=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2543/rpaper06 |storemode=property |title=Development of Parallel Software Code for Calculating the Problem of Radiation Magnetic Gas Dynamics and the Study of Plasma Dynamics in the Channel of Plasma Accelerator |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2543/rpaper06.pdf |volume=Vol-2543 |authors=Vladimir Bakhtin,Dmitry Zakharov,Andrey Kozlov,Venyamin Konovalov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ssi/BakhtinZKK19 }} ==Development of Parallel Software Code for Calculating the Problem of Radiation Magnetic Gas Dynamics and the Study of Plasma Dynamics in the Channel of Plasma Accelerator== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2543/rpaper06.pdf
     Development of Parallel Software Code for Calculating
       the Problem of Radiation Magnetic Gas Dynamics
              and the Study of Plasma Dynamics
             in the Channel of Plasma Accelerator

    Vladimir Bakhtin 1,2,3 [0000-0003-0343-3859], Dmitry Zakharov 1 [0000-0002-6319-5090], Andrey
         Kozlov 1,2 [0000-0002-6242-0911] and Venyamin Konovalov1[0000-0002-5106-7622]
      1 Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Miusskaya sq., 4, 125047, Moscow, Russia
      Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, 11999, Moscow, Russia
     Bauman Moscow State Technical University, ul. Baumanskaya 2-ya, 5/1, 105005, Moscow,

         Abstract. DVM-system is designed for the development of parallel programs of
         scientific and technical calculations in C-DVMH and Fortran-DVMH lan-
         guages. These languages use a single parallel programming model (DVMH
         model) and are extensions of the standard C and Fortran languages with paral-
         lelism specifications, written in the form of directives to the compiler. The
         DVMH model makes it possible to create efficient parallel programs for hetero-
         geneous computing clusters, in the nodes of which accelerators (graphic proces-
         sors or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors) can be used as computing devices along
         with universal multi-core processors. The article describes the experience of
         successful use of DVM-system for the development of parallel software code
         for calculating the problem of radiation magnetic hydrodynamics and the study
         of plasma dynamics in the channel of plasma accelerator.

         Keywords: Automation of Development of Parallel Programs, DVM-system,
         GPU, Fortran, Plasma Accelerator, Radiation Magnetic Hydrodynamics.

1        Introduction

The current level of experimental and numerical studies allows to simultaneously
determine the local values of macroscopic plasma parameters and radiation character-
istics. This opens up new opportunities for complex research, validation of models
and approximation of the results of calculations with the possibilities of experimental
studies. This determines the relevance of the development of numerical models of
radiation transport, considered as injectors for thermonuclear installations. The study
of ionizing gas and plasma flows, respectively, for the first and second stages of qua-
si-stationary plasma accelerators (hereinafter QSPA) is carried out on the basis of the
developed evolutionary models of radiation magnetic hydrodynamics, the effective
solution of which required the development of parallel software codes for calculations

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

on high-performance multiprocessor computer systems. Studies of plasma flows in
the second stage of the QSPA on the basis of the model of radiation magnetic hydro-
dynamics allowed to reveal the conditions providing generation of deuterium-tritium
or D-T plasma flows with thermonuclear parameters at discharge currents up to 1 MA
in the second stage of the QSPA.

2        Mathematical formulation of the problem

The problem formulation includes a system of MHD equations taking into account the
finite conductivity of the medium, thermal conductivity and radiation transport. Under
the condition of quasineutrality n i  ne  n and equality Vi  Ve  V for fully ion-
ized plasma we have:
                                                 
                                                      V,   ,
                             dV       1        d
         div(  V )  0 ,      P  j  H ,                                      (1)
    t                       dt       c        dt t
                                         2
            div  V   P div V  j  div q  div W ,
     t                                  
       2 cv T , q    T ,
   H                        j                     c
        rot(V  H)  c rot ,                  j    rot H ,
    t                                           4
here   m i n is the density, P  Pi  Pe  2 kB n T is the total pressure, q is the heat

flux,  is the thermal conductivity,   e 2 ne / me e is the electrical conductivity, W
is the density of the radiation energy flux defined by (3) and (4).
    The radial plasma current flowing between electrodes and the azimuthal magnetic
field provide the acceleration of plasma behind the ionization front due to the Ampere
force 1 j H , here j is the current density in plasma.
    As units of measurement we will choose a length of channel L , the characteristic
concentration or gas density at the inlet of accelerator channel no ( o  m no ) and
temperature To . The characteristic value of the azimuthal magnetic field H o the inlet
to channel is defined by discharge current in device J p so that H o  2 J p / c Ro ,
where Ro is the characteristic radius of channel. These values allow to form the units
of pressure Po  H o 2 / 4 , velocity Vo  H o / 4  o , time to  L / Vo and plasma
current jo  c H o / 4 L . The set of the MHD equations in the dimensionless variables
contains such dimensionless parameters as the ratio of the characteristic gas pressure
to magnetic one   8  Po / H o 2 and Re m   1   o T 3 / 2 , as well as dimension-
less values of thermal conductivity and flux W .
   Formulation of the problem includes the boundary conditions at the electrodes and
at the inlet and outlet of the accelerator channel. We assume that at the inlet of chan-

nel z  0 the plasma is supplied with the known values of the density  (r )  f 1(r )
and the temperature T (r )  f 2 (r ) . Not solving an additional electric circuit equation it
is possible to assume that the current is kept constant and comes into the system only
through electrodes. Then at z  0 we have j z  0 or r H  ro  const where
ro  Ro / L . The boundary conditions at electrodes r  r a (z ) and r  r к (z ) forming
the wall of the channel are based on the assumptions that the electrode surfaces are
equipotential ( E  0 ) and impermeable for plasma ( Vn  0 ). When r  0 we have:
Vr  0 , V  0 , H  0 .
  The algorithm for the numerical solution of equations (1) assumes the mapping of
computational domain onto a unit square in ( y, z ) plane using the relation:
                      r  (1  y ) r к ( z )  y r a ( z ) .                  (2)
   The finite-difference scheme with flux correction is used to calculate the hyperbol-
ic part of the MHD equations. Magnetic viscosity and thermal conductivity calcula-
tion is based on the flux variant of the back-substitution method. Quasistationary
flows are calculated by the establishment method. The radiation transfer problem was
solved within the framework of the developed 3D model.
   Rate of the radiation propagation is significantly higher than the specific rates of
the plasmodynamic processes. In this case the radiation field instantly adapts to distri-
bution of the flow parameters, and it is possible to reduce the problem to solve the
stationary equation of the radiation transport:
                 Ω   I r, Ω   r    r   I r, Ω ,                    (3)
here I r, Ω is radiation intensity with the particular frequency  , emitting in direc-
tion of the spatial angle Ω , corresponds to the point with the coordinate r . The main
radiation characteristics are the density of the radiation energy U and density of the
radiation energy flux W are determined by the radiation intensity:
              1 4                           4 
   U r         I r, Ω  d  d Wr     I r, Ω  Ω d  d
                                     ,                                .                   (4)
              c 0 0                           0 0
   The absorption coefficient  r  and emissivity  r  are known functions that
depend on the condition of medium, its density and temperature and are sums of three
parts corresponding to a) absorption and emission in lines; b) photo-ionization and
photo-recombination; and c) scattering.
   In accordance with equations (4) the problem of the radiation transport in flow of
the ionizing gas and plasma should be solved in the three-dimensional formulation.
   It is easy to obtain a grid for the 3D problem of the radiation transport as rotation
the initial grid in plane of the variables ( z, r ) by 360 degrees around the axis of chan-
nel with a certain step. The radiation intensity has to be determined in different direc-
tions for the further calculation of the integral values in relations (4) in any node or
cell of a three-dimensional grid. For this purpose an additional angular grid is built in
the azimuth and polar angles. The splitting of the complete spatial angle   4  into
elements of an angular grid is made by the method providing the uniform distribution

of rays in all directions. For each node in calculation we use as a rule 440 rays for the
complete spatial angle.
    The ray tracing is carried out in accordance with the method of the long character-
istics in order to determine the points of the crossing of a ray with the faces of cells in
the three-dimensional grid and the position of the crossing of a ray with one of the
boundaries of the three-dimensional computational domain. The invisible shadow
regions are excluded from calculation of the radiation energy flux for the given node
of grid in the tracing process of the computational domain by rays emerging from any
node of the grid. Coefficients  (r ) and  (r ) are calculated by the average value of
density and temperature in the center of the cell. Intensity along rays or characteristics
passing through any number of homogeneous regions with known coefficients  и
 is determined as a result of addition of solutions for homogeneous areas.
     The more detailed formulation of the problem is presented in [1–3].

3        Development of a parallel version of the program

A parallel program code for the study of high-speed plasma flows in the channels of
quasi-stationary plasma accelerators is implemented using the DVM-system [4, 5] in
the Fortran-DVMH language.
   Let's consider the process of parallelization of this software complex. The main
difficulty of developing a parallel program for a cluster is the need to make global
decisions on the distribution of data and computations taking into account the proper-
ties of the entire program, and then perform the complex work of modifying the pro-
gram and debugging it. The large amount of program code, multi-modularity, multi-
functionality makes it difficult to make decisions on the consistent distribution of data
and computations.
   Incremental parallelization can be used to facilitate the development of a parallel
version of the program. The idea of this method is that not the whole program is par-
allelized, but its parts (areas of parallelization) - additional instances of the required
data are created in them, the distribution of this data and the corresponding computa-
tions are made. The regions are selected based on the times obtained by profiling the
sequential program.
   To interact with those parts of the program that have not been parallelized, copy
operations are used from original to additional (distributed) data and back. In this
way, we can isolate the areas of code we are interested in and parallelize each area
separately from the rest of the program. This allows you to test different approaches
to data distribution and calculations distribution within the scope, which can signifi-
cantly change the structure of data storage, but any changes within the scope will not
require any modifications of the code outside the scope. At the same time, it is much
easier to find the most optimal distribution of data and computations in a small local
area than for the whole program.
   After parallelizing individual areas, parallel program optimization is performed to
minimize the amount of data copied. To do this, several regions can be combined into

one if an effective common distribution can be found for a common area. It is also
possible to add less time-consuming fragments to the area if this reduces the number
of data copying operations. This allows you to minimize the amount of program code
for analysis and parallelization-it is enough to consider only those fragments that
work with data already used within the parallelized area.
    Having optimal solutions for distributing data and calculations in local areas makes
it a little easier to find a common distribution for the combined area. However, in the
case where the optimal global distribution cannot be found for the combined domain,
incremental parallelization makes the process of finding local optimal distributions
much easier. This is very useful if the program consists of several parts, the data in
which differ significantly in structure.
    To solve this problem, several different mathematical models are used at once, so it
was decided to use incremental parallelization, which was successfully applied. The
most time-consuming parts of the program were determined using the performance
analyzer, which is part of the DVM system. From the point of view of command exe-
cution time, the most essential part of the software package was the run_radiat func-
tion, which corresponds to the calculation of radiation transfer in the 3D formulation
of the problem. In addition, considerable time was required to perform an iteration
loop responsible for the calculations of axisymmetric flows based on the MHD model.
    We describe the process of parallelizing the main iteration loop and the run_radiat
    The iteration loop was a regular loop with a fixed number of iterations. The inner
loops have been described using labels (Fig. 1):
                     do 43 L = 1,NZ
                          do 43 M = 1,NR
                              HFI(M,L) = HRFI(M,L) / RAD(M,L)
  43                       continue
                          Fig. 1. Fragment of the source program

   For convenience, all internal loops were rewritten without the use of labels, and all
arrays used in them were replaced (Fig. 2). The rejection of the use of labels was a
purely technical transformation with the aim of increasing the readability of the pro-
gram and facilitating parallelization.

             do L = 1,NZ
               do M = 1,NR
               end do
             end do
                       Fig. 2. Fragment of program after conversion

    Arrays were replaced as a preparation for further distribution of these arrays in iso-
lation from the rest of the program. Since the iterative loop is only some part of the
whole complex, it was necessary to make sure that the distribution of arrays would

not require any changes to the rest of the program. In total, about 45 arrays were re-
placed in this way. All these arrays, both original and copies, were replaced by dy-
namic ones, and their selection occurred just before the start of the iterative loop. At
that moment, the original arrays were destroyed on the contrary, so as not to consume
extra memory (Fig. 3):
             new_HRFI = HRFI
             <итерационный цикл>
             HRFI = new_HRFI
                            Fig. 3. Work with copies of arrays

   The above transitions from one array to another were placed before and after the it-
eration loop if the data available in these arrays were used respectively inside or after
the iteration loop. Most of the loops had a fairly simple array access patterns - either
using the elements appropriate for loop iteration, or the nearest neighbors of those
elements (Fig. 4):
 do L = 2,NZM1
     do M = 2,NRM1
               FGB = (GAM - 1.) / BB * new_RDY(L) / new_TEM(M,L)
               DRHDY = (new_HRFI(M + 1,L) - new_HRFI(M - 1,L)) / DY2
               DRHDZ = (new_HRFI(M,L + 1) - new_HRFI(M,L - 1)) / DZ2
               ! more code
            end do
       end do
                           Fig. 4. Typical loop in the program

   For arrays such as new_HRFI from the example above, the corresponding shadow
edges were specified during distribution (SHADOW specification). The vast majority
of loops were not closely nested, which did not allow them to be distributed simulta-
neously in two dimensions. It was also impossible to carry out a distribution for any
one distribution, since there were loops with direct dependencies in both one and the
other dimensions (Fig. 5):

        do L = 2,NZM1
          ! more code
          do N = 2,NRM1
            M = NR - N + 1
                      F(M))+C(M)*GAMM(M))/ A(M)
            PROR(M) = (A(M) * GAMM(M) + BET(M) * (F(M) –
                      B(M) * WL(M + 1))) / A(M)
          end do
          !more code
        end do
                                Fig. 5. Dependency loop

   Similar loops were in another dimension. A significant number of loops also had a
significant amount of access to potentially remote data for one of the dimensions
(Fig. 6):
     do L = 2,NZM1
          ! more code
          PPL = VR1 * new_RAD(1,L) * new_RDY(L) * new_PLT(1,L)
          !more code
     end do
                             Fig. 6. Potentially remote data

   To solve these problems, it was decided to use two data distribution templates
(template specification) - one for each dimension. In one case, it turned out that each
process received a part of "rows" of a two-dimensional array and worked with them.
In the other-each process received a part of "columns" of the two-dimensional array
and processed them. For each loop, a dimension without dependencies and without
accesses to remote data was selected, and parallelization was performed on it. Previ-
ously created copies of arrays were also distributed to the dimensions on which the
loop in which they were used was parallelized. If the array was used in loops, among
which there were parallel loops in both one and the other dimension, 2 copies were
created for it at once. Between loops parallelized by different dimensions, if neces-
sary, switching between templates was made (Fig. 7):
              do L = 2,NZ
                 do M = 1,NR
                    ! more code
                 end do
              end do
              new2_PLT = new_PLT
              do M = 2,NR
                 do L = 1,NZ

                       ! more code
                    end do
                  end do
                               Fig. 7. Switching between templates

        There were only 2 serious switches in the program - the transfer of 8 arrays from
     the distribution on the second dimension to the distribution on the first, and the trans-
     fer of the same 8 arrays back. The program required another similar translation back
     and forth, but only for one array. About 30 arrays were distributed over the created
     templates, of which about 20 had copies for both distribution templates. Also, more
     than 50 different loops were parallelized.
        In the run_radiat function, 5 loops were parallelized. These loops used a variety of
     data structures and arrays of unique formats (Fig. 8):
do inode = 1,mesh3d%NNodes
          den3d%fval(inode) = 0.e0_r8p
          tem3d%fval(inode) = 0.e0_r8p
          do i = 1,valsInterp%ielem(inode)%nSrc
               n1 = valsInterp%ielem(inode)%iSrc(i)
               eps = valsInterp%ielem(inode)%wSrc(i)
               den3d%fval(inode) = den3d%fval(inode) + den2d%fval(n1)*eps
               tem3d%fval(inode) = tem3d%fval(inode) + tem2d%fval(n1)*eps
          end do
     end do
                             Fig. 8. The use of complex data structures

        Since the main arrays in these loops had a unique structure that could not be corre-
     lated well with each other, 4 different distribution templates were created for all 5
     loops (since 2 out of 5 loops were parallelized using the same template). All distribut-
     ed arrays were replaced with ordinary arrays of standard types, the remaining arrays
     and data structures were left in their original form. The final version of the loop from
     the example above after transformations and parallelization looked like this (Fig. 9):
  !DVM$ PARALLEL(inode) ON new_den3d(inode),PRIVATE(n1,eps,i)
  do inode = 1,m3d
          new_den3d(inode) = 0.e0_r8pч
          new_tem3d(inode) = 0.e0_r8p
          do i = 1,valsInterp%ielem(inode)%nSrc
              n1 = valsInterp%ielem(inode)%iSrc(i)
              eps = valsInterp%ielem(inode)%wSrc(i)
              new_den3d(inode) = new_den3d(inode) + new2_den2d(n1)*eps
              new_tem3d(inode) = new_tem3d(inode) + new2_tem2d(n1)*eps
    end do
 end do
                                 Fig. 9. Loop after transformations

         The main difficulty in parallelizing this part of the program was the indirect ad-
      dressing highlighted in the examples above. During any iteration of the loop, the pro-
      gram can access an arbitrary number of different elements of the addressable array,
      perhaps even all. Moreover, the situation when each process will request almost all
      the elements of an indirectly addressed array (that is, the values of n1 for each set of
      turns allocated to the process pass through almost all possible elements of the den2d%
      fval and tem2d% fval arrays) is normal for this task. Therefore, it was decided to
      write data to distributed arrays, and if in subsequent loops this array is addressed indi-
      rectly, it was redistributed by all processes. Given that every process uses almost eve-
      ry element of the array, the extra overhead of making a full copy is negligible. After
      the loop indicated above, for example, redistribution took place in the form (Fig. 10):
     new2_den3d = new_den3d
     new2_tem3d = new_tem3d
                                 Fig. 10. Copy data after loop execution

         The prefix new_ pointed to distributed arrays and new2_ to non distributed arrays.
      A separate problem was the presence of reduction operation sum with indirect ad-
      dressing (Fig. 11):
     Do idir = 1,NDirs
          do iEn = 1,NEnGroups
                do isegm = 1,NPoints
                       inode = pTrace%rayTree(idir)%segm(isegm)%inode
                       !more code
                       cUden%fval(inode) = cUden%fval(inode) + cU_ptX
                end do
          end do
     end do
                                     Fig. 11. Loop with a reduction

        In this fragment of the program, when any iteration of the loop is performed, an ar-
     bitrary element of the array cUden%fval(inode) can be written to, and this data
     needs to be summed. To solve this problem, a special distributed array was created,
     allowing each iteration of the loop to carry out the summation in its own "column".
     After this, the summation over the last dimension of the array was performed
     (Fig. 12):
do idir = 1,NDirs
   !DVM$ PARALLEL(iEn) ON new_cuden3d(*,iEn)
   do iEn = 1,NEnGroups
       do isegm = 1,NPoints
            inode = pTrace%rayTree(idir)%segm(isegm)%inode
            !more code
      new_cuden3d(inode,iEn) = new_cuden3d(inode,iEn) + cU_ptX
       end do
   end do

end do
!DVM$ PARALLEL(iEn) ON uni_cuden3d(*,iEn), PRIVATE(inode),
!DVM$* REDUCTION(SUM(new2_cuden3d))
do iEn = 1,NEnGroups
   do inode = 1,m3d
       new2_cuden3d(inode)=new2_cuden3d(inode)+ new_cuden3d(inode,iEn)
   end do
end do
                                 Fig. 12. Reduction implementation

        As a result, each process received a correct copy of the reduction array.
        Based on the results of parallelization, a version of the program was obtained that
     can be run on multi-core clusters.

     4      Efficiency of parallel program
     Calculations using a parallel version of the program were performed on two multipro-
     cessor high-performance computing systems K-100 (KIAM RAS) and MVS1P5
     (JSCC RAS). The execution times of the program in seconds on different number of
     cores are shown in the Figures 13–14.
        The calculation of one time step is shown, determined by the Courant condition in
     solving the evolutionary problem based on the MHD model. Curves 1 in the figures
     correspond to calculations using the long characteristics method, which requires the
     most computational resources in the case of solving a fully three-dimensional problem
     and the calculation of integral characteristics in all nodes of the three-dimensional
     coordinate grid. Curves 2 and 3 correspond to the calculations of the integral charac-
     teristics of radiation in one plane of variables taking into account the axial symmetry
     of the flow. Along with the method of long characteristics, the method of short char-
     acteristics was implemented, which is answered by Curves 2. The method of short
     characteristics leads to numerical diffusion in the calculation of the radiation field,
     and it requires more time to calculate compared to the method of long characteristics,
     which is represented by the curves 3 in the figures, provided that the integral charac-
     teristics of radiation in one plane of variables are calculated taking into account the
     axial symmetry of the flow.

           Fig. 13. Program execution time in seconds on a different number of К-100 cores

     Fig. 14. Program execution time in seconds on a different number of MVS1P5 cores

 Fig. 15. Acceleration of the program execution process relative to the initial version on a dif-
                                 ferent number of K-100 cores

   Figures 15 and 16 show how the acceleration of the parallel version of the program
changes relative to the original serial version on a different number of cores of K-100
and MVS1P5 computer systems. Curves 1, 2 and 3 in these figures meet the same
calculation conditions specified above.

 Fig. 16. Acceleration of the program execution process relative to the initial version on a dif-
                                ferent number of MVS1P5 cores

   Weaker acceleration on K-100 for curve 3 in Fig. 15 for 32 processors is explained
by the fact that the program execution time is already very short, less than 30 seconds,
and overhead costs begin to occupy a significant percentage of the program time.
   The acceleration of the parallel version of the program on a single processor can be
explained by more optimal memory accesses. Replacing some pointer-based struc-
tures with a set of regular arrays has reduced the total number of memory accesses. It

also allowed in some cases to remove indirect addressing that increased the efficiency
of the cache memory. The resulting acceleration is significantly dependent on the grid
used, the mode of operation of the program and characteristics of memory for a par-
ticular machine. It can be enough to cover all the overhead arising from paralleliza-
tion and even speed up the program on a single processor a little.


This article describes the experience of successful use of DVM-system for the devel-
opment of parallel software code for calculating the problem of radiation magnetic
hydrodynamics and the study of plasma dynamics in the channel of plasma accelera-
   The use of DVM-system allowed to accelerate the process of developing parallel
program. At the same time, the following results were achieved to accelerate the pro-
gram execution process relative to the original version: up to 24 times on 32 proces-
sors of the K-100 computer complex (KIAM RAS) and up to 22 times on 28 proces-
sors of the MVS1P5 computer system (JSCC RAS).
   Numerous calculations performed using the parallel version of the program have
shown that the value of the discharge current required to achieve ion energy increases
in proportion to the size of the installation. It was found that a decrease in the charac-
teristic plasma concentration at the entrance to the accelerator channel can significant-
ly reduce the values of discharge currents. The values of the discharge current in the
plant were determined, providing the ion energy at the output at the level that is nec-
essary for the subsequent d-T plasma synthesis reaction in magnetic traps to hold the
plasma. The found discharge currents are quite acceptable for existing QSPA installa-

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