=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2541/paper7 |storemode=property |title=A Vision Towards a Method for Identifying and Mitigating Unsustainable Practices in Organisations |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2541/paper7.pdf |volume=Vol-2541 |authors=Letícia Duboc,Raquel Mendonça,Jessica Salvador,Aline Paes |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/re/DubocMSP19 }} ==A Vision Towards a Method for Identifying and Mitigating Unsustainable Practices in Organisations== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2541/paper7.pdf
                       A Vision Towards a Method for Identifying and Mitigating
                               Unsustainable Practices in Organisations

                              Leticia Duboc                                                               Jessica Salvador
                     Departament d’Enginyeria                                    Departamento de Informática e Ciência da Computação
                 La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull                                    Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
                          Barcelona, Spain                                                        Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
                       l.duboc@salle.url.edu                                                   jr.salvador.br@gmail.com

                           Raquel Mendonça                                                                    Aline Paes
   Departamento de Informática e Ciência da Computação                                               Institute of Computing
         Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro                                               Universidade Federal Fluminense
                   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                                                        Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
             raquelmendonca123@gmail.com                                                               alinepaes@ic.uff.br

Abstract—Sustainability is a major concern of our time. Com-                      financial return is no longer a reason not to embrace sustain-
panies can have a considerable negative impact on the en-                         ability. Consistent with this view, 85% of them claim to have
vironment, as their productive processes often contribute to                      incorporated sustainability into their business, even when
the emission of greenhouse gases, generate toxic waste and                        they cannot quantify the benefits. While the survey observes
consume natural resources. As such, they also have a great                        that the CEOs are showing a growing understanding of sus-
share of the responsibility towards our sustainable develop-                      tainable development and are making deeper commitments
ment. This paper presents a vision for a method to identify                       to solve global challenges, it concludes that there is still
and mitigate unsustainable practices in business organisations.                   room for improvement.
The method is inspired on the KAOS Framework, in the sense                            We argue that in order to contribute to our sustainable
that it offers catalogues for the identification and resolution of                development, companies need to understand which of their
obstacles to sustainability. The method will be complemented                      practices negatively affect sustainability and to seek alter-
by a metamodel, a semi-structured language and a knowledge                        natives or compensations for these practices. We will start
base, to eventually allow automation.                                             from the environmental dimension of sustainability [2] [13]
                                                                                  and, as therefore, we define the following research question:
                                                                                      “How to identify practices in business operations that
1. Introduction                                                                   negatively affect the environmental sustainability and seek
                                                                                  ways to mitigate these practices?”
    The negative impact of human activities are more notice-                          This paper describes a vision for a method with this very
able than ever. Companies productive processes can often                          purpose. The method is inspired by the well-known KAOS
contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases, the excessive                     Framework, a goal-oriented modelling technique in Require-
consumption of natural resources and the generation of                            ments Engineering [15]. Adapting the goal-obstacle analysis
waste. Sustainability is arguably in the strategic path of                        in the KAOS Framework, we propose the concepts of “sus-
many companies, but for decades their environmental, so-                          tainability goal” and “sustainability obstacle” and envision a
cial and governance activities have been disconnected from                        method that will offer catalogues for identifying and mitigat-
this vision. Many companies still launch ad-hoc initiatives                       ing sustainability obstacles (i.e. unsustainable practices) in
simply to enhance their “green credentials”, to comply with                       business organisations. The method will be complemented
regulations or to deal with emergencies; rather than viewing                      by a sustainability metamodel, a semi-structured language
sustainability as something with a direct impact on their                         and a knowledge base to eventually support the automatic
business results [4].                                                             identification and resolution of sustainability obstacles. Once
    Gradually, many companies are recognising this impact                         realised, this vision can advance the field of Requirements
and the need to incorporate sustainability practices into                         Engineering for Sustainability as it will help companies to
their business. A 2016 survey [2] of 1,000 CEOS from 27                           identify and mitigate unsustainable goals in their systems
industries across 103 countries found that 89% of CEOs                            and operations.
believe their commitment to sustainability translates into a                          The paper is organised as follows: Section 1 motivates
real impact on their industries and the lack of short-term                        our work; Section 2 summarises the most important concepts

    Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
that inspired our vision; Section 3 describes our envisioned      A goal is a prescriptive statement of intent that a system
solution; and finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.             must meet through the collaboration of its agents. Goals
                                                                  range from high-level business goals, whose satisfaction
2. Background                                                     requires the cooperation of multiple agents (e.g., "Maximize
                                                                  [Profit]", to low-level technical goals, whose satisfaction
    This section briefly explains fundamental concepts re-        depends on a single agent (e.g. “Achieve[Calculated Product
lated to our vision: sustainability, goal-oriented requirements   Tax]”).
engineering and sustainability models/metamodels.                     In a goal model, goals are organised into AND / OR
                                                                  refinement structures. An AND refinement connects a goal
                                                                  to a subset of goals, i.e. the goal will only be satisfied if
2.1. Sustainability                                               all its children are satisfied. An OR refinement connects
                                                                  a goal with an alternative set of refinements, i.e. the goal
    Sustainability is a complex and interdisciplinary concept     will be met if at least one of the refinements is met. The
that has been defined in many ways. Yet, the term can be          KAOS Framework draws attention to the fact that often the
essentially understood as the “ability to endure” [1] [3].        goal model is initially developed in an “idealized” way.
Possibly, the most widespread related concept is the one of       That is, it fails to consider exceptional conditions in the
sustainable development, defined as the “development that         application domain that may violate these goals. To build a
meets the needs of the present without compromising the           more realistic model, the KAOS Framework defines goal-
ability of future generations to meet their own needs” [12].      obstacle analysis. This analysis takes a pessimistic view of
These definitions imply that a society that is not sustainable    the elaborated model seeking to identify exceptional condi-
cannot be maintained in the long run and will cease to            tions (obstacles) and ways to mitigate them (resolutions).
function at some point in time [7].                               Therefore, an obstacle is a situation that, if occur, can
    Sustainability is composed of several dimensions. The         prevent a goal from being satisfied. Thus, every obstacle
three best known are environmental, social and economic,          generated needs to be solved in one way or another [10].
often referred as the three pillars of sustainability. However,   Critical obstacles are normally resolved through counter-
other dimensions start to be considered; such as the human        measure goals, while non-critical ones can be monitored
and the technical [6] [13]. The paper focuses on the environ-     or resolved when they occur. In any case, one needs to
mental dimension, which addresses the effects of long-term        determine the appropriate resolutions for each obstacle.
human activities on natural systems, including issues related     KAOS has an obstacle resolution catalogue that can be used
to ecosystems, climate change, food production and waste,         to reduce or mitigate obstacles.
among others.
    However, in order for sustainability to be effectively        2.3. Sustainability Models and Metamodels
achieved, other dimensions must also be considered. We
believe that analogous solutions to the one described here            There are currently sustainability models that help to
can be developed for the remaining dimensions.                    incorporate sustainability into organisations and/or systems.
                                                                  Some of them are summarised below:
2.2. Goal-Oriented Modelling and KAOS                                 Cabot et al. [5] advocate the use of a sustainability
                                                                  taxonomy combined with goal-oriented techniques. They
    Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) has             explore a preliminary method for modelling and integrating
emerged as an attempt to solve many of the problems               sustainability issues in business (in general) and software
of traditional requirements engineering, including incorrect      projects (in particular) through the use of the i * Framework.
assumptions about the environment, the little attention given     To do so, they explicitly represent the sustainability effect of
to understanding the need for a particular system and to          each business or project alternative, thus enabling stakehold-
whether its specifications really captured the needs of stake-    ers to understand the commitments between sustainability
holders [9]. Therefore, GORE encompasses the elicitation,         and other business goals and to make the best decisions.
assessment, design, structuring, documentation, and analysis          Stefan et al. [14] use goal-oriented requirement en-
of software requirements [9]. There are several approaches        gineering techniques to help organisations to make more
and methodologies that enable its application.                    effective decisions for achieving their sustainability goals.
    The KAOS is a well-known GORE framework, whose                Their method provides systematic techniques for refining
acronym means "Keep All Objectives Satisfied". KAOS is            goals into sub-goals, managing goal conflicts, identifying
composed of a modeling language and a method for de-              and resolving obstacles to goal achievement, and exploring
veloping software requirements. The most important KAOS           and evaluating alternatives to goal achievement.
concepts for our vision are: agent, goal, obstacle, resolution        Mahaux, Heymens and Saval [11] use requirements
and goal-obstacle analysis. These concepts are explained          engineering techniques to describe requirements that seek
below [15]:                                                       minimal environmental impact. Their work aims to provide
    An agent is an active component of the system that plays      insight into how sustainability requirements can be discov-
a role in meeting a goal. Agents can be humans, devices,          ered, what existing tools or techniques can facilitate this
software, etc; they perform operations assigned to them.          task, and what their limitations are in this regard.
    Penzenstadler and Femmer [13] present a reference              to the negated goal. So, an obstacle could be “Delivery
model for software development projects that breaks down           car consumes diesel” and a possible resolution could be:
sustainability into its environmental, human, social, eco-         “Achieve[Product delivery by bike]”, as shown in Figure 1.
nomic and technical dimensions. The model provides a
series of activities and relates them to the values they support
and the indicators against which they can be evaluated.
    Models, such as Cabot et al.’s , Mahaux et al.’s and
Stefan and Letier’s , are specific to the problem they seek to
solve and cannot be used as a reference for business organ-
isations in general. Penzenstadler and Femmer’s model, on
the other hand, seeks to be more generic and, although de-
signed for software development companies, can be adapted
to business processes in general.

3. Envisioned Solution
    In order to position themselves as sustainable businesses,
companies need to routinely analyse their own practices to
identify opportunities to become more sustainable. We envi-
                                                                          Figure 1: Sustainability goal-obstacle analysis.
sion a method to allow companies to recognise unsustainable
practices in business operations and to modify, replace or
compensate them with alternative practices.
                                                                   3.2. The Method
3.1. Underlying concepts                                               Similar to KAOS, we envision a method that identi-
                                                                   fies unsustainable practices from a sustainability obstacle
    The method is inspired by the goal-obstacle analysis of        catalogue and potential mitigation strategies from a sus-
the KAOS Framework. Therefore, we refer to the afore-              tainability resolution catalogue. We also envision the semi-
mentioned harmful practices as sustainability obstacles and        automation of this process through the definition of a meta-
to the alternative practices as sustainability resolutions. We     model, a semi-structured language, rules and a knowledge
extended the KAOS Framework to define these concepts as:           base.
    A sustainability goal is a prescriptive statement of               Therefore, the method will have the following elements,
intent that contributes to a long-term positive impact on          whose relationship is represented in Figure 2. These are
one or more sustainability dimensions. That is, just like in       described below:
KAOS, a goal is something that needs to be achieved, but in
this case, it also needs to have a long-term positive impact
on one or more sustainability dimensions.
   •    A sustainability goal is a prescriptive statement of
        intent that contributes to a long-term positive impact
        on one or more sustainability dimensions. That is,
        just like in KAOS, a goal is something that needs
        to be achieved, but in this case, it also needs to
        have a long-term positive impact on one or more
        sustainability dimensions.
   •    A sustainability obstacle is defined as a precondi-
        tion for the non-satisfaction of a sustainability goal.
        That is, an obstacle is a situation that occurs that
        prevents a goal from being reached.
   •    Sustainability resolutions are alternatives that can
        alleviate or avoid a particular sustainability obsta-
     In a simplified example, a company may have high-level
goals such as "Maximize[Environmental sustainability]" and                Figure 2: Elements of the envisioned solution.
lower-level goals like "Reduce[Carbon emissions from prod-
uct delivery]". In KAOS, a goal-obstacle analysis would
first negate the goal (e.g. "NOT Reduce[Carbon emissions              •    A sustainability metamodel will describe the basic
from product delivery])" to then find obstacles that lead                  sustainability concepts that underlie the solution.
        Therefore, it will be the basis of the sustainability      tool; and, finally, (5) the creation of a knowledge base for
        obstacle and resolution catalogues, of the language        the recommendation tool. We plan to develop this solution
        and rules that describes them, and of the knowl-           initially for a single domain, starting with a real case study
        edge base. We envision that the metamodel will             on retail, to then extend to other domains.
        have elements such as "goal", "obstacle", "resolu-
        tion", "agent", "resource", "environmental impact".        5. Acknowledgement
        We intend to extend the work of Penzenstadler and
        Femmer [13] to create the metamodel.                          The research leading to these results has received fund-
   •    A catalogue of generic sustainability obstacles,           ing from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
        listing possible environmental problems resulting          and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-
        from common company practices. The catalogue               Curie grant agreement No 712949 (TECNIOspring PLUS)
        will help to identify the obstacles to sustainable         and from the Agency for Business Competitiveness of the
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