=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2508/paper-pop |storemode=property |title=Recent Trends in Software Testing - A Case Study with Google Calendar |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2508/paper-pop.pdf |volume=Vol-2508 |authors=Bojan Popov,Bojana Koteska,Anastas Mishev |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sqamia/PopovKM19 }} ==Recent Trends in Software Testing - A Case Study with Google Calendar== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2508/paper-pop.pdf

Recent Trends in Software Testing – A Case Study with
Google Calendar
BOJAN POPOV, BOJANA KOTESKA and ANASTAS MISHEV, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

In this paper we make an overview of the software testing trends and as a case study we perform testing of the Google Calendar
service. We present some of the latest testing techniques, frameworks and tools used for commercial software. Finally, we
perform black-box automated testing of the Google Calendar component by applying several different testing technologies and
frameworks. We use JUnit, Selenium and Mockito frameworks to create 22 tests to perform interface and functionality testing.

Testing is one of the most important and crucial parts in developing any kind of software [Ammann
and Offutt 2016]. Approximately half budget spent on the development of the software projects is spent
on software testing [Harman et al. 2015]. To create quality software (reliable, secure, etc.) means to
test the software from different aspects and to create optimal combination of different coverage criteria
because of the deadlines and system size [Rojas et al. 2015]. The purpose of the test team is to provide
effectively and efficiently accurate and useful testing services and quality information about the project
[Black 2016].
   One of the common software testing categorization is: black box testing, white box testing and gray
box (combination of black box and white box) [Jan et al. 2016]. If the software testers/developers have
the software source code then they can use both black box and white box testing, but if they do not
have the internal source code, then, only a black box testing is possible. Usually, black box testing, also
called a functional testing, is performed by using the software documentation and design specification
[Nidhra and Dondeti 2012].
   From another point of view, the testing can be divided into automated and manual testing. In a case
of manual testing, the software testers have the role of end users and they are responsible for checking
the behavior of software by following a test plan and a set of test cases. Automated testing is performed
by using a specific testing software framework that executes the tests and compares the actual outputs
with the expected outputs [Garousi and Mäntylä 2016].
   Software testing includes different level of testing such as unit, integration, system, and acceptance
testing. Unit and integration testing focus on individual modules, while system and acceptance testing
focus on overall behavior of the system [Dhir and Kumar 2019].

This work is supported by the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, North Macedonia.
Bojan Popov, Bojana Koteska, Anastas Mishev, FCSE, Rugjer Boshkovikj 16, P.O. Box 393 1000, Skopje; email:
bojan.popov@students.finki.ukim.mk; bojana.koteska@finki.ukim.mk; anastas.mishev@finki.ukim.mk.

Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 Inter-
national (CC BY 4.0).
In: Z. Budimac and B. Koteska (eds.): Proceedings of the SQAMIA 2019: 8th Workshop on Software Quality, Analysis, Mon-
itoring, Improvement, and Applications, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 22–25. September 2019. Also published online by CEUR
Workshop Proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org, ISSN 1613-0073)
11:2     •   Bojan Popov et al.

  In this paper we make an overview of the current trends in software testing, including methods,
practices and frameworks. As a case study we perform black-box testing of the Google Calendar service
[Google 2006] by using different testing technologies and frameworks (JUnit, Selenium and Mockito).
  The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the current trends in software
testing. Section 3 provides a comprehensive explanation of the testing methodology, definition of test
cases, test generation and design the results. The final Section 4 concludes the paper.

Agile testing is a trend in software testing which follows the rules of agile development policy. It con-
siders software improvement as a critical part like a client in the testing process. In agile development
the code is written during each iteration and the testing is done after each iteration. In [Dhir and
Kumar 2019], the authors propose a model for automated agile testing and as an experiment they
perform testing by using the Selenium tool [Jason Huggins 2004] which is an automating web appli-
cation testing framework. Selenium is probably the most widely-used open source solution for testing
web applications [Gundecha 2012]. The Selenium WebDriver provides opportunity to create custom
automation framework that could reduce development time, increase the return of investments and to
minimize the risks [Vila et al. 2017]. Another tool interesting for the Agile market is Testsigma [inc
2019]. It is one of the best automation tools which is AI-driven and automates complex tests using
simple English and no programming.
  Running unit tests in parallel and distributed environments can significantly speed up the time
required for test execution. A tool for automatic execution in distributed environments CUT (Cloud
Unit Testing) is presented in [Gambi et al. 2017]. Based on the set of unit tests, this program allocates
computational resources such as virtual machines or containers and schedules the execution of the
unit tests over them. The tool is implemented in Java and it monitors its progress directly inside the
JUnit [The JUnit Team 2017] test automation framework which from the developers’ point of view the
execution of the tests looks same like they are executing locally. JUnit platform is used as a foundation
for launching tests on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  Automated program repair (APR) techniques became very popular in the recent years [Wang
et al. 2019]. They have shown to be promising in increasing the effectiveness of automated debug-
ging [Adamsen et al. 2017]. The general idea of these techniques is to provide automatic software
repair and to produce fix of the programs which needs to be validated by software testers. The benefit
of these techniques is that they fix the software and they decrease the effort to identify and correct
faults [Gazzola et al. 2017].
  The elimination of unnecessary test cases or selection of specific test cases can significantly reduce
the time for testing. The goal of the test suite minimization is to distinguish repetitive experiments
and to eliminate the redundant test cases. Test case selection decreases the number of test cases to be
executed by recognizing the important test cases (test cases related to the latest changes of the soft-
ware). Lately, test case prioritization is becoming trend in software testing the testing is performed by
an early optimization based on proffered properties. It means that the test cases that are considered as
highly significant will be executed first and will provide feedback to the testers earlier [Khatibsyarbini
et al. 2018]. In [Azizi and Do 2018], the authors propose an item-based collaborative filtering recom-
mending system that uses user interaction data and application change history information to develop
a test case prioritization technique. A multi-objective optimisation technique is used to analyse the
trade-off between the code coverage and execution time of the test suite written by programmers who
are experts in testing [Turner et al. 2016].
  Testing of an object-oriented code can be difficult because of the dependency objects. When depen-
dency objects occur, then software testers can mock objects and simulate the complex dependency.
                              Recent Trends in Software Testing – A Case Study with Google Calendar   •   11:3

Mocking is a common approach in unit testing which isolates a class from its dependencies by replac-
ing a dependency class instead of the original one. Authors in [Arcuri et al. 2017] create mock objects
using the popular Mockito framework [Faber 2008]. Mockito framework is used for effective unit test-
ing of JAVA applications. It is used to mock interfaces so that a dummy functionality can be added to a
mock interface. It can simulate a method call and return result as needed. It is a very powerful tool for
mocking database objects, and some functionalities that require time and acceptance from other users
of the system. Mockito is among the top 10 most used Java libraries hosted on on GitHub [Arcuri et al.

Different testing methods have been found in the literature for testing Google services. For exam-
ple, the Google Map search application was tested by performing an improved random testing using
some predefined values also used for verifying specific properties. The framework used for testing was
composed of several testers which control and monitor the test execution [Salva and Laurencot 2009].
Brown et al. [Brown et al. 2018] propose a metamorphic testing strategy to test the Google Maps mobile
app navigation. They tested its web service API and its graphical user interface and detected several
real-life bugs in the Google Maps app.
  In [Carlini et al. 2012], the authors analyzed 100 Google Chrome extensions, including the 50 most
popular extensions to determine whether Chrome’s security mechanisms successfully prevent or miti-
gate extension vulnerabilities. They find that 40 extensions contain at least one type of vulnerability.
The testing was performed by using a three-step security review process: black box testing, source code
analysis and holistic testing.

3.1     Definition of Test Cases
Google Calendar provide multiple options: to create public events and share with other people; to create
private events; to create default calendars or to add calendars created by other users; to delete events;
to change date, time and color of the specific event, etc. We test the basic functionalities and some
of the additional functionalities that Google Calendar has. The purpose of the testing is to find the
suitable testing frameworks and to check if both the interface and functionalities of Google Calendar
service work properly.
  The following test cases were defined as a part of the interface testing:

(1) Counting events in a specific calendar view;
(2) Change the view of the calendar and count the days that are displayed depending on the view;
(3) Deactivate and activate additional calendars (for example: display of holidays - religious, national);
(4) Click the back and forward buttons to change day/week/month/year.
     The functional testing covers the following test scenarios:

(1) Create an event;
(2) Search events;
(3) Delete event;
(4) User login;
(5) User logout;
(6) Edit event (change time, color, date, etc.)
11:4     •    Bojan Popov et al.

3.2    Testing Frameworks
To perform the testing of the Google Calendar we use three different testing frameworks. All tests are
written in Java 8, JavaSE-1.8 [Oracle 2014].
  The core framework we use for testing is JUnit. Next, we use Selenium to test the web pages and
the last one is Mockito, which simulates responses of some Google Calendar functionalities. The capa-
bilities of these frameworks are described in Section 2.
  3.2.1 JUnit. Testing of the Google Calendar service is made by using JUnit5 which requires mini-
mum Java version 8. All methods annotated with @Test are considered as tests in JUnit.
  Figure 1 represents a simple test written in JUnit 5. The purpose of this test is to check the sign-in
button click on the Google home page (www.google.com). After that, a new page should be loaded which
provides user login.

                                                 Fig. 1. JUnit test

  3.2.2 Selenium. A Selenium WebDriver API and Firefox web driver were used to perform testing of
the Google Calendar web pages. Selenium WebDriver object provides access to an HTML page. Some
of the basic functions of Selenium can be seen in Figure 2. The sleep method allows specific waiting
time for the page loading. The web driver object allows users to access the HTML page web elements,
but it is important to specify the XPath or ID of the web element.

                         Fig. 2. Using Selenium WebDriver to find specific HTML web element

   3.2.3 Mockito. Figure 3 is an example of how Mockito works with JUnit. A Dao class (DaoCalendar)
is mocked and the mocked object is passed to the Dao service class (DaoServiceCalendar).

3.3    Test Creation and Execution
A total of 22 tests were defined and each functionality was tested separately. We organized the tests
so that the login test is first. Second, we test the calendar functionalities, and log out process is tested
last. The goal of the first login test is to click the login button on the Google home page, then to enter
the email address and password and finally to click the sign-in button. These tests are shown in Fig. 4.
  The first test (testaa) tests if the page loads correctly after clicking the sign-in button.
                          Recent Trends in Software Testing – A Case Study with Google Calendar   •   11:5

                                     Fig. 3. Mockito usage in JUnit test

                                             Fig. 4. Login tests

                                        Fig. 5. Clicking login button

   The function clickLogin from the test testaa is shown in Fig. 5. Three seconds are given for loading
(1500 ms for loading the Google home page and extra 1500 ms after clicking the sign-in button), from
which we take the text that gives feedback of the entered sign-in page.
   Figure 6 provides details about enterEmailAddress (testab) and enterPassword (testac) func-
   The test testab first enters the email address by calling the enterEmailAddress function which
clicks the ”next” button and gets the text for the password form.
11:6   •    Bojan Popov et al.

                                 Fig. 6. Entering email and password functions

   The test testac calls the method enterPassword which enters the password, clicks the ”sign-in”
button and gets the text for successful login.
   After the login, the URL is changed to the URL of Google Calendar, from where the calendar func-
tionality testing starts.
   To test change of a view, we created parameterized tests that provide testing with multiple inputs.
There are several options for each view and each of these options was tested separately. The simulation
of button clicks and the click responses were also considered in multiple tests and their goal was to
detect a page change.
   In order to test the creation of an event, the number of existing events in the calendar was checked,
and after a new event was created, this number was checked again. The tests for this part are shown
in Fig. 7.
   The first test testbf gets the number of existing events before creating a new event. The goal in this
test is to click on the calendar form for creating events and click on more details. Then, the second
test testbg enters the event parameters (date, start time, end time, name) and it checks the number of
notifications about the new event. If everything is performed correctly, the result should be 1.
   The last test testbh enters the additional event parameters such as color, it clicks the ”save” button
and checks the number of events again.
   The delete event functionality is tested by using the search bar provided by Google Calendar. Fig.
8 shows the test for deleting an event. It counts the number of events before and after the event is
deleted. The removeEvent function first searches the event, gets all the events with the searched
name, clicks the first event and then deletes the event by clicking the ”delete event” button.
   Furthermore, there are functionalities in Google Calendar that wait for a certain response and these
parts were tested with Mockito framework. We simulated that a certain response was sent, but in the
meantime, we tested if the button was clickable.
   The test file was written in a way so that the tests were defined as simple method calls and JUnit
methods (assertTrue or assertFalse) were used for the evaluation of the correctness of the results.
                          Recent Trends in Software Testing – A Case Study with Google Calendar   •   11:7

                                          Fig. 7. Creating event tests

                                         Fig. 8. Delete event test cases

  The test class contains a service class which is responsible for the button clicks, for the searching
through the web page elements, for creating new events, deleting events, etc.
  There is also one more service class which is responsible for changing the dates. Since each month
has a specific number of days we used the Java Calendar class which returns the number of days in a
not leap year.
  Table I shows the results of the executed tests. As it is shown, the only test that failed is ”Testing
calendar days after changing a view”. Errors occurred in such occasions, mostly in the part of deleting
an already created event. Sometimes the event was not deleted from the calendar, but when that test
was executed no failure was detected. The conclusion after a couple of tests executed was that Google
Calendar does not load fast and some of the page elements are not fully loaded at the time of the test
execution which was the case with the failed test also.

                                   Table I. Results of the executed tests
                              Tests                                         Result
                              Log in                                         pass
                              Testing calendar days after change of views   failure
                              Creating an event                              pass
                              Editing an event                               pass
                              Deleting an event                              pass
                              Log out                                        pass
11:8     •     Bojan Popov et al.

  It is important to mention that Google constantly releases new updates of Google Calendar with
changed interface. It means that HTML elements, which are important in Selenium, have different
IDs and class names. The interface changes caused some of the tests to fail and we had to change them
multiple times. Table II shows the execution results after the Google calendar update.

                                    Table II. Results of the executed tests after the
                                               Google Calendar update
                                    Tests                                         Result
                                    Log in                                         pass
                                    Changing view                                  error
                                    Testing calendar days after change of views   failure
                                    Creating an event                              pass
                                    Editing an event                               pass
                                    Deleting an event                              pass
                                    Log out                                        pass

In this paper we provided an overview of some of the new technologies and practices in software testing
and we applied them in practice by making black-box testing of the Google Calendar component. The
testing was made by using some of the popular testing frameworks such as JUnit, Selenium and
Mockito. A total of 22 tests were created to test the interface and the functionalities of the Google
  In conclusion, we believe that good software testing requires a lot of practice and constant monitoring
of world trends in the field of software engineering. Testers should make a test strategy and find a
balance between code coverage and time required for testing. There are many useful testing tools that
can automate and ease the process of testing. Some of them do not even require programming skills.
  From the testing process of the Google Calendar service, we learned that an integration of more
testing frameworks and test automation can be done fast and with small effort, but it requires field
knowledge. JUnit provides user friendly way to automate the test execution by creating test suites.
The challenging task is to define the test scenarios and to find which tools and techniques are more

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