=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2543/spaper03 |storemode=property |title=Application of Automated Tools in Researching Internet Discourses: Experience of Using the Recurrent Neural Networks for Studying Discussions on Pension Reform |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2543/spaper03.pdf |volume=Vol-2543 |authors=Petr Begen,Yuri Misnikov,Olga Filatova |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/ssi/BegenMF19 }} ==Application of Automated Tools in Researching Internet Discourses: Experience of Using the Recurrent Neural Networks for Studying Discussions on Pension Reform== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2543/spaper03.pdf
 Application of Automated Tools in Researching Internet
  Discourses: Experience of Using the Recurrent Neural
  Networks for Studying Discussions on Pension Reform

                Petr Begen1[0000-0002-0613-3133], Yuri Misnikov1[0000-0002-1948-619X]
                             and Olga Filatova2[0000-0001-9568-1002]
             1 ITMO University, Kronverksky pr., 49, 197101, St. Petersburg, Russia
    2 St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7–9, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia

               peetabegen@yandex.ru, yuri.misnikov@gmail.com,

         Abstract. The paper presents the results of an experiment that applied the Recur-
         rent Neural Network (RNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks to
         assess how accurately they can determine the attitude of 998 participants towards
         the pension reform policy in Russia who posted 10,592 comments on 16 online
         forums in 11 cities. The training set was assembled and coded according to a
         proposed conceptual model of a moral discourse based on Jurgen Habermas’s
         discourse ethics theory. The main conclusion of this experiment is that the dis-
         course-based approach — based on the identification of basic validity claims —
         can be instrumental in building training datasets for deep machine learning on a
         socially salient topic. The experiment also shows benefits and limitations of using
         artificial neural networks for a deeper understanding of the results of public dis-
         cussions in an online environment. The main benefit was that the built neural
         networks have proven to be sufficiently accurate in predicting positions of dis-
         course participants towards the pension reform policy, with almost 90% in the
         case of binary classification (two “For” and “Against” positions). However, the
         accuracy level drops with the inclusion of a third “Neutral” category (to 78%),
         which was a major limitation of the research; that is, the variation in the predic-
         tion accuracy is due to the uneven distribution of data among categories and an
         increase of new data. Yet this indicator is still acceptable when working with
         Internet discourse data.

         Keywords: recurrent neural networks, machine learning, Internet discourse, e-
         participation, validity claims, deliberation.

1        Introduction

An interest in creating and testing tools for electronic participation, started over two
decades ago, still continues to address the growing needs of involving citizens in gov-
ernment policy- and decision making as new technologies emerge and expand. While
there are many digital platforms that have been created to facilitate government-citizen

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors.
Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

interaction over the Internet both in Russia and other countries, there are few of them
that help citizens debate public policy issues among themselves in a more collaborative
and dialogical manner by, for example, understanding how their positions compare with
those of other participants, and how their contributions to the debate shape its intersub-
jectively aggregated outcomes. Awareness of this individual-collective linkage would
help discussants anticipate their role in and an impact on a debate course and thus be-
come more responsible in choosing the way they write their posts; that is, to be attentive
not only to the contributions of other participants, but also to “predict” the moral and
ethical side of their own inputs.
   In the context of broader public communication experience, citizen-to-citizen inter-
action is considered in this paper an essential discursive practice of “will formation”,
in Jurgen Habermas’ terminology. The presented in the paper study examines real-life
socio-political Internet-based public discussions as a form of e-participation in collec-
tive will formation among interacting discourse participants. The main emphasis is
placed on using artificial intelligence research methods to assess predictability of con-
nection between individual discursive practices and respective worldview positions on
a publicly salient issue.
   Typically, the goal of analyzing discussions in the Internet space concerning im-
portant for society political decisions is to examine the efficacy of tools of citizens’
participation in politics and define their role in government-citizen interaction [1]. This
paper focuses instead on citizen-to-citizen discursive interaction. It instrumentalizes a
discourse ethics theory of Jurgen Habermas as a conceptual premise of his model of
deliberative democracy [2]. Habermas’s theory is based on the concept of basic validity
claims that discourse participants apply to validate the normative (also moral, ethical)
rightness of their utterances. These claims are the requests, statements addressed to
other participants with the purpose to articulate certain “truths” and seek (and predict)
their response as an act of validation of such claims.
   As a rule, the contents of such validation can be revealed through either consent or
disagreement, often supported by arguments revealing reasons for that. Such dis-
courses are viewed as an ethically justified form of political organization of society
allowing to overcome political differences within the free citizenry under the model of
deliberative democracy. This study further advances the Habermasian concept of basic
validity claims applied to online political debate among lay citizens from the will for-
mation perspective [1, 3].
   It is also a convenient methodological tool for studying online discursive practices,
in contrast to a semantically shallow tonal (sentiment) analysis, which is methodologi-
cally less “attached” to explanatory social theories and displays little interest in inter-
actional aspects existing between discourse participants. The tonal analysis tools are
unable to take account of such deliberative aspects of Internet discourses as dialogical-
ity and interactivity. To address the latter, the posted texts need to be presented as in-
terconnected sequences of claims to validity examined through agreement-disagree-
ment as a core feature of discursive interactivity.
   The rise of information and communication technologies coupled with a significant
increase in the amount of data and the growth of computing power have made it possi-
ble to use deep machine learning algorithms for text analysis primarily in computer

linguistics studies [4, 5]. In this context, an experiment was conducted to train a neural
network to distinguish discursive situations based on agreement and disagreement
among citizens when they discuss a publicly significant socio-political topic. The Rus-
sian government’s policy of the retirement pension reform was used as a topic of such
experimentation. In addition, an automated tool was developed to help construct train-
ing datasets comprised of the labeled posts as an input to the neural network.

2      Research Design and Methodology

2.1    Conceptualizing Internet discourse

From the analytical perspective, an Internet discussion becomes an ethically oriented
discourse when imagined as a particular combination and pattern of validity claims to
normative rightness revealed via agreement-disagreement on a certain issue. That is, it
occurs when negative and positive sentiments of individual texts disclose intersubjec-
tive debating communities whose participants express either similar or diverging posi-
tions by respectively agreeing or disagreeing with one another, with support of argu-
ments (a claim validation act).
   The coding of the agreement-disagreement dichotomy is subject to identifying the
availability of argumentation behind the validated in such a way positions. The pres-
ence or absence of such positions is an evidence of whether the discourse is morally
oriented or remains at the level of a rationally pragmatic exchange of opinions and
views. The translation of texts into the claims to normative rightness and moral
worldviews can conceptually be imagined in the form of a discourse pyramid, as sche-
matically illustrated below in Fig. 1.

                       Fig. 1. Aggregation model of moral discourse

At the lower level, a human coder trained in content analysis analyzes the original au-
thor’s text with the help of the coding tools to reduce it to a minimum set of words
without the loss in meaning by removing those parts of the post that are redundant from
the point of view of understanding the main meaning of the text (prepositions, conjunc-
tions, other); however, the text is not altered or edited by the coder so as its intended
meaning is intact.
   The middle-lower level aggregates the original text to conclude whether it contains
an act of agreement or disagreement in relation to the preceding posts, and whether any
arguments are presented in support of the articulated agreement-disagreement (there
could be no opinion expressed too). Two types of the actualization of agreement-disa-
greement are distinguished: one type looks whether there is a directly manifested agree-
ment-disagreement by using such built-in functions as “answer”, “quote”, naming the
author(s) of preceding posts; the second type is an indirect form of expressing agree-
ment-disagreement without addressing particular posts. Such posts (usually one post)
can be logically identified thanks to their intended meaning and with the help of other
cues. The identification of the second type can cover the contents of ten preceding posts.
   The identification of agreement-disagreement sequences helps identify reasons (ar-
guments) behind that and move to the 3rd middle-upper level of discourse. The coder at
this level formulates the validated through agreement-disagreement claims. The upper
level aggregates these claims further by formulating broader worldview positions (as
normatively, morally right) belonging to intersubjective solidarities formed among dis-
course participants. This is usually achievable when analyzing disputes on socially and
politically salient topics in the format, for example, “The government is right in imple-
menting pension reform” or “It is wrong to accept the pension reform is such a form".
   Filling these levels with appropriate content means labeling the source text as an
input for training the neural network, which should learn how the original text is linked
to specific validity claims and agreement-disagreement sequences. It can be done by
forming pairs of posts connected with one another through a semantically similar con-
tent along the bottom-up axis of aggregation process. This has proven to be a reliable
way of step-by-step coding; for example, the analysis of online discussions regarding
the attitude towards the policy of destroying the embargoed western food products al-
lowed to reveal “For” and “Against” intersubjective solidarities around several im-
portant for them issues [1, 6, 7, 8].
   Such studies, based on manual coding, require a lot of time, attention on the part of
coders and can be implemented only on a relatively small data sample. Moreover, for
each new study, it is necessary to conduct a new coding. At the same time, the once
trained neural networks may be repeatedly used on a different (although topically sim-
ilar) material due to continuous learning. The experience of applying machine learning
principles for discourse analysis is presented below.

2.2    Data sample and coding procedure
The purpose of the experiment was to identify possibilities of using the learning poten-
tial of artificial neural networks for a deeper understanding of the results of public dis-
cussions. This experiment aimed at training the neural network so that it learns to de-
termine the “For”, “Against” and “Neutral” attitude discourse participants towards the
pension reform policy. The first step was to form a dataset for feeding into the neural
network. The Internet discussions on the websites of eleven cities in Russia were se-
lected for analysis according to the typology of cities set by the Ministry of Economic
Development — the largest, large, big, medium and small [9]. Two cities were selected
from each group, their most popular Internet sites were identified and online discus-
sions on pension topics were analyzed. The cities included: St. Petersburg and Volgo-
grad (largest), Kaliningrad and Sevastopol (large), Bratsk and Nalchik (big), Belo-
rechensk and Khanty-Mansiysk (medium), Uryupinsk and Snezhinsk (small); special
attention in the study was given to Moscow.
    Three maximally different forums representing various social groups were selected
as additional data sources for machine learning: the All-Russian female portal
Woman.ru, the otzovik.com review site and the website of the electronic newspaper
    A total of 16 forums were analyzed, containing 10,592 comments were posted by
998 people. There were 304 “For” posts (3%); 2,510 “Against” posts (24%); 7,778
“Neutral” (73%). Data for machine learning were fed into in Excel tables and then ex-
ported in .csv format for convenient work with them in a software environment. All
collected posts were labeled by the coders in three possible ways: 0 — category
“Against”, 1 — “For” and 2 — “Neutral”.
    To implement automated tools for researching Internet discourse and writing soft-
ware, we used the Python programming language and third-party libraries for working
with data and machine learning methods. The .csv data were loaded into the program
using the pandas library. The following two columns of data were used: (1) “message
text” and (2) “For-1 / Against-0 / Neutral-2”, loaded as the semantically connected pairs
X and Y, respectively, where X is a dataset for training at the input end (post text), and
Y — the output end (participants’ position “For”, “Against”, “Neutral”).

2.3    Applying machine learning algorithms for discourse analysis
To make the data compatible with the requirements of the machine learning algorithms,
the text was preprocessed using the built-in Tokenizer class of Keras library, which
allows for deleting redundant characters, reduce the words to lower case, calculate the
frequency of occurrence of words, removing punctuation marks and invisible charac-
ters, numbers, etc. In accordance with international practice of text processing [10, 11],
the most common and rare words were not taken into account leaving a set of 3,000
most relevant words. Further, the labeled data were divided into training and test sam-
ples in the 80/20 ratio, i.e., 20% of the total data set was used for the final testing of the
trained model. The test data were not included into the training of the model; accord-
ingly, the model “saw” these data for the first time during the final testing.

    The preprocessed text was presented in the form of vector sequences of a maximum
of 200 characters. All words in the training set were represented as vectors with a given
dimension. Initially, such a vector was filled with random numbers (most often these
were zeros). During the learning process, these values were changed so that the words
used in the same semantic context are as close as possible in the vector space. A recur-
rent neural network (RNN) with LSTM blocks was used as a machine learning algo-
rithm. This choice is due to the fact that recurrent networks can use their internal
memory to process sequences of arbitrary length, whilst the LSTM blocks (blocks with
long short-term memory) as a recurrent network can cope very well with classification
and forecasting problems [12, 13, 14].
    Such an approach allowed the model to memorize during the training the previous
values in the vector sequences for further decision-making and adjustment of weights
on hidden layers of the neural network. The initial number of iterations for which the
model had to learn was 100 cycles. To prevent overtraining of the network, the Ear-
lyStopping function was used. It checks the error between the loss functions and net-
work errors. It was noticed that this “early stop” function worked after the 10th training
cycle. The used recurrent neural model consisted of the following layers and blocks:

 input layer (i.e., a sequential data set) — Input;
 a connection layer that translates the entire vocabulary of words into a custom di-
  mension (200 characters) for further training — Embedding;
 LSTM-block that stores memorized information from previous sequences — LSTM;
 a fully connected layer with a linear rectification unit (ReLU activation function),
  which is responsible for determining the values of neurons and their settings —
 a layer that does not allow overtraining of the network on data (by eliminating neu-
  rons that return 0 for any values and parameters) — Dropout;
 an output layer with a customizable number of outputs (in our case 2 or 3, with sig-
  moid or softmax activation functions) — Output.

Two approaches were used to build the output layer:
1. The use of binary classification: only the categories “For” or “Against”, while the
   category “Neutral” was not used in this case; respectively, 2,814 statements were
   used (1/4 of all the posts).
2. The use of classification in three categories: “For”, “Against” and “Neutral”. All the
   coded 10,592 posts were processed.

3      Research Results

Applying a binary classification approach on the output layer (two categories “For” and
“Against”), the model was able to determine such categories with the accuracy of ap-
proximately 89%. This is acceptable for determining tonality of the posts; however,
with an increase in the data volume and the appearance of new words that were not
involved in compiling the vocabulary by the model, the level of accuracy rapidly drops

with the value of the loss function reaching 4%. In the second case, when applying all
three classification categories, the accuracy indicators for determining the category
were around 78%. The result is less accurate compared with the binary classification
approach due to the uneven distribution of data among categories and an increase of
new data. Yet this indicator is also acceptable for further use when working with Inter-
net discourse. An open test was also conducted, i.e., random data were taken from the
test sample and fed into the trained model. The accuracy of the determined categories
was compared with the previous “true” results.
   Such testing showed that the utterances falling under the category “Neutral” towards
pension reform were determined with the higher level of probability (higher accuracy)
than the posts related to the categories “Against” and “For” due to the uneven distribu-
tion of data among the categories (three-fourth of the total dataset volume falls into the
category “Neutral”). Accordingly, for further interpretation of the obtained results, new
experiments are needed either with a large amount of more evenly distributed data
across the categories or using other machine learning methods.

4      Conclusions

The main conclusion of this experiment is that the discourse-based approach — based
on the identification of basic validity claims — applied for building a training set for
deep machine learning has appeared to be a workable solution to predict positions of
discourse participants in relation to a certain topic. In this case it was a morally loaded
topic of the fairness of the government pension reform policy in the people’s eyes.
   Another important conclusion is that built Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) has
proven to be sufficiently accurate in predicting the intended meaning of the posts. In
this experiment, for the binary classification, the accuracy rate was visibly higher at the
level of 89% than for the classification of three positions (categories “For”, “Against”,
“Neutral”), which was about 78%. The variation in the prediction accuracy demon-
strates that its level decreases if the data are unevenly distributed across position cate-
gories, i.e., there is not enough data for the neural network to learn dominant patterns
and eliminate errors.
   These are promising results considering a rather small dataset of about 10,000 posts,
which was dominated by the “Neutral” position category 2, with 74% of all discourse
posts and just 3% galling under “For” category. This is an important research outcome
requiring more care when building a more balanced training dataset, which, in turn,
requires choosing adequate social media sources to improve classification accuracy.
   The future work will continue experimenting with the conceptual model of discourse
and its modification to obtain better accuracy results in combination with different ap-
proaches to machine learning. An automated toolkit was developed for the study of
Internet discourses based on recurrent neural networks with an LSTM block. Possible
new approaches that can be used are the following: (a) increasing or adjusting the array
of training datasets balanced across chosen categories; (b) using pre-trained dictionaries
of terms (distribution thesaurus) [15, 16]; (c) using the “attention” layer [17, 18] to
prevent the effect of “oblivion” in a recurrent neural network; (d) using the algorithms

Word2Vec [19], Doc2Vec [20], GloVe [21] to take a better account of the utterance
context and thus determine the semantically related words with higher accuracy.
  This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 18-18-
00360 “E-participation as Politics and Public Policy Dynamic Factor”.

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