|title=Distinguishing Transition Systems With The Nondeterministic Behavior
|authors=Igor Burdonov,Nina Yevtushenko,Alexander Kossachev
==Distinguishing Transition Systems With The Nondeterministic Behavior==
Distinguishing Transition Systems with the Nondeterministic Behavior Igor Burdonov[0000-0001-9539-7853], Nina Yevtushenko[0000-0002-4006-1161] and Alexandre Kossachev[0000-0002-3959-7284] Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of RAS, 25 Alexander Solzhenitsyn str., 109004, Moscow, Russia {igor, evtushenko, kos}@ispras.ru Abstract. Test generation is an important issue when checking functional and nonfunctional requirements for components of distributed systems and formal models are utilized in order to derive test suites with guaranteed fault coverage, i.e., test suites which detect critical component faults. Finite transition systems are often used as such formal models and there are a number of methods for de- riving complete test suites for Finite State Machines (FSMs) where each input is followed by an output. However, the FSM model is not always appropriate, as sequences of inputs can be applied before obtaining any output response or a sequence of output responses from a system under test, while this situation can be adequately handled using Input/Output (I/O) automata. When critical faults are enumerated, a test suite can be derived as a set of sequences distinguishing the specification I/O automaton from each considered mutant, and thus, tech- niques for deriving sequences which distinguish two I/O automata have to be elaborated. There are different notions of distinguishability and in this paper, we consider a so-called (adaptive) separability relation. If two automata which possibly have the nondeterministic behavior are (adaptively) separable then they can be distinguished by applying a corresponding (adaptive) input se- quence only once differently from the quasi-equivalence and quasi-reduction re- lations where each test case has to be applied appropriate number of times un- der the so-called “all weather conditions” assumption. In this paper, we intro- duce the notion of a (adaptive) separating sequence for two I/O automata and propose a technique for deriving such a sequence for I/O automata of a special class where at each state, transitions under only inputs or under only outputs are specified. The length of a separating sequence if it exists is also briefly evaluat- ed. Keywords: Input/Output automaton, (adaptive) separating sequence. 1 Introduction Deriving test suites with guaranteed fault coverage for various kinds of reactive dis- crete and hybrid control systems is not possible without the use of formal models [1]. Transition systems with inputs and outputs are widely used for this purpose; such a transition system can be considered as a trace model that maps sequences of inputs Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 117 (input sequences) into sequences of outputs (output sequences). However, the re- quirement to have an output after each input as it happens in Finite State Machines (FSMs) [2, 3] is very strict and in order to weaken the assumption, the researchers consider the model of an Input/Output (I/O) automaton where an output can occur only after a sequence of inputs and there can be a sequence of such outputs. When deriving test suites with guaranteed fault coverage under the ‘white box” testing as- sumption, the distinguishability notion is very important. There has to be a possibility to distinguish fault-free and faulty components, and special distinguishing sequences are used for this purpose when using the active testing. Such distinguishing sequenc- es, sometimes called distinguishing experiments, are well studied for deterministic complete FSMs but components under test are usually only partially specified while having a nondeterministic behavior. In this paper, we consider Input/Output (I/O) automata [4], define the notion of an (adaptive) separating sequence for two automata and propose a technique for deriving such a sequence (if it exists). Differently from other conformance / distinguishability relations, if such a sequence exists then two automata can be distinguished after applying the sequence only once and thus, such sequences can be very useful for mutation testing. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 contains the preliminaries. In Section 3, the features of I/O automata are discussed for which an (adaptive) sepa- rating sequence can be constructed using the well known FSM based methods; the length of such sequences is briefly evaluated when they exist. The conclusion presents some avenues for the future work. 2 Preliminaries The section has the necessary definitions for trace models and the notion of a separat- ing sequence for I/O automata is introduced. In this paper, a finite I/O automaton, automaton for short, is a 4-tuple S = (S, s0, I, O, hS) where S is a finite nonempty set of states with the designated initial state s0, I is a finite nonempty set of input actions while O is a finite nonempty set of output actions, I O = , and hS S (I O }) S is a transition relation. There is a transition from state s to state s under action а if and only if the triple (s, а, s) hS. The automaton is deterministic if at each state, there is at most one transition under each action. An automaton can be considered as a trace model where a trace is a sequence of actions of the alphabet I O permissible at the initial state. When testing, only finite traces can be observed and correspondingly, we assume that the automaton has no cycles labeled only with output actions. Moreo- ver, in order to avoid races at the automaton states, we consider automata where at each state either only inputs or only outputs are specified. In other words, in this pa- per, an I/O automaton is a deterministic automaton S = (S, s0, I, O, hS), where S is partitioned into three pairwise disjoint sets S1, S2 and S3: at states of S1 only transitions under input actions are defined (and there exists at least one such transition), at states of S2 only transitions under output actions are defined (and there exists at least one such transition). At states of the set S3 there are no defined outgoing transitions, i.e., these states are deadlock states. In general, any of these sets can be empty. A trace at the initial state is complete if the trace takes the automaton to a state where no outputs 118 are defined. In order to be able to observe such traces a proper “silent output” I O (quiescence) is added to the automaton [4], and thus at each state of the sets S1 and S3 a loop under is added where is considered as an output. Correspondingly, the automaton S is obtained and is a complete trace in S if and only if S has a trace sometimes called a -trace; the latter corresponds to the fact that after this trace none of outputs of O can appear. According to our assumptions, the automaton has no cy- cles labeled only with outputs and thus, every automaton trace is a prefix of some complete trace. If the initial state of the automaton is in the set S1, the input i I is strictly defined at the initial state if there is a defined transition at the initial state under this input. If the initial state of the automaton is in the set S2, the input i I is strictly defined at the initial state if there is a defined transition under this input at each state reachable from the initial state under a trace where actions are labeled with outputs of O. A sequence i of inputs is strictly defined if is strictly defined at the initial state and at each state that is reachable from the initial state via a complete trace with the projection , a transition under input i is defined. 3 Separating Input/Output Automata Given I/O automata S = (S, s0, I, O, hS) and P = (P, p0, I, O, hP) of the considered set, S и P are called nonseparable if for each input sequence that is strictly defined at the initial states of S и P, the sets of output projections of complete traces with the input projection of S и P are not disjoint. Otherwise, the automata are separable and an input sequence that is strictly defined at the initial states of S и P such that the sets of output projections of complete traces with the input projection of S и P do not inter- sect is a separating sequence for the automata. When distinguishing a faulty implementation P from the specification S, if S и P are separable then after applying a separating input sequence to an automaton under experiment and observing a corresponding output response we could uniquely con- clude which automaton is under experiment when the hypothesis of applying input sequences holds [6]. Before applying the next input the tester waits for an output until an appropriate timeout t is expired. In other words, the distinguishing experiment with a given automaton is performed as follows: the tester waits for an output until the timeout t expires; if a system under test produces an output then the timer is advanced from 0 and the tester waits for an output again until the timeout expires. If there is no output until the timeout t expires then we assume that the system produced the output . After this, the tester applies the next input (if any) under the above conditions. For an automaton of the considered class, an appropriate possibly partial and nondeter- ministic Finite State Machine can be derived and the technique from [7] can be used for checking the separability of derived FSMs. Finite State machine or simply an FSM is a 5-tuple S = S, X, Y, hS, s0 where S is a finite nonempty set of states with the designated initial state s0, X and Y are finite nonempty alphabets, X Y = , and hS S X Y S is a transition relation. There is a transition from state s S to state s S for an input/output pair x/y (xy) if and 119 only if (s, x, y, s) hS. FSM S is observable, if for each two transitions (s, x, y, s), (s, x, y, s) hS it holds that s = s. If FSM S is observable, x X and y Y, then state s is called the xy-successor of state s, if (s, x, y, s) hS. The set of all non-empty xy-successors of state s for all outputs y is the x-successor of state s. The notions of xy- and x-successors can be defined for a pair of different states s1 and s2, if an input x is a specified input at each of these states. In this case, the xy-successor is defined as a pair of xy-successors of these states. If xy-successors of these states coincide or the xy- successor exists only for one state of s1 и s2 then the xy-successor of the pair {s1, s2} is a corresponding singleton. The set of all non-empty xy-successors of the pair {s1, s2} is the x-successor of this state pair. In usual way, the transition relation is extended to input and output sequences. By default, for each state s S the 4-tuple (s, , , s) is in the transition relation of S where is the empty sequence. The extended transition relation is denoted by the same symbol hS. A sequence of input/output pairs which can be successively traversed starting from the initial state, is called an input/output sequence or a trace of the FSM (at the initial state). An input x is a defined input at state s if (s, x, y, s) hS for some y and s. Input sequence х is a defined input sequence for the FSM if is a defined input sequence at the initial state, and input х is defined at each state that is reachable from the initial state by a trace with the input projection . Two FSMs over the same input and output alphabets are separable, if there exists an input sequence defined for each FSM such that the sets of traces with this input projection are disjoint. Oth- erwise, the FSMs are non-separable. There are techniques how the separability rela- tion can be checked for complete and partial, for observable and non-observable FSMs and these techniques can be used when checking whether two I/O automata are separable. Given an automaton S of the considered class, we construct possibly a nondeterministic FSM using a technique of the paper [6]. Algorithm 1 of deriving an FSM for a given automaton Input: a deterministic I/O automata S = (S, s0, I, O, hS), where S is the union of three pairwise disjoint sets S1, S2 и S3. Output: FSM MS that represents the set of traces of S. Construct FSM MS = (S1 S3, I {null_in}, O O2 … Ons {}, TMS), null_in I, with the empty transition set, i.e. TMS = , where ns is the maximum length of a trace labeled only with outputs in S: - for each state s S1 such that (s, i, s) TS, s S1 S3, add to TMS the transition (s, i, , s); - for each state s S1, such that (s, i, s) TS, s S2, add to TMS the transition (s, i, o1 o2. . . ok, s), k ns, where s S1 S3 is the o1 o2. . . ok-successor of state s. If the initial state of the automaton S is in S2, then add to TMS the transition (s0, null_in, o1 o2. . . ok, s), where s S1 S3 s S1, and s is the non-empty o1 o2. . . ok- successor of state s0. If the initial state of the automaton S is in S3, then the FSM tran- sition set TMS is empty, and thus, the set of FSM traces has only the empty sequence . By constructing the FSM MS, the following statements hold. 120 Proposition 1. Given a deterministic I/O automaton S of the considered class, if the initial state is in the set S1, then an input sequence is strictly defined in S, if and only if is a defined input sequence of the FSM MS. If the initial state of S is in the set S2, then an input sequence is strictly defined in S if and only if the sequence null_in is a defined input sequence of the FSM MS. Proposition 2. Given a deterministic I/O automaton S of the considered class, if at the initial state of the automaton is in the set S1 then the set of traces of S and FSM MS coincide. If at the initial state of the automaton is in the set S2 then for each trace of S there is the trace null_in in MS, and vice versa. Given two automata S and P of the considered class, corresponding FSMs MS and MР can be derived. As a corollary to Propositions 1 and 2, the following statement holds. Theorem 3. Automata S and P are separable if and only if FSMs MS и MР are sep- arable. Moreover, if the initial states of S and P are states of S1 and P1, then a se- quence is a separating sequence for S and P if and only is a separating sequence for MS and MР. If the initial states of MS and MР are states of S2 and P2 then a se- quence is a separating sequence of S and P, if and only null_in is a separating sequence for MS and MР. If the initial states of MS and MР are states of S1 and P2, or S2 and P1, then the empty sequence is a separating sequence for automata S и P. When deriving a separating sequence for FSMs MS и MР we use a technique of the paper [7]. Algorithm 2 for deriving a separating sequence for two observable possibly partial FSMs Input: two observable possibly partial FSMs MS и MР over input alphabet X Output: A separating sequence for MS и MР, if FSMs are separable, or the mes- sage «The FSMs are non-separable» Step 1. Drive the intersection of MS and MР. If the intersection is complete then Return the message «The FSMs are non-separable». Step 2. If the intersection of MS и MР is partial then derive a truncated successor tree for the initial state of the intersection. The root is labeled by the pair of the initial states; other nodes are labeled by subsets of states of the intersection. Let j levels of the tree, j 0, are already constructed and an intermediate (non-terminal) node of the jth level is labeled by a subset P of states of the intersection. There exists an outgoing edge from the node labeled with an input x to the node labeled with the set of x- successors of states of P if x is defined at each state of each pair of P. A current node Current at the pth level, p 0, labeled by the set P is a leaf if and only if one of the below conditions holds. Rule 1: There exists an input x such that for each state (s, p) of P, x is a defined input at both states s and p and the non-empty x-successors are single- tons. 121 Rule 2: There exists a node at the jth level, j < p, labeled with the set R such that P contains each pair of different states of the set R. Step 3. If there is no leaf obtained by applying Rule 1 then the FSMs are not separable. Return the message «The FSMs are non-separable». If there exists a leaf obtained by applying Rule 1, i.e. there exists an input x such that for each state (s, p) of P, x is defined at both states s and p and the non-empty successors of (s, p) are singletons, then the input sequence x is a separating sequence for FSMs MS and MР where sequence labels the path to this leaf. Return the sequence x. Notice that if a truncated successor tree is completely derived or a width tree search is used when using Algorithm 2 then for separable FSMs MS and MР a shortest separating sequence can be derived. Therefore, the following technique for checking whether two automata are separa- ble can be proposed. Algorithm 3 for checking whether two automata are separable and deriving a sepa- rating sequence when they are separable Input: Input/ Output automata S and P Output: A separating sequence or the message «The automata S and P are non- separable» Step 1. If the initial state of S (Р) is in the set S1 S3 (Р1 Р3), while the initial state of Р (S) is in S2 (Р2), then the empty sequence separates automata S and P. If the initial state of S (Р) is in S3 (Р3), while the initial state of Р (S) is in S1 (Р1), then Return he message «The automata are non-separable» Step 2. Let the initial states of S and P be in the sets S1 S3 and Р1 Р3 or S2 and Р2. Call Algorithm 1 to derive FSMs MS and MP. Step 3. Call Algorithm 2 to check if there exists a separating sequence for FSMs MS and MP. If FSMs MS and MP are not separable then Return he message «The automata are non-separable». If there exists a separating sequence for FSMs MS и MР then Return , if is headed by an input of alphabet X. If = null_in , then Return . Example. Consider automata S and P in Figs. 1a and 2a with the initial states s1 and p1, and corresponding FSMs MS и MР in Figs. 1b and 2b. 122 s1 ?i1 ?i1 s1 !o2 ?i2 ?i2 i1/, s5 s3 s2 i1/ i2/o2 !o1 ?i1 i1/o1 !o1 !o2 s5 s2 i1/o2 i2/o1o1 i2/o1o2 i2/o1o2 s4 (a) (b) Fig. 1. Automaton S (a) and FSM MS (b). ?i2 i2/o1 p2 p1 p1 !o1 ?i1 i2/o3 i1/o1 i1/ !o1 ?i1 p5 p8 p3 p5 p3 i1/o1 ?i2 !o3 !o1 ?i1 i1/o2 i1/o3 p7 p6 p4 p6 ?i1 !o2 (a) (b) Fig. 2. Automaton P (a) and FSM MP (b). Algorithm 2 returns a separating sequence and a frame of a corresponding succes- sor tree is shown in Fig. 3. For states of the pair (s2, p3) in Fig. 3, input i2 is not defined and thus, at this state we have only a transition labeled with input i1. States s5 and p5 and states s2 and p6 can be separated by the input i1 that is defined at each of these states, and thus, an input sequence i1 i1 i1 is a separating sequence for automata S and P. 123 (s1,p1) p1 i1 (s2,p3) p1 i1 (s5,p5), (s2,p6) i1 Fig. 3. A frame of a corresponding successor tree for FSMs in Figs. 1b and 2b. Evaluating the length of a separating sequence. For complete observable FSMs the tight lower bound on the length of a shortest separating sequence with respect to the number of FSMs’ states is known [8]. This bound equals 2mn-1 when FSMs MS and MР have m and n states. Correspondingly the length of a separating sequence for au- tomata S и P which have m и n states in the sets S1 S3 и Р1 Р3 is not bigger than this value. In order to check if this bound is tight additional investigations are needed. However, in the paper [9], we show that for any k 3 и n > 1, there exist determinis- tic input complete automata Sk with k states and An with states, (2k – 4) inputs and k outputs such that the length of a shortest separating sequence equals to (n–1)2k–2 + 1 = О(n2k). If automata S и Р have the above features but can be nondeterministic then the cor- responding FSMs MS и MР can be non-observable. In the paper [7], a technique is proposed how to deal with non-observable FSMs when checking their separability: in this case, the notion of an xy-successor of a state should be modified since now it is not always a singleton. That technique is also based on using subsets of states and thus, an expected lower bound seems to coincide with that for observable FSMs; however, more research is needed in this direction. Another interesting question is related to the adaptive separability (distinguishabil- ity). An adaptive separating sequence is represented by a so-called test case that is an acyclic FSM and there are techniques how such test cases can be derived [8]. Given two FSMs MS and MР over an input alphabet X and an output alphabet Y, a test case TC(X, Y) that represents an adaptive input sequence is an initially connected observa- ble initialized FSM TC that has an acyclic transition graph and where at each state, at most one input is defined with all possible outputs. The length of the test case TC is the length of a longest trace from the initial state to a deadlock state and it is the length of the longest input sequence that can be applied to an FSM under investiga- tion. A test case TC a separating (distinguishing) test case for observable FSMs MS and MР if (1) the initial state of TC is the pair of the initial states of MS and MР, 124 (2) for each trace = xkyk of TC from the initial state to a deadlock state, is a trace at the initial states of MS and MР, (3) ik is a defined input at the -successors of the initial states of MS and MР and (4) every such trace is a trace at most at one initial state of MS or MР. In this case, an adaptive separating sequence for MS and MР is represented by such a test case. If such a test case does not exist for FSMs MS and MР, then machines MS and MР are (adaptively) non-separable (indistinguishable). For two observable possibly partial machines with n and m states the length of a shortest adap- tive separating sequence is at most nm [10]. Given automata S and P of the consid- ered class where the sets S1 and P1 have n and m states correspondingly, the FSMs MS and MР have the same number of states and thus, the length of an adaptive sepa- rating sequence (if it exists) does not exceed nm. Therefore, adaptive separating se- quences could be more efficient when deriving tests for complex systems under the ‘white box’ assumption. 4 Conclusions In this paper, we study the (adaptive) distinguishability relation for Input/Output au- tomata of a special class which often are used as specifications for complex control systems. When deriving tests some mutations are injected into the specification and when testing, such mutations have to be detected. When each pair “specification, mutant” has an (adaptive) separating sequence there is no need for assuming the all weather conditions and thus, each test case is applied only once. 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