Distributed Algorithm of Self-transformation of the Distributed Network Topology in Order to Minimize the Wiener Index Igor Burdonov[0000-0001-9539-7853] Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Alexander Solzhenitsyn st., 25, 109004, Moscow, Russia igor@ispras.ru Abstract. We consider a distributed network, the topology of which is de- scribed by a undirected tree without multiple edges and loops. The network it- self can change its topology using special “commands” supplied by its nodes. The paper proposes an extremely local atomic transformation: the addition of an edge connecting the different ends of two adjacent edges, and the simultaneous removal of one of these edges. This transformation is performed by a “com- mand” from the common vertex of two adjacent edges. It is shown that any oth- er tree can be obtained from any tree using only atomic transformations. If the formation does not violate this restriction. As an example of the goal of such a transformation, the tasks of maximizing and minimizing the Wiener index of a tree with a limited degree of vertices without changing the set of its vertices are considered. The Wiener index is the sum of the pairwise distances between the vertices of the graph. The maximum Wiener index has a linear tree (a tree with two leaf vertices). For a root tree with a minimum Wiener index, its type and a method of calculating the number of vertices in the branches of the neighbors of the root is proposed. Two distributed algorithms are proposed: the transfor- mation of a tree into a linear tree and the transformation of a linear tree into a tree with a minimum Wiener index. It is proved that both algorithms have com- plexity not higher than 2n 2, where n is the number of tree vertice. Keywords: Distributed Network, Transformation of Graphs, Wiener Index. 1 Introduction The Wiener index [1] is a topological index of molecular graphs used in many appli- cations, especially in mathematical and computer chemistry and chemoinformatics. We consider a distributed network whose topology is a dynamically changing tree. Dynamic graphs [2] model self-organizing networks [3–5], including social networks, neural networks [6] and swarm intelligence [7]. A feature of these networks is their homogeneity, without dividing the nodes into switches, hosts, and controllers. The focus is on routing, bandwidth, noise immunity, security, load balancing and network resources, etc. A change in the network topology is understood as an external factor Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 104 that must be taken into account, but which the network itself does not control or only partially controls [8, 9]. On the other hand, there are many works in the literature devoted to precisely tar- geted transformation of the graph, in particular, trees in order to optimize according to certain criteria. The article proposes an atomic transformation that is extremely local, affecting a minimum of vertices and edges that are as close as possible to each other. Other tree transformations were considered earlier [10, 11, 12], but they are not local enough and are reduced to chains of atomic transformations. The algorithms proposed in the article are distributed and parallel. A tree trans- forms itself according to “commands” from computing units correlated with vertices. For this, we need the locality of transformation. The structure of the article is as follows. Section 2 defines a distributed network model and an atomic transformation. Section 3 contains basic concepts and statements related to the Wiener index. In Section 4, we propose an algorithm for transforming a tree into a linear tree, and in Section 5, an algorithm is proposed how to move from a linear tree to a tree with a minimum Wiener index under a given restriction on the degrees of vertices. The complexity estimates are given. 2 Model Let G be an undirected tree that underlies the distributed network. Let d  3 be the upper bound on the degrees of the vertices. The edges incident to the vertex are as- signed various nonzero numbers; in this article we will call such a tree an ordered tree. The edge ab has two numbers: eab at vertex a and eba at vertex b. Vertices are identified with computational units that send messages to each other along the edges of the graph. Vertex memory is a set of variables. First, at each vertex a, the variable E(a) is initialized by the set of numbers of edges incident to the vertex a. Further, during the transformation of the graph, the vertex a itself adjusts the varia- ble E(a). The message is set by type and parameters: Type(p1, ..., pk). Vertex a, sending a message along edge ab, indicates its number eab. Vertex b receives the message along with the edge number eba. The tree is transformed by “commands” from its vertices. The atomic transfor- mation acb is the replacement of the edge ac by the edge ab in the presence of the edge cb (fig. 1). It is executed by the command CHANGE(eca, ecb, P), which is given by vertex c, where P are additional parameters. The edge ab receives at the vertex a the same number that the deleted edge ac had, i.e. eac, and at the vertex b it gets any "free" ebc number. In order for vertex b to “recognize” this number, the mes- sage Change(P) is automatically sent along the edge from a to b. Other messages transmitted along the variable edge are not lost, but a message sent to vertex c will be received by vertex b. Vertex c itself removes the number eca from E(c), and vertex b itself adds the number eba to E(b). 105 Command Message CHANGE(eca, ecb, Pc) Change(Pc) a a c b c b Fig. 1. The atomic transformation acb is the replacement of the edge ac by the edge ab in the presence of the edge cb. To estimate the running time of the algorithm, we will neglect the computation time at the top and assume that the time for sending messages about changes, including for- warding messages to Change, does not exceed one clock cycle. The following statements are true for atomic transformation1: Proposition 1. An atomic transformation does not change the vertices of the tree and the tree remains a tree. Proposition 2. Any tree can be transformed into a linear tree by a chain of atomic transformations preserving the set of vertices and the upper bound d on the degrees of the vertices. The atomic transformation is reversible: after the transformation acb, we can make the inverse transformation abc. If the transformation acb preserves the upper bound d on the degrees of the vertices, then the transformation abc also preserves the upper bound d on the degrees of the vertices. If the chain of transfor- mations converts tree A into tree B, then the reverse chain of inverse transformations converts tree B into tree A. Therefore, the following statement is true. Proposition 3. Any tree can be obtained from a linear tree with the same set of ver- tices by a chain of atomic transformations preserving the upper bound d on the de- grees of the vertices. As a corollary of Propositions 2 and 3, we have the following proposition: Proposition 4. Any tree can be transformed into any other tree with the same set of vertices using a chain of atomic transformations that preserve the upper bound d on the degrees of the vertices. 3 Wiener Index The Wiener index is the sum of all pairwise distances between vertices. For a given number of vertices, the maximum Wiener index has a linear tree (a tree with two leaves) (A000292 in [14]). The type of a tree with maximum degree d (d  3) and the minimum Wiener index was defined in [15]. This is a type of a balanced tree (leaf heights differ by at most 1) with a strict requirement for the degree of the vertex, which distinguishes it from B-trees in which all leaves are at the same height, and the degrees of the vertices can be different, and from AVL trees which are binary. 1 For proofs of these and other statements see [13]. 106 A rooted tree is a tree in which one vertex has been distinguished as the root. The height of the vertex is the distance from it to the root. The tree height is the maximum height of the vertex. The branch of a vertex v is a subgraph G(v) generated by the set of vertices connected to the root by a path passing through v. For the edge ab, vertex a is the father of vertex b, and vertex b is the son of vertex a if the path from the root to b passes through a. Each vertex, except the root, has exactly one father. In an ordered root tree, vertices of the same height are linearly ordered: the vertex v is to the left of the vertex w (w is to the right of v) if, after the maximum common prefix of the paths leading from the root to v and w, the number of the next edge on the path to v is less than the number of the next edge on the path to w. A root tree of height h with n vertices is almost good if the root degree is min{d - 1, n - 1}, for h  3 all vertices at a height of 1 .. h - 2 have degree d, and the tree can be ordered so that for h  2 at a height h - 1, the rightmost inner vertex u has degree at most d, the vertices to the left of u have degree d, and the vertices to the right of u are leaves. A good tree differs only in the degree of root, it is equal to min{d, n - 1}. Examples are in Fig. 2. h h-1 h-2 1 0 Fig. 2. Good tree (left) and almost good tree (right). Proposition 5 (Theorem 2.2. in [15]). A tree with the vertex degree at most d (d  3) has a minimal Wiener index if and only if it is a good tree. Proposition 6. For every n, there exists a unique good tree up to isomorphism pre- serving the root with the number n of vertices and an almost good tree up to isomor- phism preserving the root with the number of n vertices. Proposition 7. In a (almost) good tree G, the branch G(v) of the vertex v adjacent to the root is an almost good tree. Let an almost good tree have height h, the degree of the root be 0 or d - 1, and the degrees of all vertices at height h - 1 be d. The number of vertices of this tree is de- noted by N(d, h) = 1 + (d - 1) + (d - 1)2 + ... + (d - 1)h = ((d - 1)h + 1 - 1) / (d - 2). Let a good tree have height h, the root degree be 0 or d, and the degrees of all vertices at height h - 1 be d. The number of vertices of this tree is denoted by M(d, h): M(d, 0) = 1 and M(d, h) = 1 + d + d(d - 1) + ... + d(d - 1)h - 1 = 1 + dN(d, h - 1) for h  1. Examples are in Fig. 2 when removing “gray” peaks at a height h. Let a (almost) good tree with n vertices be given. The branch of the root neighbor is almost a good tree. We order the neighbors of the root by not increasing the number of vertices in their branches and denote these numbers: for an almost good tree: N(d, n, 1)  ...  N(d, n, min{d - 1, n - 1}), for a good tree: M(d, n, 1)  ...  M(d, n, min{d, n - 1}). 107 Proposition 8. Let L(d, i) = N(d, i) if G is an almost good tree, and L(d, i) = M(d, i) if G is a good tree. Let the number of vertices n = L(d, h - 1) + m(d -1) + s < L(d, h), where 0  s < d - 1, and m = p(d - 1)h - 2 + q, where 0  q < (d - 1)h - 2. Then for p left- most neighbors of the root, their branches have N(d, h - 1) vertices, for the next right neighbor of the root, its branch has N(d, h - 2) + q(d - 1) + s vertices, and for the re- maining neighbors of the root, each branch has N(d, h - 2) vertices. 4 Algorithm A: Transformation to a Linear Tree 4.1 Informal Description If for a vertex v the branch of its son w is a linear tree, then the path from v through w to the leaf will be called a line from v. A starlike tree is a root tree consisting of lines leading from a root. Let G be a tree with n vertices and with root r. For convenience, we assume that the root has a fictitious edge with number 0, leading to a fictitious father. The algo- rithm starts when the message Start() is received by the root from his (fictitious) fa- ther and ends with sending the message Line(n) from the root along this edge. The algorithm is recursive, at the recursion level h, the algorithm works on each branch of G(v), where v has height h, and consists of three stages. Stage 1 (Fig. 3). The vertex v receives a message Start from his father,stores the number of the edge leading to his father, and sends Start to all his sons. G(v11) G(v21) G(vk-11 G(vk1) … ) sons of v v1 1 v21 vk-11 v k1 v father of v Fig. 3. Stage 1: Messages Start and tree branches. Stage 2 (Fig. 4). Vertex v expects to receive messages Line from its sons, counting the number of vertices of branch G(v) as 1 + the sum of the parameters of received messages Line. v1x(1) v2x(2) G(vk-11 G(vk1) v12 v22 … ) sons of v v1 v21 vk-11 v k1 v Fig. 4. Stage 2: Messages Line and lines. 108 At the beginning of Stage 3 (Fig. 5), the branch G(v) is a starlike tree with k lines. The length of the ith line is x(i). The vertex v starts k - 1 parallel chains of atomic transformations so that for i = 1 .. k - 1 at the first edge of the (i + 1)th line, its end vi + 11 is fixed, and the other end moves along the ith line from v to the leaf vix(i). To do this, the vertex v performs k - 1 transformations vi + 11vvi1 simultaneously in the sequence i = k - 1, ..., 1. Each of these transformations is the first in the chain of trans- formations along the ith line: vi + 11vvi1, vi + 11vi1vi2, ..., vi + 11vix(i) - 1vix(i). These transformation chains are performed in parallel along k - 1 lines. When the chain of transformations along the ith line ends in its leaf, the ith and (i + 1)th lines are concatenated. When this happens for all i = 1 .. k - 1, the branch G(v) becomes a line- ar tree. Vertex v is notified of this by a message Finish(). It is sent after the kth and (k - 1)th lines are concatenated, and then passes along the lines k - 1, ..., 1, and the ith line goes from the end vix(i) to the beginning vi1. If Finish transfers to the (i -1)th line before concatenating it with the ith line, the transfer is suspended until the concatena- tion is completed. At the end, Finish is sent along the edge (v11, v). Vertex v sends the message Line, to its father completing the work on branch G(v). x1 x2 xk-1 xk x1 x2 xk-1 xk x1 x2 xk-1 xk … … … … v v v Fig. 5. Stage 3: Messages Finish and transformations. 4.2 Formal Description Algorithm A(G, root). Variables at vertex v: E(v) is the set of edge numbers incident to the vertex v; fat(v) is the number at the vertex v of the edge leading from the vertex v to its father; line(v) is the flag (Bool) that the vertex v has sent the message Line; nson(v) is the number of messages Line expected by vertex v from its sons; sson(v) is the sum of the length of the lines from the vertex v in the received messages Line; f(v) is the flag (Bool) of receiving Finish before Change. Notation: element(S) is the function to select an arbitrary element from a nonempty set S. 1 while it is not the end of the algorithm { 2 wait () { /* receive message */ 3 if Start() on the edge i is received { /* stage 1 */ 109 4 fat(v) := i; line(v) := false; /* initialization */ 5 nson(v) := | E(v) \ { fat(v) } |; sson(v) := 1; f(v) := 0; 6 send Start() on each edge j  E(v) \ { fat(v) }; 7 if nson(v) = 0 { /* v is leaf or isolated vertex */ 8 send Line(sson(v)) on the edge fat(v); line(v) := true; 9 if fat(v) = 0 { end of algorithm; } /* v is isolated vertex */ 10 }} 11 if Line(l) on the edge i is received { /* stage 2 */ 12 nson(v) := nson(v) - 1; sson(v) := sson(v) + l; /* new line from v */ 13 if E(v) \ { fat(v) } = { i } { /* the vertex v has one son */ 14 send Line(sson(v)) on the edge fat(v); line(v) := true; 15 if fat(v) = 0 { end of algorithm; } 16 } 17 else { /* vertex degree is greater than 2 or it is the root of degree 2 */ 18 if nson(v) = 0 { /* beginning of Step 3: G(v) is starlike tree */ 19 j := element( E(v) \ { fat(v), i } ); /* select edge */ 20 /* transformation avb, где e(v, a) = i, e(v, b) = j */ 21 command CHANGE(i, j, true); 22 E(v) = E(v) \ { i }; /* edge removed */ 23 while | E(v) \ { fat(v) } | > 1 { /* transformation cycle */ 24 m := j; 25 j := element( E(v) \ { fat(v), m } ); /* select edge */ 26 /* transformation avb, where e(v, a) = m, e(v, b) = j */ 27 command CHANGE(m, j, false); 28 E(v) = E(v) \ { m }; /* edge removed */ 29 } } } } 30 if Change(f) on the edge i is received { /* stage 3: transformation acv */ 31 f(v) := f(v)  f; /* f(v) = true if there is a line v, a, ... */ 32 if | E(v) | = 2 { /* the transformation chain along the line is not finished */ 33 j := element(E(v) \ { fat(v) }; /* select the next edge */ 34 /* transformation avb, where e(v, a) = i, e(v, b) = j */ 35 command CHANGE(i, j, f(v)); f(v) := false; 36 } 37 else { /* | E(v) | = 1, the transformation chain along the line is finished */ 38 E(v) = E(v)  { i }; /* edge added */ 39 if f(v) { /* two lines concatenated */ 40 send Finish() on the edge fat(v); f(v) := false; 41 } } } 42 if Finish() on the edge i is received { /* Stage 3 */ 43 if i  E(v) { f(v) := true; } /* vertex v received Finish before Change */ 44 else { 45 if line(v) { /* vertex v sent Line */ 46 send Finish() on the edge fat(v); 47 } 48 else { /* vertex v did not send Line */ 110 49 send Line(sson(v)) on the edge fat(v); line(v) := true; 50 if fat(v) = 0 { end of algorithm; } 51 }} } } } Proposition 9. Algorithm A transforms a tree with n vertices into a linear tree with- out violating the restriction d on the degree of vertices with the time complexity t(n)  2n - 2. The message Line(n) is sent from the root to his fictitious father. The bound 2n - 2 is reachable for a linear tree when the root is one of the leaves. The bound cannot be improved: in order to find out that the tree is linear, the message must go from the root to another leaf and vice versa, i.e. there is a walk through a path of length 2n - 2. 5 Algorithm B: Transformation of a Linear Tree into a Good Tree 5.1 Informal Description Let G be a linear tree with n vertices and a root r being a leaf. The algorithm starts when the root receives the message Begin(d, n) on the fictitious edge number 0, and ends with the message End() sending from the root along this edge. The algorithm is performed recursively, the recursion level is equal to the height of the vertex in the target good tree. At the recursion level h, a part of a good tree is con- structed at heights from 0 to h. Initially, h = 0, and the constructed part consists of one root. At level h, the algorithm runs on each branch of G(v), where the vertex v has height h in G and consists of two stages. A starlike tree in which the degree of the root and the number of vertices of the branches of the neighbors of the root are the same as those of an (almost) good tree with the same number of vertices, we will call a (almost) good starlike tree. Stage 1. The branch G(v) is a line from v. We construct a starlike tree with a root in v: a good starlike tree if v = r, or an almost good starlike tree if v  r. The number of vertices of the branch G(v) is the parameter of the message Begin, from which Stage 1 starts on the branch G(v). Stage 2. The branch G(v) is a good (v = r) or almost good (v  r) starlike tree. The vertex v sends each son w the message Begin(d, l), where l is the number of vertices on the branch G(w), initiating the algorithm at the next level of recursion. This can be done as soon as a line of the desired length from w is constructed. Vertex v is waiting for messages End() from all its sons and then sends End() to its father. If v = r, the algorithm ends. How to build a starlike tree in Stage 1? We use the concept of the current vertex (first it is the vertex v) and two operations: MOVING and TRANSFORMATION. The parameter t is the number of transformations that remain to be done to build a line in a starlike tree. 111 MOVING c⇢b: c is the current vertex, there is an edge {c, b}. The vertex c sends to the vertex b the message Move(t). Upon receiving the message, vertex b becomes current vertex. TRANSFORMATION acb: c is the current vertex; there are edges {a, c} and {c, b}. The value of t decreases by 1: t := t - 1. Vertex c gives the command CHANGE(eca, ecb, t). After receiving the message Change(t), vertex b becomes cur- rent. The construction is shown in Fig. 6: the gray arrow indicates the current vertex, the white circle indicates the vertex v. Let l > 2 be the number of vertices of the branch G(v). First there is a line v = v1, v2, ..., vl for the current vertex v. Use the following notations: x = min{d, l - 1} is the degree of the vertex v in a good starlike tree; SM(d, l, 0) = 1; SM(d, l, j) = 1 + M(d, l, 1) + M(d, l, 2) + ... + M(d, l, j), for j = 1 .. x, is the number of vertices in a good star tree on the first j lines plus one (the root); vji = vSM(d, l, j - 1) + i, for j = 1 .. x - 1 and i = 1 .. M(d, l, j), is the ith vertex of the jth line; vxi = vSM(d, l, x) - i + 1, for i = 1 .. M(d, l, x), is ith vertex of the xth line. We build the lines from right to left, starting from the xth line and ending with the nd 2 line. Construction of the jth line in a good star tree for j = x .. 2: 1. t = M(d, l, j). 2. MOVING v⇢vj1. 3. The chain M(d, l, j) - 1 TRANSFORMATIONS: vvj1vj2, vvj2vj3, ..., vvjM(d, l, j) - 1vjM(d, l, j); t = M(d, l, j) - 1, t = M(d, l, j) - 2, ..., t = 1. 4. M(d, l, j)th TRANSFORMATION: vj + 11vjM(d, l, j)v. 5. Starting the algorithm for constructing an almost good starlike tree on the jth branch: the vertex v sends the message Begin(d, M(d, l, j)) to the vertex vjM(d, l, j). When the 2nd line is built, then the first line is built, so the algorithm on the first ruler is simultaneously launched: the vertex v sends the Begin(d, M(d, l, 1)) to the vertex v1M(d, l, 1). An almost good starlike tree is constructed in the same way, but the number of lines x is not min{d, l - 1} but min{d - 1, l - 1}, and the number of vertices in the jth line is not M(d, l, j) but N(d, l, j). 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 time 0 1 2 3 … 11 12 13 14 15 … 19 20 21 v21 v22 v23 v24 v25 v26 v27 v37 v36 v35 v34 v33 v32 v31 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15 v16 v17 v18 v19v110v111v112 v st nd 1 branch 2 branch 3rd branch M(1, 27) = 12 M(2, 27) = 7 M(3, 27) = 7 Fig. 6. Building a good starlike tree for n = 27 and d = 3. 5.2 Formal Description Algorithm B(G, root). Variables at vertex v: E(v) is the set of edge numbers incident to the vertex v; fat(v) is the number at the vertex v of the edge leading from the vertex v to its father; sson(v) is the number of vertices in the branch G(v); d(v) is upper bound on degrees of vertices; j(v) is the number of the starlike tree line under construction; first(v) is the number of the first edge of the starlike tree line under construc- tion; nson(v) is the number of messages End expected by vertex v from its sons. 1 while is not the end of the algorithm { 2 wait () { /* receive message */ 3 if Begin(d, l) on the edge i is received { 4 d(v) := d; sson(v) := l; fat(v) := i; /* initialization */ 5 if fat(v) = 0 { nson(v) := min{d, sson(v) - 1}; } 6 else { nson(v) := min{d - 1, sson(v) - 1}; } 7 j(v) := nson(v); /* start with the last line of ?a shortest? length */ 8 if sson(v)  3 { /* number of vertices  3, transformation needed */ 9 if fat(v) = 0 { t := M(d, sson(v), j(v)); } else { t := N(d, sson(v), j(v)); } 113 10 first(v) := element( E(v) \ { i } ); /* select edge */ 11 send Move(t) on the edge first(v); 12 } 13 else { /* number of vertices  2, no transformation needed */ 14 send End() on the edge fat(v); 15 if fat(v) = 0 { end of algorithm; } /* v = root */ 16 } } 17 if Move(t) on the edge i is reseived { 18 e := element( E(v) \ { i } ); /* select edge */ 19 if t > 1 { /* first transformation of the transformation chain */ 20 /* transformation avb, где e(v, a) = i, e(v, b) = e */ 21 command CHANGE(i, e, t); 22 E(v) := E(v) \ { i }; /* edge removed */ 23 } 24 else { /* final transformation */ 25 /* transformation avb, где e(v, a) = e, e(v, b) = i */ 26 command CHANGE(e, i, t); 27 E(v) := E(v) \ { e }; /* edge removed */ 28 } } 29 if Change(t) on the edge i is received { 30 if t > 2 { /* continue the chain of transformations */ 31 e := element( E(v) \ { fat(v), i } ); /* select edge */ 32 /* transformation avb, где e(v, a) = i, e(v, b) = e */ 33 command CHANGE(i, e, t - 1); 34 } 35 if t = 2 { final transformation */ 36 e := element( E(v) \ { fat(v), i } ); /* select edge */ 37 /* transformation avb, где e(v, a) = e, e(v, b) = i */ 38 command CHANGE(e, i, t - 1); 39 } 40 if t = 1 { all transformations are finished */ 41 E(v) := E(v)  { i }; /* edge added */ 42 /* start the algorithm on the constructed line */ 43 if fat(v) = 0 { t := M(d, sson(v), j(v)); } else { t := N(d, sson(v), j(v)); } 44 if t  3 { send Begin(d(v), t) on the edge first(v); } 45 else { nson(v) := nson(v) - 1; } 46 j(v) := j(v) - 1; /* go to the next line */ 47 if fat(v) = 0 { t := M(d, sson(v), j(v)); } else { t := N(d, sson(v), j(v)); } 48 if j(v) > 1 { /* start building the next line */ 49 first(v) := i; send Move(t) on the edge first(v); 50 } 51 if j(v) = 1 { /* all lines are constructed */ 52 /* start the algorithm on the last line */ 53 if t  3 { send Begin(d(v), t) on the edge i; } 54 else { nson(v) := nson(v) - 1; } 114 55 } } } 56 if End() on the edge i is reseived { 57 nson(v) := nson(v) - 1; 58 if nson(v) = 0 { /* branch is constructed */ 59 send End() on the edge fat(v); 60 if fat(v) = 0 { end of algorithm; } /* v = root */ 61 }} } } Proposition 10. 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