=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2525/paper6 |storemode=property |title=Comparative analysis of 3D Blender and 3ds Max modeling methods |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2525/ITTCS-19_paper_14.pdf |volume=Vol-2525 |authors=Enzhe Garaeva,Elsiyar Bikmullina |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ittcs/GaraevaB19 }} ==Comparative analysis of 3D Blender and 3ds Max modeling methods== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2525/ITTCS-19_paper_14.pdf
    Comparative analysis of 3D Blender and 3ds Max modeling methods*

                               Enzhe R. Garaeva                            Elsiyar E. Bikmullina
                       Kazan National Research Technical             Kazan National Research Technical
                                   University                                    University
                        named after A. N. Tupolev – KAI               named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI
                                 Kazan, Russia                                 Kazan, Russia
                             ange0112@yandex.ru                            elsiyar-b@yandex.ru

                       The article discusses the methods of modeling 3D objects in Blender and 3Ds
                       Max programs. The comparative analysis of possibilities of each of programs
                       for work on certain methods of modeling is carried out and the main
                       advantages and disadvantages of each of programs are revealed.

1    Introduction
    Today, in the field of 3D object modeling, there are many different software. This is due to the fact that 3D graphics
are very widely used in almost all spheres of life and depending on this area requires its own detail of 3D objects and their
accuracy. In other words, the choice of the necessary software is made based on the final goals of the simulation, the
selected modeling methods and preferences for the modeling method.
    For this study, important methods of modeling such 3D objects that are suitable for use in computer 3D games, that is,
the object must be realistic enough, but have a light weight, for fast loading in the game. For comparison, such programs
as Blender [1] and 3Ds Max[3] were chosen, as they fit our requirements.
    The comparison was carried out according to the main modeling methods:
    - Modeling from primitives;
    - Sculpturing;
    - Simulation of tight mesh;
    - Modeling by extrusion of polygons [2].

2    Modeling from primitives
    When using this method of modeling, as a rule, it is necessary to determine in advance of what components the
simulated object consists of. The primitives that make up the object you can just add everything to the scene, but it is better
to do it step by step.
    In Blender primitives when added to the scene are polygonal objects and all work with them is carried out as in polygon
modeling standard functions: this change of location and rotation. You can also work with vertices, edges, and polygons.
It should also be noted that all primitives when added to the scene already have certain sizes, which can be further changed.
In 3Ds Max, primitives are not polygon objects and in order for a primitive to become a polygon, it must be converted to
Editable poly. Also, the proportions and size of primitives are not set rigidly in the system, they must be set when adding
a primitive to the scene

  Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0).
    Both programs have a number of basic functions for working with polygon primitives, these are:
    - extrusion;
    - Inset;
    - Ring cut;
    - Thread;
    - Bridge;
    - Closing the hole (connecting the vertices/edges of polygons);
    - Gluing of vertices;
    - Cleaning of the mesh (remove vertices);
    - Create a chamfer;
    - Increase The Weight.
    Let's look at some new possibilities of creating 3D objects. In Blender if you need a little flattening primitive single-
axis scale function is applied to select the axis you must enter the name of the desired axis in 3Ds Max is also used a
function of scale, thus the object appear axis on which to scale the object, the main difference is that 3Ds Max is the ability
to scale on two axes, which is not stipulated in the Blender. If you apply the zoom function on all axes, the size of the entire
object in both programs will change.
    If you need to change a part of the primitive, the position function is used, but in Blender, it is used in proportional
editing mode with a radius of action. The lower vertex of the sphere is selected, and the move function changes the location
of the point to the desired one, while the points located in the radius of action also change their location. In 3Ds Max, this
is also done by moving vertices, but here the soft Selection Toolkit is used for this, it, as well as in Blender, provides a
selection of the radius of action.
    Since the work is carried out directly with the vertices, we have the ability to select some vertices. At the same time,
when you change their location, the distance between the selected vertices will be preserved, and all changes will occur at
the expense of unselected vertices within the radius of action. This works the same in both programs. In addition, for
selected vertices, you can use the zoom function, while the proportional editing mode will still work. The size will change
not only for the selected points, but also for points within the radius of proportional editing.
    The rotation function is used to rotate an object around an axis. If you use it, selecting all points of the object, the object
will rotate around the selected axis. Also, this function can be applied only to some vertices. The rotation point will be
selected as the middle of the selected points. And not only the selected vertices will change their location, but also the
vertices included in the proportional editing radius, if it is enabled.
    When an object is ready, you can apply the Subdivision Surface modifier to it in Blender, which increases the number
of polygons on the object and makes the object more rounded rather than angular. In 3Ds Max, the Turbo Smooth modifier,
Relax, the Use NURMS Subdivision check box, and the Smooth check box are used for smoothing.
    Thus, we can create an object consisting of parts, and then the resulting parts can be combined into one complex object,
or left alone, then the application of materials can be done by binding to a certain independent part of the object.
    The method of modeling from primitives is convenient for creating spherical objects, if you do not have the skills of
drawing perfect circles. The creation of objects by this method is quite fast, because the parts of the object are created
separately large, and then combined into a whole. It should also be noted that the chance of polygon creases with this
method of modeling is very low. Both programs are easy to use and have good functionality.

3    Sculpturing
   Modeling by sculpting does not require determining the primitives of which the object consists, it is enough to have a
cube on the stage, from which the object will be molded. Getting started, you can leave a small cube, and in the process of
sculpting gradually increase its size, or increase the size of the cube to some desired size. This modeling method is available
only in Blender, there is no such mode in 3Ds Max.
   With this method of modeling, the work is carried out, as well as with primitive modeling, with a polygonal grid, while
polygons are used triangular, and the impact on the grid is not standard functions, but with the help of various brushes. In
order for the sculpting process to go as it should, it is necessary to enable Dyntopo mode, only in this mode, when using
brushes, new polygons will be created, otherwise the brushes will work only with existing polygons. Disabling this mode
may be appropriate when the model will have a very large number of polygons. In order to sculpt symmetrical objects, this
method has a symmetry function, where you can choose which axis to take into account the symmetry. Symmetry can be
chosen with respect to one awn, as well as two and all three. If you select all three axes, the program will be heavily
overloaded and there may be delays.
    In order to resize the object, the standard scale function will not work, you need to increase the size of the object with
brushes. It is best for these purposes will suit the brush Clay strips. It makes flat extrusions, therefore, this brush is
convenient not only for increasing the size, but also for creating relatively flat parts.
    In order to quickly enough lengthen the object is perfect brush SnakeHook. It works by moving part of the polygons,
while creating new ones. With this brush, it is convenient to create a dummy of the simulated object, and then idealize each
part in more detail. As mentioned earlier, all manipulations are performed using brushes, to move polygons there is also a
special brush-Grab. It captures the vertex area and moves them in the desired direction.
    When sculpting, brushes affect only a certain part of the vertices. Therefore, the resulting model must be constantly
rotated in order not to miss any part of the vertices. The radius of the simultaneously captured points can of course be
changed, for this purpose the brush size changes. In addition, it should be noted that when sculpting, if you are close to the
object, the number of polygons increases, and they are smaller, if you apply the brush to the object from a long distance,
the polygons will be enlarged and merged.
    For rotation of the polygons there is also a specific brush. Also, like others, the brush has its own size. The center of
rotation is the center of the brush. At the same time it is not possible to rotate the entire object.
    There are several ways to smooth an object. The first of them is when using brushes designed to create new polygons,
use them while holding the Shift button. Then the polygons will be smoothed. In addition, there are special brushes, it
Scrape/Peaks and Smooth. The first makes a flatter alignment, and the second is aimed at smoothing the polygons while
maintaining the original shape.
    In the process of sculpting, one whole object is obtained. In contrast to the modeling primitives, spherical objects, you
must create manually. If there is a need to obtain ideal spherical surfaces, then this method requires a very long work. With
this method, the probability of polygon creases is also small, since all polygons are pulled manually.

4    Modeling with mesh wrap modifier
    In Blender, modeling is done with polygons, and you can only mesh the vertices of a polygon shape, for Bezier curves,
this modifier is no longer applicable. In addition, it should be noted that if you apply this modifier, for an object that has
many vertices, it will cause difficulty of the program, to the point that the program will cease to respond, so difficult will
be the calculation of creating a grid for each available vertex.
    In this type of modeling, we have the ability to create only a frame, around the points will automatically create a polygon
grid, but to affect it directly, we can not. It is possible only to change the radius of the area created around the point, and
to accept various modifiers for rounding, mirroring, etc. Access to editing the polygon grid we will have only after applying
the modifier, while the frame that was created will disappear.
    As mentioned earlier, to create a simulated object, you need to draw its frame / skeleton. Here, standard functions are
applied to the vertices as in primitive modeling, but these vertices, unlike primitive modeling, will be hidden under the grid
created by the Skin modifier. If you want to create an oval for the body, you need to use about 4 points: the lowest on the
smallest radius of the created grid, the second, slightly higher, with an increase in the radius to the necessary, and the top
two points in reverse order.
     In 3Ds Max, there is also the possibility of mesh wrapping, however, it is applied to splines, and there is no possibility
for each point to choose its own dimension. The number of segments can be adjusted.

5    Modeling by extrusion of polygons
   This method is quite similar to primitive modeling in terms of the use of functions, but as with sculpturing there is no
need to determine the shapes of which the object should consist. In both programs, the modeling method works the same.
In this method, as a rule, proportional editing of vertices is not used, and each vertex, edge, polygon moves and rotates
independently, changing the shape of individual polygons and the object as a whole.
    When you create a model, you can work in vertex mode, because when you select multiple vertices and extrude them,
the result will be obtained as when you work in edge or face mode.
    To connect two separate vertices with a segment, two segments, 3 or more vertices with a polygon, use the Make
Edge/Face fill function in Blender and .In 3Ds Max, there are several ways to close the "holes": it is in the border mode to
select the desired hole and press cap, or use the cap holes modifier, but then the model will need to be transferred back to
the polygon mode. But these two options are only suitable for simple holes. To create more complex polygons, you need
to extrude the edges and close the holes with a vertex spike.
    When modeling by extrusion of vertices and polygons, as well as when sculpting, a complete object is obtained.
Creating spherical parts is done by eye, but it is easier to adjust the location of the vertices than when sculpting. The
probability of creases on the model surface is also low here.

                                                               Table 1: Sample table

                   Modeling from primitives          Sculpturing                  Simulation of tight mesh        Modeling by extrusion of
                   Blender          3Ds Max          Blender         3Ds Max      Blender         3Ds Max         Blender     3Ds Max
  The              Low              Low              Low             -            High            Low             Low         Low
  probability of
  formation of
  Polygon          Depends on       Quadrangula      Triangular      -            Quadrangula     Quadrangula     Depends on       Depends on
  view             the polygons     r                                             r               r               how        you   how        you
                   used in the                                                                                    create           create
                   primitive, in                                                                                  polygons.        polygons.
                   the end there                                                                                  When             When
                   can be all                                                                                     connecting       connecting
                   kinds                                                                                          points,          points,
                                                                                                                  triangular       triangular
                                                                                                                  and              and
                                                                                                                  polygonal        polygonal
                                                                                                                  points can be    points can be
                                                                                                                  formed.          formed.
                                                                                                                  When             When
                                                                                                                  working with     working with
                                                                                                                  edges      and   edges      and
                                                                                                                  faces        –   faces        –
                                                                                                                  quadrangular     quadrangular
                                                                                                                  .                ..
  Method of        Use         of   Use         of   Using           -            Intuitive       Setting         Use         of   Use         of
  influence on     standard         standard         brushes,                     impact on the   radius     in   standard         standard
  the polygon      functions of     functions of     changing the                 grid, using a   properties      functions of     functions of
  grid             influence on     influence on     polygonal                    point frame                     influence on     influence on
                   vertices         vertices         grid «on the                                                 vertices         vertices
                   directly, the    directly, the    eye»                                                         directly, the    directly, the
                   ability to set   ability to set                                                                ability to set   ability to set
                   the              the                                                                           the              the
                   coordinates      coordinates                                                                   coordinates      coordinates
                   of vertices      of vertices                                                                   of vertices      of vertices
                   manually         manually                                                                      manually         manually
  The need to      Yes              Yes              No              -            No              No              No               No
  which simple
  shapes      an
  consists of
Changing the      Using      the   Using      the   With the help    -   Using      the    Setting           Using      the   Using      the
size of an        standard         standard         of a brush           standard          radius     in     standard         standard
object/its        Scale            Scale            build-up or          Scale             properties        Scale            Scale
parts             function, by     function, by     moving               function, by                        function, by     function, by
                  increasing       increasing       polygons             increasing                          increasing       increasing
                  the length of    the length of                         the     radius                      the length of    the length of
                  the edges        the edges                             created                             the edges        the edges
                                                                         around the
                                                                         vertex of the
Changing the      Move             Move             With         a   -   Change the        Change the        Move             Move
location of       selected         selected         special brush        location of       location of       selected         selected
parts of an       vertices   in    vertices    in                        the     vertex    the     vertex    vertices   in    vertices    in
object            space            space                                 responsible       responsible       space            space
                                                                         for          a    for          a
                                                                         particular        particular
                                                                         part              part
Selection of      Ability   to     Ability   to     Resizing the     -   Ability     to    Ability     to    Ability   to     Ability   to
vertices with     manually         manually         brush radius         manually          manually          manually         manually
which     we      select   the     select   the     of influence         select     the    select     the    select   the     select   the
work              required         required                              required          required          required         required
                  specific         specific                              vertices of       vertices of       specific         specific
                  vertices         vertices                              the frame         the frame         vertices         vertices
Creating          With       a     With       a     Using            -   With         a    With         a    With       a     With       a
symmetric         modifier         modifier         symmetry             modifier          modifier          modifier         modifier
objects                                             mode
Ability     to    Only after the   During           In the process   -   Only after the    During            Only after the   During
work     with     simulation is    operation        of sculpting         simulation is     operation         simulation is    operation
symmetricall      complete and                                           complete and                        complete and
y created part    the modifier                                           the modifier                        the modifier
                  is applied                                             is applied                          is applied
Ability      to   With the help    With the help    With         a   -   Change the        Change the        With the help    With the help
rotate parts of   of standard      of standard      special brush        location of       location of       of standard      of standard
an object         functions of     functions of                          the     vertex    the     vertex    functions of     functions of
                  translation      translation                           responsible       responsible       translation      translation
                  and rotation     and rotation                          for          a    for          a    and rotation     and rotation
                                                                         particular        particular
                                                                         part              part
Ability to use    Yes              Yes              Yes              -   Yes               Yes               Yes              Yes
The resulting     Consists of      Consists of      Solid object,    -   Solid object,     Solid object,     Solid object,    Solid object,
object            separate         separate         without              without           without           without          without
                  parts,           parts,           separate             separate          separate          separate         separate
                  requires         requires         vertices and         vertices and      vertices and      vertices and     vertices and
                  unification      unification      polygons             polygons          polygons          polygons         polygons
The               Simple           Simple           Difficult        -   Simple            Simple            Medium           Medium
of creating
Speed      of     A      quick     A      quick     Requires         -   The selection     It is intended    Requires         Requires
operation         change    of     change    of     careful study        of the radii of   for        fast   careful study    careful study
                  ready-made       ready-made       of each site         the meshing       creation of       of       each    of       each
                  polygons         polygons                              around the        objects           landfill         landfill
                                                                         vertices          having one
                                                                                           thickness on
                                                                                           all length
A method of       The use of a     The use of a     With         a   -   The use of a      The use of a      Application      Application
smoothing         modifier         modifier         special brush        modifier          modifier          of modifiers/    of modifiers/
shapes                                                                                                       initial more     initial more
                                                                                                             detailed         detailed
                                                                                                             modeling         modeling
6    Conclusion
As a result of this work, the advantages and disadvantages of various modeling methods in Blender and 3Ds Max programs
were revealed. The results obtained will be used in drawing up instructions for students to choose a modeling program
depending on their goals and modeling method, and this information is also used to create instructions to eliminate the
shortcomings of modeling methods.

1.   Blender. Настольная книга [Электронный ресурс] – URL https://gecko0307.github.io/blender-
2.   Леунов д.в. рефлексия опыта 3d-моделирования\\международный студенческий научный вестник 2018, № 1,
     URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_32517666_30568826.pdf
3.   Горелик А.Г. Самоучитель 3ds Max, 2018u.