|title=A Mobile Online Platform for Aged Men’s Prostate Hypertrophy Monitoring Based on Linea Nigra Images Analysis
|authors=Géraud M. Azehoun-Pazou,Gloria Tognon Tchegnonsi,Bickel Oloude,Kokou M. Assogba,Hugues Adegbidi
==A Mobile Online Platform for Aged Men’s Prostate Hypertrophy Monitoring Based on Linea Nigra Images Analysis==
A Mobile Online Platform for Aged Men’s Prostate Hypertrophy Monitoring Based on Linea Nigra Images Analysis Mahugnon Géraud Kokou Assogba Hugues Adegbidi Gloria Tognon Bickel Oloude Azehoun-Pazou Laboratory of Faculty of Health Tchegnonsi Tamakan Inc., National University of Electrotechnic, Sciences, University 07 BP 265, Benin Tamakan Inc., Science, Technology, telecommunication of Abomey-Calavi, bickeloloude@gmail.c 07 BP 265, Benin Engineering and and Applied 01 BP 526, Benin om tchegnonsigloria@gm Mathematics, Benin Informatics, Benin adegbidih@yahoo.fr ail.com geraud.pazou@unstim mkokouassogba@yah .bj oo.fr Abstract—Aged men generally have a hypertrophied prostate. affect health. In particular, image processing algorithms can This hypertrophy can evolve in cancer or can just be a benign provide quantification, accuracy, reliability and repeatability of hyperplasia. Some recent studies revealed that a linear measurements and analyzes by delegating tasks to computer. hyperpigmentation of skin called Linea nigra (LN), can appear in Because of that, development of computer aided diagnostic men developing prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia. systems (CADS) is a research field of interest [4]. Their goal is LN’s prevalence is higher in the case of prostate cancer. It has to help physicians to make their decision through image been established that when a LN appears on someone’s analysis. Despite these advances, there are other challenges that suprapubic region and has a length greater than ten centimeters, dermatologist have to face. Indeed, in poor countries, there are it indicates a metastasized or metastasizing tumor. Based on this, very few specialists to cover a large population. This is the case we developed in a previous work a method of LN segmentation. From segmented images, we can calculate descriptive values such in Mali where there is less than one dermatologist per million as length, width, area, texture and color. These values are LN inhabitants. As a result, the country has to deal with a low level characteristics that can be used by specialists to make diagnosis. of competence in peripheral health structures. In such context, In this paper, we propose an implementation of those methods in portable applications which are close to patients (including an Android mobile application. The aim is to connect patients to telemedicine, mainly tele-expertise) could be the solutions. their specialists for distant monitoring purpose based on images Thanks to recent advances in ICT, it is possible for devices taken with their mobile phones. The specific architecture of the (mainly smart phones and tabs) integrating software and platform also helps in providing more precision in detection applications to be able to make decisions about a dermal thanks to a deep learning program. disease based on images of pigmented disorders. Keywords— linea nigra images analysis; mobile application; Recent advances in computing and Artificial Intelligence aged persons distant health monitoring (AI) have had a huge impact on interpretation of medical images. However, since obtained results cannot be fully taken I. INTRODUCTION into account, it is essential to have final conclusions from Usually found in pregnant women, the linea nigra (LN) is a doctors. It is for all these reasons and also in order to ensure a linear hyperpigmentation of skin that appears between navel fast, cost-effective and remote consultation for everyone that and suprapubic region. It sometimes appears in men of a we propose in this paper an online platform whose aim is to certain age and non-pregnant women. Generally, LN is found detect and to analyze pigmented disorders, while taking into on the abdomen of about 75% of women in pregnancy [1]. account the expertise of distant specialists. However, studies published in [2], [3] revealed that linea nigra II. EASE OF USE is observed in men having prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia, Ly et al. (2013) proved that the prevalence is Using mathematics and technological advances, scientists higher in the case of prostate cancer and concluded in [2] that created different applications to equip dermatologists. These an LN which is greater than ten centimeters indicates a applications also help to raise awareness and bring medical metastatic tumor. From this conclusion, it appears that prowess closer to population. Among them, we can enumerate: characterization of LN can be used as a non-invasive method to • A special skin cancer screening application developed by establish a differential diagnosis between the two types of SkinVision that can be downloaded to smartphone [5]. It prostatic tumors. This characterization can be done from detects potentially suspicious moles and skin lesions and then images, thanks to image processing. records snapshots to detect abnormal changes. It allows Medical images are one of the most widely used tools to photographing the suspect mole and then analyzes it in seconds better understand both normal and abnormal processes that using an algorithm that identifies any potentially abnormal growth. The application is the first comprehensive application Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) IREHI 2018 : 2nd IEEE International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference of skin cancer that has achieved European Certification (EC). It research institutions in Europe specialized in skin cancer. has been scientifically tested in 2013 by Munich University SkinVision’s application is used by in many european countries (LMU) Clinic, which is recognized as one of leading academic Fig 1. System architecture • Maryam Sadeghi developed Molescope, an application that, using a smart phone connected to a mini-microscope, B. Final users allows to take very precise images of spots and moles in order People involved in using the platform are: to detect possible malignant melanomas. [6] Sick people; • A team from University of Houston, USA, developed the DermoScreen application, an application capable of preventing Population; skin cancer. By photographing a suspect lesion or mole with Dermatologists (doctor). the phone, the software analyzes the risks whether it is cancer, with a success rate of 85%. [7] Generalist doctors III. MATERIAL AND METHODS C. System architecture A. Methodology The system of LN detection application integrates in its Applications conception mostly for mobiles have become for functioning the mobile application associated with web some years accessible to the community; that is possible to the interface for computers used by everybody as he is a doctor or presence and availability of numerous modeling and patient (figure 1). The network cloud is made up by images programming tools. However, in the frame of medical processing and treatment algorithms implemented for LN applications pointed, it is generally professionals we meet. evaluation. The conceptual phase stands for to take into account every features and mathematical treatments to do on the images for D. Networks architecture LN evolution detection. The database modeling is edited with A mobile application running on smartphone and using the UML. The development phase of platform must follow MCV network connectivity for rural populations mostly need to be for ease the application maintenance. soft in its use. It means that processes and technologies used to develop and deploy application must not be smartphone chip gluttonous. Access to internet is generally difficult in rural and remote Tchat OTT (mini OTT) module has two modes: mode places. At the first side, the coverage of terrestrial mobile reserved (discussion group for one treated patient networks is not enough because the mobile networks operators doctors) and mode open (discussion group between judge useless to densify with base stations or allocate a great doctors college and a patient). bandwidth for a land where mobile traffic is not important. At Patients can send LN images to the online platform the other side, the bandwidth and data rate put available are from a mobile phone; inappropriated for increasing rural needs. In front of this fact, mobile API mustn’t be greedy in chip capacities and data. As soon as an image is sent by a patient, his doctor is notified. From then on, doctor can connect to the platform and launch image analysis process; At the end of an analysis process, found characteristics can be used by specialists to make diagnosis. Sick patient receives advices and possibly prescriptions or an appointment for a thorough auscultation. G. Technical choices For technical choices, we bet on python technologies. Firstly, Python is multiplatform. Secondly, Python is one of best scripting languages with supported libraries in Image processing domain. The image processing module must be at the basis entirely in Python (opencv, numpy, matplotlib...). Thus, the details relative to mobile application using Python technologies are: Fig 2: Rural scenario of application - Front-end: Kivy is the Python mobile API selected. Using Kivy, mobile application done can be distributed on PlayStore. E. General (standard) features The application can use also Android services (SMS, camera, The mobile platform useful for remote people must integrate mail and notifications system); and have access to most of the normal java API. the basic functions like: - Back-end: SL4A (Scripting Layer for Android). SL4A makes possible scripting languages to Android by using Python for complex processes. - Web: The web interface accessible is guaranteed by Django utilization web version of application in order to allow to medical personnel to have flexibility in their technical works H. Image processing module The image processing module has been developed in python programming language based on LN’s segmentation algorithm proposed in [9]. It consists of the following steps: conversion from color to grayscale based on Principal Component Analysis results; second step is contour initialization; in third step, contour evolves iteratively until it no longer changes. Once LN images has been segmented, some characteristic Fig 3: Basic mobile features values can be calculated. They are: length, width, ratio, area, and histogram of oriented gradients. F. LN Application available features 1) Length and Width The following features are available: They are determined from two furthest points considering respectively X axis and Y axis. Sick people (patients) can sign up (register) on the platform. They can register with a generalist ID associated or a dermatologist associated. The first doctor associated to one patient must validate the enrolment before the continuation (the patient will 2) Ratio have access to health features). It is the ratio of width to length, gives an indication of the Medical personnel must sign up with mandatory form of the pigmented disorder. Indeed, a ratio very close to informations useful to track their service states; zero indicates a very sharp LN. A value of ratio close to 0.5 indicates a LN more or less wide and / or not very long. A ratio The doctor treating a patient can add in need case till close to 1 indicates a regular shape: circle or square. two specialists; 3) Area It corresponds to the total number of pixels that belong to are calculated: Length = 365 pixels; Width = 50 pixels; Ratio = segmented region. 0.137 and Area = 5191 pixels. 4) Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) V. CONCLUSION This descriptor calculates local histograms of the gradient The development of a technology combining a large orientation on a dense grid (evenly distributed areas) of the amount of information on skin disorders and the analysis of images. First proposed in [] the method has proven data calculated from images can increase the information effectiveness for the detection of people. available for Dermatologists. This motivated our research on the development of a platform to serve as a diagnostic aid system. The developed platform is suitable for elderly people IV. RESULTS whose mobility possibilities become reduced with advanced age. It is also very useful for people living in rural areas. In future work, we should focus on automatic detection of probable or non-probable metastasis of a prostate tumor based on identified characteristics combined with results of biomedical analyzes and clinical symptoms. REFERENCES [1] E. Esteve, L., Saudeau, F., Pierre, K., Barruet, L., Vaillant, G., Lorette. ‘‘Physiological cutaneous signs in normal pregnancy: a study of 60 pregnant women, in: Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie’’., pp. 227–231, 1993. [2] L. I. Okeke, A. O. George, A. O. Ogunbiyi, et M. 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