0,3 mm3
        Capacitance-voltage characteristic is the dependence of the applied voltage. The C-V
characteristic makes it possible to determine the value of full depletion voltage U fd of the detector.
Total depletion voltage is the reverse voltage at which the space charge region (SCR) reaches ohmic
contact [1].
        The size of the SCR for a sharp (p-n) transition depends on the bias voltage and is described
by the formula:
                              𝑑(𝜇𝑚) = 18√𝜌(𝑘𝑂ℎ𝑚 ∙ 𝑐𝑚)𝑈𝑑 (𝑉)                                          (1)
        Where: d (μm) – thickness of SCR, ρ (kOhm∙cm) – resistivity, Ud (V) – reverse voltage at the
        From formula (1), we derive the formula for calculating the reverse voltage at the detector:

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                                         𝑈𝑑 =                                                           (2)
                                                 324 × 𝜌
        Figure 5 shows the measured (C-V characteristic) dependence C = f(U), black. The calculated
dependence C-2 = f(U) is shown in blue, from which the full depletion detector is determined from the
position of the intersection point of two straight lines of the graph linear approximation. For this
detector, full depletion voltage is Ufd = 44 V and the geometric capacitance of the detector Cfd = 399,9
pF corresponds to it.
        This detector with such parameters complies with the specifications of the CBM experiment
and can enter the assembly process of working coordinate modules. After measuring the general
parameters of the detector, in accordance with their specifications, more complex and time-consuming
measurements of the leakage currents of the integral separation capacitors of each of the 1024 strips
are continued, they are necessary to detect noisy channels. Below are the graphs with the results of
data processing for 40 pcs = 40 880 strips (p+) + 40 880 strips (n+).

    Figure 6. Histograms of capacitors leakage             Figure 7. Histograms of capacitors leakage
       currents on the P-side at 10 and 20 V                 currents on the N-side at 10 and 20 V

   Figure 8. Capacitance values on the P-side              Figure 9. Capacitance values on the N-side
        Histograms (Fig. 6) show that on the P-side the strip current at a voltage of 10 and 20 V does
not exceed 0,3 pA. Histograms (Fig. 7) show that on the N-side the strip current at a voltage of 10
and 20 V does not exceed 0,9 pA.
        From the obtained measurement results of more than 80 thousand integral isolation capacitors,
it can be concluded that Hamamatsu detectors with dimensions (62x22x0.3) mm3 have small leakage
currents at a voltage of 20 V and will not contribute to noise.
        Histogram (Fig. 8) shows that on the P-side, the capacitance of integrated capacitors does
not exceed 32 pF. The capacitance value is less than 30 pF, due to the presence of short strips on the
P-side of the detector. The total number of short strips is 78 on both sides of P-side.
        Histogram (Fig. 9) shows that on the N-side, the capacitance of integrated capacitors does
not exceed 30 pF.

     Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                        Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

     As a result of measurements, the following defects were identified:
                                                                  Table 1. Defect “Coupling short”
                    №      Current (Ic) at    Current (Ic) at
   Sensor                                                         Capacitance         Defect
                  Strip    10 V on N-side     20 V on N-side
CBM62HDS0420 252               145 nA             201 nA             777,4 pF      Coupling short

                                                             Table 2. Defect “Strip metallization gap”
                    №        Current (Ic) at      Current (Ic) at
     Sensor                                                          Capacitance           Defect
                   Strip     10 V on N-side       20 V on N-side
CBM62HDS0444        522        0,0001 nA            0,0001 nA            6 pF          metallization

                                                                        Table 3. Defect “Breakdown”
     Sensor                Current (Id) at 80 V      Current (Id) at 150 V            Defect
  CBM62HDS0441                  350 nA                     8 mkA                   Breakdown

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

[1] Technical Design Report for the CBM. Silicon Tracking System (STS). Available at:
[2] Golutvin, I. et al. // Hardware-software complex for measuring electrical static parameters of
silicon detectors. JINR print P13-2003-203. Dubna, 2003.
[3] Zamiatin, N. Development and application of planar silicon detectors for experiments with high
radiation fluxes: Dis. … Candidate of Engineering Sciences: 01.04.23. Dubna: JINR, 2001. 14 p.
