=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2508/paper-bar |storemode=property |title=A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches for Multi-Tenant Container Workloads and Serverless Computing |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2508/paper-bar.pdf |volume=Vol-2508 |authors=Christian Bargmann,Marina Tropmann-Frick |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sqamia/BargmannT19 }} ==A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches for Multi-Tenant Container Workloads and Serverless Computing== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2508/paper-bar.pdf

A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches for
Multi-Tenant Container Workloads and Serverless

Container virtualization has become the tool of choice for running isolated applications in cloud environments. Linux-Containers
virtualize at the operating system level, with multiple containers running atop the operating system kernel directly. Therefore,
threats to one container are potentially threats to many others. Especially for PaaS and Serverless providers, the secure execution
of untrusted workloads on their platform in order to mitigate software vulnerabilities from spreading has high priority. Containers
face a variety of different threats, vulnerabilities and historical weaknesses that need to be considered and defended against. This
paper presents current approaches to securing container workloads. gVisor, Kata Containers and Firecracker are presented and
compared with each other. Although sandbox containers have different attack surfaces such as the container daemon process,
network, or storage, this paper focuses on the Linux kernel itself as a vulnerability in sandbox containers and examines how
each approach implements protection.

Due to their flexibility and scalability, containers have gained popularity in recent years. Despite their
name, containers are not completely closed. The guest system of each container uses the same host
operating system and its services. This reduces overhead and improves performance, but can cause
potential security or interoperability problems. The degree of isolation provided by the Linux kernel
combines process isolation with namespaces. This concept works well, but does not close all possible
security gaps due to construction, so malware can break out and gain access to the host directly or
other containers sharing the same host system kernel. This is particularly critical in multi-tenant
scenarios where multiple clients run containerized workloads in a shared cloud environment and the
containers can run as isolated processes belonging to different clients on the same shared host. The
isolation of runtime environments is also becoming increasingly important for Serverless Computing
where the cloud provider provides a runtime environment for executing server-side logic which can be
potentially harmful to other runtime environments running on a shared host system.
  The Linux kernel itself provides a number of mechanisms to isolate processes from each other and
restrict system calls. Although a high level of isolation can be achieved with these mechanisms, the
shared kernel remains a security risk [MITRE Corporation 2019] [Heise Online 2019]. The rise of
container virtualization led to the discussion whether and how containers could inherit classic hard-

Author’s address: Christian Bargmann, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Berliner Tor 5, 20099 Hamburg, Germany,
email: christian.bargmann@haw-hamburg.de and Marina Tropmann-Frick, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Berliner
Tor 5, 20099 Hamburg, Germany, email: marina.tropmann-Frick@haw-hamburg.de.

Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 Inter-
national (CC BY 4.0).
In: Z. Budimac and B. Koteska (eds.): Proceedings of the SQAMIA 2019: 8th Workshop on Software Quality, Analysis, Mon-
itoring, Improvement, and Applications, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 22–25. September 2019. Also published online by CEUR
Workshop Proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org, ISSN 1613-0073)
1:2    •   C. Bargmann and M. Tropmann-Frick

ware virtualization. Time has shown that container virtualization and hardware virtualization are not
opposed to each other. Rather, the technologies are complementary, especially when the focus is on
security. Hardware virtualization is able to isolate computing resources while Containers focus on iso-
lating processes instead of resources. A fully virtualized system gets its own set of resources assigned
to it and minimal sharing takes place. Virtual Machines (VMs) offer a comparatively high degree of
isolation and thus security for workload isolation. However, the replication of a hardware environment
including the operating system leads to an overhead and the start up time of a virtual machine is sig-
nificantly slower than with container virtualization. Compared to VMs, containers offer a significantly
less isolation level but can be deployed immediately without complex installation processes, therefore
container virtualization is not suitable for implementing security concepts [Docker 2016].
  To secure container workloads, multi-layered security is necessary and issues from both approaches
are needed. On the one hand, the performance of container deployment and on the other hand the
isolation of the host system, which a virtual machine offers. In this paper, we have reviewed which ap-
proaches are currently being driven forward for the implementation of an additional security layer. We
have addressed the question of whether these approaches can be distinguished from each other on an
abstract level. First, scenarios for container isolation and currently used security mechanisms for con-
tainers are presented and the question why an additional security layer is necessary is answered. On
the basis of this, gVisor, Kata Containers and Firecracker are presented. In conclusion, the approaches
are compared with each other and an overview of the current development approaches is given.

This section covers backgrounds for container isolation. It starts with use cases and scenarios for
container isolation. It then describes the status of containerized runtime environment security and
the need for layered security.
2.1   Use Cases & Scenarios
  2.1.1 Sandbox untrusted/vulnerable code. Containers are ideal for isolation on application level.
There are use cases where a user wants to run an application with a number of previous vulnerabilities
on a host machine. There is a risk that an untrusted attacker may be aware of these vulnerabilities
and new vulnerabilities may be easily found. To protect the host system, the use of a highly isolated
container environment for the application is useful. Another use case would be a scenario in which
code is to be executed on a host machine that cannot be trusted. This may be relevant if access to the
source code is not given. The lack of transparency can lead to a security risk. Container isolation is
also suitable for protection here.
   2.1.2 Defense in depth scenarios. For the processing of sensitive workloads and data, defense in
depth is of high relevance. In use cases where the code is trusted, it may still be important to protect
it from possible attacks. This can be especially important for medical or financial services.
   2.1.3 Serverless Computing Scenarios. Serverless Computing is a cloud computing paradigm where
the cloud provider provides a runtime environment for executing server-side logic. Server-side logic
is implemented by means of short-lived, stateless functions called serverless functions. The execu-
tion environment for these functions is called Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) [Spillner 2018]. Serverless
Computing is the ideal of an event-based application architecture - an application architecture that
emerges from the current trend in container and microservices architectures [Baldini et al. 2017]. As a
result, functions are executed in a serverless application in response to the triggering of certain events.
If a serverless function is triggered, the cloud provider dynamically allocates the computing capacity
required to execute the function. After the execution has been completed, the computing capacities are
                                               A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches    •    1:3

released again. In this scenario, the cloud provider does not know the code executed by users in the
runtime environment provided. This code can be potentially harmful to its environment. For serverless
platform providers, it is therefore of great interest to isolate the individual runtime environments of
users strongly.
  2.1.4 Multi-Tenancy Scenarios. There are more than one type of multi-tenancy, and multiple def-
initions of a tenant. Depending on the tenant scenario, the required degree of isolation may vary.
Assuming a multi-tenancy model in which multiple untrusted users (Tenants) may execute untrusted
code in a shared cloud environment, thus code deployed by tenants can potentially be executed on
the same host machine on which code from other tenants is simultaneously executed. Compared to
Serverless Computing, this means that the cloud provider makes the compute resources available to
the user, but the user himself can use his own runtime environments, e.g. in the form of his own con-
tainers. The cloud provider does not know the user’s application and runtime environment in advance.
Unlike multi-tenant scenarios, where users of a cloud environment trust each other and also trust the
executed code, e.g. within a company with different departments as tenants sharing a compute cluster,
the described model requires a strict isolation of resources belonging to different clients.

2.2   Current Mechanisms used for Container Isolation
Today many mechanisms based on Linux technologies are used to isolate container runtime environ-
  2.2.1 AppArmor / SELinux. AppArmor / SELinux are security frameworks for Linux. As Manda-
tory Access Control (MAC) systems they control applications individually. For these, access rights can
be defined in profiles that are finer than the general file rights. Beside the predefined ones, own profiles
can be set up. The purpose of AppArmor / SELinux is to protect security-critical applications, i.e. pri-
marily applications / processes with network access, but also office applications which could possibly
compromise the system by loading infected documents [Debian man-pages 2018] [Linux man-pages
project 2018d].
   2.2.2 Capabilities. The basic idea behind Linux capabilities is to break up the monolithic root priv-
ilege that Linux systems have had, so that smaller more specific privileges can be provided where
they’re required. This helps reduce the risk that by compromising a single process on a host an at-
tacker is able to fully compromise it [Linux man-pages project 2018a].
   2.2.3 Namespaces. An instance of a namespace defines a new environment that virtualizes certain
operational resources such as process users, the file system, or the network in a very lightweight way.
They abstract the respective global system resource in such a way that it looks like an independent
isolated instance for a process within the respective namespace. Lightweight means that no hypervisor
is needed, but the processes simply do not see the other instances of a resource, but they continue to
run in the same kernel [Linux man-pages project 2018b].
   2.2.4 User Permissions. For the isolation of container runtime environments the Linux own user
system is used. Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is restricting access to objects based on the identity
of subjects and groups to which a certain subject belongs to [Rusling 1999].
  2.2.5 cgroups. Using ”control groups” a user can combine several processes into one group. The
user can then provide these processes and all child processes with parameters for specific subsystems.
For example, a subsystem is a resource controller that manages the available memory. cgroups can be
used to define limits that must not be exceeded by resources, such as a lot of memory. Users can give
priority to some resources over others, such as more frequent processing by the CPU. cgroups can also
1:4    •       C. Bargmann and M. Tropmann-Frick

measure how many resources have been consumed. With the help of cgroups, entire groups of processes
can also be controlled, e.g. they stop or continue to run [Linux man-pages project 2018c].
  2.2.6 seccomp-bpf. ”Secure computing mode” is a simple and effective sandboxing tool. It allows
the user to attach a system call filter to a process and all its descendants, thus reducing the attack
surface of the kernel. Seccomp filters are expressed in Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) format [Mozilla
Foundation 2018] [Linux man-pages project 2018c].

2.3   Why is Multi-Layer Security is needed for Container Isolation?
Attacks aimed at breaking out of a containerized runtime environment are particularly critical and
require a lot of attention. There is always a risk that processes will break out. If this happens, not
only the individual container instance is affected, but also all other processes that also run on the host

Fig. 1. Multiple layers are needed to form a trust boundary around untrusted code. Containerized applications should have an
additional security layer above the container boundary.

  The primary target of such an outbreak is the operating system kernel. If an attacker controls it,
he has the entire system in his hands. Container technologies like Docker [Docker Inc. 2019] or Rkt
[CoreOS 2019] change much faster than the underlying kernel technologies, so newly discovered vul-
nerabilities in the kernel can affect a number of different kernel versions. The presented security
mechanisms are excellent to ensure defense in depth, but the Linux kernel itself remains the biggest
vulnerability [Bettini 2013]. It is sufficient for an attacker to exploit a known vulnerability in the Linux
kernel to compromise all security mechanisms.
  Using a container runtime is therefore not sufficient for isolating applications. To safely isolate
applications from each other, one or more additional security layers beyond the boundaries of the
container runtime environment are required as shown in F4906384219579641ig. 1 .

This section introduces gVisor, Kata Containers, and Firecracker as approaches to isolating container
workloads. It is being discussed whether the approaches meet the requirements of multi-layer security.

3.1   gVisor
On May 2, 2018 Google released their container runtime sandbox gVisor [Lacasse 2018]. gVisor is a
user-space kernel specifically for containers, written in the Go programming language. The software
implements a substantial part of the Linux system interface and thus emulates the Linux system call
                                                        A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches              •     1:5

API in a userspace process. gVisor draws a boundary between the application running in a container
and the host kernel by using the runtime environment of the Open Container Initiative (OCI) called

Fig. 2. gVisor creates a dedicated buffer layer for each container. The new layer running as a user space process that intercepts
the container’s system calls [gVisor 2018].

   Applications that run in containers on the host system access system resources in the same way
that applications that are not in containers do. System calls are sent directly to the host kernel. Even
without gVisor, the kernel limits the access that a containerized application can make to the system
resources, but such a kernel still offers a large attack surface. gVisor does not use hardware virtualiza-
tion to isolate containers, i.e. containers are not packed into virtual machines to provide an additional
security boundary and therefore no virtualized hardware is passed to a guest kernel via a Virtual Ma-
chine Manager. Instead gVisor uses a kernel that is active as a normal, non-privileged process and
supports most Linux system calls. gVisor intercepts application system calls and acts as the guest
kernel, without the need for translation through virtualized hardware. Just like in a normal virtual
machine, an application running in a gVisor sandbox gets its own kernel and a selection of virtualized
devices isolated from the host and other sandboxes. Unlike containers packed in virtual machines, gVi-
sor is more lightweight, but provides a similar level of isolation and therefore security [gVisor 2018]. A
major disadvantage of gVisor is that at the time of this paper not all system calls of the Linux System
Call API are implemented, which is why not all applications run with gVisor yet. Also, applications
that are sandboxed with gVisor create a higher per-system call overhead.
   With gVisor, multi-layer security can be implemented. The emulated kernel in the userland repre-
sents the first security boundary that an attacker must overcome. The second security boundary is the
process isolation mechanisms of the host kernel. Kernel features such as seccomp filters can be used
to provide better isolation between host and gVisor kernels. However, they require the user to create
a predefined whitelist of system calls. Due to the additional abstraction layer offered by gVisor, filter
rules can be used much more universally. Creating system call filter rules for applications that are
not known in advance is often a difficult task. The application of filter rules on gVisor as an interface
between host and application is easier to configure.

3.2   Kata Containers
Kata Containers version 1.0 was released on May 22, 2018 [Bertucio 2018]. The technical founda-
tions of Kata Containers are two other projects that have been in existence for quite some time. The
first are the Clear Containers, which Intel launched in 2015 [Clear Linux Project 2019]. Number two
is runV from Hyper [Hyper 2018]. Kata Containers is the fusion of both initiatives. The objective of
1:6    •    C. Bargmann and M. Tropmann-Frick

Kata Containers is to develop a standard implementation of lightweight virtual machines that feel and
function like containers, but offer the workload isolation and security benefits of hardware virtualiza-
tion. It connects both worlds and lets containers run inside slim virtual machines to create a sandbox
   The architecture of Kata Containers consists of six elements [Kata Containers 2019a]. The isolation
and insertion of another kernel is done by virtualization software using a minimal operating system.
A slimmed down version of QEMU [QEMU 2018] is used on which Clear Linux runs. Clear Linux pro-
vides the kernel and is optimized for running containers. QEMU and Clear Linux together form the
Kata framework. The remaining four components are responsible for the container structure, all devel-
oped in the Go programming language and available under Apache license. The runtime environment
corresponds to the specifications of the Open Container Initiative (OCI). It can be installed and used
parallel to the standard container runtime runc. The Kata runtime and the so-called shim form the in-
terface to container tools such as Kubernetes or OpenStack. The shim as a kind of auxiliary construct
enables the classic container tools to get an interior view of the processes of the virtual machines.
Without this help, tools like Kubernetes would not be able to look behind the scenes of QEMU-Lite.
Kata Containers uses the proxy and agent to connect to the virtual machine. They communicate via
grpc using QEMU’s serial port. The agent is running as a process in the QEMU instance. It acts as
a supervisor for managing containers and processes running within those containers. There is one
agent per virtual machine. The proxy is the counterpart on the host side and is used for communica-
tion between the hypervisor on the host system and the virtual machine running containers. Also here
the Kata runtime environment starts exactly one proxy per QEMU instance. Kata Containers com-
bines the properties of virtual machines and containers. Virtualization protects the kernel of the host
system. However, a disadvantage is that the high number of components required for managing and
communicating containers within the virtual machine is another potential attack surface. The kernel
and operating system used by Clear Linux must also be kept up to date in order not to be affected by
possible security vulnerabilities.
   With Kata Containers multi-layer security can be implemented. The hypervisor provides an addi-
tional security boundary and thus increases the security of the sandbox. This makes it more difficult
for a harmful process to break out. A sandboxed process must first convince the guest kernel to trigger
a malicious virtual machine exit. This also significantly reduces the attack surface at the same time.
Afterwards the hypervisor has to be exploited to break out of the sandbox and gain control over the
host system. The degree of isolation by the first security boundary is reduced with the number of rights
a container receives within the virtual machine. If the user is able to start his own guest systems in
the virtual machine, the first security boundary can be omitted.

3.3   Firecracker
On November 27, 2018, Amazon Web Services introduced Firecracker, a virtual machine manager
that enables secure, multi-tenant, minimal overhead execution of container and function workloads,
as an open source project [Arun Gupta 2018]. Amazon’s own serverless computing platform Lambda
uses Firecracker as a foundation for deploying and operating sandboxes that run untrusted code from
customers. Firecracker boots a minimal kernel config without relying on an emulated bios and without
a complete device model [Firecracker 2018b].
  The main component of Firecracker is its own hypervisor which is directly based on Linux Kernel-
based Virtual Machine (KVM) capabilities. The foundation for this is the Crosvm project [Chromium
2018] by Google’s Chromium team, written in Rust programming language and used for Linux ap-
plications in Chrome OS. Firecracker is also completely written in Rust. The Firecracker application
utilizes the hypervisor to set up and run minimal virtual machines. Firecracker itself is started by an
                                                      A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches               •   1:7

         Fig. 3. Firecracker mitigates security risks by defining different nested trust zones [Firecracker 2018b].

application called Jailer, which provides and configures system resources such as cgroups. The Jailer
also manages permissions, or withdraws them from the system as soon as they are no longer needed.
In addition, Jailer sets seccomp-bpf filters to restrict guest code access [Firecracker 2018c]. Kernel
namespaces are used as an additional barrier. The communication with Firecracker runs via a Restful
API, with which the virtual machines can finally be started and controlled. By default, the virtual
machines use a virtualized CPU core and 128 MB RAM, which can be adjusted via the API endpoints.
In addition, the VMs only use a Virtio-provided network device and a block device, both of which have
rate limiting. There is also a serial console and a minimal keyboard driver to reset the virtual ma-
chines. To start a VM, users need an unpacked kernel image and a root file system. Alpine Linux is
a Linux distribution based on musl and BusyBox, which focuses on security, simplicity and resource
efficiency and also enjoys great popularity as a basic image for containers. At the time of this paper,
Firecracker still only uses Intel hardware virtualization, but support for AMD and ARM hardware is
expected to follow. Work is also underway to integrate Firecracker into existing container ecosystems
such as Kubernetes or OpenStack [Firecracker 2018a].
   Firecracker implements multi layer security by defining different nested trust zones. The jailer pro-
cess sets up system resources that require elevated permissions, drops privileges, and then executes
into the Firecracker binary, which then runs as an underprivileged process. In addition, seccomp-bpf
filters are used to limit system calls to the guest kernel. This represents the first security boundary.
In order to take over the host system, an escape from the virtual machine must be successful and thus
represents the second security boundary.

Although their concrete architecture is quite different, all three projects follow a similar approach.
They build an additional layer between the application to be isolated and the kernel of the host system.
The main difference between the three projects presented lies in the virtualization technology used to
form the isolation layer.
1:8   •    C. Bargmann and M. Tropmann-Frick

   Kata Containers chose QEMU as the foundation for its virtualization technology using ”QEMU
light”. A sandboxed container runs within a minimal, lightweight virtual machine. Via an internal
agent process and an external shim, runtime commands and IO request are intercepted. Firecracker
follows a similar approach. Again, virtual machines are used to separate sanboxed applications from
host kernels. Unlike Kata Containers, Firecracker does not use QEMU, but implements its own virtual
machine manager that uses Linux Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (KVM). It emulates a minimal device
to achieve low latencies when starting the VM and low memory footprint on the host system. At the
same time, a trusted sandbox environment is provided for an isolated application within the virtual
machine. Unlike Kata Containers, Firecracker does not start any containers in the virtual machine.
Google’s gVisor, on the other hand, has a completely different strategy than the other two projects
presented. Neither microVMs like Firecracker nor a combination of virtual machine and container like
Kata Containers are used. Instead, a dedicated buffer layer is created for each individual container
to provide an additional security boundary between host system and application. The layer created by
gVisor runs as a process in userspace and allows the container to perform system calls without directly
accessing the host kernel.

                              Fig. 4. Comparison of container isolation approaches.

  Although there are currently several projects with different ideas for the realization of container iso-
lation, it must be mentioned that they are all more or less experimental at the time of this paper. Even
though large cloud providers such as Google or Amazon are behind some of the concepts presented,
all approaches are at a very early stage of development. Although Firecracker or gVisor are used in
the cloud environments of the providers, it is not certain whether the solutions are also suitable for
general production environments outside the provider-specific offerings.
  An important step for the productive use of sandbox environments is the compatibility to common
container tools like Docker or orchestration tools like Kubernetes and OpenStack. Both Docker and
Kubernetes use containerd as container runtime. While gVisor and Kata Containers can already be
used as plugins for containerd and are therefore compatible with Docker [Docker 2016], this is not yet
the case with Firecracker. Currently there is a project to run Firecracker as a plugin for containerd
[Firecracker 2019]. At the same time Kata Containers supports the Firecracker hypervisor since the
release of versionDanke 1.5 on January 16, 2019 [Kata Containers 2019b]. gVisor is also working on
                                                        A Survey On Secure Container Isolation Approaches              •     1:9

the further implementation of Linux system call API, so that more applications can be sandboxed with
gVisor in the future.

This paper presented and compared approaches to isolate container workload. Different use cases and
scenarios were presented in which the secure handling of containerized applications is of high priority.
Furthermore, state of the art mechanisms for the isolation of containers were investigated and the
question why multi-layer security is relevant to provide a secure sandbox environment was answered.
Based on this, gVisor, Kata Containers and Firecracker were presented and explained whether the
concepts can implement multi-layer security. Finally, the concepts were compared with each other
and an outlook on further development was given. In future we seek to develop a comparison criteria
catalogue that allows the presented, as well as emerging approaches to be classified and differentiated
on the basis of an evaluation framework.
   In summary, securing container workload is becoming increasingly important. Not only for providers
of big public cloud environments, but for every cloud environment with multi-client capability and the
execution of untrusted code on host machines. The development of the approaches presented remains
exciting and it will be shown which of the approaches will prevail for general productive use.

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