=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2511/QuASoQ-06 |storemode=property |title=Prioritization of EA Debts Facilitating Portfolio Theory |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2511/QuASoQ-06.pdf |volume=Vol-2511 |authors=Yoon Chow Yeong,Simon Hacks,Horst Lichter |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/apsec/YeongHL19 }} ==Prioritization of EA Debts Facilitating Portfolio Theory== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2511/QuASoQ-06.pdf
                           7th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality (QuASoQ 2019)

       Prioritization of EA Debts Facilitating Portfolio
         Yoon Chow Yeong                                  Simon Hacks                                       Horst Lichter
    Universiti Teknologi Petronas Division of Network and Systems Engineering                 Research Group Software Construction
   Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia        KTH Royal Institute of Technology                            RWTH Aachen University
    yeongyoonchow@gmail.com                    Stockholm, Sweden                                        Aachen, Germany
                                                  shacks@kth.se                                    lichter@swc.rwth-aachen.de

   Abstract—Implementing an enterprise architecture (EA)                 which describes the immature database design decisions [8],
 project might not always be a success due to uncertainty                the context of technical debt is still limited to the technological
 and unavailability of resources. Hitherto, we have proposed a           aspects.
 new metaphor –Enterprise Architecture Debt (EAD)–, which
 makes bad habits within EAs explicit. We anticipate that the               Over the years, technical debt becomes increasingly im-
 accumulation of EAD will negatively influence EA quality, also          portant when organizations invest huge amounts of money
 expose the business into risk.                                          in IT to stay competitive, effective, and efficient. However,
 Recognizing the importance of business-IT alignment in enter-           it is vital to align IT and business in order to realize the
 prise architecture context, this paper proposes an application of       full benefits and potentials of those IT investments [9]. From
 portfolio-based thinking and utility theory for EAD prioritization.
 For proof-of-concept purpose, we develop synthetic data using           there, the concept of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has evolved
 coarse-grained estimates to demonstrate the application of the          as a method to facilitate the alignment of IT systems and
 proposed portfolio-based approach which helps to determine the          business strategies within dynamic and complex organizations
 optimum selection of EAD to be resolved. The results show that          [10]. Consequently, the huge interest in EA resulted in vast
 our approach can help EA practitioners and management to                scientific contributions that address a broad thematic spectrum
 reason their EA investment decisions based on the EAD concept,
 with adjustable enterprises risk tolerance level.                       [11], including EA frameworks, EA management, and EA
   Index Terms—Enterprise Architecture Management, Enter-                tools. However, there is a lack of insight into the application of
 prise Architecture Debt (EAD), Portfolio Theory, EA Portfolio           the debt concept to include not only the technological aspects
 Optimization, Utility Theory                                            addressed by technical debt, but also the business aspects.
                                                                         Adapting the concept of technical debt in the EA domain,
                         I. I NTRODUCTION                                hitherto we have proposed a new metaphor “Enterprise Archi-
    Technical debt is a metaphor that had been introduced                tecture debt (EAD)” to provide a holistic view [12].
 by Cunningham [1]. In the software development industry,                   In the real world, debt is not necessarily a negative thing
 technical debt is regarded as a critical issue in terms of              to incur, same goes to EA debt to be held in an enterprise.
 the negative consequences such as increased software devel-             The danger of debt comes into place when there is no proper
 opment cost, low product quality, decreased maintainability,            debt management approach to prioritize, which debt should be
 and slowed progress to the long-term success of developing              repaid as soon as possible. We predict that managing EA debt
 software [2]. Technical debt describes the delayed technical            will be one of the critical success factors of EA implementa-
 development activities for getting short-term payoffs such as           tion and, thus, there is tremendous need to allocate resource
 a timely release of a specific software [3]. Seaman et al.              effectively to maintain the current level of profitability by
 [4] described technical debt as a situation in which software           properly managing EA debts that exist in an enterprise.
 developers accept compromises in one dimension to meet an                  Numerous studies have been dealing with the approaches to
 urgent demand in another dimension and eventually resulted              prioritize technical debt in the domain of software engineering
 in higher costs to restore the health of the system in future.          [3]–[5], [8], [13]–[16], and yet these studies do not address
    Furthermore, technical debt is explained as the effect of            the business aspects as a whole EA. To fill the research
 immature software artifacts, which requires extra effort on             gap, this study aims to extend the application of portfolio
 software maintenance in the future [5]. The concept of tech-            theory into the concept of EA debt. This will be achieved by
 nical debt reflects technical compromises that provide short-           focusing on the following research questions:
 term benefit by sacrificing the long-term health of a software
 system [6]. In view of the original idea of technical debt that         (RQ1) How can a given set of EA debt items be prioritized
 focused on the code level in software implementation, the               based on a portfolio approach?
 concept had been extended to software architecture, documen-
 tation, requirements, and testing [7]. While the technical debt            The following list of research sub-questions are emerged
 metaphor has further extended to include database design debt,          from the main research question which is mentioned as above:

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                           7th International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Software Quality (QuASoQ 2019)

                                                                         advantage of diversification can be achieved through the
 (RQ1.1) What attributes of EA debt should be contained in a             portfolio return maximization for a given level of portfolio
 portfolio-based prioritization model?                                   risk, or the portfolio risk minimization for a given level of
                                                                         portfolio return.
 (RQ1.2) What are the process steps required to prioritize EA               The expected return of a portfolio is expressed by the
 debt items based on a portfolio thinking?                               following equation [17]:
    This study proposes a portfolio-based approach to prioritize
                                                                                                     E=            wi µi                       (1)
 EA debt that exists in EA implementation by incorporating the                                               i=1
 portfolio thinking and utility theory into EA. This proposed
                                                                         where E is the portfolio’s return, wi is the weight of asset i in
 approach contributes to the theoretical body of knowledge by
                                                                         the portfolio, the sum of all weights w has to be 1, and µi is
 providing a fundamental understanding on how EA debt items
                                                                         the expected return of asset i. On the other hand, the portfolio
 can be conceptualized and measured for decision-making. It
                                                                         variance of return is calculated as follows [17]:
 is strongly believed that this approach can measure, manage,
                                                                                                    N                   N
 and prioritize debt on an enterprise-wide level, which can be                                      X                   X
 valuable to EA stakeholders by avoiding massive interests on                             V (E) =         wi2 δi2 + 2         wi wj ρij        (2)
                                                                                                    i=1                 i