Hypernym relation extraction for establishing
subsumptions: preliminary results on matching
foundational ontologies
Mouna Kamel1? , Daniela Schmidt2 , Cassia Trojahn1 , and Renata Vieira2
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
daniela.schmidt@acad.pucrs.br, renata.vieira@pucrs.br
Abstract. This paper presents an approach for matching foundational ontologies
involving subsumption relations. The approach relies on extracting hypernym re-
lations from ontology annotations for establishing such kind of correspondences.
We report preliminary results on exploiting lexico-syntactic patterns and defini-
tions layout. Experiments were run on DOLCE and SUMO and the generated
alignment was evaluated on a manually generated subsumption reference.
1 Introduction
Foundational ontologies describe general concepts (e.g., physical object) and relations
(e.g., parthood), which are independent of a particular domain. The clarity in seman-
tics and the rich formalization of these ontologies are fundamental requirements for
ontology development [5] improving ontology quality. They may also act as semantic
bridges supporting interoperability between ontologies [8, 10]. However, the develop-
ment of different foundational ontologies re-introduces the interoperability problem, as
stated in [6]. This paper addresses the problem of matching foundational ontologies.
Early works addressed this problem on different perspectives e.g., discussing their
different points of view [14, 16, 9] or providing concept alignments between them [13,
7]. Few works have addressed the automatic matching of this kind of ontologies, such
as in [7] where alignments between BFO, DOLCE and GFO were built both with au-
tomatic tools and manually, with substantially fewer alignments found by the tools. In
fact, current tools fail on correctly capturing the semantics behind the ontological foun-
dational concepts, what requires deeper contextualization of the concepts. Besides that,
the task requires the identification of other relations than equivalences, such as sub-
sumption and meronym. Few systems are able to discover other relations than equiv-
alence (e.g., AML and BLOOM), with few propositions in the literature [19, 20]. We
argue here that the knowledge encoded in the ontologies has to be further exploited.
In that way, we propose to borrow approaches from relation extraction from text in
NLP in order to establish subsumption relations between the ontologies to be matched.
Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons Li-
cense Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2 Mouna Kamel, Daniela Schmidt, Cassia Trojahn, and Renata Vieira
While the approach is not completely new, as NLP techniques are often used to extract
knowledge from text, their exploitation in ontology matching brings some novelty.
Relation extraction in ontology matching has been considered in few works. In [15],
a supervised method learns patterns of subsumption evidences, while in [1] the ap-
proach relies on free-text parts of Wikipedia in order to help detecting different types
of relations, even without clear evidence in the input ontologies themselves. Hearst pat-
terns has been adopted in [17] and [18], with the former using them to eliminate noise
in matching results. Here, we report preliminary results on exploiting lexico-syntactic
patterns from Hearst [4] and evidences of hypernym relation carried out in definitions
layout. Experiments were run on DOLCE and SUMO and the generated alignment has
been evaluated on a manually generated subsumption reference. The novelty here is to
exploit such methods for foundational ontology matching involving subsumption.
2 Proposed approach
Our approach relies on two main steps: (i) hypernym extraction from ontology annota-
tions and (ii) subsumption generation between ontology concepts, as detailed below.
Hypernym extraction The hypernym relation extraction takes as input the ontology
annotations as concept definitions (what are common in top-level ontologies). A defini-
tion attaches a meaning to a term denoting the concept. The term that is to be defined
is called the definiendum, and the term or action that defines it is called the definiens.
In the example below, the definiendum = “Product” and the definiens=“An Artifact that
is produced by Manufacture and that is intended to be sold”. Many linguistic studies
show that definitions mostly express one of the main lexical relations e.g., hypernymy,
meronymy or synonymy, between definiens and definiendum [11].
An Artifact that is produced by Manufacture and
that is intended to be sold.
Different strategies are exploited for extracting the hypernym relations:
Hypernym relations expressed using definitions layout We focus on cases where the
definiens starts by expressing an entity (denoted by a term and different from the definien-
dum) which have some properties. In the above example, the entity in the definiens is
“Artifact” and the property is “that is produced by Manufacture and that is intended
to be sold”. Thus the definiendum (Product) is an hyponym of the definiens (Artifact).
When no property is expressed, it is usually a synonym relation, as below:
An atomic region.
Hypernym relation extraction for establishing subsumptions 3
Hypernym relations lexically expressed in text annotations OWL class definitions may
also be more fine grained exploited, as comment paragraphs may contain well-written
text. We then exploit this text using a set of lexico-syntactic patterns from Hearst [4]:
[NP such as {NP ,}* {or|and} NP], [NP like {NP ,}* {or|and} NP], [NP which
is an example of NP], [NP including {NP ,}* {or|and} NP], [NP is called
NP if], [NP is an NP that].
For instance, the pattern [NP like {NP ,}* {or|and} NP] means that a noun
phrase (NP) must be followed by the word “like”, which must be followed by an NP or
by a list of NPs separated by comma, having before the last NP “or” or “and”. When
applied on the definition below, the hypernym relations (Self Connected Object, planet),
(Self Connected Object, star) and (Self Connected Object, asteroid) can be identified.
The Class of all astronomical objects of
significant size. It includes Self Connected Objects
like planets, stars, and asteroids ...
Hypernym relations carried out by the concept identifier Hypernym relations may also
be identified from modifiers of a head of a compound noun denoting the identifier of
the OWL class. In the example above, the hypernym relation (astronomical body, body)
can be identified thanks to this strategy.
Subsumption generation Having extracted all the hypernym relations from both on-
tologies to be matched, we verify if the terms appearing as hyponyms and hypernyms
denote concepts in the ontologies. In the example above, as the alignment is directional,
“Product” denotes a concept in the source ontology and “Artifact” in the target ontology,
hence this hypernym pair is kept.
3 Experiments
Material and methods We used the foundational ontologies DOLCE [3]1 , an ontol-
ogy of particulars which aims at capturing the ontological categories underlying hu-
man commonsense; and SUMO [12]2 , an ontology of particulars and universals. The
reference alignment involving 41 subsumption correspondences comes from [13]. The
approach has been implemented with GATE: to extract concepts and their associated
comments from the ontology OWL file and restructuring them according to an XML
format; to identify terms using first the TermoStat term extractor, and then expanding
the recognition of terms using JAPE rules (for instance, the sequence made of a Ter-
moStat term preceded or followed by adjectives, constitutes a new term); to annotate
the XML corpus with different NLP tools (ANNIE Tokenizer, Stanford POS, Stanford
parser, Gazeteer of identified terms); and to identify hypernym relations.
4 Mouna Kamel, Daniela Schmidt, Cassia Trojahn, and Renata Vieira
Results and discussion Table 1 shows the results of each strategy and their combina-
tion. As somehow expected, patterns are very precise while head modifier provides good
results in terms of recall with respect to the other strategies. Comparing the approach
to the OAEI 2018 matchers3 (Table 2), besides the fact that we do not distinguish sub-
sumption and equivalence relations when computing precision and recall, no matcher
were able to find the correspondences. From the 41 reference correspondences, only
one correspondence refers to similar terms (dolce:geographical-object and
sumo:GeographicArea) and 5 of them could be found via a head modifier method
(e.g., dolce:organization and sumo:PoliticalOrganization). In order
to see how close the generated alignments were to the reference, we have calculated the
relaxed precision and recall [2], that measure the closeness of the results to the refer-
ence. While the results of our approach are not that close to the reference, in terms of
recall we obtain results similar than the relaxed recall for all matchers.
Combination Layout Patterns Head modifier Layout+patterns
.27 .23 .20 .18 .13 .10 1,00 .05 .03 .32 .20 .15 .22 .16 .13
Table 1. Results of the different relation extraction strategies.
System Classical Relaxed
M1 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
M2 .00 .00 .00 .33 .18 .15
M3 .00 .00 .00 .39 .27 .21
M4 .00 .00 .00 .77 .34 .21
M5 .00 .00 .00 .32 .25 .17
M6 .00 .00 .00 .28 .14 .12
M7 .00 .00 .00 .57 .31 .21
M8 .00 .00 .00 .50 .42 .21
Proposed approach .27 .23 .20 .28 .28 .29
Table 2. Classical and relaxed precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure (F) of the proposed ap-
proach and matchers.
4 Conclusions
We have reported here preliminary results on exploiting symbolic hypernym relation
extraction approaches for generating subsumption correspondences between founda-
tional ontologies. This task is still a gap in the field and the initial results presented
here can be improved in different ways. First of all, we plan to improving the relation
extraction by (i) extending the list of lexico-syntactic patterns, (ii) exploiting syntactic
analysis of the text and treating anaphores, and (iii) using background resources such
as DBpedia, BabelNet (in particular top level layers of these resources). We also plan
to combine relation extraction strategies with matching strategies (structural) and word
embeddings, as well as to work on other lexical relations like meronymy. Finally, we
plan to apply the approach on domain ontologies.
The aim here is not to evaluate the matching systems themselves, for that reason, their names
have been anonymized.
Hypernym relation extraction for establishing subsumptions 5
Acknowledgments We warmly thank D. Oberle for sending us all the generated align-
ments between SUMO and DOLCE-Lite.
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