=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/434-438-paper-80 |storemode=property |title=A Study on Performance Assessment of Essential Clustering Algorithms for the Interactive Visual Analysis Toolkit Invex |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/434-438-paper-80.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Mikhail Titov,Maria Grigorieva,Aleksandr Alekseev,Nikita Belov,Timofei Galkin,Dmitry Grin,Tatiana Korchuganova,Sergey Zhumatiy }} ==A Study on Performance Assessment of Essential Clustering Algorithms for the Interactive Visual Analysis Toolkit Invex== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/434-438-paper-80.pdf
          Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                             Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

            M.A. Titov1,2 a, M.A. Grigorieva1,2 b, A.A. Alekseev1,2, N.A. Belov1,
            T.P. Galkin1,3, D.V. Grin1,4, T.A. Korchuganova1, S.A. Zhumatiy1
                 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia
          Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny lane, 36, Moscow, 117997, Russia
     National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Kashirskoe shosse, 31, Moscow, 115409, Russia
     National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Akademika Kurchatova pl., 1, Moscow, 123182,

                          E-mail: a mikhail.titov@cern.ch, b maria.grigorieva@cern.ch

Interactive visual analysis tools bring the ability of the real-time discovery of knowledge in large and
complex datasets using visual analytics. It involves multiple iterations of data processing using various
data handling approaches and the efficiency of the whole chain of the analysis process depends on the
performance of chosen techniques and related implementations, as well as the quality of applied
methods. Stages, where data processing includes intellectual handling (i.e., data mining and machine
learning), which are the most resource-intensive, require a distinct attention for evaluation of different
approaches. Clustering is one such machine learning technique that is commonly used to discover
groups of data objects for further analysis. This work is focused on evaluation of clustering algorithms
within the interactive visual analysis toolkit InVEx (Interactive Visual Explorer). InVEx represents a
visual analytics approach aimed at cluster analysis and in-depth study of implicit correlations between
multidimensional data objects. It is originally designed to enhance the analysis of computing metadata
of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC for operational needs, but it also provides the same capabilities
for other domains to analyze large amounts of multidimensional data. The experiments and evaluation
processes are carried out using operational data from the supercomputer at the Lomonosov Moscow
State University. These processes include benchmark tests to assess the relative performance between
chosen clustering algorithms and corresponding metrics to assess the quality of produced clusters.
Obtained results will be used as guidelines in assisting users in a process of visual analysis using

Keywords: visual analytics, clustering, benchmarks, InVEx

                                     Mikhail Titov, Maria Grigorieva, Aleksandr Alekseev, Nikita Belov,
                                  Timofei Galkin, Dmitry Grin, Tatiana Korchuganova, Sergey Zhumatiy

                                                                Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                        Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Introduction
        The interactivity as an integral part of the visual analysis, besides its essential objective of the
knowledge discovery in real-time (with a focus on large and complex datasets) while doing the
analysis, also brings challenges of keeping up performance and efficiency. Every stage of the process
of interactivity should be evaluated to estimate the overall performance metrics. Thus, this work is
emphasized to the one of crucial processes of the analysis - intellectual data processing, e.g.,
application of machine learning (ML) algorithms for clustering.
        Clustering algorithms, used in the developed visual analysis toolkit InVEx, require a
significant effort to select the most relevant object attributes for different chosen algorithms [as for
user/analyst], and to adjust primary parameters of provided algorithms [as for developers]. In addition,
the outcome of different clustering algorithms should be compared between each other and being
evaluated by the quality of clustering based on expert reviews.
        This paper brings the assessment of the clustering algorithms usage in the InVEx toolkit to
enhance the user experience and to improve the quality of the analysis process.
1.1 InVEx overview
         InVEx stands for the Interactive Visual Explorer toolkit [1,2]. It provides advanced interactive
data visualization tools, which are used for the analysis of large volumes of multidimensional data
with its core process as an interactive visual clustering. Its development has been started for the
ATLAS Distributed Computing project (the ATLAS experiment [3] at the Large Hadron Collider) to
enhance the analysis of computing metadata [2]. Large amount of ATLAS ProdSys2/PanDA metadata
provides means to test and prove the efficiency of applied technologies and methods. The ATLAS
Production System (ProdSys2) [4], in conjunction with the workload management system namely the
Production and Distributed Analysis system (PanDA) [5], represents a complex set of computing
components that are responsible for organizing, planning, starting and executing distributed computing
tasks and jobs. Initial integration of InVEx with PanDA includes the direct access to the information
about computing jobs from PanDA’s monitoring system.
         The stack of technologies for InVEx includes: Python-based Django web framework; cross-
browser JavaScript library Three.js to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web
browser (uses WebGL); Python libraries for data handling and analysis such as Pandas (data
manipulation and analysis), SciPy (scientific computing and technical computing, as well includes
clustering algorithms: hierarchical clustering, vector quantization, K-means), Scikit-learn (ML library,
it features various classification, regression and clustering algorithms), Kmodes (clustering for
categorical data, implementations of k-modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms), Intel Data
Analytics Acceleration Library / daal4py (optimized algorithmic building blocks for data analysis
stages), Prince (factor analysis that aims to find independent latent variables).
1.2 Lomonosov-2 supercomputer overview
        The current study uses log data about computing jobs gathered from the Lomonosov-2
supercomputer. This supercomputer is designed by the T-Platforms company and installed at the
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) [6,7] (its rank is #93 in the TOP500 list1). It is
characterized by the Intel Xeon/FDR InfiniBand cluster, accelerated with NVidia Tesla K40s and
Tesla P100 GPUs, and with overall 1696 nodes (Intel Haswell-EP E5-2697v3, 2.6GHz, 14 cores and
Intel Xeon Gold 6126 2.6GHz, 12 cores) with 64/96 GB of memory per node. Theoretical peak
performance is 4.946 petaFLOPS. (For more details please follow the references [6,7].)

 Position of the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer within the TOP500 ranking of supercomputers. Available at:
https://www.top500.org/system/178444 (accessed on 20.11.2019)

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

2. Methods and techniques
2.1 Clustering overview
         Clustering is a ML technique, that is aimed at grouping similar objects into unlabeled groups
called clusters (unsupervised learning). The process of clustering in InVEx is implemented in two
stages: i) Level-of-Detail (LoD) generator [2] that brings the initial (optional) grouping to reduce the
amount of data objects provided to the user (algorithms that are used: scikit-learn/MiniBatchKMeans,
daal4py/KMeans, kmodes/KPrototypes); ii) cluster analysis, which is a core process to analyze data
objects similarities (algorithms that are used: same as for LoD, as well as scikit-learn/KMeans, scikit-
learn/DBSCAN, scipy/Hierarchical).
2.2 Clustering validation measures
         Validation measures (i.e., quality metrics) are classified as internal and external. Internal
measures reflect compactness, connectedness and separation of the cluster partitions. The following
metrics were chosen: Silhouette coefficient (ranges from 1 to 1, where a high value indicates that the
object is well matched to its own cluster); Calinski-Harabaz Index (the maximum value for index
indicates a suitable partition for the data set); Davies-Bouldin Index (closer to 0 is better, it computes
the ratio between the within cluster distances and the between cluster distances). External measures,
which provide comparison of the identified clusters to external preset labels, are represented in this
paper by the following metric - Adjusted Rand Index - a function that measures the similarity of the
two assignments (given the knowledge of the ground truth class assignments and clustering algorithm
assignments). (Further extension of using external metrics considers Fowlkes-Mallows score that is
defined as the geometric mean of the pairwise precision and recall.)

3. Experiments
3.1 Data pre-processing
         Gathered data for experiments required initial transformations because of the format of data
objects attributes. Log data from the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer was collected from the period of
300 days (from June 2018 to March 2019): 245K records with 12 attributes (user ID, execution time
duration, number of allocated nodes, CPU load during the job execution per user, GPU load during the
job execution per user, number of executed instructions per second, etc.). Almost all of the attributes
were of the categorical type (nominal and ordinal data) and most of them are with such nominal values
as: “none”, “low”, “average”, “high”. Thus, the technique of dimensionality reduction was applied,
that is used to map the data record to a lower-dimensionality space.
         The process of the data transformation was the following: i) apply multiple correspondence
analysis (MCA) to the dataset with all 11 categorical attributes to represent data objects in a
multidimensional Euclidean space with 5 dimensions; ii) apply principal component analysis (PCA) to
the dataset with 5 attributes from the previous step and 1 non-categorical attribute from the original
dataset. The outcome of this transformation is a dataset with 5 attributes (per record), which will be
used for clustering in the benchmarks.
3.2 Benchmarks and quality metrics
         There are several essential algorithms (partitioning-based and density-based methods) that
were chosen for performance and quality evaluation. Figure 1 presents benchmarks for KMeans
algorithms of different implementations. Scikit-learn/KMeans was significantly inferior to other
implementations, and especially for input data over 150K records that took up to hundreds of seconds
to be executed, thus its benchmark was not included into the figure. Figure 1 shows that
daal4py/KMeans outperforms scikit-learn/MiniBatchKMeans. Quality metrics (internal measures) for
KMeans implementations gives better results compared to MiniBatchKMeans (Table 1). Table 2
shows that scikit-learn/KMeans and daal4py/KMeans give very close to each other labeling of
clusters, which makes daal4py implementation preferred to be used in the next versions of InVEx for
performance improvements and without loss of quality. Benchmarks for two density-based algorithms

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

are presented in Figure 2, which shows greater performance for HDBSCAN. These algorithms
produce very close results in terms of quality metrics (Tables 1,2), thus HDBSCAN is more suitable
for use (which is also more robust to parameter selection in comparison to DBSCAN).

                           (a)                                         (b)
Figure 1. Performance comparison for partitioning-based clustering algorithms with different number
of records as input data and different number of outcome clusters: a) scikit-learn/MiniBatchKMeans;
b) daal4py/KMeans

                            (a)                                      (b)
Figure 2. Performance comparison for density-based clustering algorithms with different number of
records as input data: a) HDBSCAN; b) OPTICS

                                                   Table 1. Internal measures for clustering algorithms
                                                      Calinski-Harabaz         Davies-Bouldin
                                    Silhouette Score
                                                      Index                    Index
scikit-learn / KMeans                     0.61                92853.7                   0.86
scikit-learn / MiniBatchKMeans            0.58                88390.1                   0.94
daal4py / KMeans                          0.68                32503.6                   1.08
HDBSCAN                                   0.58                 211.5                    1.37
OPTICS                                    0.59                  73.4                    1.36
Table 2. External measures to compare the closeness of results between pair of clustering algorithms
                                                                     Adjusted Rand Index
(scikit-learn) KMeans vs. MiniBatchKMeans                                    0.55
scikit-learn / KMeans vs. daal4py / KMeans                                   0.95
HDBSCAN vs. OPTICS                                                           0.84

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

4. Conclusion
         The interactive visual analysis toolkit InVEx represents a visual analytics approach aimed at
cluster analysis and in-depth study of implicit correlations between multidimensional data objects and
object parameters interdependencies. Its capabilities were applied in analysis of log data from the
Lomonosov-2 supercomputer, which also were used to conduct experiments on performance
estimation for InVEx clustering algorithms.
         Experiments outcome is the process of evaluation essential clustering algorithms. Benchmark
tests assess the relative performance between chosen algorithms and corresponding metrics, and the
quality of produced clusters. Obtained results and the approach itself will be integrated into InVEx and
will be used as guidelines in assisting users in a process of visual analysis (as well as a self-adjustment
mechanism to configure initial parameters for clustering algorithms).

5. Acknowledgement
        Many thanks to all members of the InVEx team and colleagues from the Research Computing
Center (RCC) of MSU for providing experimental data and for the continued support. This work was
financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No.18-71-10003).

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