=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2510/sattose2019_paper_4 |storemode=property |title=COOP - AutomatiC ValidatiOn of EvOlving Microservice ComPositions |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2510/sattose2019_paper_4.pdf |volume=Vol-2510 |authors=Olga Groh,Harun Baraki,Alexander Jahl,Kurt Geihs |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/sattose/GrohBJG19 }} ==COOP - AutomatiC ValidatiOn of EvOlving Microservice ComPositions== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2510/sattose2019_paper_4.pdf
                         COOP - automatiC validatiOn of
                        evOlving microservice comPositions

                        Olga Groh, Harun Baraki, Alexander Jahl, and Kurt Geihs
                                                Distributed Systems Group
                                                   University of Kassel
                                                     Kassel, Germany
                                        {groh, baraki, jahl, geihs}@vs.uni-kassel.de

                                                                      which still have to be maintained. In case of a model
                                                                      change, the old versions need to be adapted as well
                        Abstract                                      to adhere to updates. With an increasing number of
                                                                      services, the complexity of version management rises
    Current change management solutions apply                         drastically [Bya13]. This is especially true for projects
    versionized interfaces to ensure coherent evo-                    with short development cycles. In other words, scala-
    lution in service environments. This leads to                     bility of change management is not fostered.
    several drawbacks such as an increasing num-
    ber of service versions and time-consuming                            We present in this paper our framework COOP that
    testing of backward compatibilities in case of                    provides management for semantic, syntactic and pro-
    drastic changes. In this paper, we present an                     tocol changes. Syntactic changes are changes in the
    approach with continuous integration that au-                     interface structure while semantic changes consider
    tomatically validates interfaces for compati-                     changes in the meaning and context, e. g., of a return
    bility. Developers are relieved from keeping                      value or a parameter. The latter requires an ontology
    track of multiple versions of different services.                 that is referenced by the interface.
    This guarantees that dependent parties co-                            By employing the declarative logic programming
    evolve accordingly to the interface changes.                      language ASP (Answer Set Programming) [GK14] in-
    Our solution is based on the automatic gener-                     stead of OWL (Web Ontology Language) [Bec09], not
    ation of declarative logic programs for validat-                  only changes with respect to the interface are possible,
    ing compatibilities and extracting changes.                       but also changes regarding the ontology definition.
                                                                          In contrast to existing change management frame-
1    Introduction                                                     works, such as [FS14] and [RP12], COOP is not bound
                                                                      to a specific protocol. Depending on the applied pro-
After the first mentioning of the term Microservice in
                                                                      tocol and the used programming language, the frame-
2011 [LF14], the new style of architecture emerged
                                                                      work generates the client stubs accordingly.
quickly. Instead of creating single layered systems,
the development shifted towards a composition of Mi-                      Furthermore, COOP provides a notification mech-
croservices, connected through well-defined interfaces.               anism for informing service providers whether prior
   Microservices are developed independently from                     versions have any active clients. This prevents inter-
each other and, thus, allow separate development cy-                  ruptions and failures during runtime and reduces the
cles. However, this may cause conflicts due to ser-                   resource consumption since unused versions are iden-
vice changes. A typical measure is to apply service                   tified and deleted safely.
versioning. This requires to preserve all previous ver-                   The paper is organized as follows. COOP and its
sions and leads to an increasing number of services,                  components are presented in Section 2. The underly-
                                                                      ing architecture comprises a central repository and the
Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted         three main modules Service Description, Client Inte-
under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0).
                                                                      gration, and Change Detection. Section 3 describes an
In: Anne Etien (eds.): Proceedings of the 12th Seminar on Ad-
                                                                      example workflow for our framework. Relevant related
vanced Techniques Tools for Software Evolution, Bolzano, Italy,       works are summarized in Section 4. Finally, the main
July 8-10 2019, published at http://ceur-ws.org                       findings of this paper are concluded in Section 5.

2          Architecture of COOP                                2.1   Service Description Module
COOP is composed of a central repository and the               The Service Description module is platform-specific as
three modules Service Description, Client Integration,         it is responsible for extracting essential information re-
and Change Detection. While the Service Description            garding the syntactic, semantic and protocol aspects
module extracts interface details to capture the seman-        from a given service implementation. Thereafter, it
tic and syntactic facets of the service, the Client In-        creates an intermediate, comprehensive and platform-
tegration module utilizes the description through the          independent service description. Therefore, the mod-
central repository to generate a client stub accord-           ule scans the service implementation and searches for
ingly and to check for new versions regularly. In case         interfaces with specific annotations. This means in
of an interface change, the Client Integration module          particular that the developer has to follow certain im-
triggers the Change Detection module to identify in-           plementation guidelines in order to flag the respective
compatibilities. By applying COOP, developers gain             interfaces and to enrich them with additional semantic
a threefold benefit. Firstly, service can be enriched          information.
with semantic information by annotating the respec-                As a clarifying example, the COOP Service Descrip-
tive methods in the implementation. The annotation             tion module for Java shall be considered here. By
is resolved automatically by means of incooperated on-         means of the build tools Maven or Gradle it gets inte-
tologies. Secondly, ontologies and interfaces are repre-       grated into the build lifecycle of a service. The module
sented in ASP, which is partcularly siuted for dynamic         searches for typical annotations for service interfaces
environments. In contrast to OWL, ASP ontologies al-           in Java such as @RestController (Spring Framework1 ),
low adaptations of existing knowledge during runtime           @Path (Java EE2 ), @WebService (Java EE2 ) and oth-
by employing defaults and externals [GK14]. Thirdly,           ers. The annotated interface is then analyzed further
COOP checks automatically for semantic and syntac-             for additional details. Assuming that a @RestCon-
tic of different versions during development time.             troller annotation is present, the Service Description
    While the Service Description module has to be in-         module looks out for annotations such as @GetMap-
tegrated in the service implementation, the Client In-         ping and @PostMapping. The attributes of these an-
tegration and Change Detection modules are included            notations reveal how a service method is accessed. In
in the client application. However, all modules are            particular, this includes the used protocol, the path,
available on both, the server and the client side, as          and the data format. Further technical details relate to
both may consume or provide further services. It is            the syntax of parameters and return values. For both,
thus applicable for Microservice compositions. The             the protocol and the syntax information, the Service
framework is depicted in Figure 1. The following sec-          Description module applies existing tools to transform
tions dive into each component and explain the inter-          the technical details to a JSON representation. If the
play between them.                                             interface contains complex data types, the module will
                                                               map them as well. In case of a REST service, the gen-
                                                               erated JSON section adheres to the OpenAPI spec-
                                                               ification3 . By using a widespread specification, the
                                                               Client Integration module, in turn, is enabled to gen-
                 Version         ASP          JSON             erate a client stub in different programming languages

                Registration   Programs     Description
                                                               by third-party tools.
                                                                   While the previous annotations were required by
                                                               the respective framework to configure and provide the
                 Service        Change        Client           service, semantic annotations are specific to COOP.
                Description    Detection    Integration
                                                               For each identified and extracted method, the Service
                                                               Description module expects semantic information with
                                                               respect to the parameters, the return value, and the
                                                               method itself. These information are added by the
                  Service                      Client
                                                               developer by means of the @SemanticContext anno-
                                                               tation. The semantic values used in the annotation
                                                               have to be terms that are defined by the developer
                                                               or another party in an ASP (Answer Set Program-
                 Provider                    Developer
                                                               ming) dictionary, which is also called an ASP program
                                                                 1 https://spring.io/
                 Figure 1: Framework Overview                    2 https://javaee.github.io/javaee-spec/javadocs/
                                                                 3 https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification

[GK14, BET11]. In contrast to OWL (Web Ontology                available version of the service description, which is
Language) [Bec09], ASP programs are non-monotonic              likewise translated into ASP.
and, thus, can be extended and updated at runtime
without discarding the current knowledge base. Fur-
                                                                                     Listing 1: ASP example
thermore, they support unique names, which is essen-
tial for deriving ASP code from the interface descrip-          1    service ( holidayService ).
                                                                2    protocol ( holidayService , rest ) .
tion with our Change Detection module in Section 2.3.           3    path ( h o l i d a y S e r v i c e , ” / a p i / h o l i d a y s ” ) .
Besides that, closed-world reasoning and defaults are           4    method ( h o l i d a y S e r v i c e , g e t H o l i d a y s ) .
supported. The latter allows to assume standard val-            5    context ( getHolidays , holiday ) .
ues, if certain details are currently missing. For exam-        6    r e t u r n ( g e t H o l i d a y s , ” l i s t ” ) .
                                                                7    returnContext ( getHolidays , date ) .
ple, we could express that temperature is measured in           8    p a r a m e t e r ( g e t H o l i d a y s , country , s t r i n g ) .
Celsius by default, but that Fahrenheit and Kelvin are          9    c o n t e x t ( g e t H o l i d a y s , country , countryName ) .
allowed as well.                                               10    p a r a m e t e r ( g e t H o l i d a y s , year , i n t ) .
                                                               11    c o n t e x t ( g e t H o l i d a y s , year , d a t e ) .
   The developer associates, preferably, each method,
parameter and return type with a semantic annota-
tion. However, defaults in the ASP program may sup-               Since the JSON description contains syntactic, se-
port the developer. A method annotated with @Se-               mantic and protocol information, the generated ASP
manticContext(”getWeather”) might assume the coun-             program allows to identify changes in any of these di-
try code as default parameter and a temperature as             mensions. Syntactic information cover the data types
response.                                                      of parameters and return values. Incorporating only
   The Service Description module adds the semantic            the syntax, may lead to a successful build process,
annotations and a reference to the ASP program to the          but omits crucial information with respect to the con-
JSON description of the service and submits it to the          text. For example, the HolidayService in Listing 2
repository. The repository creates an entry in the ver-        accepts the parameter country with the full country
sion registry and provides then the JSON description           name as value. After an update, the parameter ex-
to other developers.                                           pects a two character country code as defined in ISO
                                                               3166 ALPHA-2. The value ”Germany” would change
                                                               to ”DE”. While the syntactic representation remains
2.2   Client Integration Module                                the same, i.e. a String, the semantic annotation would
A developer on client side will employ the Client In-          be changed accordingly by the developer to @Se-
tegration module to obtain the JSON description of             manticContext(”iso3166ALPHA2”). The context in
the requested service. Subsequently, the module gen-           Line 9 (Listing 1) would automatically be transformed
erates a client stub in the needed language. The stub          to context(getHolidays,country,iso3166ALPHA2).
is integrated in the project and used for development.            Regarding the protocol, the Client Integration mod-
Developers neither need to worry about the structure           ule generates the client stub. A change in the protocol
of the service used nor do they need to deal with the          would be catched automatically by generating a new
protocol. Here again, developers should integrate the          stub. An alternative protocol would neither affect the
module in the build lifecycle of their project. After          syntax nor the semantic and, thus, would relieve de-
each built, the module triggers a check against the            velopers from taking any further action.
newest version of the service registered at the Ver-
sion Registration of the repository. If a new version
is available, the Change Detection module is executed          2.4     Repository
to determine the deltas between the used and the most
current version and whether any incompatibilities ex-          The repository stores received ASP programs and
ist.                                                           JSON descriptions. Besides, it provides the Ver-
                                                               sion Registration. The Service Description module
2.3   Change Detection Module                                  announces new versions to the Version Registration,
                                                               which, in turn, creates an entry to keep track of the
The Change Detection module operates on the client             number of registered clients per service version. A
side and is triggered whenever a new version of an             developer may trigger through the Client Integration
involved service is available.                                 module a registration for the used version. Whenever
   The JSON description will be translated into an             no more clients are associated to a previous version,
ASP program. For example, the JSON structure in                the Version Registration informs the respective ser-
Listing 2 is translated to the ASP program in List-            vice provider. This allows the provider to delete the
ing 1. This program will be compared with the locally          unused version safely.

3   Exemplary Workflow                                                     with the parameter state of type String. This change is
                                                                           reflected subsequently in the respective JSON descrip-
A Microservice environment typically consists of sev-
                                                                           tion in the repository. Since the Client Integration
eral projects. Therefore, our solution operates on the
                                                                           module of OrganizerService registered for version V1
complete composition of services. In the following, we
                                                                           of HolidayService, both versions of HolidayService are
provide an example scenario that contains the two sep-
arate Microservices HolidayService and OrganizerSer-
vice. HolidayService provides the dates and names of                                         Listing 2: JSON example
holidays that are leveraged by the OrganizerService to                      1   {” s e r v i c e ” : {
enter them in a calendar.                                                   2    ”name” : ” H o l i d a y S e r v i c e ” ,
   The development cycles of both Microservices are                         3    ” p r o t o c o l ” : ”REST” ,
depicted in Figure 2. After a first version of Holiday-                     4    ” methods ” : [
                                                                            5    { ” path ” : ”/ a p i / h o l i d a y s ” ,
Service is developed and deployed, COOP generates a                         6      ”name” : ” g e t H o l i d a y s ” ,
JSON description of the Microservice, which is kept in                      7      ” context ” : ” holiday ” ,
a repository. Listing 2 shows an excerpt for Holiday-                       8      ” re turnType ” : ” l i s t ” ,
                                                                            9      ” returnTypeContext ” : ” date ” ,
Service V1. This includes, inter alia, the used proto-
                                                                           10      ” parameters ” : [
col, the provided interface and semantic information                       11        { ”name” : ” c o u n t r y ” ,
about the method and the communicated parameters                           12          ” type ” : ” s t r i n g ” ,
and return values.                                                         13          ” c o n t e x t ” : ” countryName ” } ,
                                                                           14        { ”name” : ” y e a r ” ,
    HolidayService                                                         15          ” type ” : ” i n t ” ,
                                    generate       register                16          ” context ” : ” date ” } ] } ] } }
     Start                           JSON        first version
                                   description    of service                  On client side, the developer of the OrganizerSer-
                   register                                                vice is informed about the update of HolidayService.
                   second                          change
                  version of
                                                                           COOP informs the developer about the type of change
                   service                                                 and whether the old client stub is compatible to Hol-
                                                                           idayService V2. In case of a compatible change, the
                             yes    keep old      delete old               developer can switch directly to HolidayService V2 by
                 old                                             End
                                     service       service
             version still                                                 generating a new client stub through the JSON de-
               in use?
                                         no                                scription from the repository. In parallel, the usage
                                                                           of HolidayService V1 is deregistered. Accordingly, the
                                                                           developers of HolidayService are informed about no
                                                                           registered clients and, hence, may delete V1 safely.
                  get JSON          generate
                                                 register                     Assuming that the change is incompatible, Holiday-
    Start                                        usage of
                 description       client stub                             Service V1 would be kept as long as the client is reg-
                                                                           istered for. The developers of OrganizerService first
                 deregister         generate       yes
                                                                           have to adapt before switching to V2. Again, the dele-
                 old service       new client                              tion of V1 can be executed when no further clients are
                                                         stub compa-       registered.
                   register                                 tible?
                                     adapt         no
     End          usage of
                 new service                                               4    Related Work
                                                                           Providing automated tools for analyzing service be-
                 Figure 2: Development Cycle                               haviour and its changes during the application lifecycle
                                                                           is essential for both change analysis and change man-
                                                                           agement. These tools may detect semantic, syntactic,
   At the OrganizerService, the Client Integration                         and protocol changes and inform dependent clients in
module of COOP fetches the JSON description to gen-                        case of significant changes. This section reviews major
erate the client stub for HolidayService V1. The stub                      approaches of service change detection.
is automatically included in the dependencies and can                         Fokaefs et al. present in [FMT+ 11] VTracker, a
be employed by the developer. At the same time, the                        tool for analysing WSDL interfaces. The application
Client Integration module registers the usage of the                       identifies differences between two WSDL service de-
current version of HolidayService.                                         scriptions. In particular, the authors created an inter-
   By using the provided JSON description of Holiday-                      mediate XML representation to reduce the verbosity
Service, OrganizerService can detect changes of Holi-                      of the WSDL specification. In [FS14], Fokaefs et al.
dayService. Let us assume, HolidayService is extended                      propose the WSDarwin tool. The tool detects and ex-

tracts structural changes in the specification of a ser-       Acknowledgment
vice by identifiying changes between different versions
                                                               This work is supported by the German Research Foun-
of WSDL descriptions. Unlike VTracker, the approach
                                                               dation (DFG) under the project PROSECCO, grant
identifies differences between any pair of XML-based
                                                               number 5534111. The authors would like to thank the
documents by comparing all elements with each other.
                                                               DFG for supporting their participation in worldwide
This leads to the computation of the mapping based
                                                               research networks.
on their structural similarity. However, WSDarwin is
a maintenance support tool that operates exclusively
at development time and did not consider semantic              References
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                                                               [LF14]     James Lewis and Martin Fowler. Mi-
In this paper, we present our COOP framework.                             croservices - a definition of this new archi-
COOP automatically validates service compositions                         tectural term. https://martinfowler.
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                                                               [NKKM04] Natalya F Noy, Sandhya Kunnatur,
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                                                                        Michel Klein, and Mark A Musen. Track-
                                                                        ing changes during ontology evolution. In
   Currently, COOP comprises of the Service Descrip-                    International Semantic Web Conference,
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and Repository are still ongoing. Although the frame-          [RP12]     Daniele Romano and Martin Pinzger. An-
work is tailored for Microservices, the mechanism can                     alyzing the evolution of web services us-
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