=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2544/paper8 |storemode=property |title=National Integrated Network for Remote Monitoring Of Patients in Benin |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2544/paper8.pdf |volume=Vol-2544 |authors=Daton Medenou,Mêtowanou H. Ahouandjinou,Leandro Pecchia,Thierry R. Jossou,Roland C. Houessouvo,Davide Piaggio |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/irehi/MedenouAPJHP18 }} ==National Integrated Network for Remote Monitoring Of Patients in Benin== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2544/paper8.pdf
                National Integrated Network For Remote
                    Monitoring Of Patients In Benin
           Daton Medenou                               Mêtowanou H. Ahouandjinou                           Leandro Pecchia
    Electrotechnical Laboratory of                     Electrotechnical Laboratory of                    School of Engineering
  Telecommunications and Applied                     Telecommunications and Applied                      University of Warwick
  Informatic (Polytechnic School of                  Informatic (Polytechnic School of                 Warwick, United Kingdom
           Abomey-Calavi)                                     Abomey-Calavi)                           L.Pecchia@warwick.ac.uk
    Unviversity of Abomey-Calavi                       Unviversity of Abomey-Calavi
           Cotonou, Benin                                      Cotonou, Benin                               Davide Piaggio
     daton.medenou@epac.uac.bj                        heribert.metowanou@gmail.com                       School of Engineering
                                                                                                         University of Warwick
           Thierry R. Jossou                               Roland C. Houessouvo                        Warwick, United Kingdom
    Electrotechnical Laboratory of                     Electrotechnical Laboratory of                  D.Piaggio@warwick.ac.uk
  Telecommunications and Applied                     Telecommunications and Applied
  Informatic (Polytechnic School of                  Informatic (Polytechnic School of
           Abomey-Calavi)                                     Abomey-Calavi)
    Unviversity of Abomey-Calavi                       Unviversity of Abomey-Calavi
            Cotonou, Benin                                    Cotonou, Benin
     thierry.djossou@gmail.com                        rolandchouessouvo@gmail.com

     Abstract—Background: The Benin health system has                  Telecommunications, Networks and Information Processing.
challenges including: (i) the need to provide quality health care      Among these communicating objects, we are interested in
at low cost to a growing population, (ii) the reduction of patients'   sensors. Indeed, in recent decades, thanks to the Advanced
hospitalization time, (iii) and the optimization presence time of      Embedded Systems and Wireless Technologies (SETSF), the
the nursing staff. Such challenges can be solved by remote             Sensors Wireless Networks (WSN) are frequently used in
monitoring of patients. Methodology: To achieve this, five steps       medical applications. Hence the emergence of Medical
were followed. 1) The identification of the different                  Wireless Sensor Networks (MWSN) used in Wireless Body
characteristics of the WBAN systems and the physiological              Area Network (WBAN) systems, to improve the quality of
parameters monitored on a patient. 2) The modeling of the
                                                                       care and record medical monitoring of patients.
national RIMP architecture in a cloud of Technocenters. 3)
Cross analysis between characteristics and functional                      The MWSN are characterized by their sensor nodes
requirements identified. 4) The simulation of the functionality of     mobility, easy deployment and self-organization. Therefore,
each Technocenter through: a) the choice of design approach            the MWSN are very convenient for monitoring elderly, the
inspired by the life cycle of V systems; b) functional modeling        disabled, people at risk and people with chronic diseases and
through SysML Language; c) the study of the choice of                  to monitor their living environment [2]. By [3] [4] [5] today,
communication technology and different architectures of sensor         the MWSN are used to monitor vital parameters such as
networks. 5) An estimate of the material resources of the national     temperature, blood pressure or heart rate. The MWSN in the
RIMP according to physiological parameters. Findings: The
                                                                       WBANs improve patient quality of life, real-time patient
main result is that it has designed a National Integrated Network
for Patient Monitoring (RNIMP) remotely, ambulatory or not,
                                                                       follow-up and emergency decision-making [6] [7].
for the Benin health system. Conclusion: The implementation of             In the implementation of RCSFM, the approaches are
the RNIMP will contribute to improve the care of patients in           different according to the literature. The authors in [8]
Benin. The proposed network is supported by a repository that          present a people monitoring network architecture accessible
can be used for its implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It      via Internet called INSIGHT. Access collected data can be
is a table of 36 characteristic elements each of which must satisfy    local or remote. The parameters monitored can be
5 requirements relating to: medical application, design factors,
                                                                       reconfigured remotely. The authors justify the use of a
safety, performance indicators and materiovigilance.
                                                                       single-hop architecture to reduce energy consumption. IEEE
   Keywords— architecture, requirements, hospital, patient,            802.15.4 physical layer for the network deployement. The bit
repository, RNIMP, simulation, SysML, system, technocenter.            rate is 250 kbps and the radio range is 100 meters. TmoteSky
                                                                       platforms are used in experiments. The B-MAC layer (MAC
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                 Berkeley) according to [9] is used to manage access to the
    The health system in Benin faces challenges including:             medium. To conserve energy, the nodes send data to base
(i) the need to provide high-quality, low-cost health care,            station and spend the rest of the time in sleep mode. For this,
rapid growth, (ii) the reduction hospitalization time for              a data reporting technique is used to define the delivery
patients, (iii) and optimization of the nursing staff presence         intervals. In addition, the HPL (Hardware Presentation
time [1]. For a good sanitary opening of the population                Layer) power management module and « watchdog timer »
including the rural one, any health policy in Benin must               timers are used. The authors in [10] present one of the first
consider the 5295 villages and city districts which are                experimental deployments of WSNs for remote monitoring
organized in 546 boroughs, 77 communes, 34 health zones,               on Great Duck Island. The authors propose a multilevel
and 12 departments. To face these challenges, we can use the           architecture, each providing a data management service. Two
new communicating tools and objects through the                        types of topologies are used: multi-jump (mesh) and a jump.
development        technologies     in    the     areas     of         In the one-hop architecture, a node called Sensor patch is

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
IREHI 2018 : 2nd IEEE International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference
used to send the data to a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant).      encrypted key. It is based on symmetric cryptography. The
The latter relays the data to reach the base station. This        choice of this biometry is based on heartbeat information
station makes data available on the Web. The                      called « interpulse interval (IPI) ». This solution achieves a
communications are bidirectional between the nodes. To            high level of security with less calculation and memory. It is
reduce power consumption, the sensors are put into sleep          an identification technique based on the physiological or
mode (off the radio and the processor (MCU)). A low power         behavioral characteristics of the individual. This approach
MAC protocol « MAC Low power" » is developed, and                 makes possible to identify the sensor nodes and to secure the
hierarchical routing protocols are used. The authors in [11]      distribution of the encrypted key.
proposed a monitoring system called WHMS. IEEE 802.15.4
standard is the Intra-WBAN communications support. They               The authors in [16] have designed different types of
have developed several types of medical sensor nodes:             sensor nodes for the WBAN (ECG, EEG, pulse, glucose).
accelerometers, ECG, pulse oximetry and reconfigurable            The mechanical and thermal energy recovery means are used
breathing sensor. A PDA equipped with LINX transceiver is         as supplements to solar energy (piezoelectric generators and
used to relay data to supervisor.                                 thermal generators). The nodes of the WBAN are put in
                                                                  specific locations of the body to better recover the energy
    In [12] the authors present an energy efficient               (from the temperature of the body). According to their
communication protocol for the WBAN. IEEE 802.15.4                experiments, an energy of 100 μW can be recovered by the
standard is the communications support. The platforms used        batteries. In [17] the authors present the study and design of
are of Telos type. The authors propose protocol based on a        an actimetric monitoring telemonitoring system. The
cyclic awakening of the nodes: « duty cycle ». The protocol       architecture of the authors is a WBAN network. Works [3]
is based on a wake cycle called SFC (Super Frame Cycle). In       present the detection of attacks in a WBAN remote medical
their experiments, the SFC period is set to 1 second. They        surveillance system. According to [18] the evaluation of
evaluated the energy consumed by listening, transmission          connected objects in health applications was presented. It
and sleep modes. The different consumptions measured are:         shows the impact of connected objects on a sanitary system
1.53 mA in sleep mode, 17.4 mA in transmission mode and           and their importance in the prevention of diseases. The work
19.7 mA in listening mode. According to [13] the authors          of [19] show that the success of these health surveillance
proposed a sensor network, energy efficient, applied in the       systems depend on data collecting and processing, to
military context. The surveillance system is based on inter-      understand the environment of a subject, so that contextual
sensor cooperation and the organization of tasks in the           care can be given to them. We note that the challenges for
network to detect and trace the positions and movements of        any medical surveillance system lie in the proper design of
people and vehicles. The platforms used are of the type:          the network architecture. This is the goal of this work. It
Mica 2. They used remote monitoring cameras controlled by         aims at Modeling an Integrated Patient Monitoring Network
a laptop, to propose a solution that allows to reduce the delay   (RIMP) in the Benin health system, through the use of
and improve the reliability of the data (minimization of the      wireless medical sensor networks in WBAN systems. In the
number of alarms erroneous due to false readings). A              remainder of this manuscript, we present the methodology
synchronization module of the clock of the nodes with the         adopted for the work, the results obtained, the analysis of the
base station is also implanted. The selection of these nodes is   results, the discussion and the envisaged perspectives.
done according to the quantity of their energy reserves. Then
the authors propose two models to control the cycles of sleep                      II. MATERIAL AND METHOD
and awakening of the nodes.                                       A. Material
    The authors in [14] present the necessary steps to build a       In addition to resources from the literature, we used: MS
surveillance system in the habitat. They propose a model          Visio for network architecture, SysML for modeling, a Dell
called « Frisbee ». This model is based on the creation of        computer with 8 GB of RAM and 2 TB of disk, data on the
regions consisting of heterogeneous sensors that follow a         health pyramid of Benin. In addition, we are based on the
given target. To save energy, nodes that are far from the         model of the WBAN remote medical surveillance system,
target go into sleep mode. When an event is detected, soldier     shown in Fig. 1, and the model of a WBAN comprehensive
nodes « sentries » support the mission to wake other sleeping     medical surveillance system is divided into five subsystems.
nodes. Only the network area close to the event is in the         [20] as shown in Fig. 2.
active state. Whenever the target moves, the "soldier" nodes
send wake-up signals to others (who must be in the listening
state). To recover solar energy, the nodes are equipped with
photovoltaic panels. They can be extinguished remotely via a
developed       control    software.      Localization      and
synchronization algorithms, as well as a mechanism that
allows the deletion of duplicate notifications are also
proposed. According to [15] a new approach is presented to
secure the exchanges between the sensor nodes of a WBAN.
The problem addressed is related to the confidentiality and
integrity of the data. The question is: how do the nodes of a
WBAN know that they belong to the same patient? To
answer this question, the authors proposed a solution based
on a « biometrics » approach. It is an identification technique
based on the physiological or behavioral characteristics of          Fig. 1: WBAN monitoring system
the individual. This approach makes it possible to identify
the sensor nodes and to secure the distribution of the
                                                                             These characteristics constitute a repository for the
                                                                         design of a functional WBAN network of a technocenter,
                                                                         noted fc (WBAN) . Thus the design function of a WBAN
                                                                         network is a function: of the requirement function of the
                                                                         medical application of the WBAN noted fEXappM ; of the
                                                                         design factor function, noted ffacco (WBAN) ; of the
                                                                         communication technology function, noted fcom and sensor
                                                                         architecture function, noted farch . The mathematical model
                                                                         of designing a functional WBAN network can be written as
                                                                         following equation. (1) :

                                                                                                  𝑓𝐸𝑋𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑀 (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁)
                                                                                                 𝑓      (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁)
                                                                                     𝑓𝑐 (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁) = 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜                                (1)
   Fig. 2: Architecture of a medical surveillance system
                                                                                                { 𝑓𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ
    Several medical sensors are deployed on the patient's
body to measure several physiological parameters. These                       with
nodes are sensors capable of harvesting and transmitting
environmental data in an autonomous manner. The position                                               𝑛
of these nodes is not necessarily predetermined.                         𝑓𝐸𝑋𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑀 (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁) = ∑ 𝐸𝑋𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑀(𝑖)
   Method                                                                                          𝑖=1

    A five-step methodology was followed. 1) The                                                 𝑛′
identification of the different characteristics of the WBAN              𝑓𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜 (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁) = ∑ 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜(𝑗)
systems and the physiological parameters that can be
monitored on a patient. 2) Modeling the national architecture
of the RIMP, in the form of a cloud of Technocentres at 6                             𝑚
levels (National, Departmental, Health Zone, Communal,
                                                                         𝑓𝑐𝑜𝑚 = ∑ 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙(𝑘)
Borough, Village and City District). 3) Cross analysis
between characteristics and functional requirements                                  𝑘=1

identified. 4) The simulation of the functionality of each                            𝑚′
Technocentre through: a) the choice of design approach
                                                                         𝑓𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ = ∑ 𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑦(𝑙)
inspired by the life cycle of V systems; b) functional
modeling through Language SysML; c) the comparative
study of the choice of communication technology and
different architectures of sensor networks. 5) An estimate of              The 𝑬𝑿𝒂𝒑𝒑𝑴(𝒊) are the member elements of the
the material resources of the national RIMP according to                 WBAN medical application requirements.
physiological parameters.                                                    The 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐(𝒋) are the elements of the WBAN design
                       III.       RESULTS
   The identification of the different characteristics of                    The design of a functional WBAN network aims to
WBAN systems. We have listed in Table I, a total of 36                   optimize care in the health systems and thus to have a smart
characteristics of WBAN systems.                                         hospital (technocenter). We can therefore deduce, the
                                                                         existence of a patient monitoring function noted 𝒇𝒔𝒖𝒗𝒑𝒂𝒕 and
   Modeling Requierements                                                a smart hospital function, noted 𝒇𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒍 . Thus the patient

                                             TABLE I. CHARACTERISTICS IDENTIFIED FOR WBAN SYSTEMS
                                                  36 Characteristics identified for WBAN Systems
         N°                   Designations          N°                Designations          N°                     Designations
         1     National Architecture                13     Robustness                       25         Reliability
         2     Local architecture                   14     Usability                        26         The passage ladder (scaling)
         3     Dimension                            15     Ergonomics                       27         The flow
         4     Environment / Obstacle               16     Energetic efficiency             28         The Deadline
         5     Building material                    17     interoperability                 29         The Gigue/Jip
         6     Size to watch                        18     Precision                        30         Loss rate
         7     Mobility Management                  19     Miniaturization                  31         Life time
         8     Respect for private life             20     Reduced detection time           32         The availability
         9     Securing data                        21     High security                    33         Confidentiality
         10    Low cost of deployment               22     Tolerances to breakdowns         34         Integrity
         11    Easy installation                    23     Sensitivity to Data Loss         35         Access control
         12    Flexibility                          24     High sensitivity                 36         Authentication
monitoring function, noted 𝒇𝒔𝒖𝒗𝒑𝒂𝒕 is the equation (2)                                                                                                                                                                                                            I1                      I2                                 I3                                 I4                         I5
formed by the performance indicators function, noted

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Referential characteristics of a
𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒑𝒆𝒓 (𝑾𝑩𝑨𝑵) and the design function, noted 𝒇𝒄 (𝑾𝑩𝑨𝑵)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WBAN Performance Assessment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Key Design Factors for WBANs
added to the security function, noted 𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑐 , which is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WBAN security requirement
paramount in patient monitoring. So equation (2) :

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Requirement of medical

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             application of WBAN
               𝑓 (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WBAN network

    𝑓𝑠𝑢𝑣𝑝𝑎𝑡 = { 𝑐            + 𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑐                                                                                                                                                                      (2)
               𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑒𝑟 (𝑊𝐵𝐴𝑁)

   One of the major constraints of WBAN network
operation is energy. We then establish that the smart hospital
function, noted 𝒇𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒍 is expressed by the system of                                                                                                                                                              Low cost of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                10                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
equation (3).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                11                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
              max 𝑓𝑠𝑢𝑣𝑝𝑎𝑡                                                                                                                                                                                       12   Flexibility                             1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
𝑓ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑙 = {                                                                                                                                                                                       (3)
             min 𝑓( 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑒)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                13   Robustness                              1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0

A. Cross analysis between characteristics and functional                                                                                                                                                        14   Usability                               1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
     requirements identified                                                                                                                                                                                    15   Ergonomics                              1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
     We establish then in Table II, the binary matrix of the                                                                                                                                                         Energetic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                16                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
requirements ( 𝐼𝑖 ) and characteristics of the requirements                                                                                                                                                          efficiency
( 𝐼𝑖𝑗 ) . To do this, we have added to the previous                                                                                                                                                             17   interoperability 1                                    0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
requirements, that relating to the Materiovigilance to                                                                                                                                                          18   Precision                               1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
guarantee the maintenance and minimize the potential risks                                                                                                                                                           Miniaturi-
of the network. Thus we release the different validation                                                                                                                                                        19                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
matrices of a well-designed WBAN network.                                                                                                                                                                            Reduced
                                                                                                                                                                                                                20                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     detection time
      TABLE II.                                  THE BINARY VALIDATION MATRIX OF A                                                                                                                              21   High security                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                               FUNCTIONAL WBAN NETWORK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tolerances to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                22                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                        I1                      I2                                 I3                                 I4                         I5                                  breakdowns
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sensitivity to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                23                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Data Loss
            Referential characteristics of a

                                                                                                                                               WBAN Performance Assessment
                                                                                Key Design Factors for WBANs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                24                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                                                                                   WBAN security requirement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                25   Reliability                             1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                   Requirement of medical

                                                   application of WBAN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The passage
            WBAN network


                                                                                                                                                                                                                26   ladder                                  1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                27   The flow                                1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                28   The Deadline                            1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0

       National                                                                                                                                                                                                 29   The Gigue/Jip                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
1                                                 1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                30   Loss rate                               1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
2                                                 1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
       architecture                                                                                                                                                                                             31   Life time                               1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
3      Dimension                                  1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0                     The
       Environment /                                                                                                                                                                                            32                                           1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
4                                                 1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0                     availability
       Building                                                                                                                                                                                                 33   Confidentiality                         1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
5                                                 1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
       material                                                                                                                                                                                                 34   Integrity                               1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
6      Size to watch                              1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
       Mobility                                                                                                                                                                                                 35   Access control                          1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
7                                                 1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                36   Authentication                          1             0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
       Respect for
8                                                 1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0
       private life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                B. Assessment of physiological parameters monitorable by
9      Securing data                              1              0          1                            0     1                         0     1                 0           1                 0                   a network of sensors
       Medical sensors are used to monitor 16 different                        that the data are decentralized by sanitary zone and then to
groups of parameters Table III relating to: physiological                      interconnect the sanitary zones to have the RIMP. As a
variables, physical activities and movements of a person,                      result, we see that the RIMP-B is a continuation of the RIMP

  N°                 Physiological sources or characteristics                                     Sensor type, Methods, Technologies
       Combining bioelectrical (EEG) and biooptical (NIRS)
 1                                                                       A (M3BA) & (NIRS) technology & Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) [21]
       neurophysiological measurements
 2     (Real life environnement) EEG : monitoring                        Ear EEG Dry-Contact Electrode [22]. BCI and NeuroFeedback (NF) [23]
 3     Decoding of covert somatosensory attention (SAO)                  somatosensory attentional orientation [24]
 4     Pulmonary function testing (PFT) :                                Depth (and) Microsoft Kinect V2 RGB-D sensors. [25]
                                                                         Machine learning model to accurately predict the blood-analog viscosity during
 5     HCT of VAD patients                                               support of a pathological circulation with a rotary ventricular assist device (VAD).
                                                                         Biomedical Big Data analytics & multi-omic data & –Omic information into
 6     Identifying disease biomarkers (Precision Medicine)
                                                                         electronic health records (HER) [27]
 7     Glucose Monitoring in Individuals With Diabetes                   Percutaneous glucose sensors with sending information by wirelessly [28]
       [Monitoring frail elderly patients with chronic disease(s) and
                                                                         Interoperable End-to-End Remote Patient Monitoring Platform Based on IEEE
 8     patients with diabetes.]: blood pressure, weight, blood glucose
                                                                         11073 PHD and ZigBee Health Care Profile [5]
       and SpO2,
 9     Person’s physical activity (PA) monitoring                        Smartwatch ZGPAX S8 [29]
       38 features extracted from HRV, SC, and EEG SIGNAL
                                                                         A wearable physiological sensors system (Sensors-Type : IMU, EDA, SpO2,
 10    (SKIN conductance (SC ) : 16 / heart rate variability (HRV):
                                                                         ECG, EDA, Microphone, Accelerometer, Proximity, Respiration, EMG, EEG) [4]
       16 /SKIN CONDUCTANCE (SC : 16) )
 11    Photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals : SpO2                        ESPRIT-MLT:[30]
       Cardiorespiratory system : Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
                                                                         Wearable sensor measurement signals( sensors :One-lead ECG, SpO2) with the
 12    detection (PaCO2), (SaO2), (ABP), (HR), (Vt), SpO2 , virtual
                                                                         mathematical models-Gaussian processes [7]
       oxygen saturation state (VSO2 ))
                                                                         Insole Based, Wrist Worn Wearable Sensors (SmartStep and Wrist Sensor) and
       Activities of Daily Living (ADL) : energy balance, and
 13                                                                      ADL Sensors : Bi axial accelerometers, magnetometer, pressure sensors, heart rate
       quality of life (understanding)
                                                                         sensor, visual sensors [6], Complex Network Analysis [31]
       Hemoglobin (HbT), concentration and tissue oxygen
 14                                                                      Wearable optical device [32]
       saturation (StO2)
       Detection of Nocturnal Scratching Movements in Patients with
 15                                                                      Accelerometers and Recurrent Neural Networks [33]
       Atopic Dermatitis
                                                                         Inertial Sensors (Accelerometers, Gyroscopes), electromyography (EMG) sensors,
 16    Detect the onset and duration of freezing of gait (FOG)
                                                                         force resistive sensors, video-based gait analysis. [34]

social inclusion of the elderly or living with disabilities.                   by Health Zone (RIMP-ZS).
       From the point of view location, as in Fig.1, the                              Let 𝑖𝑛 be the number of communes constituting a
sensors can be placed at 17 different locations on a patient's                 sanitary zone with 𝑖1 , 𝑖2 … . . 𝑖𝑛 the communes.
body. [6] [21].
                                                                                       Let 𝑗𝑛′ be the rounding number of each commune of
       From the point of view monitoring physical activities,                  a health zone with 𝑗1 , 𝑗2 … . . 𝑗𝑛′ .
sensors can monitor 63 kinds of physical activity in a
person's body.                                                                          Let 𝑘𝑛" be the number of villages in each district.

        From the point of view social inclusion, the network                            Let 𝑇𝐶𝑖𝑛 the municipal technocentres representing the
of medical sensors can monitor elderly people and living                       CSCs of a health zone and 𝑇𝐴𝑖𝑛𝑗 technocenters of districts
people with one of the 6 disabilities, namely: Cognitive                       representing the CSA of the districts of each commune with
disability, Disability in general, [2].                                        𝑖1…… 𝑖𝑛 ; 𝑗1 … . . 𝑗𝑛′ .
        From the point of view technologies and applications                            For example:
or services, 22 technologies and 75 applications / services are
available according to the literature [2], for the deployment                         For 𝑇𝐶𝑖1 the technocenters of the first commune of a
of medical sensor networks.                                                    sanitary zone, we have 𝑇𝐴𝑖1𝑗1 … … . . 𝑇𝐴𝑖1 𝑗 ′ technocenters of

C. The modeling of the RIMP national architecture in the                       the boroughs of this commune.
    cloud Technocenters form                                                           Let 𝑇𝑉𝑖𝑛 𝑗𝑛′ 𝑘𝑛" be the village technocentres
       The health system of Benin is organized thirty and                      representing the UVS of each district with 𝑖𝑛 going from de
four (34) health zones. Each health zone is subdivided into:                   𝑖1 to 𝑖𝑛 ; 𝑗𝑛′ going from 𝑗1 to 𝑗𝑛′ and 𝑘𝑛" going from de 𝑘1
village health unit (UVS), district health center (CSA),                       to 𝑘𝑛" . For example: for 𝑖1 and 𝑗1 we have them 𝑇𝑉𝑖1𝑗1𝑘1
municipal health center (CSC) and zone hospital (HZ). Let's                    to 𝑇𝑉𝑖1 𝑗1𝑘𝑛" .
call a health data monitoring center by technocenter. Thus,
the modeling of the Benin Integrated Patient Monitoring                              Let 𝑇𝑍𝑙 be the technocentres representing the
Network (RIMP-B), is to model first each health zone, so                       monitoring centers of the health zones with 𝑙 ranging from 1
to 34. Because Benin's health system has 34 sanitary zones.                     Let 𝑇𝐷𝑚 the departmental technocenter regrouping
The Technocenters cloud of the Integrated Patient                        the technocenters of the zones (𝑇𝑍𝑙 ) , representing the
Monitoring Network of a health zone (RIMP-ZS) is shown in                departmental health departments (DDS). We then have the
Fig.3.                                                                   technocentres cloud of the Departmental Integral Patient
                                                                         Monitoring Network (RIMP-DDS), shown in Fig. 4.

                   Fig. 3: Technocenters cloud of the Integrated Network for Patient Monitoring of a Health Zone (RIMP-ZS)

                    Fig. 4. Technocenters Cloud of the Integrated Patient Monitoring Network of a Department (RIMP-DDS)
      A series of these clouds gives the national network                D. The simulation of the functionality of each
shown in Fig. 5.                                                             Technocentre: software architecture
                                                                                 The software architecture of the smart hospital shown
                                                                         in Fig. 6, shows the various management software modules
                                                                         from the patient embalmed that will allow better monitoring.
This architecture also shows the exchanges between the                 function of the different elements involved. Let's designate
different servers. The data server Fig. 6 is responsible for           by 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑡 the material resources function. This function 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑡
collecting the data (physiological and actimetric parameters)          is size dependent 𝑇 data to monitor which itself depends on
and storing them in a technocenter database via the                    the size 𝑁 population and number of sensors 𝑁𝑐 placed on
acquisition module and / or the network. This same module              the patient. This hardware function also depends on the
sends this data to the display module in order to follow the           number of simultaneous data access (𝑁𝑝 + 𝑁𝑐𝑚 + 𝑁𝑎𝑑𝑚) ,
patients in real time and to display the alerts in case of             with 𝑁𝑝 the number of patients, 𝑁𝑐𝑚 the number of the
detection of critical cases. The omics data are sent to the            medical profession and 𝑁𝑎𝑑𝑚 the number of administrative
calculation server via the send / receive module and stored in         technocenters. Function 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑡 would be equal to equation
a second database (zone, departmental, national). The                  (4).
delayed calculation module retrieves these data in order to
generate the thresholds of the behavioral deviation, nocturnal         𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑡 = 𝑓(𝑇, 𝑁𝑝, 𝑁𝑐𝑚, 𝑁𝑎𝑑𝑚)                            (4)
agitation, prolonged immobility, residence time in the
bathroom, difference between physiological parameters and                              IV.      ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
others. These thresholds of the different physiological                       In the face of the challenges of the Benin health
parameters are therefore sent directly to the database of the          system, our solution aims to make it efficient from the
local technocentre. This is to allow the diagnostics module to         villages to the cities. The solution aims a powerful health
compare them with the current data and generate alerts (on             system allowing to anticipate in view of several data that it
the real-time application and phones) in case of overruns.             will provide. The implementation of this solution will go
                                                                       through several stages (from the analysis of ICT potential in
E. Estimation of the material resources of the national                the 5295 villages and city districts to the technological
    RIMP according to physiological parameters.                        choice).
        An analysis of the different parameters that can be
monitored with the population size of each village (or city                    Several design factors for WBAN networks
district), shows that the size of the RIMP resources would be          (scalability, quality of service (QoS), power consumption,
unique for each health zone. Moreover, the size of the RIMP            wireless technology) should be considered [22]. Many works
would also depend on the different services offered by each            in the literature deal with the application of WBAN networks
branch of the sanitary system. (UVS, CSA, CSC, HZ). An                 for health [16] [11] [8] [18].
estimate of the RIMP material resources would then be a

                              Fig. 5. Technocenters cloud of the Benin Integrated Patient Monitoring Network
                                             Fig. 6. Software architecture of the smart hospital

       This work presents on the one hand the characteristics                Compared to several works in literatures where
and the requirements of the medical application of WBAN              technological choices are proposed [24] [20] [17] [25], our
networks, and on the other hand the characteristics and              work presents a basic model for setting up a patient
design factors of these networks.                                    monitoring network, especially in the case of the Benin
                                                                     health system.
       The design of WBAN networks also involves security
requirements. (WBAN and traditional networks have the                                              V. CONCLUSION
same) security requirements [19].
                                                                     Wireless Medical Sensor Networks (MWSN)/WSN are a
        These works are different from ours since we propose         revolution in wireless computer networks. Choosing a
a repository of 36 elements according to five requirements           technology will depend strongly on the solutions offered and
that the design must follow for the patient monitoring               the vision of the proposer. Features such as power, data flow
network. In addition, each requirement is a matrix block that        and parameters related to scope, cost, security and number
serves as a compass for the design and / or evaluation of a          of nodes should be considered. In the case of Benin, the
patient monitoring system. (Several technologies have been           need to have a health system that responds to the many
used in) WBAN networks for patient monitoring. security
                                                                     challenges and considers the population at the base is no
threats or attacks can occur such as: modifying and listening
                                                                     longer to demonstrate.
to medical data, activity detection and location, counterfeit
security system is needed on different block [19].                   This justifies the guidelines of this work which proposed a
                                                                     reference system for the implementation of a patient
       Our repository takes this into account in terms of            monitoring system, which modeled a network for the Benin
security requirements. Network data flows and capacity are           health system.
among the parameters that impact network performance.                This work also presented a point of the sensors and the
high-speed wireless technology choice provides benefits to           different physiological parameters that can be monitored
meet network scalability and increased numbers of people             according to the services offered. The implementation of
being monitored. On the other hand, with some technologies           this proposed RIMP-B will go through several stages.
we have low energy consumption but significant delays
(generation) and / or low transfer rates.
                                                                     Future work will consist of a field survey across the country
       The chosen technology will have flow and energy               to:
consumption compromission. Several technologies are used                 1) Validate the data of the sanitary cartography;
in patient monitoring architectures to provide multiple                  2) Identify ICT potentials and different constraints of
services [23] [17].                                                          each localized health mapping;
        That is why we have started to identify all the                  3) Propose the different technologies to be used in
technologies used with the different services. From there we                 each health locality for the proper functioning of
got a roadmap for any surveillance system with the different                 technocenters;
possible positions where the sensors can be put on a patient             4) Propose an algorithm for calculation the material
body. Here is expressed the strength of this work.                           resource applicable to each level.
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