=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/84-88-paper-13 |storemode=property |title=Identification of Tau Leptons Using Deep Learning Techniques at CMS |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/84-88-paper-13.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Konstantin Androsov }} ==Identification of Tau Leptons Using Deep Learning Techniques at CMS== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/84-88-paper-13.pdf
      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                         K. Androsov1,a for the CMS Collaboration
                      Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy

                                  E-mail: a konstantin.androsov@cern.ch

The reconstruction and identification of tau leptons decaying into hadrons are crucial for analyses with
tau leptons in the final state. To discriminate hadronic 𝜏 decays from the three main backgrounds
(quark or gluon induced jets, electrons, and muons), with a low rate of misidentification and with high
efficiency on the signal at the same time, the information of multiple CMS sub-detectors is combined.
The application of deep machine learning techniques allows to exploit the available information in a
very efficient way. The introduction of a new multi-class DNN-based discriminator at CMS provides a
considerable improvement of the tau identification performance with respect to the previously used
BDT and cut-based discriminators.

Keywords: LHC, CMS, machine learning, tau lepton

                                                                                      Konstantin Androsov

                                                              Copyright Β© 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                      Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Introduction
         The tau is the heaviest Standard Model (SM) lepton with a mass of 1776.86 Β± 0.12 MeV [1].
It decays into hadrons + neutrino in about 64.8% of all cases. Taus play an important role for Higgs
physics, where the scalar couplings to fermions are proportional to the mass of the fermions. Other
physics analyses, such as measurements of the properties of SM particles or searches for new BSM
particles (W', Z', leptoquarks, …), also involve tau leptons. A good performance in reconstruction and
identification of the hadronic tau decays (πœβ„Ž ) is a crucial ingredient for achieving optimal results in
such analyses. For proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the main
backgrounds that can be misidentified as πœβ„Ž are quark or gluon induced jets, electrons and muons that
can be produced by Drell-Yan, leptonic W decays, and other SM processes. In this article, we
introduce a new machine learning (ML) based algorithm, DeepTau, to identify πœβ„Ž decays in the CMS
experiment [2].

2. Tau reconstruction and identification in CMS
        The distinct feature of the CMS detector [2] is a superconducting solenoid of 6 m internal
diameter, providing a magnetic field of 3.8 T. A silicon pixel and strip tracker, a lead tungstate crystal
electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), and a brass and scintillator hadron calorimeter are located within
the solenoid volume. Muons are detected in gas-ionization detectors embedded in the steel flux-return
yoke outside the solenoid.
        Individual particles (electrons, muons, photons, and neutral and charged hadrons) in the event
are reconstructed by the particle-flow (PF) algorithm [3], which combines the information from all
CMS subdetectors. Jets are reconstructed based on an anti-kT algorithm [4, 5], clustering neutral and
charged PF candidates with a distance parameter of 0.4. Hadronically decaying taus are reconstructed
with the hadron-plus-strip (HPS) algorithm [6, 7], seeded by anti-kT jets. This algorithm uses
information from PF candidates belonging to the jet and reconstructs πœβ„Ž candidates based on the
number of charged hadrons and the number of ECAL strips in the πœ‚ βˆ’ πœ‘ plane. Tau candidates are
rejected if their absolute charge is other than 1 or if they have charged particles or strips outside the
signal cone. The signal cone is defined in the πœ‚ βˆ’ πœ‘ plane by 𝑅𝑠𝑖𝑔 = 3.0 GeV / π‘π‘‡πœ , and is limited to
the range 0.05 βˆ’ 0.10. In [7] four modes to reconstruct πœβ„Ž decays are defined: 1 charged prong + 0, 1,
2 πœ‹ 0 and three charged prongs + 0 πœ‹ 0 with tight matching conditions. Recently more inclusive decay
mode definitions (further referred to as the β€œupdated decay modes”) have been introduced, adding
three charged prongs + 0 or 1 πœ‹ 0 with relaxed matching conditions to the previously available
reconstruction modes.
         Before the introduction of DeepTau, to discriminate πœβ„Ž decays against each type of
background three dedicated algorithms were used within CMS [7]. The rate of quark or gluon induced
jets that were reconstructed as tau candidates (πœπ‘— ) was reduced by a multivariate (MVA) discriminator
based on boosted decision trees (BDT) trained on 22 high-level input variables like the sums of energy
depositions in the tau isolation cone (π‘…π‘–π‘ π‘œ = 0.5) and the tau lifetime. An ensemble of 8 BDT
discriminators, each trained on π’ͺ(30) variables that characterize ECAL clusters and track quality, was
used to reject electrons reconstructed as tau candidates (πœπ‘’ ). A cut-based selection, using summary
information about hits in muon chambers and energy deposited in the calorimeters, was applied to
discriminate true taus against muons reconstructed as tau candidates (πœπœ‡ ).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

3. DeepTau: a new ML-based tau identification algorithm
         To further improve the identification of πœβ„Ž decays, low-level information from multiple CMS
sub-detectors is combined. The application of ML techniques has been proven to provide superior
results for such multi-dimensional problems. DeepTau is a new multiclass tau identification algorithm
based on a convolutional deep neural network (DNN) that combines information from the high-level
variables attributed to the reconstructed hadronic tau candidate with low-level information from the
inner tracker, calorimeters and muon sub-detectors using particle candidates reconstructed within the
πœβ„Ž signal and isolation cones. DeepTau also takes advantage from using the updated decay mode
         The training is performed on a balanced mix of π’ͺ(1.4 βˆ™ 108 ) πœπ‘’ , πœπœ‡ , πœβ„Ž and πœπ‘— candidates
coming from Drell-Yan, 𝑑𝑑̅, W+jets and Z' Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Training, validation and
testing sets are composed of reconstructed tau candidates with a minimal preselection: 𝑝𝑇 ∈
[20, 1000] GeV, |πœ‚| < 2.3, and |𝑑𝑧| < 0.2 (the longitudinal impact parameter of the tau with respect
to the primary vertex), which makes it suitable for a wide range of CMS analyses with hadronic taus in
the final state. The ground truth is based on MC truth matching.
         The inputs are separated into sets of high-level and low-level features. As high-level inputs,
the algorithm takes 42 variables that are used during tau reconstruction or proven to provide
discriminating power by previous tau discriminators, and one global event variable – the average
energy deposition density (𝜌). For each candidate reconstructed within the tau signal or isolation
cones, information of 4-momentum, track quality, relation with the primary vertex, calorimeter
clusters, and muon stations is used, if available. The tau signal and isolation cones define two regions
of interest in vicinity of the tau candidate. Based on the angular distance between the reconstructed tau
4-momentum, all available candidates are split into two πœ‚ Γ— πœ‘ grids of 11 Γ— 11 (21 Γ— 21) cells with a
cell size of 0.02 Γ— 0.02 (0.05 Γ— 0.05) for the signal (isolation) cone. In cases where there is more than
one object of the given type that belong to the same cell, only the object with the highest 𝑝𝑇 is
considered as input. Within each cell, the input variables are split into 3 blocks: e-gamma, muon,
hadrons. One input cell is represented by 188 inputs: 34 variables in the hadrons block, 60 variables in
the muon block, and 82 variables in the e-gamma block, plus four high-level features, which are added
for each block.
       As a result, the total number of inputs is 105 699: 43 high-level features and 105 656 from the
two grids. The high dimensionality of the inputs is compensated by a low occupancy: the average
number of non-empty cells in the training set is around 1.7% (7.1%) for the signal (isolation) grid.
        The organization of the low-level inputs into two 2D grids allows to first process the local
patterns originating from the tau or jet structure, and then iteratively to combine the obtained
information covering bigger πœ‚ Γ— πœ‘ regions up to the point where the whole tau signal or isolation
cones are covered. This approach is inspired by similar techniques that are widely used in the modern
ML-based image recognition with convolutional DNNs. Considering the high dimensionality of the
input space (188 inputs per cell), a pre-processing step with several fully connected dense layers
allows us to reduce the dimensionality before processing the signal (isolation) grid with 5 (10)
convolutional layers with 3 Γ— 3 windows each, on each step extracting 64 features from nine alongside
cells until the entire grid is convoluted into an array of 64 features. Also, the information from the
high-level features is pre-processed by three fully connected dense layers. It is then combined with the
convoluted representations of the signal and isolation cones and passed through 5 dense layers. The
four outputs, 𝑝𝑖 , of the network represent estimates of the probabilities of the reconstructed tau
candidate to be πœπ‘’ , πœπœ‡ , πœπ‘— , or a genuine πœβ„Ž . The overall number of trainable parameters is 1 555 352.
       In order to ensure the best performance for a wide tau identification efficiency range, we
define a custom loss function based on the focal loss [8] for the training. The loss function is

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

minimized using the Adam algorithm with the Nesterov momentum [9]. The DNN structure is
implemented using the Tensorflow package [10] and the training is run for 10 epochs. The best
performance on the validation set is achieved after 7 epochs and the corresponding DNN is chosen as
the final discriminator. The discriminator score against each background source is chosen to be of the
form π·πœπ›Ό = π‘πœ ⁄(π‘πœ + 𝑝𝛼 ), where 𝛼 ∈ {𝑒, πœ‡, 𝑗}.

4. Results
        The performance of the algorithm is evaluated using MC simulation and, applying the
following preselection on the reconstructed tau candidates: 𝑝𝑇 ∈ (20, 1000) GeV, |πœ‚| < 2.3,
|𝑑𝑧| < 0.2 cm. The tau ID efficiency is estimated from 𝐻 β†’ 𝜏𝜏 MC using reconstructed tau candidates
that match hadronically decaying taus at the generator level (the simulation step just before modelling
of interactions of the particles with the detector). The results in Figure 1 show the DeepTau
performance in form of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve on 2017 MC. The jet
misidentification probability is estimated from 𝑑𝑑̅ MC using reconstructed tau candidates that match
quarks or gluons at the generator level and do not overlap with generated prompt electrons, muons or
products of hadronic tau decays. The probability for an electron (muon) to be misidentification as πœβ„Ž is
estimated from Drell-Yan MC using reconstructed tau candidates that match to electrons (muons) at
the generator level. DeepTau shows consistent improvement at both low and high 𝑝𝑇 ranges for all
sources of backgrounds.

  Figure 1. Performance of tau discrimination against quark and gluon induced jets (left), electrons
   (middle), and muons (right) for DeepTau and the previously available discriminators from [7].
 Working points of the discriminators are indicated by the dots. These plots are split by 𝜏 𝑝𝑇 ranges

       To evaluate the DeepTau performance on data, events with well reconstructed muon and tau
candidates are selected. The visible πœ‡πœ mass is reconstructed as the sum of 4-momenta of the muon

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

and visible tau decay products. Figure 2 shows a comparison of the distributions of the visible πœ‡πœ mass
for 2018 data between the selection using the previously available discriminators from [7] and the
selection using DeepTau. With the DeepTau selection, the yield from genuine πœβ„Ž increases by 20%,
while the yield from fakes decreases by 23%.

    Figure 2. Distributions of the visible πœ‡πœ mass for 2018 data with the selection using previously
           available discriminators from [7] (left) and the selection using DeepTau (right)

5. Conclusion
        A new ML-based algorithm to discriminate hadronic tau decays against all main sources of
backgrounds has been developed. The introduction of DeepTau provides a considerable improvement
of the tau identification performance. Compared to the previously used discriminators, for the same
efficiency to reconstruct hadronic tau decays, the jet misidentification probability is reduced by more
than 50%, and the probability to misidentify an electron (muon) as a πœβ„Ž is reduced by up to 95%

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Software available from tensorflow.org.
