=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2544/paper2 |storemode=property |title=IoT Based Smart Health Care |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2544/paper2.pdf |volume=Vol-2544 |authors=Rashbir Singh |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/irehi/Singh18 }} ==IoT Based Smart Health Care== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2544/paper2.pdf
                                   IoT based smart health care
                                                         Rashbir Singh1
       1Department of Information Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India, rashbits@gmail.com

 Keywords: Internet of Things, Arduino, Micro-                        day to day objects like beds and clothing. This
 Controller, Android, Ultrasonic sensor, EEG, ECG, EMG,               research work proposes a model for smart
 Temperature Sensor, Capnography, Antimony electrode                  healthcare system for personal, hospital and
 sensor, Piezoelectric sensor.
                                                                      general use which is easy to operate and
                                                                      implement and can be utilized both by urban
                                                                      and rural area people. The motive of this
                                                                      research work is to convert a regular bed into a
 This paper proposes a model for smart
                                                                      smart self-managing health bed and a smart
 healthcare     and     real-time     management
                                                                      healthcare clothing system to monitor your body
 technology can be utilized both by hospitals,
                                                                      and help one with a better understanding of
 ambulance and even at normal day to day
                                                                      one's own body. The proposed solution will
 activity tracker and require no technical or
                                                                      provide health support and will reduce one's
 medical knowledge to start with. As per the
                                                                      expenses over health and help hospitals with a
 survey, about 40% of worlds total deaths due to
                                                                      better understanding of patients data which is
 any disease can be prevented if an earlier
                                                                      collected daily 24X7. This can potentially
 diagnosis is made. People tend to avoid health
                                                                      reduce initial delay due to various tests the
 and health care practices now either it is due to
                                                                      doctor has to perform on patient before
 the busy schedule or lack of money. So, the
                                                                      operating on the patient hence the patient can be
 research work focuses on incorporating
                                                                      admitted for treatment which less to no delay
 technology into people life without disturbing
                                                                      and doctors can start operating as soon as
 their daily routine and does not require septate
                                                                      possible and can also be used as a daily body
 time to use. This technology is powered by IoT
                                                                      checker which can be used to create your health
 and uses many biosensors to give real-time
                                                                      database and informing the nearest hospital and
 solutions, prescribe medication, earlier detection
                                                                      relatives in case of an emergency. As there are
 of diseases, give a better understanding of
                                                                      still rural areas in India which do not have
 patients current health and past health and
                                                                      access to hospital, about 80% of Indian
 significantly reduces medical expenses and by
                                                                      population still do not have proper access to
 having more information about patient health
                                                                      health-related facilities and healthcare treatment
 doctors can operate and treat the patient with a
                                                                      so this proposal can help them to a great extent
 better approach. This technology works when
                                                                      to manage health at their homes in a cost-
 the user sleeps and learn when the user performs
                                                                      effective manner and utilize it when so ever they
 day to day task with the help of machine
                                                                      feel. It can be used as a smart hospital beds,
                                                                      smart house beds or even smart ambulance bed
                                                                      with a health monitoring clothes which can save
 1 Introduction
                                                                      many life with technologies like EEG
                                                                      (electroencephalogram),                       ECG
 Due to the increase in diseases, there is a drastic
                                                                      (electrocardiogram), EKG (Electrocardiogram),
 increase in demand for health care and health
                                                                      Temperature sensor,         skin quality sensor
 care support facilities. Health is wealth and
                                                                      pressure sensor and many other biomedical
 people nowadays are ready to spend an
                                                                      sensors powered by the advance technology of
 enormous amount of money without even
                                                                      IoT(Internet of Things), hence connecting a
 giving a second thought but the need is not to
                                                                      regular bed to the internet and detect several
 spend in millions but to develop smart solutions
                                                                      health related issues and reducing overall cost of
 to health-related problems. This can be achieved
 with the help of the combination of IoT with our
Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
IREHI 2018 : 2nd IEEE International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference
health and time of treatment of health which can         compared to fourteenth in 2000 all around the
make health treatments approachable for all.             world.
                                                               Lower respiratory diseases and infections
2 Literature Survey                                      continued to be the most deadly contagious
                                                         condition, creating three million losses around
The literature survey is consist of the analysis of      the world in the year 2016 alone. The death rate
deaths due to delayed diseases detection and             due to diarrhoeal conditions reduced over nearly
multiple reasons regarding death in humans.              one million between the year 2000 and 2016 but
    Of the fifty-seven million deaths worldwide          still managed to affect two million lives in the
in the year 2016, more than half (54%) were due          year2016. Likewise, the deaths due to
to the top ten reasons. Ischaemic heart disease          tuberculosis declined around the same time still
and stroke are the world’s greatest top reason           is among one of the top ten reasons for the death
behind the death, considering as a combined              of two million. As of now HIV/AIDS is no
fifteen million deaths in the year 2016. These           longer reason of deaths and is not in the world’s
conditions have persisted to be the major cause          list of top ten agents of death, causing deaths of
of death all around the world in the last fifteen        one million humans in the year 2016 as related
years. The chronic obstructive pulmonary                 to 1.5 million in the year 2000.
disease took nearly three million lives in the
year 2016, while lung carcinoma (along with
trachea and bronchus cancers) caused two
million deaths. Diabetes alone took two million
humans lives in the year 2016, up from less than
one million in the year 2000. Losses due to
dementias have been doubled in the year
between 2000 and 2016, and hence is the fifth
leading cause of deaths in the year 2016

                      Figure 1. Top 10 Causes of deaths in year 2016 around the world [1]
   Road injuries took almost 1.4 million humans                      may incorporate shortness of breath, pain in the
lives in the year 2016 and from that nearly                          jaw or neck area, or even fatigue.
three-quarters i.e 74% of what remained men                              Some illnesses or conditions could or could
and boys. Figure 1. shows the top 10 Causes of                       not be analyzed because their symptoms and
deaths in the year 2016 around the world.                            signs may be similar to that of other medical
        Similarly, Late determination of diseases                    conditions. For example, failure in the detection
remains one of the usual medical failures. It                        of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
might occur if the doctor fails in the diagnoses                     (COPD) in the first exhibition of symptoms
of a patient correctly and it takes a prolonged                      could result in quicker progression. This
duration of time than exacted for a reliable                         condition has indications that evolve with time
diagnosis to be made. When a Late                                    into some serious conditions. Signs such as a
determination of diseases occurs, the valuable                       cough, chest pain and shortness of breath may
medication time is wasted. In some                                   be similar to symptoms of other conditions, and
circumstances, this can create added difficulties                    in some cases, may lead to a delayed diagnosis.
for the patient, prolonged healing period, with                      There are many other types of ailments that can
additional medical debts and even can result in                      lead to an unwanted condition or progression if
loss of life.                                                        not properly detected in a timely manner. [2]
   The late determination of diseases can happen                         The leading causes of death in the world are



Number of deaths



                   150                                                                                       Potentially
                   100                                                                                       deaths

                         Heart          Cancer         Respiration          Brain         Injury
                                                  Causes of deaths

                         Figure 2. Potentially Preventable Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death[4]

due to several reasons. Doctor negligence,                           cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, heart
complicated medical history, incomplete patient                      disease, stroke. Together they accounted for
information or simply due to testing errors all                      sixty-three percent of all deaths in the year 2010
can contribute to a late determination of                            alone. According to the report, in CDC ’s
diseases.                                                            journal, Morbidity, and Mortality, analyzed
   The failure to determine the cause of disease                     premature deaths from each cause for each state
immediately, and thus treat immediately, heart                       from the year 2008 to the year 2010.
disease may lead to serious outcomes such as                                 The study suggests that:
cardiac arrest. Both men and women can
undergo chest pains leading up to or directly at                            Thirty-four percent of premature deaths
the point of a heart attack. However, other                                  caused due to heart diseases, prolonging
symptoms may indicate a heart attack. These                                  about 92,000 lives
      Twenty-one percent of premature deaths        generates rate data of the heartbeat. This device
       caused due to cancer, prolonging about        is being used for the cardiovascular health
       84,500 lives                                  analysis by the medical assistant and trained
      Thirty-nine percent of premature deaths       doctors.
       due to the condition of chronic lower                 Electrodes of an ECG Sensor consist of
       respiratory diseases, prolonging about        three pins which are connected by a thirty
       29,000 lives                                  inches ling cable which makes It easy for ECG
      Thirty-three percent of premature deaths      sensor to connect and communicate with the
       caused due to stroke, prolonging about        microcontroller placed at the waist, pocket or
       17,000 lives                                  different location on the body. In addition to
      Thirty-nine percent of premature deaths       this, the cable is a plug-in male sound plug
       occurred due to the unintentional injuries    which makes the cable to easy to remove or
       in the body, prolonging about 37,000          connect it into the amplification board. The
       lives[4]                                      sensor assembled on an arm pulse and a leg
                                                     pulse. All of every sensory electrode of the ECG
3 Proposed System                                    has methods to be assembled on the body.
                                                             This research work uses the AD8232
The proposed system consists of the following        module which has nine connections from the IC
modules. The description of each module is           that are being used to solder wires, pins and
given below.                                         other connectors as well. The pins are namely -
                                                     GND, LO+, OUTPUT, LO-, 3.3V, SDN which
3.1 EEG (electroencephalogram) sensor                provides required pins for operating and
                                                     monitoring with the microcontroller board. It
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a used to           also provides three pins namely as - RA which
discover inconveniences related to an electric       is for the Right Arm, LA which is for the Left
movement of the brain.                               Arm, and RL which is for the Right Leg and
An EEG tracks and insights, mind wave fashion.       pins to attach and use for custom sensors.
Little metallic plates(electrodes) with small        Moreover, there is an LED indicator light that
electric wires are placed above the head of the      will pulsate as according to the rhythm of a
user, the amplifier amplifies the electromagnetic    heartbeat.
brain waves and captures and plot a real-time
graph of the electric movements inside the           3.3 EMG (Electromyography) sensor
brain. The graph is shown which show us the
events and impacts happened inside the brain. A      The EMG sensor which measures the muscle
persons day to day activity and his interest         activation on to the concept of electric potential
creates an electric brainwaves into a                and is called as electromyography (EMG) and is
recognizable pattern. Through an EEG,                traditionally been used in the field of research in
therapeutic specialists can scan and anticipate      the medical profession and for the diagnosis of
the seizures and different issues and can give the   neuromuscular dysfunctions. Though, with the
recommendation changes in lifestyle/medication       development of ever smaller and smaller yet
to help the person.                                  powerful        integrated       circuits      and
                                                     microcontrollers, making it possible for the
3.2 ECG (electrocardiogram) sensor                   EMG circuits and sensors to find their way into
                                                     the field of Prosthetics, Robotics, and other
An ECG Sensors with electrodes attaches right        control systems.
above to the chest area in order to detect every          This research work uses Myoware Muscle
produced heartbeat. The electrodes of ECG            sensor (AT-04-001), which is suitable for
sensor then convert every produced version of        producing raw electric EMG signal which is
heartbeat into a raw electric signal. ECG            Analog output signal and can be analyzed with
Sensors are very less in weight and slim while       the microcontroller based application, the
having the capability to accurately measures         Myoware Muscle sensor which is designed for a
continuous heartbeat produced by the heart and       reliable EMG output and has low power
consumption. It operates with the single power             Calibrated directly in degree Celsius
supply ranging from +2.9V to +5.7V with                     (Centigrade)
protection for polarity reversal and provides an           Rated for range between −55˚ to +150˚C
additional feature with this sensor which is that          Suitable for applications which requires
the user can easily adjust the sensitivity gain of          remote access
the electrodes. These sensors are suitable for the         Is lower in cost due to wafer-level
purpose of the wearable device and are the                  trimming
compact ones, hence it is easy to handle and               Operates in voltes between the range of
measure the muscle activation signal.                       4Vs to 30Vs
                                                           Self-heating factor is low
3.4 Antimony electrode sensor                              ±1/4˚C of typical nonlinearity

Antimony electrodes are medically useful as             The LM35 can be attached easily in the same
because they are low in cost and have a simple       way as that of other integrated circuit based
construction as there is no glass part to break.     temperature sensors. It can be placed or
There is only a resistance which is of few           established on a surface and its temperature
hundred ohms between an antimony pH                  range will be around 0.01˚C of the surface
electrode and the reference electrode so if the      temperature.
voltage is generated it would be easy to record it      This assumes that the ambient air temperature
with the simple low-impedance recorder which         around it is just about the same as that if surface
is connected to the microcontroller.                 temperature and if the air temperature is much
       Antimony is a unique metal with the           lower or higher than that of the surface
characteristic of a direct relationship between      temperature then the actual temperature of the
pH and its measured potential. The voltage or        LM35 would be at a mean temperature between
electric potential difference developed between      the surface temperature and that of the air
that in antimony and a copper or copper sulfate      temperature.
reference electrode which varies between
approximately ranging from 0.1 volts to as high      3.6 Capnography
as 0.7 volts due to variations in the pH.
                                                     Waveform capnography represents the amount
3.5 Temperature Sensor                               of carbon dioxide (CO2) in exhaled air, which
                                                     assesses ventilation. It consists of a number and
A temperature sensor IC can operate over the         a graph. The number is capnometry, which is
nominal IC temperature range of -55°C to             the partial pressure of CO2 detected at the end
+150°C. This sensor is consists of a material        of exhalation. This is end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2)
that performs the operation according to             which is normally 35-45 mm Hg.                 The
temperature to vary the resistance. This change      capnograph is the waveform that shows how
of resistance is sensed by the circuit and it        much CO2 is present at each phase of the
calculates temperature. When the voltage             respiratory cycle, and it normally has a
increases when the temperature also rises. We        rectangular shape. Capnography also measures
can see this operation by using a diode.             and displays respiratory rate. Changes in
     This research work is using LM35 as the         respiratory rate and tidal volume are displayed
body temperature monitoring sensor which will        immediately as changes in the waveform and
be connected to the microcontroller. The LM35        ETCO2.
temperature sensors series are precise                     In people with healthy lungs, the brain
integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose        responds to changes in CO2 levels in the
voltage output is linearly proportional to that of   bloodstream to control ventilation. We assess
Celsius temperature. The LM35 temperature            this by observing chest rise and fall, assessing
sensor operates between the range of -55˚C to        respiratory effort, counting respiratory rate, and
+120˚C. The following are the features of LM35       listening to breathing sounds. ETCO2 adds an
Temperature Sensor:                                  objective measurement to those findings. The
patient’s respiratory rate should increase as CO2     operations that are transverse effective,
rises, and decrease as CO2 falls.                     transducer effect, and shear effect.
                                                             In this research work, we used the
If a patient has slow or shallow respirations, and    piezoelectric sensor to detect where the user is
a high ETCO2 reading, this tells us that              applying more body weight to give a better

                                  Figure 3. Proposed Model Architecture
ventilation is not effectively eliminating CO2        understanding on ones applied body weight
(hypercarbia) and that the brain is not               pressure while doing daily tasks like walking,
responding appropriately to CO2 changes. This         sitting and sleeping and detect the pattern and
may be caused by an overdose, head injury, or         suggest remedies to improve the one's sense of
seizure      by measuring the end-tidal CO2                           Figure 4(a). Front View
(ETCO2, the level of carbon dioxide released at
the end of                                            applied body weight pressure.
expiration) through a sealed mask, EMS                    Moreover to use piezoelectric sensor while
technicians can receive an "early warning" of a       sleeping which can be placed inside the bed to
patients worsening condition.                         detect ones overnight movement while sleeping,
With accurate and instantaneous CO2                   posture and body weight distribution. Which
measurements required for Capnography, the            will be used to adjust the bed temperature
COZIR high-speed wide range CO2 sensor                required according to what is suggested by the
seemed like the perfect solution to the problem.      doctors. So, as to maximize the health benefits.
                                                         All the above technologies will be combined
3.7 Piezoelectric sensor                              into a common processing unit of a
                                                      microcontroller which will be continuously
The piezoelectric effect is used by the               capturing all the outputs from different sensors
piezoelectric sensor. This sensor measures the        and storing it on the database while connecting
change in force, temperature, acceleration,           over an MQTT client. While remedies will be
pressure, and strain and is hence used in             provided in real time with different means like
conversion into an electrical charge. The             using oxygen tanks, heating elements, air
piezoelectric sensor shows three main                 conditions, air purifies and massage pads. So, it
                                                                      Figure 4(b). Back View
can not only collect data of one's body while the          Antimony electrode sensor
person is sleeping, sitting, walking and carrying          Temperature Sensor
out day to day activities but also it will provide         Capnography
the real-time solution to the abnormality in a             Piezoelectric sensor
human body.        This research work propose a
wearable smart clothing which can be used by         Various components of the proposed model
user to detect ones heart health (EKG), brain        monitor different parts of human body and the
health (EEG), muscles condition (EMG), sweat         output from different components when
quality and its PH (Antimony electrode sensor),      analyzed in combination provides a detailed
Respiration (Capnography) and his body weight        information about the human user like:
distribution and centre of gravity shift
(piezoelectric) which will be placed in both               Ones sleep pattern
clothing and bed.                                          Ones body natural centre of gravity
      The bed will be equipped with heating                Variation of body temperature with time
elements to control the temperature of the bed             Ones lungs capacity
only in the area where the user is sleeping which
will be sensed with the help of piezoelectric. A
small oxygen tank will be placed over the
headrest area if user CO2 exhaled during
respiration is detected to be abnormal in order to
provide the required amount of oxygen supply,
while the user behaving choices either to use
oxygen tanks, air purifier or both. If stress is
detected with the help of EEG then various
remedies like playing meditation sound like
alpha music will be taken with the help of
speakers attached to the bed. Small massaging
motors inside the bed will help is muscle relief.
The wearable clothing with the heating element
will help in managing healthy body temperature
which is required for the body to function
properly and will maximize physical and mental
       As being powered with technology of                 Amount of oxygen absorption capability
IoT(Internet of Things) it will not only be
providing remedies in physical world in real
time but also the data collected will be user
specific and will be used by doctors for better
understanding of patients health as the data is
collected everyday and stored it can be used in
early disease detecting like cancer, high or low
blood pressure, distress, respiratory diseases,
low Na+ ions level in body fluid, fever, etc.

4 Methodology

In this research work main seven components
are being used i.e.

      EEG
      EKG
      EMG
                                              Quality of ones sweat
                                              Acidity and basicity of fluids
                                              Mental health
                                              Stress and hypertension

                                                Doctors cannot gain much information
                                        with the short-term test to know all the physical
                                        and mental health issues before operating on the
                                        patient. But the model proposed by this research
                                        work can help doctors with a better
                                        understanding of patients health and his medical
                                        background and can provide the best suitable
                                        treatment to the patient. Hence resulting in
                                        elongation on one's life and disease free healthy
                                        life.    This proposed model can even reduce
                                        medical expenses by using a machine learning
                                        model based on the K-NN algorithm to suggest
                                        user with best remedies for small health-related
                                        issues like cold, headache, cough etc and can
                                        judge the acuteness of the fever which can help
         Figure 4(c). Left View         the user to know the severity of the disease.

                                        The model is based on a single controller and
                                        multiple sensor methods where several sensors
                                        are connected to a single microcontroller and
                                        are dependent on the microcontroller to supply
                                        sensors with power, process the output from
                                        sensors use decision tree to provide real time
                                        solutions and collect and upload the received
                                        data onto the database. The microcontroller is
                                        powered by 5Vs supply and various other
                                        sensors are connected to the different I/O pins of
                                        the micro controller and ground of each sensor
                                        is connected to the common microcontroller
                                        ground. As being so low in power consumption
                                        it requires a low input electric supply. And can
                                        be attached to various objects as desired by the
                                        user. In this model the IoT based mechanism
                                        is attached to two day to day objects making
                                        them smart i.e.
                                              Wearable clothing (thin and comfortable
                                                vest and pants)
                                              Beds (Room beds, ambulance beds or
                                                hospital beds)
         Figure 4(d). Right View
                                        A wearable smart full body cloth will be having
                                        different components placed at various locations
   Bodies immunity and resistance to
                                        in order to monitor different parts.
    diseases                                 Figure 4 shows the wearable smart health
   Cardiovascular health               management clothing which is displaying where
   Muscular health                     will different sensors be placed and their
significance in those positions. Figure 4 shows      provide the detailed information about persons
four views from different angles i.e.                muscles and pressure applied to carry out day to
                                                     day activities.
      Figure 4(a) shows depiction of                         All the above sensors and temperature
       placement of sensors and heating              management system is fully controlled with the
       element from front.                           help of an android application and data received
      Figure 4(b) shows depiction of                is with the help of the microcontroller. The
       placement of sensors and heating              heating pad will connect to the ground for the
       element from back.                            ground wire and digital input pin of the
                                                    microcontroller so the functionality can be
      Figure 4(c) shows depiction of                controlled over android application on can be
       placement of sensors and heating              automated with a click. Following the similar
       element from left.Figure 4(d) shows           mechanism, all the sensors ground will be
       depiction of placement of sensors and         connected to the common ground of the
       heating element from right.                   microcontroller and for the sensors.
                                                         ECG is consist of three electrode RA (Right
Figure 4(a) shows green straight line above          arm), LA (Left arm) and RL (Right leg)
chest and stomach area and above arm are that        microcontroller 3.3V -will be used as a power
is showing the placement of insulated Teflon         supply for the ECG module, whereas L0+ and
wire or heating pad to heat the coating when the     L0- pin is connected to microcontroller digital
temperature detected is too low. The                 pin and output of ECG module will be
temperature sensor along with CO2 can be seen        connected to the analog. For EEG this research
around the sky blue portion of the neck is.          work uses neurosky mindwave with two
    Whereas two black dot/spheres can be seen        electrodes and connect the ground of EEG with
on the forehead area and ear lobe area. These        the ground of microcontroller while using
are EEG sensors which are two small electrodes       digital pins as transmission and receiving pins.
connected to the brain region to detect brains       And the piezoelectric material is used to judge
different alpha, beta, gamma, theta and delta        the amount of pressure according to the
brain waves generated and amplify them to            electricity generated when the piezoelectric
record users brain activities.                       material in under pressure. EMG sensors are
    A blue colour object can be seen around the      plages above main muscles groups like bicep,
area above where there is the heart, it is an ECG    tricep, shoulder, chest, abdomen, thighs, calves
sensor to monitor cardiovascular health. Then        etc.
white spears can be seen in figure 4(a),                 All the collected data is then transmitted over
figure4(b), figure 4(c) and figure 4(d) which are    MQTT broker where the microcontroller act as
                                                     an MQTT publisher, publishing the data to the
                                                     MQTT broker and MQTT receiver is android
                                                     application and online cloud database.

                                                     5 Capability

                                                     A practical implementation of EEG was taken
                                                     with the help of neurosky mind wave to
                                                     measure patients mental state. EEG detects
                                                     different alpha, beta, theta and gamma brain
                                                     waves along with users concentration and
                                                     meditation level. The headgear has one
                                                     electrode for frontal lobe and one electrode for
Figure 5.EEG based stress management and detection   an ear. As soon as the electrodes are at their
         with alpha music to calm the mind           desired places the EEG begin sensing brain data
                                                     and then that data is used to make the prediction
nothing but combination of EMG and                   in out K-NN based classification model.
piezoelectric material sensor around the body to
  Five classifications are being made i.e.

      Eyes open
      Eyes close

                                         Equation 1

      Relaxed
                                         Equation 2

      Excited
      Not excited

5.1 Data acquiring

The training dataset is from reference [R.G.
Andrzejak et all, 2001]. The dataset has five                     Figure 6(a). Training Dataset
sections divided as dataset A discussed as Z,
dataset B discussed as O, dataset C discussed as
N, dataset D discussed as F and dataset E
discussed as S each containing set of EEG
fragments with the recording of the
electromagnetic movement of a healthy person
for 23.6 Sec. Dataset A and dataset B have are
having data related to EEG chronicles from
healthy volunteers with categorization as eye
open and eyes close, individually.
The second dataset characterised in reference
[Dharmawan, Z., 2007] is included healthy
people who volunteered and analysed under
EEG to collect the data as playing particular PC
computer games with a class as excited, not
excited and relaxed on the basis of the various                      Figure 6(b). Test Dataset
different values of the alpha, beta, theta and

5.2 Data extraction

Ambiguous data are removed and the data is
polished/refined to get more refined information
for unique groups differently. The element
utilized here is categorized underneath the
graph. The trapezoidal rule can be used to find
the area under the graph which is formed in the
dataset from the first source which is in raw
graphical form. On numerical examination, the
trapezoidal governs (likewise alluded to as the
trapezoid control or trapezium run) is a strategy
for approximating the particular imperative                   Figure 7. Prediction made using K-NN
                                                      understood as by approximating the region
The equation 1 shows the differentiation with         underneath the diagram of the element f(x) as a
the upper bound as (b) and lowers bound as (a)        trapezoid and computing its locale.
The working of the trapezoidal rule can be
With this, we can derive the different values for
different waves. It takes after that the district of         Gamma
the recurrence groups (delta, theta, alpha, beta)            Theta
is ascertained for every EEG section.                        Alpha
                                                             Beta
5.3 Training data and Test Data
                                                       Test dataset is consist of 100 datasets which are
                                                       unclassified and prediction is made for those
The acquired data is then divided into two parts       100 datasets.
      Training Dataset                                5.4 Accuracy and prediction of model
      Test Dataset
                                                       Figure 7 shows the prediction made by the K-
Training data set is used for teaching purposes        NN model using 5 nearest neighbours i.e K = 5.
of the system while the test dataset is used for       Figure 8 shows the accuracy level which is
the purpose of testing the prediction accuracy of      97.50% for the particular model and on the basis
the model. Training dataset is consist of 800          of prediction a pie chart and bar is obtained as
classified data as Eyes open, Eyes Close,              shown in figure 9(a) and figure 9(b) showing
Relaxed, excited and Not Excited. Figure 6(a)          the mental state of the user during real-time
shows the snap of training dataset and figure          testing where
6(b) shows the snap of test dataset. Attributes

                                                        Figure 8. K-NN prediction model with 97.50% accuracy

                                                             Red is for Not excited
                                                             Blue is for Excited
                                                             Yellow is for relax
            Figure 9(a). Prediction Pie Chart
                                                             Green is for Eyes closed
                                                             Sea blue is for Eyes open

                                                       6 Conclusion and Future Scope

                                                       This system is successful in provided automated
                                                       health benefits at home with high accuracy and
                                                       reducing the expenses on overall health care,
                                                       generating data of persons mental and physical
                                                       health at each moment and successful in early
                                                       detecting of diseases and can save many people
                                                       from injury or even deaths. It is easy to use and
                                                       provide health care support even when the user
                                                       is sleeping. With accuracy as high as 97.50% it
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                                                       about healthcare and management.
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