=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2543/spaper02 |storemode=property |title=Prototype of Classifier for the Decision Support System of Legal Documents |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2543/spaper02.pdf |volume=Vol-2543 |authors=Alexey Alekseev,Alexey Katasev,Alexey Kirillov,Ayrat Khassianov,Denis Zuev |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ssi/AlekseevKKKZ19 }} ==Prototype of Classifier for the Decision Support System of Legal Documents== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2543/spaper02.pdf
    Prototype of Classifier for the Decision Support System
                     of Legal Documents

         A. Alekseev1, A. Katasev1, A. Kirillov2, A. Khassianov3 and D. Zuev 3
                 1Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Russia
               2The Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
3Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems of Kazan (Volga Region)

                                Federal University, Kazan, Russia

        Abstract. We propose a prototype of the classifier of electronic documents for
        the decision support system in the field of economic justice. The system uses
        both well-known text analytics algorithms and an original algorithm based on
        an artificial neural network. A text mining model has been developed to classify
        court documents to determine the category (class) of a statement of claim. A
        preliminary analysis of court documents and the selection of significant features
        were carried out. To choose the best way of solving problem of document clas-
        sification we implemented Bayesian classification algorithm, k nearest neighbor
        algorithm and decision trees algorithm. All used algorithms show results with
        errors on the same sample corpus of texts. To improve the accuracy of classifi-
        cation, an original model based on an artificial neural network was developed,
        which shows an unmistakable determination of the type of document on a test
        sample for a number of classes of lawsuits in arbitration proceedings.

        Keywords: Classification, Text Mining, Artificial Neural Network, Classifica-
        tion Algorithms, Decision Support System.

1       Introduction

The judicial system is an area where the amount of work with text-based documents is
huge, and the decision-making process should always be clear and transparent. There-
fore, especially in the face of growing workload for employees working in this area,
automated intelligent tools for data analysis of the input information are required.
Currently, the courts of the Russian Federation start implementation of electronic
workflow in the field of legal proceedings based at e-documents instead of traditional
ones [1]. Automated text analysis allow to outline important features of documents
(jurisdiction, nature of the dispute, parties involved, etc.), search the judicial database
and find similar documents for which decisions have already been made. Our research
focused at the following aspect of the work of the judicial system: to reduce the bur-
den on judges and reduce the time for considering economic disputes, we propose a
model for classifying judicial documents based on Text Mining [2] that solves the

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

problem of determining the type of arbitration dispute. To determine the type class
(category) of the judicial dispute, the following tasks were solved:
1. Creation of a text mining model for the classification of arbitration documents;
2. Modeling of the processing and classification of such documents in the Rapid Min-
   er Studio software;
3. Programming of processing and classification modules in the R language;
4. Selection of the most effective classification algorithm for further testing in the ar-
   bitration proceedings.

Existing software solutions that used today in the legal field, usually, focused at au-
tomating workflow as a whole or implement databases of legal documents with a
meager set of search tools. The semantic technologies and text analysis tools are used
rarely. In this situation, improvement the quality and the efficiency of judges only
possible with implementation of number automation tools into current workflow or
with a significant increase amount of staff needed for manual operations.
   Currently experts of the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, the Chicago Col-
lege of Law in Kent and the College of Law in South Texas created an intelligent
system [3] based on machine learning and data analysis that predicts court verdicts
with an accuracy of more than 70%. This system uses the records of the database of
the US Supreme Court from 1816 to 2015 as input.
   Another example of system similar to the topic of our study is the Case Cruncher
Alpha system [4], developed at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and focused on
forecasting of the solution of legal problems in banks, insurance companies, and legal
advice. Its main problem (as well as many other foreign systems) is the lack of sup-
port for the Russian language and Cyrillic transcription.

2      Legal Documents and Text Mining methods

The proposed classifier is one of the modules of the decision support system in the
field of justice known as the intellectual information system (IS) “Robot Lawyer”.
This information system allows participants of the legal process to prepare cases more
effectively and plan judicial activities. The system is focused on arbitration courts.
Goals and objectives, the general architecture of the Robot Lawyer system, the pro-
posed modules and approaches to its development were presented in [5, 6]. In general,
this system, based on artificial neural networks, is schematically depicted at Figure 1.
On the scheme module 1 is a pre-processing module of text documents, module 2 is a
module for determining the main class of a judicial document, module 3 is a module
stands for determining the subclass of a judicial document, and module 4 – the deci-
sion making module. Our paper describes the first two of modules.

                                   Intelligent legal decision support system

    Database            Module 1            Module 2            Module 3            Module 4
  (legal cases)

                                                Graphical user interface
                                          Query                    Reply

                  Fig. 1. Scheme of the proposed judicial decision support system

It is known that the analysis of text documents is performed in five steps [7]:
1. Information retrieval – discovering of the documents that are crucial for further
   processing and analysis. Usually users form the corpora of texts for analysis by
   themselves. With a growing number of documents manual selection becomes time-
   consuming, so we must use automated selection procedures.
2. Pre-processing of documents – selected documents are converted into a machine-
   readable format to apply formal algorithms of machine learning. Pre-processing
   usually is used to remove terms that don’t affect text semantics, punctuation marks
   and to convert text into a normalized form. The methods of preprocessing used in
   our project are discussed below.
3. Information extraction – at this stage we extract all important information (fea-
   tures, key phrases) from the documents.
4. Machine learning – this is the main step in the analysis at which new knowledge is
   formed and patterns hidden are revealed.
5. Interpretation of the results - presentation of the analysis results in natural language
   in a user-friendly form.

2.1    Preprocessing of documents
Usually we use combination of several methods. One of them is the tokenization of
the text, that is, the operation of breaking a document into separate words. As a result,
an array of tokens is formed for further processing [8]. The next step is to convert all
characters to upper or lower case. For example, all words “text”, “Text”, “TEXT” are
reduced to lowercase “text” [9]. Then it is necessary to filter stop words that do not
carry a significant informational meaning: conjunctions, prepositions, articles, inter-
jections, particles, etc. The list of stop words must be compiled in advance. It depends
on the text language and subject of the document being processed.
   The next step is stemming [10], during which all words must be converted to the
normal form. Main operations on this step are identifying cognate words, cutting off
suffixes and endings, reducing the terms to the singular, nominative case of a noun,

adjective or indefinite form of the verb. The main problem in such transformations is
a possible violation of the semantics of sentences and phrases, therefore, it is neces-
sary to take into account the original language. Currently, there are a number of well-
known implementations of the stemming and lemmatization algorithms for the Rus-
sian language in the form of plug-in software libraries – Snowball, Porter or MyStem
   We used the Snowball algorithm as a stemming library for modeling in
RapidMiner Studio, and the library MyStem for software module written in R.
   For further actions, it is necessary to present the text in a form convenient for anal-
ysis. We used the Document-Term Matrix (DTM) matrix, which is a table where each
row corresponds to the document and the column to the terms found in the document
body [12]. At the intersection of rows and columns, the values of the term weights are
stored in the document.
   During the creation of the prototype of the classifier, we analyzed court documents
in four categories: contesting decisions of the antimonopoly authorities
(“ANTIMONOPOLY”), contesting the actions of bailiffs (“BAILIFFS”), prosecuting
for violation of licensing terms (“LICENSES”), disputes on non-fulfillment or im-
proper fulfillment of obligations under supply contracts (“DELIVERY”).
   After the pre-processing stage of the documents, a DTM matrix of dimension 167 *
5419 was formed, where 167 is the total number of documents (38 for the class
“BAILIFFS”, 32 for the class “ANTIMONOPOLY”, 61 for the class “DELIVERY”,
36 for the class “LICENSES”). Total numbers of terms contained in all documents are
5419. For the matrix values we chose TF measure. After the initial filling the DTM
matrix, we noticed that not all terms are valuable for determining the class of a docu-
ment. So, before further actions, it is necessary to extract informative features from
text processed.

2.2     Information extraction
As a rule, all methods for classifying of texts are based on the assumption that docu-
ments belonging to the same category (class) contain the same characteristics (words
or phrases), and the presence or absence of such signs in the document indicates its
belonging to certain class (see, e.g., [7]). To determine the group of features (terms)
that characterize the categories of processed documents, we tested the entropy method
of information growth (Information Gain), Chi Square and Gini index methods on our
legal text corpora [14, 16].

                            Table 1. Features extraction results

Information Gain                  Gini Index                       Chi Square
Term               Coef.          Term              Coef.          Term         Coef.
истц               1.0            Истц              1.0            судебн       1.000
истец              0.899          Истец             0.925          заявител     0.935
исполнител         0.898          обязательств      0.923          ответствен   0.921

пристав            0.898          заявител         0.878        Рф               0.890
обязательств       0.888          Ответчик         0.874        ответчик         0.861
заявител           0.855          Накладн          0.873        исполнител       0.806
договор            0.846          Договор          0.849        пристав          0.806
незакон            0.840          исполнител       0.813        Са               0.801
накладн            0.835          Пристав          0.813        Коап             0.783
ответчик           0.831          Приста           0.758        исполнительн     0.766
взыскател          0.799          Взыскател        0.754        Привлека         0.759
исполнительн       0.799          исполнительн     0.736        производств      0.749
приста             0.793          Коап             0.731        Истц             0.744
взыскан            0.790          Иск              0.729        предусмотрен     0.725
антимонопольн      0.784          производств      0.721        Взыскан          0.724
    As a result we found that all methods used revealed almost identical terms, slightly
differing in their coefficients.
    For the training and test samples, we used 40 terms obtained at the stage of extrac-
tion of informative terms, thus, the final document-term matrix received a dimension
of 167 * 40. At the production stage number of terms will be increased, however, at
the stage of developing of a prototype system, the selected limited set of terms is
enough. Obviously, the number of terms used affects the dimension of the matrix and
affects the time required to train the classifier. In order to create all samples (test and
training ones) we divide the resulting document-term matrix into 117 * 40 and 50 *
40 matrices (70/30 ratio). The matrix values were used as input for classification algo-

3        Classification of Electronic Documents

The problem of the classification [15] is known as follows. Assume that we have a set
of text documents D = {X1, ..., Xn} and a set of k different discrete values {1, ..., k},
each of which corresponds to a label of a class (category). To solve the problem it is
necessary to determine category (corresponding to the label value) for each document
    Usually such problems solved with the help of machine learning algorithms with a
teacher, where a training set of documents (i.e., documents with well-known category
labels) is used to build a classification model that determines the relationship of fea-
tures in a particular document with one of the class labels. For elements of a test sam-
ple where the class of the documents is unknown, the developed and trained model
should determine the class label. To clarify the algorithms of the classifier, the model
should be retrained periodically.
    We tested several classification algorithms to determine the method that is most
optimal on the available data sample. The following classification methods were test-
ed: the naive Bayes classifier [7], the method of k-nearest neighbors [8] and decision

trees method [15]. The results of usage of these classifiers on the test sample are listed
in Tables 2–4 (classification matrices).

                      Table 2. Results of usage a naïve Baes classifier
                      True              True              True               True      Class
                    BAILIFFS       ANTIMONOPOLY         DELIVERY          LICENCES   precision
pred.BAILIFFS          11                 0                 0                 0        100%
pred.                  0                 10                 0                 2       83.33%
pred. DELIVERY          0                 0                 18                0        100%
pred. LICENCES          0                 0                  0                9        100%
Class recall          100%              100%               100%            81.82%

                 Table 3. Results of usage the k-nearest neighbors algorithm
                          True            True              True            True       Class
                        BAILIFFS     ANTIMONOPOLY         DELIVERY        LICENCE    precision
pred.BAILIFFS               11               0                 0              0       100%
pred. ANTIMONOPOLY           0              10                 0              1      90.91%
pred. DELIVERY               0               0                18              0       100%
pred. LICENCES               0               0                 0             10       100%
Class recall               100%            100%              100%          90.91%

                     Table 4. Results of usage Decision trees algorithm
                      True              True              True               True      Class
                    BAILIFFS       ANTIMONOPOLY         DELIVERY          LICENCES   precision
pred.BAILIFFS          11                 0                 0                 0        100%
pred.                  0                 10                 0                 2       83.33%
pred. DELIVERY          0                 0                 18                1       94.74%
pred. LICENCES          0                 0                  0               10        100%
Class recall          100%              100%               100%            90.91%

   None of the applied algorithms showed 100% classification accuracy. Here we can
see classification errors and accuracy obtained. Bayes classifier – 4%, classification
accuracy 96%; kNN –2%, classification accuracy 98%; decision trees – 2%, classifi-
cation accuracy 98%. Since the data sample is very small, the results cannot be con-
sidered as satisfactory.
   To improve accuracy of the classification of legal documents, we developed a
model based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) [16]. Proposed neural network has
the following parameters:
1. 40 neurons in the input layer, 1 hidden layer with 4 neurons, 4 output neurons;
2. activation function: sigmoid.

   As a result the classifier based on the neural network showed 100% classification
accuracy on the test sample for classification according to four criteria (see Table 5).

                        Table 5. Results of usage ANN algorithm
                     True            True              True           True        Class
                   BAILIFFS     ANTIMONOPOLY         DELIVERY      LICENCES     precision
pred.BAILIFFS         11               0                 0             0         100%
pred.                 0               10                 0             0         100%
pred. DELIVERY         0                0                18            0         100%
pred. LICENCES         0                0                 0           11         100%
Class recall         100%             100%              100%         100%

4      Conclusion

We applied and tested known methods of the text mining algorithms in a separate
subject area – arbitration proceedings. A neural network model for classifying text
documents into standard categories is proposed. To solve the classification problem, a
preliminary analysis of court documents and the extraction of informative features for
certain categories of litigation were done. We applied Bayes classification, k nearest
neighbor and decision trees algorithms on our corpus. To increase the absolute accu-
racy of the classification, a model based on an artificial neural network in a test sam-
ple was suggested. Proposed model showed 100% classification accuracy on test
sample. For preprocessing procedure we developed a software package in the R lan-
guage. All tests were done at the legal documents corpus of the Arbitration Court of
the Republic of Tatarstan.
   At the next step, we plan to increase the amount of the documents, to consider a
larger number of types of possible classes, and to develop software modules that im-
plementing the steps of selecting informative features and classification. After per-
forming all tests, the module will be included as a service in the "Robot-Lawyer"
system [5, 6].
    This work was funded by the subsidy allocated to Kazan Federal University for
the state assignment in the sphere of scientific activities, grant agreement no.
1.2368.2017) and with partial financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, within the framework of
scientific project No. 18-47-160012.


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