=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2507/89-93-paper-14 |storemode=property |title=Performance of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope for Luminosity Measurement at CMS During Run 2 |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/89-93-paper-14.pdf |volume=Vol-2507 |authors=Francesco Romeo }} ==Performance of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope for Luminosity Measurement at CMS During Run 2== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2507/89-93-paper-14.pdf
      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

                     F. Romeo1 on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
          Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 37235, USA

                                    E-mail: francesco.romeo@cern.ch

The Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT) is a dedicated system for luminosity measurement at the CMS
experiment using silicon pixel sensors arranged into “telescopes”, each consisting of three planes. It
was installed in CMS at the beginning of 2015 and has been providing online and offline luminosity
measurements throughout Run 2 of the LHC (2015‒2018). The online bunch-by-bunch luminosity
measurement reads out at the full bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz, using the “fast-or” capability of the
pixel readout chip to identify events where a hit is registered in all three sensors in a telescope,
corresponding primarily to tracks originating from the interaction point. In addition, the full pixel
information is read out at a lower rate, allowing for studies with full track reconstruction. In this talk,
we present the results and techniques used during Run 2, including commissioning, luminosity
calibration using Van der Meer scans, and measurement and correction of stability and linearity effects
using data from emittance scans.

Keywords: LHC, CMS, BRIL, PLT, Luminosity

                                                                                          Francesco Romeo

                                                              Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors.
                     Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

1. Motivations
        The precision measurement of the luminosity delivered to the CMS experiment [1] is crucial
to the entire Collaboration. On the one hand, it provides prompt feedback on the LHC performance
and operations and the online CMS operations such as measurements of trigger rates. On the other
hand, it is used by every physics analysis dealing with cross section and coupling measurements of
physics processes and for setting upper limits on the cross section in searches for physics beyond the
standard model.
        A dedicated group, named “BRIL” (Beam Radiation, Instrumentation, and Luminosity) is
responsible in CMS for carrying out the measurement of the luminosity, exploiting several
subdetectors, among which the Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT) [2], whose design and measurement
technique is discussed in these proceedings.

2. The Pixel Luminosity Telescope
         The PLT was installed in the CMS detector at the beginning of 2015 for operations during the
Run 2 of the LHC (2015‒2018). It consists of 48 silicon pixel sensors arranged on 16 “telescopes”, 8
on each end of CMS at 1.75 m from the interaction point and |η| ≈ 4.2, nearly parallel to the beam
pipe. Each telescope is 7.5 cm long, 5 cm away from the beam pipe, and contains 3 individual sensors.
         Figure 1 illustrates eight telescopes of the PLT detector, which correspond to half detector,
(left) and the floor PSI46v2 readout chips (right) discussed below.

  Figure 1. (Left) Picture illustrating eight telescopes of the PLT detector, which correspond to half
                       detector. (Right) Floor plan of the PSI46v2 readout chips

         The silicon sensors [3] and the PSI46v2 readout chips (ROCs) [4] are the same used in the
Phase-0 [5] of the CMS pixel detector. Each sensor is n-in-n type, consists of 80 rows and 52 columns
of pixels (or 26 double columns of 160 pixels each), has a size of 150 x 100 µm2 for a total active area
of 8x8 mm2 and an active thickness of 285 µm. The PSI46v2 ROCs are bump bonded to the sensors
and allow two read out modes. The first is the “fast-or” readout, which reads out the signal indicating
if any of the pixels in the sensor were hit. The fast-or readout looks for “triple coincidences”, where a
hit in all three planes in a single telescope is observed, being its rate proportional to the luminosity.
This is done at the full bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz, hence rendering the PLT capable of providing
online per-bunch luminosity with excellent statistical precision on a short timescale. This feature is
unique of the PSI46v2 ROCs and was not used in the main pixel detector. Beside the fast-or readout
mode, there is the full pixel data read out, which reads at a lower rate (approximately at 3.3 kHz),
which is useful for additional studies.
         The three ROCs in a telescope are managed by the token bit manager (TBM) chip, which
distributes commands to and coordinates the readout of the individual ROCs. Four telescopes make up
a “quadrant” of the PLT, and are controlled by a single port card, which manages the communication
and control the signal for that quadrant. The port card is in turn connected to an optical motherboard,

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

which translates the electrical into optical signals transmitted via optical fibers from the CMS
experimental cavern to the CMS service cavern where the backend electronics are located. The back-
end electronics consist of three parts: the front-end controller (FEC) is responsible for sending
commands, as well as clock and trigger signals, to the detector; the pixel front-end driver (FED) reads
out and decodes the pixel data, which are then sent over an Slink connection to a dedicated PC; and
the fast-or FEDs look for triple coincidences and histogram the results over a “lumi nibble” (4096
orbits), which are then read out over a CAEN VME (VERSA-Module Euro) optical bridge to a
dedicated software farm. From there the data are sent to BRILDAQ, a DAQ (Data Acquisition) system
dedicated to luminosity and beam measurements. BRILDAQ operates separately from the main CMS
DAQ so that it can provide luminosity measurements to the LHC and beam safety measurements even
when the CMS DAQ is not running.

3. The luminosity measurement
         One possibility to measure the instantaneous luminosity, L, delivered by the LHC could be to
consider its expected proportionality to the average rate of triple coincidences, µ, measured in the
PLT. However, because of the limited capability of the “fast-or” readout mode, it may happen for
multiple particle tracks to be registered as only a single triple coincidence in a telescope. In order to
overcome this effect, the actual method used for the luminosity measurement is the so-called “zero-
counting” technique. In this method, the number of triple coincidences is assumed to follow a Poisson
distribution, with mean value µ, which can be derived from the probability of finding zero triple
coincidences, p(0), as µ = − ln[p(0)] = − ln[1 − p(≠0)]. Here, one just needs to know p(≠0),
irrespective of the particle track multiplicity that produced the count. The following equation relates µ
to L as:

                                             𝐝𝑳     𝒇𝐨𝐫𝐛
                                                = µ                                                   (𝟏)
                                             𝐝𝒕     𝝈𝐯𝐢𝐬

where 𝑓orb is the LHC orbit frequency of 11246 Hz and 𝜎vis is the “visible cross section”, the fraction
of the total inelastic cross section which is visible to the PLT. To determine the overall luminosity, µ
is measured bunch-by-bunch and telescope-by-telescope; for a single bunch, µ is averaged equally
over all telescopes, and then converted to the instantaneous luminosity. The total instantaneous
luminosity is then given by the sum over all bunches.
         Finally, to know d𝑡 , σvis is derived from an independent measurement using the Van der
Meer (VdM) scan method [6]. This technique exploits the relationship between L and the beam
parameters, being, for the case where there is no crossing angle (head-on colliding beams):

                                             𝐝𝑳 𝑵𝟏 𝑵𝟐 𝒇𝐨𝐫𝐛
                                                =                                                      (𝟐)
                                             𝐝𝒕   𝟐𝝅𝜮𝐱 𝜮𝐲

where 𝑁1 and 𝑁2 are the LHC beam intensities and 𝛴x and 𝛴y are the effective beam widths. The
independent measurement, the VdM scan, is performed by varying the beam separation between -6σ
and +6σ in steps of 0.5σ, first in the x plane and then in the y plane, and measuring the resulting rate as
a function of separation. The rate curve is then fit with a double- (2016, 2017) or single- (2018)
Gaussian function, and the background either modeled with a constant term (2016), or subtracted
(2017, 2018), to extract 𝛴x and 𝛴y.

4. Corrections and systematic effects
        The method described in Section 3 assumes ideal and stable detector conditions, while during
the data-taking period detector effects may introduce different dependencies on the calibration
constants that need to be corrected in order to obtain an accurate luminosity measurement. One of the
main corrections concerns about the “accidentals”, which corresponds to those cases in which triple

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

coincidences are observed not to be caused by a track originating from the interaction point. This can
happen with a track from another source (e.g., a “beam halo” particle passing through the PLT) or due
to a random combination of hits not originating from a single track (e.g., from cosmic rays, radioactive
decay of activated material, or secondary material interactions in the detector). Since the fast-or data
do not include position information, these cannot be identified in the fast-or data, and the full pixel
data information is used to estimate the rate at which they occur. This is done by reconstructing tracks
from a “pure” sample of events where each plane in the telescope has exactly one hit. Then, the
distributions of the track slopes and residuals on each plane are computed and used as a reference. A
candidate track is considered to be “accidental” if any of the slopes or residuals is more than 5σ away
from the mean of the reference distribution. Figure 2 (left) shows the measured accidental rate in 2016
as a function of the instantaneous luminosity over the course of several fills.

   Figure 2. (Left) Accidental rate as a function of instantaneous luminosity for a set of fills. (Right)
                   Ratio of PLT to drift tubes (DT) luminosity over the course of 2016

         Another correction is needed when the PLT efficiency is lower than the expected performance.
This situation is monitored by continuously comparing PLT rates with respect to other CMS
luminosity detectors. As an example, Figure 2 (right) shows the ratio of PLT to drift tubes (DT)
luminosity during two periods of 2016 when PLT experienced efficiency loss. This efficiency loss is
due to the radiation damage and can be mitigated by increasing the high voltage (as done during 2016
and 2017) or by adjusting the thresholds used in the PLT readout chips to determine hit pixels (as done
in 2018). In both cases, the luminosity measurement requires proper corrections for the affected
         In 2016, we measured the efficiency in the PLT by looking for events with two hits in two
planes consistent with a track passing through the third plane, and then measuring the fraction of
events in which the third hit was actually found in the third plane.
         After 2016, to account for radiation damage and overall detector changes in efficiency and
linearity, we relied on fast luminosity scans with a small beam separation (“emittance scans”)
performed at the beginning and end of a fill. The emittance scans are conducted similarly to a VdM
scan, but in normal physics conditions and over a shorter time. By considering the ratio of the
emittance scan over the VdM 𝜎vis , one can infer the efficiency performance of a detector. At the same
time, since the emittance scans at the beginning and end of fills are conducted at significantly different
single-bunch instantaneous luminosities (SBIL) and individual bunches within a single fill can also
exhibit substantially different SBIL, they can also be used to measure the linearity response of a
detector. For PLT, efficiency and linearity corrections are applied channel by channel individually,
considering only those channels that were operational during the data-taking period. Figure 3
compares the PLT per-channel luminosity as a function of time, showing the total (i.e., over all
bunches) instantaneous luminosity as measured by the PLT detector (left) and after applying dedicated
weights that are derived from emittance scans to account for detector efficiency and linearity (right).
As we can see, the relative difference between the highest and lowest luminosity with respect to the
lowest luminosity measured by the PLT channels amounts approximately to 20% before corrections
and improves up to 5% after the corrections are applied.

      Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC’2019)
                         Budva, Becici, Montenegro, September 30 – October 4, 2019

  Figure 3. (Left) Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT) per-channel luminosity values as a function of
   time, showing the total (i.e., over all bunches) instantaneous luminosity as measured by the PLT
detector. (Right) After applying dedicated weights that are derived from emittance scans to account for
                                 detector efficiency and linearity (Right)

5. Summary
        In these proceedings we have summarized the performance of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope
(PLT) detector in the precision measurement of the luminosity delivered to the CMS experiment. The
PLT has been successfully operating during the whole Run 2 (2015‒2018), providing online and
offline luminosity measurements with high uptime and precision. In order to achieve these high-
quality results, detector-related issues and systematics effects in the luminosity measurements have
been properly taken into account and corrected in dedicated analyses.

[1] S. Chatrchyan et al. (CMS collaboration), The CMS Experiment at the CERN LHC, JINST 3
(2008) S08004.
[2] A. Kornmayer (on behalf of the CMS Collaboration), The CMS Pixel Luminosity Telescope,
Proceedings, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A824 (2016) 304.
[3] Y. Allkofer et al., Design and performance of the silicon sensors for the CMS barrel pixel detector,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A584 (2008) 25.
 [4] H. C. Kästli, M. Barbero, W. Erdmann, C. Hormann, R. Horisberger, D. Kotlinski et al., Design
and performance of the CMS pixel detector readout chip, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A565 (2006) 188.
[5] S. Chatrchyan et al. (CMS Collaboration), Description and performance of track and primary-
vertex reconstruction with the CMS tracker, JINST 9 2014 10P10009.
[6] S. Van der Meer, Calibration of the effective beam height in the ISR, Tech. Rep. CERN-ISR-PO-
68-31. ISR-PO-68-31, 1968.
