=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2541/paper2 |storemode=property |title=Karlskrona Manifesto and Software Design |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2541/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2541 |authors=Shola Oyedeji,Birgit Penzenstadler |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/re/OyedejiP19 }} ==Karlskrona Manifesto and Software Design== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2541/paper2.pdf
                 Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Experiences from Applying the Karlskrona Manifesto
  Principles for Sustainability in Software System

                          Shola Oyedeji                                                                                 Birgit Penzenstadler
           LUT School of Engineering Science                                                               LUT School of Engineering Science
       Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology                                                     Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
                 Lappeenranta, Finland                                                                            Lappeenranta, Finland
                  shola.oyedeji@lut.fi                                                                       birgit.penzenstadler@csulb.edu

   Abstract— Sustainability in software design is an evolving area                         tainable Systems (RE4SuSy) such as in 2013 [10], 2014 [11],
that requires more practical guide on how software designers,                              2015 [12], 2017 [13], 2018 [14]. One major outcome from
developers and requirement engineers can elicit software sustain-                          RE4SuSy is the Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design
ability requirements. The Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainabil-                            (KMSD) [15] to guide and support the consideration of sus-
ity Design (KMSD) principles serve as a common ground to guide
                                                                                           tainability in software design.
and support sustainability in software design.
   However, there is little research as of now showing how these                               Currently, there has been little research on applying the
KMSD principles are applied in software requirements elicitation                           KMSD principles to software system design and reporting the
and software design in general. This paper presents some of our                            application of those principles in comparison to other success-
evaluation of how these KMSD principles, the software sustaina-                            ful manifestos such as Agile manifesto [16] used for example
bility requirement template and software sustainability require-                           in design practices to specify requirements [17] and agile in
ment best practice template were applied in two case studies by                            system design thinking [18]. The lack of research attention
stakeholders (requirement engineers, CTO and software develop-                             towards how the KMSD can be applied in software system
ers).                                                                                      design and development, most especially the requirement
   Keywords—Requirements engineering, Karlskrona Manifesto,
software design, sustainability design
                                                                                           phase, has limited the understanding of stakeholders on how
                                                                                           these principles can be effective in supporting and guiding re-
                                                                                           quirement engineers to consider sustainability [19].
                           I. INTRODUCTION                                                     This paper presents early results from two case studies
    The United Nations highlight sustainability as one of the                              where the KMSD principles have been applied in the require-
world’s major challenges [1][2] and the United Nations Sus-                                ment gathering and design phase with different stakeholders.
tainable development Goals (SDGs) [3] show the global moti-                                We present the usage of the software sustainability requirement
vation for action towards sustainability. Sustainability has                               template as well as the software sustainability requirement best
gained more attention as an important concern from many re-                                practice template in the result section.
searchers in different research disciplines in software engineer-                              The next section provides an overview of related work.
ing and computing [4]. In the industry, sustainability has been                            Section III describes the study design. Section IV covers re-
on the agenda of many companies for decades, but their envi-                               sults. Stakeholders’ feedback are detailed in section V. Discus-
ronmental, social and governance activities are often discon-                              sion is in Section VI. The concluding remarks are in Section
nected from their core strategy because they lack understanding                            VII.
of how to integrate sustainability into their business models [5].
Furthermore, sustainability is a key driver for innovations in                                                               II. BACKGROUND
companies by creating new opportunities to lower costs, add                                    Requirements engineering is the key to ensure sustainability
value and gain competitive advantages [6]. However, for soft-                              in any software design and development project [20]. Require-
ware design, development and requirements engineering pro-                                 ment engineers have a role to play [21] because the require-
fessionals in industry, there are few tools that wrap core princi-                         ments phase in any software design dictates and directs how
ples of sustainability together [7] [8] for better understanding                           any software will be developed [22]. Report by Mahaux et al.
of software sustainability from the different sustainability di-                           [23] and the proposed software requirements prioritization
mensions (Economic, Environmental, Individual, Social and                                  based on a multi criteria decision making model approach [24]
Technical) [9] . In requirements engineering there have been                               shows requirements engineering has received some level of
different research efforts to tackle the issue of sustainability in                        research attention promoting sustainability and proposing dif-
software design through workshops of researchers called the                                ferent solutions for sustainability in requirements engineering.
International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sus-
     The Workshop series on Requirements Engineering for            tory action research is also a method that best suit research
Sustainable Systems (RE4SuSy) [14] also has championed              where researchers (authors) are involved in supporting and
efforts to increase awareness about sustainability for research-    making necessary decisions with stakeholders throughout the
ers and interested stakeholders in this domain. This is to im-      research process based on how stakeholders apply the KMSD
prove the narrow understanding of sustainability in require-        principles.
ments engineering as detailed in [25] which has limited the
                                                                    A. Research Questions
focus of sustainability to either one or two dimensions during
requirement gathering.                                                 1. How applicable are the KMSD principles during soft-
     However with continuous individual research efforts to-                ware requirement gathering?
wards sustainability in requirements engineering approaches,           2. What is the impact of the KMSD principles on stake-
the current practices by industry practitioners in software re-             holders during software requirements elicitation?
quirements engineering do not reflect these continuous research        In this paper, the focus is on answering these research ques-
efforts due to less engagement for transfer of research to prac-       tions, identifying issues and challenges of using KMSD
tice [26]. Promoting and increasing research engagement with           principles during software requirement, and using feedback
industry practitioners will improve awareness about the bene-          from stakeholders to offer others ways on how KMSD
fits of sustainability in software requirements engineering. A         principles can be improved to support and guide stakehold-
study result shows requirements engineering practitioners atti-        ers during software design and development.
tude and perceptions with regards to sustainability are limited     B. Research Elements and Case Study
due to a narrow understanding of sustainability and poor organ-
izational awareness about the positive opportunities for apply-         The main research element are the Karlskrona Manifesto
ing sustainability [7]. Furthermore, another major challenge of     for Sustainability Design (KMSD) principles detailed in Table
sustainability in software requirements engineering is that there   I. The KMSD was initiated through an initiative to create a
is no single point of reference where different research works      common ground and a point of reference for the global com-
covering the application of sustainability in software require-     munity of research and practice in software and sustainability
ment are gathered and exemplified which necessitated the au-        to effectively communicate major issues, goals, values and
thors in providing different techniques for handling sustainabil-   principles of sustainability for the design and development of
ity in requirement engineering for all interested researchers and   software systems [15].
practitioners [27].                                                     The KMSD principles were used in the two case studies
     One of the major drivers for supporting sustainability dur-    with support of the software sustainability requirements tem-
ing requirements engineering is the ability to discuss how sus-     plate (see Table III) and software sustainability requirements
tainability can come into play with benefits for both end users     best practice documentation template [29] (Table VI). The
and all stakeholders involved. For example the WinWin nego-         KMSD principles were assign to different software develop-
tiation model with integrated sustainability concepts by Seyff et   ment life cycle (SDLC) phases to explain what each of the
al. [8] supports negotiation and discussion of sustainability       KMSD principles means at each phase of the SDLC base on
during requirements engineering to facilitate impact assessment     our understanding [30]. Table II details how the KMSD princi-
of those requirements on sustainability. This can help improve      ples were translated to each software development life cycle
sustainability consideration in the overall software design and     phase and applied in the two case studies.
also consideration of all sustainability dimensions during re-
quirement engineering by requirements engineering practition-       TABLE I. DESCRIPTION OF THE KARLSKRONA MANIFESTO PRINCIPLES,
                                                                                           ADAPTED FROM [31].
     The gap evident between the works cited above shows the         Principle
                                                                                     Principle               Description
need to channel research efforts towards the application of          Number
KMSD principles in requirements engineering and software                                                 Sustainability is never an
design in general to foster better understanding of what sus-                                            isolated property. It requires
tainability means in software design and also support the adop-                                          transdisciplinary     common
                                                                                 Sustainability     is
                                                                         P1                              ground of sustainability as
tion of sustainability as a key component in software design.                    systemic
                                                                                                         well as a global picture of
                                                                                                         sustainability within other
                       III. STUDY DESIGN
    This research is designed to show the impact of KMSD                                                 We have to include different
principles during software requirements gathering and design.                    Sustainability has      dimensions into our analysis if
We studied how KMSD principles reshaped the software re-                 P2      multiple      dimen-    we are to understand the na-
quirements gathering process and the usefulness of applying                      sions.                  ture of sustainability in any
the principles as guide for stakeholders; especially requirement                                         given situation.
engineers /software developers.                                                                          Working in sustainability
                                                                                 Sustainability trans-   means working with people
    The research method applied is participatory action re-
                                                                         P3      cends multiple dis-     from across many disciplines,
search [28] because it prevents a researcher from manipulation                   ciplines.               addressing the challenges
of the individual feelings and views of stakeholders. Participa-                                         from multiple perspectives.
             Sustainability is a     Sustainability has to be con-         handling of pension applications. The application is called pen-
             concern independ-       sidered even if the primary           sion benefit tracker. Figure 1 shows the use case diagram of the
             ent of the purpose      focus of the system under             application in case study 1.
             of the system.          design is not sustainability.
                                     There are at least two spheres
                                     to consider in system design:
             Sustainability ap-
                                     the sustainability of the sys-
             plies to both a sys-
     P5                              tem itself and how it affects
             tem and its wider
                                     the sustainability of the wider
                                     system of which it will be
                                     Strive to make the status of
             System visibility is
                                     the system and its context
             a necessary precon-
                                     visible at different levels of
     P6      dition and enabler
                                     abstraction and perspectives to
             for    sustainability
                                     enable participation and in-
                                     formed responsible choice.
                                     Seek interventions that have
                                     the most leverage on a system
                                     and consider the opportunity
                                     costs: whenever you are tak-
             Sustainability   re-
                                     ing action towards sustainabil-
     P7      quires action on
                                     ity, consider whether this is
             multiple levels.
                                     the most effective way of
                                     intervening in comparison to
                                     alternative actions (leverage
                                     points).                              Figure 1. Use case for pension benefit tracker [19].
                                     Innovation in sustainability
             Sustainability    re-   can play out as decoupling                The second case study is in a university with the concern of
             quires meeting the      present and future needs. By          how to display energy usage data within the university. The
             needs of future         moving away from the lan-             main requirement for the project is to transform energy usage
     P8      generations without     guage of conflict and the             data into CO2 emissions that will educate the university staff
             compromising the        trade-off mindset, we can             and students about sustainability. The project requires a web
             prosperity of the       identify and enact choices that       application interface which will display the energy usage and
             current generation      benefit both present and fu-
                                                                           carbon emission. The goal is to let the public know more about
                                                                           the electricity consumption of each building in the university
                                     Multiple timescales, including
             Sustainability   re-                                          and understand the relation between the electricity consump-
                                     longer-term indicators in as-
     P9      quires    long-term                                           tion and carbon emission (CO2).
                                     sessment      and     decisions,
             thinking.                                                         The KMSD principles were applied as guide during each of
                                     should be considered.
                                                                           the case study (case study one and two) for requirement gather-
    Table I and II were provided to the stakeholders in the two            ing and analysis. Stakeholders were able to use to the KMSD
case studies as guide for them to understand the KMSD princi-              principles to cross check the sustainability aspect of each re-
ples and how they apply to different software development life             quirement and how to evaluate those requirements with consid-
cycle phases (SDLC). P1 to P9 represent the KMSD principles                eration of each sustainability dimension. For better understand-
from 1 to 9 in Table I. The software sustainability requirements           ing of stakeholders thinking during classification of require-
template (Table III) was used to collect information on how                ment into sustainability dimensions, the software sustainability
stakeholders relate each requirement to sustainability dimen-              requirements template was used to document stakeholders’
sions and their reasoning for associating each requirement to a            explanations for each requirement mapped to a particular sus-
particular dimension. The software sustainability requirements             tainability dimension. The software sustainability requirements
best practice template (Table VI) was applied in highlighting              best practice documentation template was provided to stake-
important key practices during the requirements gathering.                 holders to document what stakeholders perceived as a best
These two templates offer researchers involved in the two case             practice during the case study.
studies better understanding of how stakeholders translate all
information provided to them into the software design.
    The first case study is within a medium size company with
the goal of developing a web application to replace manual

             SDLC Phases             Karlskrona Manifesto Principles
             Phase 1.                P1- This ensures that the project initiation considers sustainability in the overall project
            Project Definition      definition from the beginning.
                                    P2- Software sustainability has different dimensions that have to be considered from the
                                    beginning for better project management with different stakeholders.
                                    P3- Software project usually involves stakeholders from different domains, incorporating
                                    their sustainability concerns provides better management of those concerns from multiple
                                    perspectives which can help the incorporation of sustainability for the software.
            Phase 2.                P2- It is important to take note of user requirements in relation to each of the sustainability
            User Requirements       dimensions in order to have better sustainability analysis during the analysis and design
            Definition              phase
                                    P4- During elicitation of system requirements, requirement engineers should consider sus-
            Phase 3.                tainability concerns for the system during the requirements definition even when it is not a
            System Require-         core part of the user requirements.
            ments Definition        P5- Cross evaluate the consequential impacts of the system sustainability requirements and
                                    the environment in which the system will function.
                                    P2- Applying this principle provides a blueprint for system evaluation from all sustainabil-
                                    ity dimensions (economic, environment, social, individual and technical).
                                    P4- At this phase, this principle helps to encourage analysis of system design based on
            Phase 4.
                                    sustainability in order to facilitate better sustainable system.
            Analysis and De-
                                    P6- Application of this principle enables better visual and visible overview of the system
                                    from different levels of abstraction.
                                    P8- This will provide better understanding during analysis to make better choices that will
                                    help the potential users of the system in present and in future when the system evolves.
                                    P2- This will encourage developers during this phase to consider different sustainability
            Phase 5.                dimensions, especially technical, social and individual dimensions.
            Development             P4- Encourage the search for better avenues to make the system sustainable from the de-
                                    velopment perspective (developers) and also the functions of the system to aid longevity.
                                    P2- Provides integration and for test team to have a sustainability template that can be used
            Phase 6.                to test the system for all sustainability dimensions based on the sustainability requirement
            Integration and         output from phases 2, 3 and 4.
            Testing                 P4- Application of this principle will aid consideration of sustainability in this phase even
                                    if the primary focus of system is not about sustainability.
                                    P5- Provides beforehand reasoning for the development team to consider the sustainability
                                    of the system, its production environment and when pushing it live for use.
            Phase 7.
                                    P7- Based on principle 5 (P5), this principle will aid consideration of seeking the involve-
                                    ment of different stakeholders to make the actualization of the system sustainability possi-
                                    ble in the production environment and when pushed live.
                                    P9- This principle at this stage help to create the conscious awareness so that when the
            Phase 8.
                                    system is in a live environment, there will be continuous evaluation to assess the system
                                    sustainability and think of ways for optimizing and improving the sustainability of the
                                    system from the different dimensions.

                                            TABLE III. SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENT TEMPLATE
Requirement                    Sustainability Dimension                                                 Explanation
State each of the              Highlight which of the sustainability dimension relates to all the       Provide an explanation for your
requirement in a way that      stated requirements.                                                     decision to associate each requirement
makes it possible to                                                                                    to a particular sustainability
associate the requirement      These are the general explanation of the five sustainability             dimension.
to at least one or more of     dimensions based on the KMSD group [32]:
the sustainability                  Individual sustainability refers to maintaining human
dimensions                               capital (e.g., health, education, skills, knowledge, leader-
                                         ship, and access to services).
                                    Social sustainability aims at preserving the societal
                                         communities in their solidarity and services.
                                    Economic sustainability aims at maintaining capital and
                                         added value.
                                    Environmental sustainability refers to improving human
                                         welfare by protecting the natural resources: water, land,
                                         air, minerals and ecosystem services.
                                    Technical sustainability refers to longevity of
                                         information, systems, and infrastructure and their
                                         adequate evolution with changing surrounding
                                                                        stakeholders involved in the case studies with slight modifica-
                          IV. RESULTS                                   tion by authors to improve readability. This is to ensure that the
    The first result is the use of KMSD principles for both case        exact understanding of stakeholders is documented and report-
studies in which stakeholders explained their understanding of          ed in this paper.
those principles with regards to each of their application. The
KMSD principles applied in each SDLC phase were detailed in
Table IV. The information contained in Table IV is all from

             SDLC Phases             Case Study 1                                  Case Study 2
                                     KMSD Principle 2                              KMSD Principle 1
                                      The technical, social dimension and indi-    The project is centered around sustainabil-
                                     vidual dimensions was considered.             ity awareness base on energy usage and co2
                                     1. The technical dimension focused on the     emissions of university staff and students
                                     how well the final system can function        KMSD Principle 2
                                     effectively and efficiently to achieve all    The Sustainable Business Canvas provides
                                     system goals.                                 thinking on different sustainability dimen-
             Phase 1.
                                     2. Social dimension covers how different      sions during the project initiations.
             Project Definition
                                     state branches can form a community to        KMSD Principle 3
                                     share pension application                     The project involves different stakeholders
                                     3. The individual dimension center on the     with different expertise and departments,
                                     developer’s satisfaction within the company   they were all involve in using the Sustaina-
                                     throughout the development of the pension     ble Business Canvas for the project in order
                                     tracking system                               to incorporate all concerns and sustainabil-
                                                                                   ity ideas for the project
                                     KMSD Principle 2                              KMSD Principle 2 and 6
                                     1. Reduce pension processing time to de-      The user requirement was divided into dif-
                                     crease the stress and pain of pensioners      ferent sustainability dimensions for better
                                     covers the individual dimension.              analysis namely:
                                     2. Using the software sustainability re-      1.Provide information on energy usage
                                     quirement template provides an avenue to      within the university (Economic and Tech-
                                     improve the overall performance of the        nical)
             Phase 2.
                                     application from different sustainability     2. Show the carbon emission (Environmen-
             User Requirements
                                     dimensions (economic, social, individual,     tal)
                                     technical and environmental)                  3. Allow weekly sustainability challenge
                                                                                   and show winners (Social)
                                                                                   4. Section for user community to connect
                                                                                   and discuss (Social)
                                                                                   5. Provide feature to share things to social
                                                                                   media (individual)
                                     KMSD Principle 4                              KMSD Principle 4
                                     The main goal of the application is to re-    The application main goal is about sustain-
                                     place manual pension application; however,    ability awareness in the university for staff
                                     some sustainability concerns were also        and students.
                                     included such as:                             KMSD Principle 5, 7 and 9
                                     1. Increase sustainability awareness among    These are the following impacts of the sys-
                                                                                   tem sustainability requirements:
                                     company staff using the application and
                                                                                   1. Converting the energy usage in form of
                                     customers (pensioners)                        carbon emissions CO2 and presenting it as
             Phase 3.
                                     2. Reduce the use of paper for pension ap-    distance between two cities will help edu-
             System Require-
                                     plication                                     cate the users about sustainability and the
             ments Definition
                                                                                   users impacts on the environment.
                                     3. Decrease the amount of printing during
                                                                                   2. Providing a community section with
                                     pension application                           weekly challenge in the application will go
                                     4. Increase number of options for pension     a long to increase sense of belonging and
                                     application notification                      foster better habits towards sustainability in
                                                                                   the university.
                                                                                   3. The ability to share weekly challenge
                                                                                   results by users will boost their interest and
                                                                                   increase awareness about sustainability.
                                                                                   KMSD Principle 2
                                                                                   The application will help economically
                                                                                   because of reduce energy usage and cost. It
                                                                                   will also help socially to bring people into a
                                                                                   common community and environmentally
                                                                                   to increase awareness about sustainability
             Phase 4.
                                                                                   with the need for users to reduce their nega-
             Analysis and De-
                                                                                   tive impacts
                                                                                   KMSD Principle 8
                                                                                   This principle encourages the use of API to
                                                                                   allow different kind of users to interact and
                                                                                   feed the application with data.

    The second result is the preliminary evaluation of the sus-          of the sustainability requirement template in case study one as
tainability requirement template showing how stakeholders                documented by stakeholders with slight modification by re-
categorized different system requirement based on their under-           searchers to improve readability.
standing of sustainability dimensions. Table V presents the use

           Requirement                                 Sustainability Dimension    Sustainability Dimension and Explanation
           The pension tracker application should      Economic and Technical      It will save us money of using interstate
           be accessible online via web at any                                     courier to send, receive and track pension
           branch                                                                  applications. (economic)

                                                                                   To achieve this, a good functional system
                                                                                   with no down time that will satisfy user needs
                                                                                   is required (technical)

           The application should have ability to      Technical, individual and   Ease of use (individual ) and also allows
           enable Managers, pensioners and other       social                      everyone using the system to be up to date
           stakeholders check application status                                   about pension application status (Technical
                                                                                   and social)
           Provide automatic status communication      Individual and Social       It will keep clients (pension applicants) up to
           and notification at each stage of benefit                               date about their application (individual and
           application                                                             social)
           Allow bulk or single file upload            Individual and Technical    More options to reduce time spent in
                                                                                   uploading application files (individual,
           Provide SMS authorization from              Individual                  Provide ease of processing and approval for
           managers in benefit department                                          managers (individual)
           Send Incomplete documentation               Individual and economic     Reduce time of processing the pension
           notification to benefit department staff                                application (individual, economic)
           Provide email and SMS notification as       Individual                  Provide more options to increase user
           an option for all users                                                 preference because some users might not
                                                                                   have access to email (individual)
           Provide option of different display to      Individual                  This promote inclusiveness especially with
           magnify fonts for users with visual                                     users with visual problem (individual)
           Provide option to preview pension           Individual                  Reduce amount of error in applications and
           application and save electronically                                     saves time of double work (individual)
           Add a tag message below each                Environmental               Promote sustainability awareness among staff
           notification “Save the planet from                                      and clients (pension applicants)
           environmental waste, print only when
           Provide energy report for system usage      Environmental and           This will enable users track the amount of
                                                       Technical                   energy consumed by the application and
                                                                                   discuss how we can improve it
   Table VI present the requirements best practice template             was considered in this case study and showing the understand-
documentation from case study two. It shows the use of the              ing of sustainability based on what is considered as a good sus-
requirement elicitation best practice template [29]. This is an         tainability practice during requirement gathering.
example of documentation and reporting of how sustainability

                                                              DATA DISPLAY)

          Element               Description
          Title                 Develop sustainability awareness in energy display application for the public
          Date                  12/08/2018
          Authors               Mistretta Tom – Devinez Alexandre
          Target Audience       Engineers / Developers
          Objective                      Create awareness about sustainability requirements in a project
                                         Encourage the development of ideas around sobriety
          Location              Applicable worldwide
          Stakeholders          Engineers / Developers / Users
          Methodology                    Discussion among software development team on what sustainability means to them by
                                          going through the Karlskrona Manifesto principles, FSSSD and SSDC
                                         Dialogue about which requirements can better influence users’ awareness of sustainabil-
                                         Dialogue about which requirements can better teach users to improve their daily habits,
                                          influenced by the information shown to them
                                         Discussion of how to integrate sobriety awareness requirement in the project
                                         Find a way to make the project attractive to users
          Selected Karlskrona   Principle 6: System visibility is a necessary precondition and enabler for sustainability design.
          Manifesto             Principle 7: Sustainability requires action on multiple levels.
          principles            Principle 8: Sustainability requires meeting the needs of future generations without compromising
                                the prosperity of the current generation.
                                Principle 9: Sustainability requires long-term thinking.
          Requirements          Functional Requirement
                                REQ 1 – Interactivity (users must be able to interact with the application)
                                         The interface must be simple to catch the user’s attention.
                                         Users can make actions on the interface with energy data and dynamically get eco feed-
                                REQ 2 – Display Information
                                         The users should be able to understand the displayed data and information.
                                         Energy usage data and carbon emission information should be displayed to users in rela-
                                          tion to road distance between LUT University in Lappeenranta and other cities within
                                          Finland (this will provide a better understanding to users regarding their impact).
                                REQ 3 – Community (users must be able to share ideas on sustainability and advice to the user
                                community group)
                                         Provide users with a sustainability challenge every week, dynamically based on energy
                                          usage to help users develop a sense of belonging with the idea of sustainability beyond
                                          the university. This can make them become more curious and choose to change their
          Validation            Engineers, developers and some end users validate these requirements with the best practice
          Impact                Promote sustainability and sobriety awareness
          Lessons Learnt              1. Test results from user interaction with the prototype design show users gain a sense of
                                          pride if their advice and suggestions help reduce energy usage in the community section
                                      2. The prototype test result also shows the best way to influence public behaviour is to pre-
                                          sent energy and carbon emission information in relation to what users can easily relate
                                          to, which can offer better understanding for the public about their impact on the envi-
                                          ronment. This approach is why the equivalent of CO2 emission, based on energy data us-
                                          age, has been presented in the form of distance between one city and another to explain
                                          the impact on sustainability. This will encourage a change in users’ habits over time in-
                                          stead of telling them to change their habits based on high energy usage data displays or
                                          CO2 emissions.
          Sustainability        The requirements in this template cover the following:
          Dimensions                     Social sustainability
                                         Environmental sustainability
                                         Individual sustainability
          Contact Details       mistrettatomjulien@gmail.com , devinez.alexandre@gmail.com

                                                                                         design based on the outcome from both case
                 V. STAKEHOLDERS’ FEEDBACK                                               studies in Table IV and the software sustain-
   The feedback from the stakeholders shows their interest in                            ability requirements template for case study
the KMSD principles for their system design, especially during                           1 detailed in Table V.
requirement gathering. However, the challenge of understand-              2. What is the impact of KMSD principles on stakehold-
ing how to easily translate the KMSD principles into software                  ers during software requirements elicitation?
design due to lack of tools or examples, shows there is need for                    a. The main impact of the KMSD principles on
more research providing tool support on practical usage of                               the stakeholders is that at each phase of the
KMSD principles. This will further improve the usefulness of                             SDLC, sustainability became a core aspect
KMSD principles to other interested stakeholders in academia                             that was considered to improve the software
and industry.                                                                            application in the two case studies. Also, the
   According to the stakeholders in each of the case study, the                          KMSD principles brought some new aware-
software sustainability requirements template (see Table V)                              ness that there is a guiding principle that can
was useful as guide during requirement gathering because it                              support stakeholders during software re-
supports discussion about sustainability during requirement                              quirement and design. A typical example is
gathering and categorizing requirements to each sustainability                           in case study 2 (Table IV): Using the princi-
dimensions.                                                                              ple 5,7, and 9 stakeholders were able to re-
   Stakeholders also states that using the software sustainability                       think how to present the energy usage data in
requirements best practice documentation template (Table VI)                             a way that educates the university
over time will provides enough knowledge base to show how                                staff/students by showing the energy data in
KMSD principles have been applied in different software pro-                             the form of C02 emissions from one city to
jects. Knowledge from this kind of documentation can be re-                              another.
used by other stakeholders which can offer better sustainability                    b. In addition, the KMSD principles also
consideration during requirement engineering.                                            pushed stakeholders to see each of the re-
                                                                                         quirements from different sustainability di-
                        VI. DISCUSSION                                                   mensions with the aid of the software sus-
   The two case studies presented in the paper shows the inter-                          tainability requirements template, thereby
pretation of KMSD principles by stakeholders involve based on                            improving the overall evaluation of the soft-
their industry experience. Table IV presents the understanding                           ware applications in the two case studies.
from stakeholders on how the KMSD principles were applied                Despite the applicability and some positive results from us-
the case study 1 and 2 from the Project Definition phase (Phase      ing the KMSD in the two case studies, there is still the chal-
1) to Analysis and Design (Phase 4). The remaining SDLC              lenge of little evaluation research and practical guidance on
phases that were not covered in Table IV was because at the          using the KMSD in software requirement gathering and design.
time of writing this paper those information were not at our         Currently the KMSD principles are presented as generic prin-
disposal from stakeholders.                                          ciples to serve all possible stakeholders, which means the prin-
    The following paragraphs summarize the answers to the re-        ciples are at high level of abstraction. It becomes difficult for
search questions:                                                    novice stakeholder to properly understand how to use the prin-
     1. How applicable are the KMSD principles during                ciples without tangible practical examples of what and how to
         software requirements gathering and design?                 implement these nine principles in software design.
              a. The KMSD principle 2 (Sustainability has                In order to increase the applicability of the KMSD princi-
                  multiple dimensions) was used as a guide           ples, there is need to have more case studies and reporting on
                  during requirements gathering as seen in Ta-       how these KMSD principles are applied for software design.
                  ble IV presenting both case studies in the us-     This will improve stakeholders understanding of how the prin-
                  er requirements and system requirements            ciples can be effective and efficiently used as guide during
                  definition phases.                                 software design or enhancement.
              b. Principles 1 to 9 of the KMSD were also ap-             One of the major challenges from stakeholders is the prob-
                  plied from the project definition to analysis      lem of understanding in what way the KMSD principles can be
                  and design phase of SDLC with sustainabil-         related to their application because of a lack of examples that
                  ity consideration in each of the SDLC phases       could assist them. Table II was used to map the KMSD princi-
                  by stakeholders. The KMSD principles aided         ples to SDLC phases in order to lessen the problem of under-
                  by the software sustainability requirements        standing by the stakeholders about which principles are appli-
                  template create a sense of practicability with     cable to each SDLC phase.
                  regards to applying sustainability in software
                        VII. CONCLUSION                                        sustainability with process- and product-specific instances,”
    The Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design princi-                 in Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Green in Software
ples cover diverse aspects of sustainability to serve as a refer-              Engineering, Green by Software Engineering, 2013, pp. 3–7.
ence point and guide during software design. Our findings pre-          [10]   B. Penzenstadler, M. Mahaux, and C. Salinesi, “RE4SuSy:
sented in this paper shows the benefits and challenges of using                Requirements engineering for Sustainable systems,” Proc.
KMSD principles in software design projects via the two case                   2nd Int. Work. Requir. Eng. Sustain. Syst., vol. 995, 2013.
studies.                                                                [11]   B. Penzenstadler, M. Mahaux, and C. Salinesi, “RE4SuSy,”
    The KMSD principles are useful as they provide the avenue                  in 3rd International Workshop on Requirements Engineering
for stakeholders to rethink the impact of their system and to                  for Sustainable Systems, 2014.
take responsibility in improving or supporting the sustainability
aspect of their software design. As noted on the Karlskrona             [12]   B. Penzenstadler, M. Mahaux, and C. Salinesi, “RE4SuSy,”
Manifesto website, every stakeholder (Software practitioners,                  in 4th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Researchers, Professional associations, Educators, Customers                   for Sustainable Systems, Part of the GREENS Alliance,
and End users) have a role to play in ensuring the sustainability              2015, pp. 4–7.
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